6 resultados para test facility
em Aston University Research Archive
This thesis describes the design and engineering of a pressurised biomass gasification test facility. A detailed examination of the major elements within the plant has been undertaken in relation to specification of equipment, evaluation of options and final construction. The retrospective project assessment was developed from consideration of relevant literature and theoretical principles. The literature review includes a discussion on legislation and applicable design codes. From this analysis, each of the necessary equipment units was reviewed and important design decisions and procedures highlighted and explored. Particular emphasis was placed on examination of the stringent demands of the ASME VIII design codes. The inter-relationship of functional units was investigated and areas of deficiency, such as biomass feeders and gas cleaning, have been commented upon. Finally, plant costing was summarized in relation to the plant design and proposed experimental programme. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that pressurised gasification of biomass is far more difficult and expensive to support than atmospheric gasification. A number of recommendations have been made regarding future work in this area.
A consequence of a loss of coolant accident is the damage of adjacent insulation materials (IM). IM may then be transported to the containment sump strainers where water is drawn into the ECCS (emergency core cooling system). Blockage of the strainers by IM lead to an increased pressure drop acting on the operating ECCS pumps. IM can also penetrate the strainers, enter the reactor coolant system and then accumulate in the reactor pressure vessel. An experimental and theoretical study that concentrates on mineral wool fiber transport in the containment sump and the ECCS is being performed. The study entails fiber generation and the assessment of fiber transport in single and multi-effect experiments. The experiments include measurement of the terminal settling velocity, the strainer pressure drop, fiber sedimentation and resuspension in a channel flow and jet flow in a rectangular tank. An integrated test facility is also operated to assess the compounded effects. Each experimental facility is used to provide data for the validation of equivalent computational fluid dynamic models. The channel flow facility allows the determination of the steady state distribution of the fibers at different flow velocities. The fibers are modeled in the Eulerian-Eulerian reference frame as spherical wetted agglomerates. The fiber agglomerate size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber mixture and the turbulent dispersion of the fibers all affect the steady state accumulation of fibers at the channel base. In the current simulations, two fiber phases are separately considered. The particle size is kept constant while the density is modified, which affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction. The relative viscosity is only significant at higher concentrations. The numerical model finds that the fibers accumulate at the channel base even at high velocities; therefore, modifications to the drag and turbulent dispersion forces can be made to reduce fiber accumulation.
This thesis describes work completed on the application of H controller synthesis to the design of controllers for single axis high speed independent drive design examples. H controller synthesis was used in a single controller format and in a self-tuning regulator, a type of adaptive controller. Three types of industrial design examples were attempted using H controller synthesis, both in simulation and on a Drives Test Facility at Aston University. The results were benchmarked against a Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) with velocity feedforward controller (VFF), the industrial standard for this application. An analysis of the differences between a H and PID with VFF controller was completed. A direct-form H controller was determined for a limited class of weighting function and plants which shows the relationship between the weighting function, nominal plant and the controller parameters. The direct-form controller was utilised in two ways. Firstly it allowed the production of simple guidelines for the industrial design of H controllers. Secondly it was used as the controller modifier in a self-tuning regulator (STR). The STR had a controller modification time (including nominal model parameter estimation) of 8ms. A Set-Point Gain Scheduling (SPGS) controller was developed and applied to an industrial design example. The applicability of each control strategy, PID with VFF, H, SPGS and STR, was investigated and a set of general guidelines for their use was determined. All controllers developed were implemented using standard industrial equipment.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) ensures the structural health and safety of critical structures covering a wide range of application areas. This thesis presents novel, low-cost and good-performance fibre Bragg grating (FBG) based systems for detection of Acoustic Emission (AE) in aircraft structures, which is a part of SHM. Importantly a key aim, during the design of these systems, was to produce systems that were sufficiently small to install in an aircraft for lifetime monitoring. Two important techniques for monitoring high frequency AE that were developed as a part of this research were, Quadrature recombination technique and Active tracking technique. Active tracking technique was used extensively and was further developed to overcome the limitations that were observed while testing it at several test facilities and with different optical fibre sensors. This system was able to eliminate any low frequency spectrum shift due to environmental perturbation and keeps the sensor always working at optimum operation point. This is highly desirable in harsh industrial and operationally active environments. Experimental work carried out in the laboratory has proved that such systems can be used for high frequency detection and have capability to detect up to 600 kHz. However, the range of frequency depends upon the requirement and design of the interrogation system as the system can be altered accordingly for different applications. Several optical fibre configurations for wavelength detection were designed during the course of this work along with industrial partners. Fibre Bragg grating Fabry-Perot (FBG-FP) sensors have shown higher sensitivity and usability than the uniform FBGs to be used with such system. This was shown experimentally. The author is certain that further research will lead to development of a commercially marketable product and the use of active tracking systems can be extended in areas of healthcare, civil infrastructure monitoring etc. where it can be deployed. Finally, the AE detection system has been developed to aerospace requirements and was tested at NDT & Testing Technology test facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK on A350 testing panels.
Mixing phenomena observed when the flow rate in a single loop of the primary circuit is changed can influence the operation of pressurized water reactor (PWR) by inducing local gradients of boron concentration or coolant temperature. Analysis of one-dimensional Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurements during the start-up and shutdown of pump on a single loop of the ROCOM test facility has been performed. The effect of a step change and a ramped change in the flow rate on the axial and azimuthal velocities was examined. Numerical simulations were also performed for the step change in the flow rate that gave quantitative agreement with the axial velocities. Phenomenological agreement was made on the turbulent kinetic energy; however, observed values were a factor of 2.5 less than the turbulent kinetic energy derived from the measurements. © 2007.
This paper presents the development and experimental validation of a novel angular velocity observer-based field-oriented control algorithm for a promising low-cost brushless doubly fed reluctance generator (BDFRG) in wind power applications. The BDFRG has been receiving increasing attention because of the use of partially rated power electronics, the high reliability of brushless design, and competitive performance to its popular slip-ring counterpart, the doubly fed induction generator. The controller viability has been demonstrated on a BDFRG laboratory test facility for emulation of variable speed and loading conditions of wind turbines or pump drives.