49 resultados para Generalized Basic Hypergeometric Functions
MSC 2010: 44A15, 44A20, 33C60
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C45, secondary 30C80.
In this paper, we introduce a further generalization of the gamma function involving Gauss hypergeometric function 2F1 (a, b; c; z)
In the area of stress-strength models there has been a large amount of work as regards estimation of the reliability R = Pr(X2 < X1 ) when X1 and X2 are independent random variables belonging to the same univariate family of distributions. The algebraic form for R = Pr(X2 < X1 ) has been worked out for the majority of the well-known distributions including Normal, uniform, exponential, gamma, weibull and pareto. However, there are still many other distributions for which the form of R is not known. We have identified at least some 30 distributions with no known form for R. In this paper we consider some of these distributions and derive the corresponding forms for the reliability R. The calculations involve the use of various special functions.
∗ Partially supported by grant No. 433/94 NSF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification:30C45
* This paper is partially supported by the National Science Fund of Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science under contract № I–1401\2004 "Interactive Algorithms and Software Systems Supporting Multicriteria Decision Making".
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33E12, 33C20.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C05, 33C10, 33C20, 33C60, 33E12, 33E20, 40A30
Dedicated to 75th birthday of Prof. A.M. Mathai, Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33C10, 33C20, 33C50, 33C60, 26A09
MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf Gorenflo
In non-linear random effects some attention has been very recently devoted to the analysis ofsuitable transformation of the response variables separately (Taylor 1996) or not (Oberg and Davidian 2000) from the transformations of the covariates and, as far as we know, no investigation has been carried out on the choice of link function in such models. In our study we consider the use of a random effect model when a parameterized family of links (Aranda-Ordaz 1981, Prentice 1996, Pregibon 1980, Stukel 1988 and Czado 1997) is introduced. We point out the advantages and the drawbacks associated with the choice of this data-driven kind of modeling. Difficulties in the interpretation of regression parameters, and therefore in understanding the influence of covariates, as well as problems related to loss of efficiency of estimates and overfitting, are discussed. A case study on radiotherapy usage in breast cancer treatment is discussed.
We introduce a modification of the familiar cut function by replacing the linear part in its definition by a polynomial of degree p + 1 obtaining thus a sigmoid function called generalized cut function of degree p + 1 (GCFP). We then study the uniform approximation of the (GCFP) by smooth sigmoid functions such as the logistic and the shifted logistic functions. The limiting case of the interval-valued Heaviside step function is also discussed which imposes the use of Hausdorff metric. Numerical examples are presented using CAS MATHEMATICA.
The basic methods of decisions making in multi-criterion conditions are considered, from which the method of the weighed total for calculation of diagnostic indexes significance in differential diagnostics of dermatological diseases is chosen.
The basic matrixes method is suggested for the Leontief model analysis (LM) with some of its components indistinctly given. LM can be construed as a forecast task of product’s expenses-output on the basis of the known statistic information at indistinctly given several elements’ meanings of technological matrix, restriction vector and variables’ limits. Elements of technological matrix, right parts of restriction vector LM can occur as functions of some arguments. In this case the task’s dynamic analog occurs. LM essential complication lies in inclusion of variables restriction and criterion function in it.
In this paper we examine discrete functions that depend on their variables in a particular way, namely the H-functions. The results obtained in this work make the “construction” of these functions possible. H-functions are generalized, as well as their matrix representation by Latin hypercubes.