28 resultados para Classification model stakeholders
Original method and technology of systemological «Unit-Function-Object» analysis for solving complete ill-structured problems is proposed. The given visual grapho-analytical UFO technology for the fist time combines capabilities and advantages of the system and object approaches and can be used for business reengineering and for information systems design. UFO- technology procedures are formalized by pattern-theory methods and developed by embedding systemological conceptual classification models into the system-object analysis and software tools. Technology is based on natural classification and helps to investigate deep semantic regularities of subject domain and to take proper account of system-classes essential properties the most objectively. Systemological knowledge models are based on method which for the first time synthesizes system and classification analysis. It allows creating CASE-toolkit of a new generation for organizational modelling for companies’ sustainable development and competitive advantages providing.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 68T50,62H30,62J05.
Today, due to globalization of the world the size of data set is increasing, it is necessary to discover the knowledge. The discovery of knowledge can be typically in the form of association rules, classification rules, clustering, discovery of frequent episodes and deviation detection. Fast and accurate classifiers for large databases are an important task in data mining. There is growing evidence that integrating classification and association rules mining, classification approaches based on heuristic, greedy search like decision tree induction. Emerging associative classification algorithms have shown good promises on producing accurate classifiers. In this paper we focus on performance of associative classification and present a parallel model for classifier building. For classifier building some parallel-distributed algorithms have been proposed for decision tree induction but so far no such work has been reported for associative classification.
* This study was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by the Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory (University of Alberta Hospitals) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
In the presented work the problem of generalized natural environment model of emergency monitoring is presented. The approach, based on using CASE-based technologies is proposed for methodology development in solving this problem. Usage of CASE-based technology and knowledge databases allow for quick and interactive monitoring of current natural environment state and allow to develop adequate model for just-in- time possible emergency modeling.
Organizations are seeking new, integrated systems that enable rapid changes through early identification of opportunities and problems, tracking of progress against plans, flexible allocation of resources to achieve goals, and consistent operations. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an overall business strategy. It means that all activities of the company will be focused on satisfying all stakeholders of the company. TQM can be realised by using the EFQM model. The EFQM model is a tool that organizations may use as a framework for self-evaluation that enables an organization to identify its strengths and areas for improvement and the extent to which its operations and results are in line with the characteristics of an excellent organization. We focus on a training organisation or to the learning department of an organization. So we are limiting the EFQM model to the training /learning activities. We can apply EFQM perfect on the level of an activity (business line) of a company. We selected the main criteria for which the learner can play the role of assessor. So only three main criteria left: the enabling resources, the enabling processes and the (learning) results for the learner. We limited the last one to “learning results” based on the Kirkpatrick model.
Intrusion detection is a critical component of security information systems. The intrusion detection process attempts to detect malicious attacks by examining various data collected during processes on the protected system. This paper examines the anomaly-based intrusion detection based on sequences of system calls. The point is to construct a model that describes normal or acceptable system activity using the classification trees approach. The created database is utilized as a basis for distinguishing the intrusive activity from the legal one using string metric algorithms. The major results of the implemented simulation experiments are presented and discussed as well.
Владимир Димитров - Целта на настоящия доклад е формалната спецификация на релационния модел на данни. Тази спецификация след това може да бъде разширена към Обектно-релационния модел на данни и към Потоците от данни.
Дойчин Бояджиев, Галена Пеловска - В статията се предлага оптимизиран алгоритъм, който е по-бърз в сравнение с по- рано описаната ускорена (модифицирана STS) диференчна схема за възрастово структуриран популационен модел с дифузия. Запазвайки апроксимацията на модифицирания STS алгоритъм, изчислителното времето се намаля почти два пъти. Това прави оптимизирания метод по-предпочитан за задачи с нелинейност или с по-висока размерност.
Тодор П. Чолаков, Димитър Й. Биров - Тази статия представя цялостен модел за автоматизиран реинженеринг на наследени системи. Тя описва в детайли процесите на превод на софтуера и на рефакторинг и степента, до която могат да се автоматизират тези процеси. По отношение на превода на код се представя модел за автоматизирано превеждане на код, съдържащ указатели и работа с адресна аритметика. Също така се дефинира рамка за процеса на реинженеринг и се набелязват възможности за по-нататъшно развитие на концепции, инструменти и алгоритми.
In this paper the low autocorrelation binary sequence problem (LABSP) is modeled as a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) problem and proof of the model’s validity is given. Since the MIQP model is semidefinite, general optimization solvers can be used, and converge in a finite number of iterations. The experimental results show that IQP solvers, based on this MIQP formulation, are capable of optimally solving general/skew-symmetric LABSP instances of up to 30/51 elements in a moderate time. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.1.6, I.2.8.
Real-time systems are usually modelled with timed automata and real-time requirements relating to the state durations of the system are often specifiable using Linear Duration Invariants, which is a decidable subclass of Duration Calculus formulas. Various algorithms have been developed to check timed automata or real-time automata for linear duration invariants, but each needs complicated preprocessing and exponential calculation. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms have not been implemented. In this paper, we present an approximate model checking technique based on a genetic algorithm to check real-time automata for linear durration invariants in reasonable times. Genetic algorithm is a good optimization method when a problem needs massive computation and it works particularly well in our case because the fitness function which is derived from the linear duration invariant is linear. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.2.4, C.3.
Detecting Precipitation Climate Changes: An Approach Based on a Stochastic Daily Precipitation Model
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62M10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 91E45.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 60J85, 62P10, 92D25.