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em Aston University Research Archive


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Purpose – The purpose of this editorial is to bring together thoughts and opinions from the Editors and Senior Advisory Board of EJM regarding the nature of the long-debated “theory-practice divide” in marketing scholarship. Design/methodology/approach – The authors synthesise diverse opinions from senior academics in order both to inspire further debate in marketing scholarship, and to draw some important conclusions for marketing academia as a whole. Findings – The authors propose that, for marketing scholarship to mature and progress, room must be found for those who wish to focus both on practical and on pure marketing scholarship. Career advancement from both routes is vital. Research limitations/implications – The topic of the theory-practice gap is complex. Many diverse opinions are cited and, due to space constraints, the coverage of many issues is necessarily brief. Practical implications – Scholars should find the thoughts contained in the paper of significant interest. Originality/value – The paper appears to be the first to bring together such a set of diverse opinions on the subject, and to try to draw some overall pragmatic conclusions, while still recognising the multiplicity of valid thought in the area.


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The recent explosive growth in advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and continued development of sophisticated information technologies (IT) is expected to have a profound effect on the way we design and operate manufacturing businesses. Furthermore, the escalating capital requirements associated with these developments have significantly increased the level of risk associated with initial design, ongoing development and operation. This dissertation has examined the integration of two key sub-elements of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system, namely the manufacturing facility and the production control system. This research has concentrated on the interactions between production control (MRP) and an AMT based production facility. The disappointing performance of such systems has been discussed in the context of a number of potential technological and performance incompatibilities between these two elements. It was argued that the design and selection of operating policies for both is the key to successful integration. Furthermore, policy decisions are shown to play an important role in matching the performance of the total system to the demands of the marketplace. It is demonstrated that a holistic approach to policy design must be adopted if successful integration is to be achieved. It is shown that the complexity of the issues resulting from such an approach required the formulation of a structured design methodology. Such a methodology was subsequently developed and discussed. This combined a first principles approach to the behaviour of system elements with the specification of a detailed holistic model for use in the policy design environment. The methodology aimed to make full use of the `low inertia' characteristics of AMT, whilst adopting a JIT configuration of MRP and re-coupling the total system to the market demands. This dissertation discussed the application of the methodology to an industrial case study and the subsequent design of operational policies. Consequently a novel approach to production control resulted. A central feature of which was a move toward reduced manual intervention in the MRP processing and scheduling logic with increased human involvement and motivation in the management of work-flow on the shopfloor. Experimental results indicated that significant performance advantages would result from the adoption of the recommended policy set.


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We have investigated the effect of ageing on the visual system using the relatively new technique of magentoencephalography (MEG). This technique measures the magnetic signals produced by the visual system using a SQUID magnetometer. The magnetic visual evoked field (VEF) was measured over the occipital cortex to pattern and flash stimuli in 86 normal subjects aged 15 - 86 years. Factors that influenced subject defocussing or defixating the stimulus or selective attention were controlled as far as possible. The latency of the major positive component to the pattern reversal stimulus (P100M) increased with age particularly after the age of 55 years while the amplitude of the P100M decreased over the life span. The latency of the major flash component (P2M) increased much more slowly with age, while its amplitude decreased in only a proportion of elderly subjects. Changes in the P100M with age may reflect senile changes in the eye and optic nerve, e.g. senile miosis or degenerative changes in the retina. The P2M may be more susceptible to senile changes in the retina. The data suggest that the spatial frequency channels deteriorate more rapidly with age than the luminance channels and that MEG may be an effective method of studying ageing in the visual system.


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In the UK, Open Learning has been used in industrial training for at least the last decade. Trainers and Open Learning practitioners have been concerned about the quality of the products and services being delivered. The argument put forward in this thesis is that there is ambiguity amongst industrialists over the meanings of `Open Learning' and `Quality in Open Learning'. For clarity, a new definition of Open Learning is proposed which challenges the traditional learner-centred approach favoured by educationalists. It introduces the concept that there are benefits afforded to the trainer/employer/teacher as well as to the learner. This enables a focussed view of what quality in Open Learning really means. Having discussed these issues, a new quantitative method of evaluating Open Learning is proposed. This is based upon an assessment of the degree of compliance with which products meet Parts 1 & 2 of the Open Learning Code of Practice. The vehicle for these research studies has been a commercial contract commissioned by the Training Agency for the Engineering Industry Training Board (EITB) to examine the quality of Open Learning products supplied to the engineering industry. A major part of this research has been the application of the evaluation technique to a range of 67 Open Learning products (in eight subject areas). The findings were that good quality products can be found right across the price range - so can average and poor quality ones. The study also shows quite convincingly that there are good quality products to be found at less than 50. Finally the majority (24 out of 34) of the good quality products were text based.


