25 resultados para Integrated Information Systems
This article considers the Internet/Intranet information systems as the tool for distance learning. Author considers the model of the 3-tier WEB based information system, the idea of the language for implementing and customized solution, which includes the original language and processor for fast prototyping and implementing small and middle sized Internet/Intranet information systems.
The methods of designing of information systems for large organizations are considered in the paper. The structural and object-oriented approaches are compared. For the practical realization of the automated dataflow systems the combined method for the system development and analysis is proposed.
The methods and software for integration of databases (DBs) on inorganic material and substance properties have been developed. The information systems integration is based on known approaches combination: EII (Enterprise Information Integration) and EAI (Enterprise Application Integration). The metabase - special database that stores data on integrated DBs contents is an integrated system kernel. Proposed methods have been applied for DBs integrated system creation in the field of inorganic chemistry and materials science. Important developed integrated system feature is ability to include DBs that have been created by means of different DBMS using essentially various computer platforms: Sun (DB "Diagram") and Intel (other DBs) and diverse operating systems: Sun Solaris (DB "Diagram") and Microsoft Windows Server (other DBs).
The paper describes an approach to the development of software aimed at the creation of distant learning portals integrated with education support and educational institution management systems. The software being developed is based on CASE-technology METAS which is used for the creation of adaptive distributed information systems. This technology allows to dynamically adjust the portal’s structure and portal’s functionality enhancements.
The polyparametric intelligence information system for diagnostics human functional state in medicine and public health is developed. The essence of the system consists in polyparametric describing of human functional state with the unified set of physiological parameters and using the polyparametric cognitive model developed as the tool for a system analysis of multitude data and diagnostics of a human functional state. The model is developed on the basis of general principles geometry and symmetry by algorithms of artificial intelligence systems. The architecture of the system is represented. The model allows analyzing traditional signs - absolute values of electrophysiological parameters and new signs generated by the model – relationships of ones. The classification of physiological multidimensional data is made with a transformer of the model. The results are presented to a physician in a form of visual graph – a pattern individual functional state. This graph allows performing clinical syndrome analysis. A level of human functional state is defined in the case of the developed standard (“ideal”) functional state. The complete formalization of results makes it possible to accumulate physiological data and to analyze them by mathematics methods.
Current state of Russian databases for substances and materials properties was considered. A brief review of integration methods of given information systems was prepared and a distributed databases integration approach based on metabase was proposed. Implementation details were mentioned on the posed database on electronics materials integration approach. An operating pilot version of given integrated information system implemented at IMET RAS was considered.
In this paper we consider a computer information system and a way to realize the security of the data in it with digital watermarking. A technique for spread spectrum watermarking is presented and its realization with MathLAB 6.5 is shown.
Use of modern object-oriented methods of designing of information systems (IS) both descriptions of interrelations IS and automated with its help business-processes of the enterprises leads to necessity of construction uniform complete IS on the basis of set of local models of such system. As a result of use of such approach there are the contradictions caused by inconsistency of actions of separate developers IS with each other and that is much more important, inconsistency of the points of view of separate users IS. Besides similar contradictions arise while in service IS at the enterprise because of constant change separate business- processes of the enterprise. It is necessary to note also, that now overwhelming majority IS is developed and maintained as set of separate functional modules. Each of such modules can function as independent IS. However the problem of integration of separate functional modules in uniform system can lead to a lot of problems. Among these problems it is possible to specify, for example, presence in modules of functions which are not used by the enterprise to destination, to complexity of information and program integration of modules of various manufacturers, etc. In most cases these contradictions and the reasons, their caused, are consequence of primary representation IS as equilibrium steady system. In work [1] representation IS as dynamic multistable system which is capable to carry out following actions has been considered:
Intrusion detection is a critical component of security information systems. The intrusion detection process attempts to detect malicious attacks by examining various data collected during processes on the protected system. This paper examines the anomaly-based intrusion detection based on sequences of system calls. The point is to construct a model that describes normal or acceptable system activity using the classification trees approach. The created database is utilized as a basis for distinguishing the intrusive activity from the legal one using string metric algorithms. The major results of the implemented simulation experiments are presented and discussed as well.
Никола Вълчанов, Тодорка Терзиева, Владимир Шкуртов, Антон Илиев - Една от основните области на приложения на компютърната информатика е автоматизирането на математическите изчисления. Информационните системи покриват различни области като счетоводство, електронно обучение/тестване, симулационни среди и т. н. Те работят с изчислителни библиотеки, които са специфични за обхвата на системата. Въпреки, че такива системи са перфектни и работят безпогрешно, ако не се поддържат остаряват. В тази работа описваме механизъм, който използва динамично библиотеките за изчисления и взема решение по време на изпълнение (интелигентно или интерактивно) за това как и кога те да се използват. Целта на тази статия е представяне на архитектура за системи, управлявани от изчисления. Тя се фокусира върху ползите от използването на правилните шаблони за дизайн с цел да се осигури разширяемост и намаляване на сложността.