20 resultados para strength and function

em Aston University Research Archive


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Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibers produced by wet spinning from solutions in acetone under low-shear (gravity-flow) conditions resulted in fiber strength of 8 MPa and stiffness of 0.08 Gpa. Cold drawing to an extension of 500% resulted in an increase in fiber strength to 43 MPa and stiffness to 0.3 GPa. The growth rate of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (seeded at a density of 5 × 104 cells/mL) on as-spun fibers was consistently lower than that measured on tissue culture plastic (TCP) beyond day 2. Cell proliferation was similar on gelatin-coated fibers and TCP over 7 days and higher by a factor of 1.9 on 500% cold-drawn PCL fibers relative to TCP up to 4 days. Cell growth on PCL fibers exceeded that on Dacron monofilament by at least a factor of 3.7 at 9 days. Scanning electron microscopy revealed formation of a cell layer on samples of cold-drawn and gelatin-coated fibers after 24 hours in culture. Similar levels of ICAM-1 expression by HUVECs attached to PCL fibers and TCP were measured using RT-PCR and flow cytometry, indicative of low levels of immune activation. Retention of a specific function of HUVECs attached to PCL fibers was demonstrated by measuring their immune response to lipopolysaccharide. Levels of ICAM-1 expression increased by approximately 11% in cells attached to PCL fibers and TCP. The high fiber compliance, favorable endothelial cell proliferation rates, and retention of an important immune response of attached HUVECS support the use of gravity spun PCL fibers for three-dimensional scaffold production in vascular tissue engineering. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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A series of propylsulfonic (MCM-SOH) and octyl co-functionalised propylsulfonic (MCM-Oc-SOH) catalysts have been prepared by post modification of MCM-41 with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS) to achieve SOH surface coverages spanning the range 0.12-1 monolayer. Within the MCM-Oc-SOH series, samples with submonolayer MPTS coverages were further grafted with octyltrimethoxysilane to cap bare hydroxyl sites and tune the hydrophobicity of the support. For the MCM-SO H series NH calorimetry revealed acid strength increases as a function of sulfonic acid loading, with -ΔH(NH ) increasing from 87 to 118 kJ mol. In contrast, MCM-Oc-SOH exhibits a dramatic enhancement of acid strength for submonolayer SOH coverages, with -ΔH(NH ) found to increase to 103 kJ mol. In line with these acid strength measurements the per-site activity of the MCM-SOH series in the esterification of butanol with acetic acid was found to increase with SOH content. Incorporation of octyl groups further promotes esterification activity of all the samples within the MCM-Oc-SOH series, such that the turn over frequency of the sample with the lowest loading of SOH more than doubles. Molecular dynamic simulations indicate that the interaction of isolated sulfonic acid groups with the pore walls is the primary cause of the decrease in acid strength and activity of submonolayer samples within the MCM-SOH series. Incorporation of octyl groups results in a combination of increased hydrophobicity and lateral interactions between adjacent sulfonic acid head groups, resulting in a striking enhancement of acid strength and esterification activity. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The fossil arthropod Class Trilobita is characterised by the possession of a highly mineralised dorsal exoskeleton with an incurved marginal flange (doublure). This cuticle is usually the only part of the organism to be preserved. Despite the common occurrence of trilobites in Palaeozoic sediments, the original exoskeletal mineralogy has not been determined previously. Petrographic data involving over seventy trilobite species, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, together with atomic absorption and stable isotope analyses, indicate a primary low-magnesian calcite composition. Trilobite cuticles exhibit a variety of preservational textures which are related to the different diagenetic realms through which they have passed. A greater knowledge of post-depositional processes and the specific features they produce, has enabled post-mortem artefacts to be distinguished from primary cuticular microstructures. Alterations of the cuticle can either enhance or destroy primary features, and their effects are best observed in thin-sections, both under transmitted light and cathodoluminescence. Well-preserved trilobites often retain primary microstructures such as laminations, canals, and tubercles. These have been examined in stained thin-sections and by scanning electron microscopy, from as wide a range of trilobites as possible. Construction of sensory field maps has shown that although the basic organisation of the exoskeleton is the same in all trilobites, the types of microstructures found, and their distribution is species-specific. The composition, microstructure, and architecture of the trilobite exoskeleton have also been studied from a biomechanical viewpoint. Total cuticle thickness, and the relative proportions of the different layers, together with the overall architecture all affected the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton.