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The revival of terracotta and faience in British architecture was widespread, dramatic in its results and, for two decades, the subject of intense debate. However the materials have been frequently denigrated and more generally disregarded by both architects and historians. This study sets out to record and explain the rise and fall of interest in terracotta and faience, the extent and nature of the industry and the range of architectural usage in the Victorian, Edwardian and inter-war periods. The first two chapters record the faltering use of terracotta as an 'artificial stone', until the material gained its own identity, largely through the appreciation of Italian architecture. In the mid-Victorian period, terracotta will be seen to have become symbolic of the philosophy of the Victoria and Albert Museum and its Art School in attempting to reform both architecture and the decorative arts. The adoption of terracotta was furthered as much by industrial as aesthetic factors; three chapters examine how the exploitation of coal-measure clays, developments in the processes of manufacture, the changing motivation of industrialists and differing economics of production served to promote and then to hinder expansion and adaptation. The practical values of economy, durability and fire-resistance and the aesthetic potential, seen in terms of colour and decorative and sculptural modelling, became inter-related in the work of the architects who made extensive use of architectural ceramics. A correlation emerges between the free Gothic style, exemplified by the designs of Alfred Waterhouse and the use of red terracotta supplied from Ruabon, and between the eclectic Renaissance style and a buff material produced by different manufacturers.These patterns were modified as a result of the adoption of faience for facing external walls as well as interiors, and because of the new architectural requirements and tastes of the twentieth century. The general timidity in exploiting the scope for polychromatic decoration and the increasing opposition to architectural ceramics is contrasted with the most successful schemes produced for cinemas, chain-stores and factories. In the last chapter, those undertaken by the Hathern Station Brick and Terracotta Company between 1896 and 1939 are used as a case study; they confirm that manufacturers, architects and clients were all committed to creating a modern and yet decorative architecture, appropriate for new building types and that would appeal to and be comprehensible to the public.


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This thesis examines the growth and awareness of health and safety at work between 1780 and 1900. In this period the hazards at work were increased by the intensification of production brought about by the Industrial Revolution, and new risks to health arose from the wider range of toxic substances in use by manufacturing industry. There is discussion in the thesis of the extent to which the problems were identified in an age of short life expectancy and limited medical knowledge. The sources studied have been largely medical, governmental, trade and press reports. The emphasis is on the first effects seen and recommendations made, and where possible, the extent of the problem and the effectiveness of any preventative measures adopted and examined. There is discussion of the growing involvement of the Government in industrial health and safety. The subject is viewed in the light of modern thinking on industrial health but uses a classification appropriate to historical resources. Psychological and minor afflictions, neglected in the 19th century, are not considered. The available literature is reviewed in each section. Three detailed case studies conclude the thesis, two on the notoriously dangerous occupations of metal grinding and pottery, and one on occupational eye injuries. Each study is based on a different type of source material. The thesis overall shows that there was extensive concern for health and safety at work, but no systematic approach and only ad hoc implementation of preventative measures; and that the rate at which conditions improved varied between different industries and different categories of workers . However, some modern principles of health and safety at work can be seen emerging, and the period laid the necessary medical, technical and legal foundations for developments in the present century.


