6 resultados para Holomorphic functions
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C50
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B33, 47B38.
We introduce a robot-safety device system attended by two different repairmen. The twin system is characterized by the natural feature of cold standby and by an admissible “risky” state. In order to analyse the random behaviour of the entire system (robot, safety device, repair facility) we employ a stochastic process endowed with probability measures satisfying general Hokstad-type differential equations. The solution procedure is based on the theory of sectionally holomorphic functions, characterized by a Cauchy-type integral defined as a Cauchy principal value in double sense. An application of the Sokhotski-Plemelj formulae determines the long-run availability of the robot-safety device. Finally, we consider the particular but important case of deterministic repair.
AMS Subject Classification 2010: 11M26, 33C45, 42A38.
It is proved that if the increasing sequence {kn} n=0..∞ n=0 of nonnegative integers has density greater than 1/2 and D is an arbitrary simply connected subregion of C\R then the system of Hermite associated functions Gkn(z) n=0..∞ is complete in the space H(D) of complex functions holomorphic in D.
MSC 2010: 30C10, 32A30, 30G35