31 resultados para Nonconvex optimization problem
Силвия К. Баева, Цветана Хр. Недева - Важен аспект в системата на Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройство е работата по Оперативна програма “Регионално развитие” с приоритетна ос “Устойчиво и интегрирано градско развитие” по операция “Подобряване на физическата среда и превенция на риска”. По тази програма са включени 86 общини. Финансовият ресурс на тази операция е на стойност 238 589 939 евро, от които 202 801 448 евро са европейско финансиране [1]. Всяка от тези 86 общини трябва да реши задачата за възлагане на обществена поръчка на определена фирма по тази операция. Всъщност, тази задача е задача за провеждане на общински търг за избор на фирма-изпълнител. Оптималният избор на фирма-изпълнител е много важен. Задачата за провеждане на търг ще формулираме като задача на многокритериалното вземане на решения, като чрез подходящо изграждане на критерии и методи може да се трансформира до задача на еднокритериалната оптимизация.
AMS Subj. Classification: 90C57; 90C10;
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C48, 49N15, 90C25
It is shown that any multicriteria problem can be represented by a hierarchical system. Separate properties of the object are evaluated at the lower level of the system, using a criteria vector, and a composition mechanism is used to evaluate the object as a whole at the upper level. The paper proposes a method to solve complex multicriteria problems of evaluation and optimization. It is based on nested scalar convolutions of vector- valued criteria and allows simple structural and parametrical synthesis of multicriteria hierarchical systems.
The problem of MPLS networks survivability analysis is considered in this paper. The survivability indexes are defined which take into account the specificity of MPLS networks and the algorithm of its estimation is elaborated. The problem of MPLS network structure optimization under the constraints on the survivability indexes is considered and the algorithm of its solution is suggested. The experimental investigations were carried out and their results are presented.
Portfolio analysis exists, perhaps, as long, as people think about acceptance of rational decisions connected with use of the limited resources. However the occurrence moment of portfolio analysis can be dated precisely enough is having connected it with a publication of pioneer work of Harry Markovittz (Markovitz H. Portfolio Selection) in 1952. The model offered in this work, simple enough in essence, has allowed catching the basic features of the financial market, from the point of view of the investor, and has supplied the last with the tool for development of rational investment decisions. The central problem in Markovitz theory is the portfolio choice that is a set of operations. Thus in estimation, both separate operations and their portfolios two major factors are considered: profitableness and risk of operations and their portfolios. The risk thus receives a quantitative estimation. The account of mutual correlation dependences between profitablenesses of operations appears the essential moment in the theory. This account allows making effective diversification of portfolio, leading to essential decrease in risk of a portfolio in comparison with risk of the operations included in it. At last, the quantitative characteristic of the basic investment characteristics allows defining and solving a problem of a choice of an optimum portfolio in the form of a problem of quadratic optimization.
This research was partially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Ecology under project 144007. The authors are grateful to Ivana Ljubić for help in testing and to Vladimir Filipović for useful suggestions and comments.
The article presents the exact algorithm for solving one case of the job-scheduling problem for the case when the source matrix is ordered by rows.
Decision making and technical decision analysis demand computer-aided techniques and therefore more and more support by formal techniques. In recent years fuzzy decision analysis and related techniques gained importance as an efficient method for planning and optimization applications in fields like production planning, financial and economical modeling and forecasting or classification. It is also known, that the hierarchical modeling of the situation is one of the most popular modeling method. It is shown, how to use the fuzzy hierarchical model in complex with other methods of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. We propose a novel approach to overcome the inherent limitations of Hierarchical Methods by exploiting multiple criteria decision making.
AMS Subj. Classification: 90C27, 05C85, 90C59
In this paper a variable neighborhood search (VNS) approach for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered. An appropriate neighborhood scheme along with a shaking operator and local search procedure are constructed specifically for this problem. The computational results are presented for the instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver and heuristic solutions generated by the genetic algorithm. It can be seen that the proposed VNS approach reaches all optimal solutions in a quite short amount of computational time.
In this article, the results achieved by applying an electromagnetism (EM) inspired metaheuristic to the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem (UMAHLP) are discussed. An appropriate objective function which natively conform with the problem, 1-swap local search and scaling technique conduce to good overall performance.Computational tests demonstrate the reliability of this method, since the EM-inspired metaheuristic reaches all optimal/best known solutions for UMAHLP, except one, in a reasonable time.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8, G.1.6.
This paper presents a Variable neighbourhood search (VNS) approach for solving the Maximum Set Splitting Problem (MSSP). The algorithm forms a system of neighborhoods based on changing the component for an increasing number of elements. An efficient local search procedure swaps the components of pairs of elements and yields a relatively short running time. Numerical experiments are performed on the instances known in the literature: minimum hitting set and Steiner triple systems. Computational results show that the proposed VNS achieves all optimal or best known solutions in short times. The experiments indicate that the VNS compares favorably with other methods previously used for solving the MSSP. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8.
In this paper the low autocorrelation binary sequence problem (LABSP) is modeled as a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) problem and proof of the model’s validity is given. Since the MIQP model is semidefinite, general optimization solvers can be used, and converge in a finite number of iterations. The experimental results show that IQP solvers, based on this MIQP formulation, are capable of optimally solving general/skew-symmetric LABSP instances of up to 30/51 elements in a moderate time. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.1.6, I.2.8.