2 resultados para Gaussian Kernel, Line Detection, Line Segment Grouping, Power Line, Real-time Application, Ridge Points, Steerable Filter, Unmanned Aerial System.

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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An application of the heterogeneous variables system prediction method to solving the time series analysis problem with respect to the sample size is considered in this work. It is created a logical-and-probabilistic correlation from the logical decision function class. Two ways is considered. When the information about event is kept safe in the process, and when it is kept safe in depending process.


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This paper describes the basic tools for a real-time decision support system of a semiotic type on the example of the prototype for management and monitoring of a nuclear power block implemented on the basis of the tool complex G2+GDA using cognitive graphics and parallel processing. This work was supported by RFBR (project 02-07-90042).