138 resultados para Learning. Mathematics. Quadratic Functions. GeoGebra
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C05, 33C10, 33C20, 33C60, 33E12, 33E20, 40A30
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C40
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 44A10, 44A20
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 33D90, 26A33
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C60, 33C20, 44A15
AMS Subj. Classification: 11M41, 11M26, 11S40
AMS Subj. Classification: 62P10, 62H30, 68T01
This paper considers the use of the computer algebra system Mathematica for teaching university-level mathematics subjects. Outlined are basic Mathematica concepts, connected with different mathematics areas: algebra, linear algebra, geometry, calculus and analysis, complex functions, numerical analysis and scientific computing, probability and statistics. The course “Information technologies in mathematics, which involves the use of Mathematica, is also presented - discussed are the syllabus, aims, approaches and outcomes.
Доклад по покана, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, октомври, 2006 г.
The paper explores the functionalities of eight start pages and considers their usefulness when used as a mashable platform for deployment of personal learning environments (PLE) for self-organized learners. The Web 2.0 effects and eLearning 2.0 strategies are examined from the point of view of how they influence the methods of gathering and capturing data, information and knowledge, and the learning process. Mashup technology is studied in order to see what kind of components can be used in PLE realization. A model of a PLE for self-organized learners is developed and it is used to prototype a personal learning and research environment in the start pages Netvibes, Pageflakes and iGoogle.
This article goes into the development of NURBS models of quadratic curves and surfaces. Curves and surfaces which could be represented by one general equation (one for the curves and one for the surfaces) are addressed. The research examines the curves: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola, the surfaces: ellipsoid, paraboloid, hyperboloid, double hyperboloid, hyperbolic paraboloid and cone, and the cylinders: elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic. Many real objects which have to be modeled in 3D applications possess specific features. Because of this these geometric objects have been chosen. Using the NURBS models presented here, specialized software modules (plug-ins) have been developed for a 3D graphic system. An analysis of their implementation and the primitives they create has been performed.
This paper is a reflection on the history and future of technology-enhanced learning. Over the last century various new technologies were introduced in education. Often, educational revolutions were proclaimed. Unfortunately, most of these new technologies failed to meet the high expectations. This paper reviews the rise and fall of various "revolutionary" learning technologies and analyses what went wrong. Three main driving factors are identified that influence the educational system: 1) educational practice, 2) educational research, and 3) educational technology. The role and position of these factors is elaborated and critically reviewed. Today, again many promising new technologies are being put in place for learning: gaming, social web, and mobile technologies, for example. Inevitably, these are once again proclaimed by its supporters to revolutionise teaching and learning. The paper concludes with identifying a number of relevant factors that substantiate a favourable future outlook of technology-enhanced learning.
We consider the problems of finding two optimal triangulations of a convex polygon: MaxMin area and MinMax area. These are the triangulations that maximize the area of the smallest area triangle in a triangulation, and respectively minimize the area of the largest area triangle in a triangulation, over all possible triangulations. The problem was originally solved by Klincsek by dynamic programming in cubic time [2]. Later, Keil and Vassilev devised an algorithm that runs in O(n^2 log n) time [1]. In this paper we describe new geometric findings on the structure of MaxMin and MinMax Area triangulations of convex polygons in two dimensions and their algorithmic implications. We improve the algorithm’s running time to quadratic for large classes of convex polygons. We also present experimental results on MaxMin area triangulation.
The paper proposes a 3D model which could be used as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of e-learning. It also offers an approach for applying this 3D model for increasing the effectiveness of e-learning. This approach has methodical value in line with the idea for dynamic adjustment of the individual learning profile of each student in order to increase the personalization level in the e-learning process.
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33E99, 15A52, 62E15.