18 resultados para Nannoglottis Maxim.
At present in the educational process of electrical engineering disciplines electronic learning program, providing control over reproductive educational-cognitive activity (the decision of standard problems) and universal modeling program systems, for instance Electronics Workbench, giving a chance of organizing productive, in particular research activity are basically used. However universal modeling program systems can not provide auto control over educational-cognitive activity because of the absence of the feedback with students. The combined didactic interactive program system, providing the closed directed auto control over both the reproductive and productive heuristic educational-cognitive activity of the student is offered.
The methods of the application of the Combined didactic interactive programme system on electrical engineering disciplines has been worked out and the possibility of its application for providing a complex of different kinds of studies: lectures, tutorials, laboratory studies and also for organizing students’ independent work has been verified. The given methods provide the organization of the reproductive (recognition and reproduction) and productive heuristic educational-cognitive students’ activity in conditions of gradualness and completeness of education with the closed directed automatic control.
In the work [1] we proposed an approach of forming a consensus of experts’ statements in pattern recognition. In this paper, we present a method of aggregating sets of individual statements into a collective one for the case of forecasting of quantitative variable.
∗ The work was supported by the RFBR under Grant N04-01-00858.
An automated cognitive approach for the design of Information Systems is presented. It is supposed to be used at the very beginning of the design process, between the stages of requirements determination and analysis, including the stage of analysis. In the context of the approach used either UML or ERD notations may be used for model representation. The approach provides the opportunity of using natural language text documents as a source of knowledge for automated problem domain model generation. It also simplifies the process of modelling by assisting the human user during the whole period of working upon the model (using UML or ERD notations).
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grant N07-01-00331a.
Every year production volume of castings grows, especially grows production volume of non-ferrous metals, thanks to aluminium. As a result, requirements to castings quality also increase. Foundry men from all over the world put all their efforts to manage the problem of casting defects. In this article the authors present an approach based on the use of cognitive models that help to visualize inner cause-and-effect relations leading to casting defects in the foundry process. The cognitive models mentioned comprise a diverse network of factors and their relations, which together thoroughly describe all the details of the foundry process and their influence on the appearance of castings’ defects and other aspects.. Moreover, the article contains an example of a simple die casting model and results of simulation. Implementation of the proposed method will help foundry men reveal the mechanism and the main reasons of casting defects formation.
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grants N07-01-00331a, 08-07-00136a
The problem of transit points arrangement is presented in the paper. This issue is connected with accuracy of tariff distance calculation and it is the urgent problem at present. Was showed that standard method of tariff distance discovering is not optimal. The Genetic Algorithms are used in optimization problem resolution. The UML application class diagram and class content are showed. In the end the example of transit points arrangement is represented.
Theodore Motzkin proved, in 1936, that any polyhedral convex set can be expressed as the (Minkowski) sum of a polytope and a polyhedral convex cone. We have provided several characterizations of the larger class of closed convex sets, Motzkin decomposable, in finite dimensional Euclidean spaces which are the sum of a compact convex set with a closed convex cone. These characterizations involve different types of representations of closed convex sets as the support functions, dual cones and linear systems whose relationships are also analyzed. The obtaining of information about a given closed convex set F and the parametric linear optimization problem with feasible set F from each of its different representations, including the Motzkin decomposition, is also discussed. Another result establishes that a closed convex set is Motzkin decomposable if and only if the set of extreme points of its intersection with the linear subspace orthogonal to its lineality is bounded. We characterize the class of the extended functions whose epigraphs are Motzkin decomposable sets showing, in particular, that these functions attain their global minima when they are bounded from below. Calculus of Motzkin decomposable sets and functions is provided.
Content creation and presentation are key activities in a multimedia digital library (MDL). The proper design and intelligent implementation of these services provide a stable base for overall MDL functionality. This paper presents the framework and the implementation of these services in the latest version of the “Virtual Encyclopaedia of Bulgarian Iconography” multimedia digital library. For the semantic description of the iconographical objects a tree-based annotation template is implemented. It provides options for autocompletion, reuse of values, bilingual entering of data, automated media watermarking, resizing and conversing. The paper describes in detail the algorithm for automated appearance of dependent values for different characteristics of an iconographical object. An algorithm for avoiding duplicate image objects is also included. The service for automated appearance of new objects in a collection after their entering is included as an important part of the content presentation. The paper also presents the overall service-based architecture of the library, covering its main service panels, repositories and their relationships. The presented vision is based on a long-term observation of the users’ preferences, cognitive goals, and needs, aiming to find an optimal functionality solution for the end users.
In an attempt to answer the need of wider accessibility and popularization of the treasury of Bulgarian folklore, a team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has planned to develop the Bulgarian folklore artery within the national project ―Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage‖. This paper presents the process of business modeling of the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery, which aids requirements analysis, application design and its software implementation. The folklore domain process model is made in the context of the target social applications—e-learning, virtual expositions of folklore artifacts, research, news, cultural/ethno-tourism, etc. The basic processes are analyzed and modeled and some inferences are made for the use cases and requirements specification of the Bulgarian folklore artery application. As a conclusion the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery is presented.
Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project aims at building a repertoire of medieval and early modern Bulgarian texts for saints in combination with ethnological data and some visual sources. A basic project task is to produce an accessible on-line digital repository of this valuable cultural heritage treasure. The paper presents the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum environment, its architecture, functional specification, application modeling process and software implementation. The paper also discusses the specifics of the ―Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum‖ project and its knowledge domain. The paper also presents the integration between the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum and the Bulgarian Iconographical Digital Library, a digital library keeping rare specimens, private collections of Orthodox icons, wall- paintings and other iconographical objects, selected from difficult-to-access storages, distant churches, chapels, and monasteries, objects in a risk environment or unstable conditions.
This paper describes a project of a multimedia digital library for fashion objects. The presented work aims to provide an environment for the National Art Academy students works, showing in front a professional and nonprofessional public the significant values of the fashion domain.
The following paper presents an application of QR code marking of digital iconographical collections for their outdoor mobile access and exploring through the GUIDE@HAND audio tourist guide.