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The hepatotoxicity of the industrial solvent and investigational anti-tumour agent N-methylformamide (NMF, HOCNHCH3) and several structural analogues was assessed in mice. NMF and its ethyl analogue (NEF) were equipotent hepatotoxins causing extensive centrilobular necrosis and damage to the gall bladder. Pretreatment of mice with SKF525A did not influence the toxicity of these N-alkylformamides. Replacement of the formyl hydrogen of NMF with deuterium or methyl significantly reduced its hepatotoxicity. An in vitro model for the study of the toxicity and metabolism of N-alkylformamides was developed using isolated mouse hepatocytes. The cytotoxicity of NMF in vitro was concentration-dependent with maximal toxicity being achieved at concentrations of 5mM or above. The cytotoxic potential of related amides correlated well with their in vivo hepatotoxic potential. Pretreatment of mice with buthionine sulphoximine (BSO), which depleted hepatocytic levels of glutathione to 15% of control values, exacerbated the cytotoxicity of NMF towards the hepatocytes. NMF (1mM or above), incubated with isolated mouse hepatocytes, depleted intracellular glutathione levels to 26% of control values within 4h. Depletion of glutathione was quantitatively matched by the formation of a carbamoylating metabolite. Metabolism was dependent on the concentration of NMF and was drastically reduced in incubations of hepatocytes isolated from mice pretreated with BSO. The carbamoylating metabolite, S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)-glutathione (SMG), was identified in vitro using FAB-MS. The generation of SMG was subject to a large primary H/D kinetic isotope effect when the formyl hydrogen was replaced with deuterium. Likewise, glutathione depletion and metabolite formation were reduced or abolished by the deuteration or methylation of the formyl moiety of NMF. NEF, like NMF, depleted hepatocytic glutathione levels and was metabolised to a carbamoylating metabolite. Radioactivity derived from 14C-NMF and 14C-NEF, labelled in the alkyl moieties, was found to be irreversibly associated with microsomal protein on incubation in vitro. Binding was dependent on the presence of NADPH and was mostly abolished in the presence of reduced glutathione. SKF525A failed to influence the binding.


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This study examined the use of non-standard parameters to investigate the visual field, with particular reference to the detection of glaucomatous visual field loss. Evaluation of the new perimetric strategy for threshold estimation - FASTPAC, demonstrated a reduction in the examination time of normals compared to the standard strategy. Despite an increased within-test variability the FASTPAC strategy produced a similar mean sensitivity to the standard strategy, reducing the effects of patient fatigue. The new technique of Blue-Yellow perimetry was compared to White-White perimetry for the detection of glaucomatous field loss in OHT and POAG. Using a database of normal subjects, confidence limits for normality were constructed to account for the increased between-subject variability with increase in age and eccentricity and for the greater variability of the Blue-Yellow field compared to the White-White field. Effects of individual ocular media absorption had little effect on Blue-Yellow field variability. Total and pattern probability analysis revealed five of 27 OHTs to exhibit Blue-Yellow focal abnormalities; two of these patients subsequently developed White-White loss. Twelve of the 24 POAGs revealed wider and/or deeper Blue-Yellow loss compared with the White-White field. Blue-Yellow perimetry showed good sensitivity and specificity characteristics, however, lack of perimetric experience and the presence of cataract influenced the Blue-Yellow visual field and may confound the interpretation of Blue-Yellow visual field loss. Visual field indices demonstrated a moderate relationship to the structural parameters of the optic nerve head using scanning laser tomography. No abnormalities in Blue-Yellow or Red-Green colour CS was apparent for the OHT patients. A greater vulnerability of the SWS pathway in glaucoma was demonstrated using Blue-Yellow perimetry however predicting which patients may benefit from B-Y perimetric examination is difficult. Furthermore, cataract and the extent of the field loss may limit the extent to which the integrity of the SWS channels can be selectively examined.


