31 resultados para Ontology Visualization
* This paper was made according to the program of fundamental scientific research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Mathematical simulation and intellectual systems», the project "Theoretical foundation of the intellectual systems based on ontologies for intellectual support of scientific researches".
* This paper was made according to the program of fundamental scientific research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Mathematical simulation and intellectual systems», the project "Theoretical foundation of the intellectual systems based on ontologies for intellectual support of scientific researches".
* This paper was made according to the program of fundamental scientific research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Mathematical simulation and intellectual systems», the project "Theoretical foundation of the intellectual systems based on ontologies for intellectual support of scientific researches".
* The presented work has discussed on the KDS-2003. It has corrected in compliance with remarks and requests of participants.
This paper deals with the classification of news items in ePaper, a prototype system of a future personalized newspaper service on a mobile reading device. The ePaper system aggregates news items from various news providers and delivers to each subscribed user (reader) a personalized electronic newspaper, utilizing content-based and collaborative filtering methods. The ePaper can also provide users "standard" (i.e., not personalized) editions of selected newspapers, as well as browsing capabilities in the repository of news items. This paper concentrates on the automatic classification of incoming news using hierarchical news ontology. Based on this classification on one hand, and on the users' profiles on the other hand, the personalization engine of the system is able to provide a personalized paper to each user onto her mobile reading device.
The paper presents a short review of some systems for program transformations performed on the basis of the internal intermediate representations of these programs. Many systems try to support several languages of representation of the source texts of programs and solve the task of their translation into the internal representation. This task is still a challenge as it is effort-consuming. To reduce the effort, different systems of translator construction, ready compilers with ready grammars of outside designers are used. Though this approach saves the effort, it has its drawbacks and constraints. The paper presents the general idea of using the mapping approach to solve the task within the framework of program transformations and overcome the disadvantages of the existing systems. The paper demonstrates a fragment of the ontology model of high-level languages mappings onto the single representation and gives the example of how the description of (a fragment) a particular mapping is represented in accordance with the ontology model.
The principal feature of ontology, which is developed for a text processing, is wider knowledge representation of an external world due to introduction of three-level hierarchy. It allows to improve semantic interpretation of natural language texts.
In the article, we have reviewed the means for visualization of syntax, semantics and source code for programming languages which support procedural and/or object-oriented paradigm. It is examined how the structure of the source code of the structural and object-oriented programming styles has influenced different approaches for their teaching. We maintain a thesis valid for the object-oriented programming paradigm, which claims that the activities for design and programming of classes are done by the same specialist, and the training of this specialist should include design as well as programming skills and knowledge for modeling of abstract data structures. We put the question how a high level of abstraction in the object-oriented paradigm should be presented in simple model in the design stage, so the complexity in the programming stage stay low and be easily learnable. We give answer to this question, by building models using the UML notation, as we take a concrete example from the teaching practice including programming techniques for inheritance and polymorphism.
We present a new program tool for interactive 3D visualization of some fundamental algorithms for representation and manipulation of Bézier curves. The program tool has an option for demonstration of one of their most important applications - in graphic design for creating letters by means of cubic Bézier curves. We use Java applet and JOGL as our main visualization techniques. This choice ensures the platform independency of the created applet and contributes to the realistic 3D visualization. The applet provides basic knowledge on the Bézier curves and is appropriate for illustrative and educational purposes. Experimental results are included.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.3.
Джурджица Такачи - В доклада се разглеждат дидактически подходи за решаване на задачи, упражнения и доказване на теореми с използване на динамичен софтуер, по-специално – с вече широко разпространената система GeoGebra. Въз основа на концепция-та на Пойа се анализира използването на GeoGebra като когнитивно средство за решаване на задачи и за обсъждане на техни възможни обобщения.
We describe an ontological representation of data in an archive containing detailed description of church bells. As an object of cultural heritage the bell has general properties such as geometric dimensions, weight, sound of each of the bells, the pitch of the tone as well as acoustical diagrams obtained using contemporary equipment. We use Protégé platform in order to define basic ontological objects and relations between them.
The report presents the film 10th century. The South of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav. It consists of two parts – 10th century. The Royal Palace in Great Prelsav. The Square with the Pinnacle and The Ruler’s Lodgings. 3D and virtual reconstructions of an architectural ensemble – part of the Preslav Royal Court unearthed during archaeological researches are used in the film. 3D documentaries have already gained popularity around the world and are well received by both scholars and the public at large. One of the distinguished tourist destinations in Bulgaria is Great Preslav – capital of the mediaeval Bulgarian state and a significant cultural center of the European Southeast in 9th–10th centuries, too. The first part of the film is created with the financial support of America for Bulgaria Foundation and the second – with the funding of Bulgarian National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. A team of almost 20 members worked on the film, including computer specialists, professional actors, and translators in the four main European languages – English, German, French and Russian, Trima Sound Recording Studio. In the first part of the 3D film are shown a segment of the Royal Palace, the square with the water pinnacle and the adjacent buildings – an important structural element of the town-planning of the Preslav Court center in the 10th century. In the second part the accent is the southern part of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav, where the personal residence of the Preslav ruler’s dynasty is situated. The work on the virtual reconstruction was done by Virtual Archaeology club at the Mathematical School, Shumen. Due to the efforts of its members it is now clear how the square in front of the southern gate looked like.
The object of this paper is presenting the University of Economics – Varna, using a 3D model with 3Ds MAX. Created in 1920, May 14, University of Economics - Varna is a cultural institution with a place and style of its own. With the emergence of the three-dimensional modeling we entered a new stage of the evolution of computer graphics. The main target is to preserve the historical vision, to demonstrate forward-thinking and using of future-oriented approaches.
Shield UI’s advanced framework for creating rich charts and graphs is the first of a line of data visualization components, giving web developers the power for embedding rich graphics in their web projects with minimum effort. Built with HTML, CSS3 and packaged as a jQuery plugin, the library has full support for legacy and modern desktop web browsers, as well as the latest mobile devices.