22 resultados para Knowledge Information Objects
In this paper, the “Information Market” is introduced as a payable information exchange and based on it information interaction. In addition, special kind of Information Markets - the Knowledge Markets are outlined. The main focus of the paper is concentrated on the investigation of the staple commodities of the knowledge markets. They are introduced as kind of information objects, called “knowledge information objects”. The main theirs distinctive characteristic is that they contain information models, which concern sets of information models and interconnections between them.
Publication describes the experience in application of ontology technique to structuring of educational materials. Several topics of physics were formalized by means of Protégé software tool. Some principal problems in building of knowledge structure were found, so the discussion may interest not only ontology users, but also the developers of ontology tools.
All information systems have to be protected. As the number of information objects and the number of users increase the task of information system’s protection becomes more difficult. One of the most difficult problems is access rights assignment. This paper describes the graph model of access rights inheritance. This model takes into account relations and dependences between different objects and between different users. The model can be implemented in the information systems controlled by the metadata, describing information objects and connections between them, such as the systems based on CASE-technology METAS.
The adequate attitude to the information models and information objects in the culture context is one of the main problems to be investigated on the threshold of information society. The goal of this paper is to outline some problems connected with the main styles of perceiving of the mental and artificially generated information models stored in the information objects and used in the processes of the Information Interaction or simply – in the Inforaction. The culture influence on inforaction is discussed.
Due to the rapid growth of the number of digital media elements like image, video, audio, graphics on Internet, there is an increasing demand for effective search and retrieval techniques. Recently, many search engines have made image search as an option like Google, AlltheWeb, AltaVista, Freenet. In addition to this, Ditto, Picsearch, can search only the images on Internet. There are also other domain specific search engines available for graphics and clip art, audio, video, educational images, artwork, stock photos, science and nature [www.faganfinder.com/img]. These entire search engines are directory based. They crawls the entire Internet and index all the images in certain categories. They do not display the images in any particular order with respect to the time and context. With the availability of MPEG-7, a standard for describing multimedia content, it is now possible to store the images with its metadata in a structured format. This helps in searching and retrieving the images. The MPEG-7 standard uses XML to describe the content of multimedia information objects. These objects will have metadata information in the form of MPEG-7 or any other similar format associated with them. It can be used in different ways to search the objects. In this paper we propose a system, which can do content based image retrieval on the World Wide Web. It displays the result in user-defined order.
This paper presents the process of load balancing in simulation system Triad.Net, the architecture of load balancing subsystem. The main features of static and dynamic load balancing are discussed and new approach, controlled dynamic load balancing, needed for regular mapping of simulation model on the network of computers is proposed. The paper considers linguistic constructions of Triad language for different load balancing algorithms description.
Possibilities for investigations of 43 varieties of file formats (objects), joined in 10 groups; 89 information attacks, joined in 33 groups and 73 methods of compression, joined in 10 groups are described in the paper. Experimental, expert, possible and real relations between attacks’ groups, method’ groups and objects’ groups are determined by means of matrix transformations and the respective maximum and potential sets are defined. At the end assessments and conclusions for future investigation are proposed.
In this paper a possibility for quantitative measuring of information security of objects, exposed to information attacks and processed with methods of compression, is represented. A co-efficient of information security, which reflects the influence of the level of compression obtained after applying methods of compression to objects and the time, required by the attack to get access to the corresponding object, is proposed. Methods’ groups with the highest and respectively the lowest values of the co-efficient of information security for all methods’ groups in relation to all attacks’ groups are determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.
In this paper is proposed a model for researching the capability to influence, by selected methods’ groups of compression, to the co-efficient of information security of selected objects’ groups, exposed to selected attacks’ groups. With the help of methods for multi-criteria evaluation are chosen the methods’ groups with the lowest risk with respect to the information security. Recommendations for future investigations are proposed.
In this paper a methodology for evaluation of information security of objects under attacks, processed by methods of compression, is represented. Two basic parameters for evaluation of information security of objects – TIME and SIZE – are chosen and the characteristics, which reflect on their evaluation, are analyzed and estimated. A co-efficient of information security of object is proposed as a mean of the coefficients of the parameter TIME and SIZE. From the simulation experiments which were carried out methods with the highest co-efficient of information security had been determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.
The paper presents an approach to extraction of facts from texts of documents. This approach is based on using knowledge about the subject domain, specialized dictionary and the schemes of facts that describe fact structures taking into consideration both semantic and syntactic compatibility of elements of facts. Actually extracted facts combine into one structure the dictionary lexical objects found in the text and match them against concepts of subject domain ontology.
This report examines important issues pertaining to the different ways of affecting the information security of file objects under information attacks through methods of compression. Accordingly, the report analyzes the three-way relationships which may exist among a selected set of attacks, methods and objects. Thus, a methodology is proposed for evaluation of information security, and a coefficient of information security is created. With respects to this coefficient, using different criteria and methods for evaluation and selection of alternatives, the lowest-risk methods of compression are selected.
The operating model of knowledge quantum engineering for identification and prognostic decision- making in conditions of α-indeterminacy is suggested in the article. The synthesized operating model solves three basic tasks: Аt-task to formalize tk-knowledge; Вt-task to recognize (identify) objects according to observed results; Сt-task to extrapolate (prognosticate) the observed results. Operating derivation of identification and prognostic decisions using authentic different-level algorithmic knowledge quantum (using tRAKZ-method) assumes synthesis of authentic knowledge quantum database (BtkZ) using induction operator as a system of implicative laws, and then using deduction operator according to the observed tk-knowledge and BtkZ a derivation of identification or prognostic decisions in a form of new tk-knowledge.
The ontological approach to structuring knowledge and the description of data domain of knowledge is considered. It is described tool ontology-controlled complex for research and developments of sensor systems. Some approaches to solution most frequently meeting tasks are considered for creation of the recognition procedures.
An ontological representation of buyer interests’ knowledge in process of e-commerce is proposed to use. It makes it more efficient to make a search of the most appropriate sellers via multiagent systems. An algorithm of a comparison of buyer ontology with one of e-shops (the taxonomies) and an e-commerce multiagent system are realised using ontology of information retrieval in distributed environment.