22 resultados para cognate objects


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This paper presents an algorithmic solution for management of related text objects, in which are integrated algorithms for their extraction from paper or electronic format, for their storage and processing in a relational database. The developed algorithms for data extraction and data analysis enable one to find specific features and relations between the text objects from the database. The algorithmic solution is applied to data from the field of phytopharmacy in Bulgaria. It can be used as a tool and methodology for other subject areas where there are complex relationships between text objects.


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This paper presents the main concepts of a project under development concerning the analysis process of a scene containing a large number of objects, represented as unstructured point clouds. To achieve what we called the "optimal scene interpretation" (the shortest scene description satisfying the MDL principle) we follow an approach for managing 3-D objects based on a semantic framework based on ontologies for adding and sharing conceptual knowledge about spatial objects.


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This paper describes a project of a multimedia digital library for fashion objects. The presented work aims to provide an environment for the National Art Academy students works, showing in front a professional and nonprofessional public the significant values of the fashion domain.


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The project demonstrates the use of modern technologies for preservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage. The idea is a database of cultural and historical heritage sites to be created applying three dimensional laser scanning technology and a combination of geodetic and photogrammetric methods and shooting techniques. For the purposes of carrying out this project, we have focused on some heritage sites in the central part of Sofia. We decided to include these particular buildings because of the fact that there is hardly another city in the world where within a radius of 400 m are located four temples of different religions - Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic. In the recent years, preservation of cultural heritage has been increasingly linked to objectives of sustainable development. Today, it has become clear that cultural heritage is also an economic resource that should be used for further economic development (through compulsory preservation of its authentic cultural values). There has been a more active public debate on the role of cultural heritage, regarding the following topics: improving the quality of life through development of cultural tourism, leading to an increase of the employment rate, constantly improving the business climate, etc. Cultural heritage preservation is becoming one of the priority objectives of the urban development policy. The focus has been shifted to new ways of preservation, mainly combinations of sophisticated technological solutions and their application for the purposes of preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage.


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This paper aims to sketch some bases for the problematization of digital tools as objects of knowledge for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Our purpose is to raise some relevant questions about the Digital Humanities (DH) and how SSH and Computer Sciences (CS) can work together to face new challenges. We discuss some tension points and propose a model for SSH and CS collaboration for joint projects in cultural digitization.


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Methods for representing equivalence problems of various combinatorial objects as graphs or binary matrices are considered. Such representations can be used for isomorphism testing in classification or generation algorithms. Often it is easier to consider a graph or a binary matrix isomorphism problem than to implement heavy algorithms depending especially on particular combinatorial objects. Moreover, there already exist well tested algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem (nauty) and the binary matrix isomorphism problem as well (Q-Extension). ACM Computing Classification System (1998): F.2.1, G.4.


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Augmented reality is the latest among information technologies in modern electronics industry. The essence is in the addition of advanced computer graphics in real and/or digitized images. This paper gives a brief analysis of the concept and the approaches to implementing augmented reality for an expanded presentation of a digitized object of national cultural and/or scientific heritage. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.1, H.5.3, I.3.7.