6 resultados para Cloud computing, OpenNebula, sincronizzazione, replica, wide area network

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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Евгений Николов, Димитрина Полимирова - Докладът представя текущото състояние на “облачните изчисления” и “облачните информационни атаки” в светлината на компютърната вирусология и информационната сигурност. Обсъдени са категориите “облачни възможни информационни атаки” и “облачни успешни информационни атаки”. Коментирана е архитектурата на “облачните изчисления” и основните компоненти, които изграждат тяхната инфраструктура, съответно “клиенти” (“clients”), „центрове за съхранение на данни“ (“datacenters”) и „разпределени сървъри“ (“dirstributed servers”). Коментирани са и услугите, които се предлагат от “облачните изчисления” – SaaS, HaaS и PaaS. Посочени са предимствата и недостатъците на компонентите и услугите по отношение на “облачните информационни атаки”. Направен е анализ на текущото състояние на “облачните информационни атаки” на територията на България, Балканския полуостров и Югоизточна Европа по отношение на компонентите и на услугите. Резултатите са представени под формата на 3D графични обекти. На края са направени съответните изводи и препоръки под формата на заключение.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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The popular technologies Wi-Fi and WiMAX for realization of WLAN and WMAN respectively are much different, but they could compliment each other providing competitive wireless access for voice traffic. The article develops the idea of WLAN/WMAN (Wi-Fi/WiMAX) integration. WiMAX is offering a backup for the traffic overflowing from Wi-Fi cells located into the WiMAX cell. Overflow process is improved by proposed rearrangement control algorithm applied to the Wi-Fi voice calls. There are also proposed analytical models for system throughput evaluation and verification of the effectiveness using WMAN as a backup for WLAN overflow traffic and the proposed call rearrangement algorithm as well.


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Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.


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Computing and information technology have made significant advances. The use of computing and technology is a major aspect of our lives, and this use will only continue to increase in our lifetime. Electronic digital computers and high performance communication networks are central to contemporary information technology. The computing applications in a wide range of areas including business, communications, medical research, transportation, entertainments, and education are transforming local and global societies around the globe. The rapid changes in the fields of computing and information technology also make the study of ethics exciting and challenging, as nearly every day, the media report on a new invention, controversy, or court ruling. This tutorial will explore a broad overview on the scientific foundations, technological advances, social implications, and ethical and legal issues related to computing. It will provide the milestones in computing and in networking, social context of computing, professional and ethical responsibilities, philosophical frameworks, and social, ethical, historical, and political implications of computer and information technology. It will outline the impact of the tremendous growth of computer and information technology on people, ethics and law. Political and legal implications will become clear when we analyze how technology has outpaced the legal and political arenas.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H3.3, H.5.5, J5.