22 resultados para LIE-ALGEBRAS
This project was partially supported by RFBR, grants 99-01-00233, 98-01-01020 and 00-15-96128.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B01, 17B30, 17B40.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B01, 17B30, 17B40.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 17A32; Secondary: 16R10, 16P99, 17B01, 17B30, 20C30
Марта Теофилова - Конструиран е пример на четиримерно специално комплексно многообразие с норденова метрика и постоянна холоморфна секционна кривина чрез двупара-метрично семейство от разрешими алгебри на Ли. Изследвани са кривинните свойства на полученото многообразие. Дадени са необходими и достатъчни усло-вия за разглежданото многообразие да бъде изотропно келерово.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 17A32, Secondary 17D25.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
∗The first author was partially supported by MURST of Italy; the second author was par- tially supported by RFFI grant 99-01-00233.
Given a differentiable action of a compact Lie group G on a compact smooth manifold V , there exists [3] a closed embedding of V into a finite-dimensional real vector space E so that the action of G on V may be extended to a differentiable linear action (a linear representation) of G on E. We prove an analogous equivariant embedding theorem for compact differentiable spaces (∞-standard in the sense of [6, 7, 8]).
* The authors thank the “Swiss National Science Foundation” for its support.
∗ The work was supported by the National Fund “Scientific researches” and by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria under contract MM 70/91.
The isomorphism problem of arbitrary algebraic structures plays always a central role in the study of a given algebraic object. In this paper we give the first investigations and also some basic results on the isomorphism problem of commutative group algebras in Bulgaria.
Let a commutative ring R be a direct product of indecomposable rings with identity and let G be a finite abelian p-group. In the present paper we give a complete system of invariants of the group algebra RG of G over R when p is an invertible element in R. These investigations extend some classical results of Berman (1953 and 1958), Sehgal (1970) and Karpilovsky (1984) as well as a result of Mollov (1986).
In this paper we give the first investigations and also some basic results on the unit groups of commutative group algebras in Bulgaria. These investigations continue some classical results. Namely, it is supposed that the cardinality of the starting group is arbitrary.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16R50, 16R10.