5 resultados para traducción subordinada

em Aston University Research Archive


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Este artículo explora el binomio género y traducción desde la convicción de que ésta última, al constituir un punto de contacto entre realidades lingüísticas, culturales e ideológicas diferentes, desempeña un decisivo papel en el cambio de la naturaleza patriarcal y sexista del lenguaje y de las sociedades. Para comenzar a abordarlo, reflexionaré sobre las influencias y confluencias entre traducción y feminismos, que tanto han contribuido a la renovación y enriquecimiento mutuo de ambas disciplinas. Esta perspectiva me ubicará en una posición privilegiada desde la que plantear el compromiso de la traducción feminista, materializado en la adaptación (más que invención) de estrategias ideológicas y textuales legítimas para traducción, con las que contribuir a la implementación de la reforma lingüística y social superadora de la discriminación de género. This article explores the relationship between gender and translation with the conviction that the latter is a point of contact between different linguistic, cultural and ideological realities, and therefore plays a vital role in the change of the patriarchal and sexist nature of language and societies. I will begin by examining the influences and confluences between translation and feminisms, which have powerfully contributed to the mutual renewal and enrichment of both disciplines. This perspective will place me in a privileged position from which I will consider the purpose of feminist translation, a purpose exemplified in the adaptation (rather than invention) of legitimate ideological and textual strategies for translation, which make it possible to contribute to the implementation of a linguistic and social reform which seeks the eradication of gender discrimination.


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Los discursos teóricos de la actualidad conciben la traducción como un acto ideológico de mediación intercultural. De este modo, rechazan la supuesta neutralidad y fidelidad al texto original o a la intención autorial de antaño, subvirtiendo al mismo tiempo la tradicional jerarquía entre original y traducción. Sin embargo, en el presente artículo sostengo que estos discursos teóricos por lo general desatienden otras relaciones de poder jerárquicas que afectan a la traducción situándola en una posición de inferioridad respecto a la paratraducción (Garrido Vilariño 2005), definida ésta como un acto de mediación por el cual se decide la presentación final del libro traducido en la sociedad meta. Para ilustrar las implicaciones de esta nueva jerarquía recurro al conflicto ideológico originado a partir de la traducción y paratraducción del género en dos reescrituras en gallego de la novela de Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Current theoretical debates on Translation Studies define translation as an ideological act of intercultural mediation. In this way, notions such as neutrality or fidelity to the original text or to the author’s intent prove untenable, challenging the traditional hierarchy between the original text and its translation. However, it is my contention that these theoretical discourses tend to disregard other hierarchical power relationships that also affect translation, placing it in a position of inferiority against paratranslation (Garrido Vilariño 2005), the latter being an activity that determines crucially the final presentation of the translated book in the target society. I will illustrate the implications of this new hierarchy through an analysis of the ideological struggle that emerged from the translation and paratranslation of gender in two rewritings into Galician of the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon.


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Women authors have been traditionally ignored by patriarchal values informing the dominant literary canon. The most important icon of Galician literature, however, is a woman – Rosalía de Castro (1837-1885). She is not only a foundational myth for Galician letters, but also one of the most widely translated Galician authors. That said, the way she has been canonized in the Galician literary system has generally presented her work as exclusively committed to the construction of the national/ist identity, disregarding and muting her subversive feminist ideas. Taking this context as a starting point, in this article I shall examine most English translations of her work published between 1909 and 2010 in order to assess to what extent these translations have contributed to either disseminating or concealing Rosalía de Castro’s national and/or feminist discourse. I also aim to offer new critical readings of some of the author’s texts written in 19th century, which show how the Galician author is a real pioneer in Western literary feminism.


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Within the newly established field of Galician Studies, Feminist Theory has played a major role in revealing how women have contributed to the development of the Galician cultural polysystem. However, it is my contention that the translative facet of many women translators has not yet received enough critical attention. Therefore, within the framework of a growing interest in the roles played both by women and by translation in the development of societies, this article seeks to explore the history of translation in the context of Galicia, with a view to underscoring the contributions of women translators throughout the 20th century. The aim of the article is twofold: firstly, to offer an overview of translators such as Mercedes Vázquez Fernández Pimentel, Mari Luz Morales, Teruca Bouza Vila, María Barbeito, Amparo Alvajar, Xohana Torres, and Teresa Barro, in order to open up new areas for research so that subsequent studies can further examine their contributions in more depth. Secondly, it seeks to analyse the power relations which inform the activity of translation both from a gender and national approach.


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Los feminismos son una de esas teorías marco cuyas contribuciones son perceptibles en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, incluidos los estudios de traducción. La materialización más evidente de esta interacción es el surgimiento, en los 80, de una corriente de traducción feminista en Canadá, capaz de colocar el género en el centro del debate sobre traducción. En la actualidad, y pese a las críticas y posteriores redefiniciones del concepto de traducción feminista, la propuesta canadiense sigue concibiéndose por lo general como paradigma de interacción entre feminismos y traducción. En este artículo propongo nuevas aproximaciones a la práctica de traducir y paratraducir desde los feminismos, dentro de una tercera ola de traducción feminista. Además, pretendo abrir el debate (re)examinando áreas de interés mutuo para los estudios de traducción y los feminismos en el plano conceptual, historiográfico y crítico, con el propósito de que sugieran nuevas líneas de investigación futura. Feminisms are one of those framework theories that have contributed powerfully to all areas of society, including Translation Studies. The most evident outcome of this interplay is the emergence, in the 1980s, of a Feminist Translation school in Canada, which placed gender in the spotlight. Despite criticism and subsequent redefinitions of the notion of feminist translation, the Canadian school is still generally regarded as the paradigm of interaction between feminisms and translation. The aim of this article is two-fold: firstly, to advance new approaches to the practice of translation and paratranslation from a feminist perspective (within the context of a third wave of feminist translation). Secondly, to open new debates by means of (re)examining topics of mutual interest for both Translation Studies and Feminisms on a conceptual, historical and critical plane, so that subsequent studies can be fostered. Feminisms are one of those framework theories that have contributed powerfully to all areas of society, including Translation Studies. The most evident outcome of this interplay is the emergence, in the 1980s, of a Feminist Translation school in Canada, which placed gender in the spotlight. Despite criticism and subsequent redefinitions of the notion of feminist translation, the Canadian school is still generally regarded as the paradigm of interaction between feminisms and translation. The aim of this article is two-fold: firstly, to advance new approaches to the practice of translation and paratranslation from a feminist perspective (within the context of a third wave of feminist translation). Secondly, to open new debates by means of (re)examining topics of mutual interest for both Translation Studies and Feminisms on a conceptual, historical and critical plane, so that subsequent studies can be fostered.