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The study utilised a Normal group, an Ocular Hypertensive (OHT) group and a Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) group to investigate two aspects. Firstly, the within- and between-visit variability for stereometric measurements of the optic nerve head (ONH) using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT); retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness using the HRT and using optical coherence tomography with the Optical Coherence Tomography Scanner (OCT); the visual field using white-on-white (W-W), short-wavelength (SWAP) and Frequency Doubling perimetry (FDT); and retinal haemodynamics using the Heidelberg Retinal Flowmeter (HRF). Secondly, the association demonstrated between some of the derived variables. The within- and between-visit variability for stereometric measurements of the entire ONH and the between-visit variability for sectoral measurements were similar for Normals and OHTs but greater for POAGs. The within-visit variability of the visual field pointwise parameters for SWAP were greater than for W-W and FDT particularly with increase in eccentricity and for the OHT group. The between-visit variability increased with increase in defect depth for the POAG group, across all types of perimetry. The MS was greater, the MD and PSD smaller and the examination duration shorter in FDT compared to W-W and SWAP across all groups. The within-visit variability was less than the between-visit variability for the OCT circumferential and sector RNFL thickness using the 1.5R, 2.0R and the fixed 1.73mm circular scan radii, across the three groups. The variability increased with decrease in the RNFL thickness, and was least for the 2.0R scan radius.


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The influence of ionic strength and of the chemical nature of cations on the protein-protein interactions in ovalbumin solution was studied using small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS/SANS). The globular protein ovalbumin is found in dimeric form in solutions as suggested by SANS/SAXS experiments. Due to the negative charge of the proteins at neutral pH, the protein-protein interactions without any salt addition are dominated by electrostatic repulsion. A structure factor related to screened Coulombic interactions together with an ellipsoid form factor was used to fit the scattering intensity. A monovalent salt (NaCl) and a trivalent salt (YCl3) were used to study the effect of the chemical nature of cations on the interaction in protein solutions. Upon addition of NaCl, with ionic strength below that of physiological conditions (150 mM), the effective interactions are still dominated by the surface charge of the proteins and the scattering data can be understood using the same model. When yttrium chloride was used, a reentrant condensation behavior, i.e., aggregation and subsequent redissolution of proteins with increasing salt concentration, was observed. SAXS measurements reveal a transition from effective repulsion to attraction with increasing salt concentration. The solutions in the reentrant regime become unstable after long times (several days). The results are discussed and compared with those from bovine serum albumin (BSA) in solutions.


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Multidrug resistance protein MRP1 mediates the ATP-dependent efflux of many chemotherapeutic agents and organic anions. MRP1 has two nucleotide binding sites (NBSs) and three membrane spanning domains (MSDs) containing 17 transmembrane helices linked by extracellular and cytoplasmic loops (CL). Homology models suggest that CL7 (amino acids 1141-1195) is in a position where it could participate in signaling between the MSDs and NBSs during the transport process. We have individually replaced eight charged residues in CL7 with Ala, and in some cases, an amino acid with the same charge, and then investigated the effects on MRP1 expression, transport activity, and nucleotide and substrate interactions. A triple mutant in which Glu(1169), Glu(1170), and Glu(1172) were all replaced with Ala was also examined. The properties of R1173A and E1184A were comparable with those of wild-type MRP1, whereas the remaining mutants were either poorly expressed (R1166A, D1183A) or exhibited reduced transport of one or more organic anions (E1144A, D1179A, K1181A, (1169)AAQA). Same charge mutant D1183E was also not expressed, whereas expression and activity of R1166K were similar to wild-type MRP1. The moderate substrate-selective changes in transport activity displayed by mutants E1144A, D1179A, K1181A, and (1169)AAQA were accompanied by changes in orthovanadate-induced trapping of [alpha-(32)P]azidoADP by NBS2 indicating changes in ATP hydrolysis or release of ADP. In the case of E1144A, estradiol glucuronide no longer inhibited trapping of azidoADP. Together, our results demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of CL7 to mutation, consistent with its critical and complex dual role in both the proper folding and transport activity of MRP1.


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T cells are required for an effective adaptive immune response. The principal function of T cells is to promote efficient removal of foreign material by identifying and mounting a specific response to nonself. A decline in T cell function in aging is thought to contribute to reduced response to infection and vaccination and an increase in autoimmunity. This may in part be due to the age-related decrease in naïve CD4+ T cells and increase in antigen-experienced CD4+ T cells, loss of redox homeostasis, and impaired metabolic switching. Switching between subsets is triggered by the integration of extracellular signals sensed through surface receptors and the activation of discrete intracellular metabolic pathways. This article explores how metabolic programming and loss of redox homeostasis during aging may contribute to age-associated changes in T cell phenotype and function. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.


