19 resultados para Logic Programming,Constraint Logic Programming,Multi-Agent Systems,Labelled LP
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The problem of the description of interaction between spatially divided agents in the form of dialogues is explored. The concept of processes synchronization is analyzed to formalize the specification of interaction at the level of events constituting the processes. The approach to formalization of the description of conditions of synchronization when both the independent behavior and the communications of agents can be presented at a logic level is offered. It is shown, that the collective behavior of agents can be specified by the synthetic temporal logic that unites linear and branching time temporal logics.
The paper presents a case study of geo-monitoring a region consisting in the capturing and encoding of human expertise into a knowledge-based system. As soon as the maps have been processed, the data patterns are detected using knowledge-based agents for the harvest prognosis.
An approach of building distributed decision support systems is proposed. There is defined a framework of a distributed DSS and examined questions of problem formulation and solving using artificial intellectual agents in system core.
Problems for intellectualisation for man-machine interface and methods of self-organization for network control in multi-agent infotelecommunication systems have been discussed. Architecture and principles for construction of network and neural agents for telecommunication systems of new generation have been suggested. Methods for adaptive and multi-agent routing for information flows by requests of external agents- users of global telecommunication systems and computer networks have been described.
Красимир Манев, Милослав Средков, Петър Армянов - Състезателните системи (СС) са незаменимо средство за организация на състезания по програмиране. Напоследък СС се използват и в обучението по програмиране. В статията е предложена платформа, която да интегрира възможностите на СС, създадени или използвани от авторите. Целта е изграждането на проста и ефективна среда за обучение по програмиране, подпомагаща учебния процес. Специфицирани са основните елементи на платформата, като резултат от предходно изследване, и една нейна възможна архитектура.
Interaction engineering is fundamental for agent based systems. In this paper we will present a design pattern for the core of a multi-agent platform - the message communication and behavior activation mechanisms - using language features of C#. An agent platform is developed based on the pattern structure, which is legiti- mated through experiences of using JADE in real applications. Results of the communication model are compared against the popular JADE platform.
The paper describes education complex "Multi-agent Technologies for Parallel and Distributed Information Processing in Telecommunication Networks".
The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibility of applying existing formal theories of description and design of distributed and concurrent systems to interaction protocols for real-time multi-agent systems. In particular it is shown how the language PRALU, proposed for description of parallel logical control algorithms and rooted in the Petri net formalism, can be used for the modeling of complex concurrent conversations between agents in a multi-agent system. It is demonstrated with a known example of English auction on how to specify an agent interaction protocol using considered means.
The principles of adaptive routing and multi-agent control for information flows in IP-networks.
The problems and methods for adaptive control and multi-agent processing of information in global telecommunication and computer networks (TCN) are discussed. Criteria for controllability and communication ability (routing ability) of dataflows are described. Multi-agent model for exchange of divided information resources in global TCN has been suggested. Peculiarities for adaptive and intelligent control of dataflows in uncertain conditions and network collisions are analyzed.
The problem of multi-agent routing in static telecommunication networks with fixed configuration is considered. The problem is formulated in two ways: for centralized routing schema with the coordinator-agent (global routing) and for distributed routing schema with independent agents (local routing). For both schemas appropriate Hopfield neural networks (HNN) are constructed.
It is proposed an agent approach for creation of intelligent intrusion detection system. The system allows detecting known type of attacks and anomalies in user activity and computer system behavior. The system includes different types of intelligent agents. The most important one is user agent based on neural network model of user behavior. Proposed approach is verified by experiments in real Intranet of Institute of Physics and Technologies of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute”.
Яни Чаушев, Милослав Средков, Красимир Манев - Всяко състезание по програмиране използва множество софтуерни инструменти за управление на процесите по време на състезанието. Въпреки че тези инструменти обикновено покриват спецификите на конкретния вид състезание задоволително, те рядко адресират трудностите на дългосрочното съхранение на данни и оперативната съвместимост. В тази статия е представен един софтуерен инструмент адресиращ тези проблеми. Вместо комплексна система, касаеща всички аспекти на състезанието, CORE е централизирано хранилище за съхраняване и поддържане на необходимите за различни състезания данни. Представени са основните му елементи, текущото състояние на реализацията и перспективите за развитие на системата.
* This paper was made according to the program of fundamental scientific research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Mathematical simulation and intellectual systems», the project "Theoretical foundation of the intellectual systems based on ontologies for intellectual support of scientific researches".
* This paper was made according to the program No 14 of fundamental scientific research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project "Intellectual Systems Based on Multilevel Domain Models".