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Government regulation of industrial hazards is examined in the context of the economic and technical processes of industrial development. Technical problems and costs of control are considered as factors in both the formation and impact of regulation. This thesis focuses on an historical case-study of the regulation of the hazard to painting workers from the use of lead pigments in paint. A regulatory strategy based on the prohibition of lead paints gained initial acceptance within the British state in 1911, but was subsequently rejected in favour of a strategy that allowed continued use of lead paint subject to hygiene precautions. The development of paint technology and its determinants, including concern about health hazards, are analysed, focusing on the innovation and diffusion into the paint industry of the major white pigments: white lead (PbC03 .PB(OH)2)and its substitutes. The process of regulatory development is examined, and the protracted and polarised regulatory d~bate contrasted to the prevailing 'consensual' methods of workplace regulation. The rejection of prohibition is analysed in terms of the different political and technical resources of those groups in conflict over this policy. This highlights the problems of consensus formation around such a strategy, and demonstrates certain constraints on state regulatory activity, particularly regarding industrial development. Member-states of the International Labour Organisation agreed to introduce partial prohibition of lead paint in 1921. Whether this was implemented is related to the economic importance of lead and non-lead metal and pigment industries to a nation. An analysis is made of the control of lead poisoning. The rate of control is related to the economic and technological trajectory of the regulated industry. Technical and organisational characteristics are considered as well as regulatory factors which range from voluntary compliance and informal pressures to direct legal requirements. The implications of this case-study for the analysis of the development and impacts of regulation are assessed.


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Previous studies into student volunteering have shown how formally organized volunteering activities have social, economic and practical benefits for student volunteers and the recipients of their volunteerism (Egerton, 2002; Vernon & Foster, 2002); moreover student volunteering provides the means by which undergraduates are able to acquire and hone transferable skills sought by employers following graduation (Eldridge & Wilson, 2003; Norris et al, 2006). Although much is known about the benefits of student volunteering, few previous studies have focused on the pedagogical value of student mentoring from the perspectives of both student mentee and mentor. Utilising grounded theory methodology this paper provides a critical analysis of an exploratory study analysing students’ perceptions of the pedagogical and social outcomes of student mentoring. It looks at students’ perceptions of mentoring, and being mentored, in terms of the learning experience and development of knowledge and skills. In doing so the paper considers how volunteering in a mentoring capacity adds ‘value’ to students’ experiences of higher education. From a public policy perspective, the economic, educational, vocational and social outcomes of student volunteering in general, and student mentoring in particular, make this an important subject meriting investigation. In terms of employability, the role of mentoring in equipping mentors and mentees with transferable, employability competencies has not been investigated. By critiquing the mentoring experiences of undergraduates within a single institution, this paper will make an important contribution to policy debates with regards to the pedagogical and employability related outcomes of student volunteering and mentoring.


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This paper discusses how issues of people management are addressed in Indian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It also highlights the indigenous approaches to human resource management (HRM) that have surfaced in the Indian SME context. The research formulation has been built on the mapping of people-management practices in two SME case studies, one of which is also a family-based organization. The analysis shows that indigenous realities in HRM in Indian SMEs relate mainly to the provision of financial, emotional and social support to the workforce; employee involvement (EI) practices; recruitment; skill development; managing employee relations; and managing vis-à-vis labor law framework. The paper argues that in the sphere of people management in SMEs, the willingness to innovate and formalize the HR systems is constrained by a kind of bounded rationality, i.e., the owners of SMEs mostly believe that they are already doing what is humanly possible in this regard. The analysis has an important message for concerned practitioners—in order to realize their full potential and to progress towards fulfilling their vision; SMEs eventually have to intertwine indigenization and formalization for their people management approaches.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) contributed to almost 30% of worldwide mortality; with heart failure being one class of CVD. One popular and widely available treatment for heart failure is the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP). This heart assist device is used in counterpulsation to improve myocardial function by increasing coronary perfusion, and decreasing aortic end-diastolic pressure (i.e. the resistance to blood ejection from the heart). However, this device can only be used acutely, and patients are bedridden. The subject of this research is a novel heart assist treatment called the Chronic Intermittent Mechanical Support (CIMS) which was conceived to offer advantages of the IABP device chronically, whilst overcoming its disadvantages. The CIMS device comprises an implantable balloon pump, a percutaneous drive line, and a wearable driver console. The research here aims to determine the haemodynamic effect of balloon pump activation under in vitro conditions. A human mock circulatory loop (MCL) with systemic and coronary perfusion was constructed, capable of simulating various degrees of heart failure. Two prototypes of the CIMS balloon pump were made with varying stiffness. Several experimental factors (balloon inflation/deflation timing, Helium gas volume, arterial compliance, balloon pump stiffness and heart valve type) form the factorial design experiments. A simple modification to the MCL allowed flow visualisation experiments using video recording. Suitable statistical tests were used to analyse the data obtained from all experiments. Balloon inflation and deflation in the ascending aorta of the MCL yielded favourable results. The sudden balloon deflation caused the heart valve to open earlier, thus causing longer valve opening duration in a cardiac cycle. It was also found that pressure augmentation in diastole was significantly correlated with increased cardiac output and coronary flowrate. With an optimum combination (low arterial compliance and low balloon pump stiffness), systemic and coronary perfusions were increased by 18% and 21% respectively, while the aortic end-diastolic pressure (forward flow resistance) decreased by 17%. Consequently, the ratio of oxygen supply and demand to myocardium (endocardial viability ratio, EVR) increased between 33% and 75%. The increase was mostly attributed to diastolic augmentation rather than systolic unloading.


