22 resultados para Polynomial-time algorithm
We consider the problems of finding two optimal triangulations of a convex polygon: MaxMin area and MinMax area. These are the triangulations that maximize the area of the smallest area triangle in a triangulation, and respectively minimize the area of the largest area triangle in a triangulation, over all possible triangulations. The problem was originally solved by Klincsek by dynamic programming in cubic time [2]. Later, Keil and Vassilev devised an algorithm that runs in O(n^2 log n) time [1]. In this paper we describe new geometric findings on the structure of MaxMin and MinMax Area triangulations of convex polygons in two dimensions and their algorithmic implications. We improve the algorithm’s running time to quadratic for large classes of convex polygons. We also present experimental results on MaxMin area triangulation.
Multitype branching processes (MTBP) model branching structures, where the nodes of the resulting tree are particles of different types. Usually such a process is not observable in the sense of the whole tree, but only as the “generation” at a given moment in time, which consists of the number of particles of every type. This requires an EM-type algorithm to obtain a maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the parameters of the branching process. Using a version of the inside-outside algorithm for stochastic context-free grammars (SCFG), such an estimate could be obtained for the offspring distribution of the process.
Real-time systems are usually modelled with timed automata and real-time requirements relating to the state durations of the system are often specifiable using Linear Duration Invariants, which is a decidable subclass of Duration Calculus formulas. Various algorithms have been developed to check timed automata or real-time automata for linear duration invariants, but each needs complicated preprocessing and exponential calculation. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms have not been implemented. In this paper, we present an approximate model checking technique based on a genetic algorithm to check real-time automata for linear durration invariants in reasonable times. Genetic algorithm is a good optimization method when a problem needs massive computation and it works particularly well in our case because the fitness function which is derived from the linear duration invariant is linear. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.2.4, C.3.
AMS subject classification: 90B80.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): F.2.1, G.1.5, I.1.2.
In recent years, rough set approach computing issues concerning
reducts of decision tables have attracted the attention of many researchers.
In this paper, we present the time complexity of an algorithm
computing reducts of decision tables by relational database approach. Let
DS = (U, C ∪ {d}) be a consistent decision table, we say that A ⊆ C is a
relative reduct of DS if A contains a reduct of DS. Let s =
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62J99.