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This article explores the growing perception, prompted by the eurozone crisis, of Germany as a hegemonic power in the European Union. The article explores the realignments in the power balance within the European Union (EU) by making an original application of the insights from the literature on hegemony. It reviews the evidence for Germany playing a hegemonic role, but then emphasizes three sets of constraints. First, German pre-eminence is largely confined to the economic sphere. Even in this area Germany has not acted fully in line with the role ascribed by hegemonic stability theory. Second, its pre-eminence in the EU encounters problems of international legitimacy. Third, growing constraints arising from German domestic politics further hamper playing the role of hegemon. In consequence, Germany is intrinsically a reluctant hegemon: one whose economic leadership is recognized but politically contested. The conclusion considers the significance of these findings on the EU's most important member state. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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In the Paramecium tetraurelia genome, 17 genes encoding the 100-kDa-subunit (a-subunit) of the vacuolar-proton-ATPase were identified, representing by far the largest number of a-subunit genes encountered in any organism investigated so far. They group into nine clusters, eight pairs with >82% amino acid identity and one single gene. Green fluorescent protein-tagging of representatives of the nine clusters revealed highly specific targeting to at least seven different compartments, among them dense core secretory vesicles (trichocysts), the contractile vacuole complex, and phagosomes. RNA interference for two pairs confirmed their functional specialization in their target compartments: silencing of the trichocyst-specific form affected this secretory pathway, whereas silencing of the contractile vacuole complex-specific form altered organelle structure and functioning. The construction of chimeras between selected a-subunits surprisingly revealed the targeting signal to be located in the C terminus of the protein, in contrast with the N-terminal targeting signal of the a-subunit in yeast. Interestingly, some chimeras provoked deleterious effects, locally in their target compartment, or remotely, in the compartment whose specific a-subunit N terminus was used in the chimera.


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We have studied a series of samples of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions with protein concentration, c, ranging from 2 to 500 mg/mL and ionic strength, I, from 0 to 2 M by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The scattering intensity distribution was compared to simulations using an oblate ellipsoid form factor with radii of 17 x 42 x 42 A, combined with either a screened Coulomb, repulsive structure factor, S-SC(q), or an attractive square-well structure factor, S-SW(q). At pH = 7, BSA is negatively charged. At low ionic strength, I <0.3 M, the total interaction exhibits a decrease of the repulsive interaction when compared to the salt-free solution, as the net surface charge is screened, and the data can be fitted by assuming an ellipsoid form factor and screened Coulomb interaction. At moderate ionic strength (0.3-0.5 M), the interaction is rather weak, and a hard-sphere structure factor has been used to simulate the data with a higher volume fraction. Upon further increase of the ionic strength (I >= 1.0 M), the overall interaction potential was dominated by an additional attractive potential, and the data could be successfully fitted by an ellipsoid form factor and a square-well potential model. The fit parameters, well depth and well width, indicate that the attractive potential caused by a high salt concentration is weak and long-ranged. Although the long-range, attractive potential dominated the protein interaction, no gelation or precipitation was observed in any of the samples. This is explained by the increase of a short-range, repulsive interaction between protein molecules by forming a hydration layer with increasing salt concentration. The competition between long-range, attractive and short-range, repulsive interactions accounted for the stability of concentrated BSA solution at high ionic strength.


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PURPOSE: Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is a drug efflux transporter expressed at the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB), and influences distribution of drugs into the central nervous systems (CNS). Current inhibitors have failed clinically due to neurotoxicity. Novel approaches are needed to identify new modulators to enhance CNS delivery. This study examines 18 compounds (mainly phytoestrogens) as modulators of the expression/function of BCRP in an in vitro rat choroid plexus BCSFB model. METHODS: Modulators were initially subject to cytotoxicity (MTT) assessment to determine optimal non-toxic concentrations. Reverse-transcriptase PCR and confocal microscopy were used to identify the presence of BCRP in Z310 cells. Thereafter modulation of the intracellular accumulation of the fluorescent BCRP probe substrate Hoechst 33342 (H33342), changes in protein expression of BCRP (western blotting) and the functional activity of BCRP (membrane insert model) were assessed under modulator exposure. RESULTS: A 24 hour cytotoxicity assay (0.001 µM-1000 µM) demonstrated the majority of modulators possessed a cellular viability IC50 > 148 µM. Intracellular accumulation of H33342 was significantly increased in the presence of the known BCRP inhibitor Ko143 and, following a 24 hour pre-incubation, all modulators demonstrated statistically significant increases in H33342 accumulation (P < 0.001), when compared to control and Ko143. After a 24 hour pre-incubation with modulators alone, a 0.16-2.5-fold change in BCRP expression was observed for test compounds. The functional consequences of this were confirmed in a permeable insert model of the BCSFB which demonstrated that 17-β-estradiol, naringin and silymarin (down-regulators) and baicalin (up-regulator) can modulate BCRP-mediated transport function at the BCSFB. CONCLUSION: We have successfully confirmed the gene and protein expression of BCRP in Z310 cells and demonstrated the potential for phytoestrogen modulators to influence the functionality of BCRP at the BCSFB and thereby potentially allowing manipulation of CNS drug disposition.