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Albumin in tears is used as a diagnostic marker of ocular insult and inflammation, but whether its presence in tears is responsive or part of an adaptive reaction remains unresolved. A review of the literature on tear albumin concentration emphasizes that variables such as collection method, stimulus, assay technique, and disease state influence the quoted values to different extents. Influence of assay technique is negligible in comparison to variation in sampling conditions. Ocular disease increases albumin concentrations but not in a specific manner. The literature review also highlighted that little systematic research has been carried out on the daily cycle of tear albumin levels. In order to remedy this shortcoming, we investigated variations in tear albumin concentration during the waking day. The concentration of albumin in 400 tear samples collected from 13 subjects was assessed at 2-hourly intervals throughout the waking day. Highest daytime albumin concentrations were obtained within 10 minutes of waking, with a mean concentration of >50 ± 22 µg/ml. Albumin levels were at their lowest, but most consistent, 2-6 hours post-waking. This pattern was followed by a progressive increase in albumin concentration during the latter part of the day. Although individual subject-to-subject concentration differences were observed, this distinctive pattern of diurnal variation was found in all subjects. The results presented suggest a regulated, not random, pattern of variation within the period of study. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) and azathioprine (AZA) are both inactive prodrugs that require intracellular activation into the active 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs). • This metabolic process undergoes three different competitive pathways that are catalysed by three different enzymes; xanthine oxidase (XO), thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) and inosine triphosphatase (ITPA), all of which exhibit genetic polymorphisms. • Although the impact of genetic variation in the TPMT gene on treatment outcome and toxicity has been demonstrated, the role of other polymorphisms remains less well known. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • New information on the allelic variation of these three enzymes (XO, TPMT and ITPA) and their influence on 6-MP/AZA metabolism and toxicity. • Confirmation of the association of TPMT polymorphism with haematological toxicity. • Identified potential genetic characteristics that may contribute to higher risk of adverse events (such as ITPA IVS2+21A→C mutation). AIMS - To examine the allelic variation of three enzymes involved in 6-mercaptopurine/azathioprine (6-MP/AZA) metabolism and evaluate the influence of these polymorphisms on toxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite levels in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS - Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 19 ALL paediatric patients and 35 IBD patients who were receiving 6-MP/AZA therapy. All patients were screened for seven genetic polymorphisms in three enzymes involved in mercaptopurine metabolism [xanthine oxidase, inosine triphosphatase (C94→A and IVS2+21A→C) and thiopurine methyltransferase]. Erythrocyte and plasma metabolite concentrations were also determined. The associations between the various genotypes and myelotoxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite concentrations were determined. RESULTS - Thiopurine methyltransferase variant alleles were associated with a preferential metabolism away from 6-methylmercaptopurine nucleotides (P = 0.008 in ALL patients, P = 0.038 in IBD patients) favouring 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) (P = 0.021 in ALL patients). Interestingly, carriers of inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A→C variants among ALL and IBD patients had significantly higher concentrations of the active cytotoxic metabolites, 6-TGNs (P = 0.008 in ALL patients, P = 0.047 in IBD patients). The study confirmed the association of thiopurine methyltransferase heterozygosity with leucopenia and neutropenia in ALL patients and reported a significant association between inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A→C variants with thrombocytopenia (P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS - Pharmacogenetic polymorphisms in the 6-MP pathway may help identify patients at risk for associated toxicities and may serve as a guide for dose individualization.