20 resultados para numerical methods for ODEs
In this work we give su±cient conditions for k-th approximations of the polynomial roots of f(x) when the Maehly{Aberth{Ehrlich, Werner-Borsch-Supan, Tanabe, Improved Borsch-Supan iteration methods fail on the next step. For these methods all non-attractive sets are found. This is a subsequent improvement of previously developed techniques and known facts. The users of these methods can use the results presented here for software implementation in Distributed Applications and Simulation Environ- ments. Numerical examples with graphics are shown.
This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Direct Operational Methods in the Environment of a Computer Algebra System” by Margarita Spiridonova (Institute of mathematics and Informatics, BAS), successfully defended before the Specialised Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 23 March, 2009.
We present quasi-Monte Carlo analogs of Monte Carlo methods for some linear algebra problems: solving systems of linear equations, computing extreme eigenvalues, and matrix inversion. Reformulating the problems as solving integral equations with a special kernels and domains permits us to analyze the quasi-Monte Carlo methods with bounds from numerical integration. Standard Monte Carlo methods for integration provide a convergence rate of O(N^(−1/2)) using N samples. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods use quasirandom sequences with the resulting convergence rate for numerical integration as good as O((logN)^k)N^(−1)). We have shown theoretically and through numerical tests that the use of quasirandom sequences improves both the magnitude of the error and the convergence rate of the considered Monte Carlo methods. We also analyze the complexity of considered quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms and compare them to the complexity of the analogous Monte Carlo and deterministic algorithms.
Михаил Константинов, Костадин Янев, Галина Пелова, Юлиана Бонева - В работата се разглеждат двумерни пропорционални изборни системи, при които броят на партийните мандати се определя на национално ниво, а персонификацията на мандатите става чрез регионални партийни листи. При това, броят на мандатите във всеки район се определя пропорционално на населението. Предложени са нови подобрени методи за двумерно разпределение и са представени резултати от числени пресмятания с данните от парламентарните избори през 2009 г.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65H10.