5 resultados para stereo correspondence estimation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Acquiring 3D shape from images is a classic problem in Computer Vision occupying researchers for at least 20 years. Only recently however have these ideas matured enough to provide highly accurate results. We present a complete algorithm to reconstruct 3D objects from images using the stereo correspondence cue. The technique can be described as a pipeline of four basic building blocks: camera calibration, image segmentation, photo-consistency estimation from images, and surface extraction from photo-consistency. In this Chapter we will put more emphasis on the latter two: namely how to extract geometric information from a set of photographs without explicit camera visibility, and how to combine different geometry estimates in an optimal way. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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This paper addresses the problem of automatically obtaining the object/background segmentation of a rigid 3D object observed in a set of images that have been calibrated for camera pose and intrinsics. Such segmentations can be used to obtain a shape representation of a potentially texture-less object by computing a visual hull. We propose an automatic approach where the object to be segmented is identified by the pose of the cameras instead of user input such as 2D bounding rectangles or brush-strokes. The key behind our method is a pairwise MRF framework that combines (a) foreground/background appearance models, (b) epipolar constraints and (c) weak stereo correspondence into a single segmentation cost function that can be efficiently solved by Graph-cuts. The segmentation thus obtained is further improved using silhouette coherency and then used to update the foreground/background appearance models which are fed into the next Graph-cut computation. These two steps are iterated until segmentation convergences. Our method can automatically provide a 3D surface representation even in texture-less scenes where MVS methods might fail. Furthermore, it confers improved performance in images where the object is not readily separable from the background in colour space, an area that previous segmentation approaches have found challenging. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper addresses the problem of obtaining complete, detailed reconstructions of textureless shiny objects. We present an algorithm which uses silhouettes of the object, as well as images obtained under changing illumination conditions. In contrast with previous photometric stereo techniques, ours is not limited to a single viewpoint but produces accurate reconstructions in full 3D. A number of images of the object are obtained from multiple viewpoints, under varying lighting conditions. Starting from the silhouettes, the algorithm recovers camera motion and constructs the object's visual hull. This is then used to recover the illumination and initialize a multiview photometric stereo scheme to obtain a closed surface reconstruction. There are two main contributions in this paper: First, we describe a robust technique to estimate light directions and intensities and, second, we introduce a novel formulation of photometric stereo which combines multiple viewpoints and, hence, allows closed surface reconstructions. The algorithm has been implemented as a practical model acquisition system. Here, a quantitative evaluation of the algorithm on synthetic data is presented together with complete reconstructions of challenging real objects. Finally, we show experimentally how, even in the case of highly textured objects, this technique can greatly improve on correspondence-based multiview stereo results.


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We investigate the problem of obtaining a dense reconstruction in real-time, from a live video stream. In recent years, multi-view stereo (MVS) has received considerable attention and a number of methods have been proposed. However, most methods operate under the assumption of a relatively sparse set of still images as input and unlimited computation time. Video based MVS has received less attention despite the fact that video sequences offer significant benefits in terms of usability of MVS systems. In this paper we propose a novel video based MVS algorithm that is suitable for real-time, interactive 3d modeling with a hand-held camera. The key idea is a per-pixel, probabilistic depth estimation scheme that updates posterior depth distributions with every new frame. The current implementation is capable of updating 15 million distributions/s. We evaluate the proposed method against the state-of-the-art real-time MVS method and show improvement in terms of accuracy. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cardiotocography provides significant information on foetal oxygenation linked to characteristics of foetal heart rate signals. Among most important we can mention foetal heart rate variability, whose spectral analysis is recognised like useful in improving diagnosis of pathologic conditions. However, despite its importance, a standardisation of definition and estimation of foetal heart rate variability is still searched. Some guidelines state that variability refers to fluctuations in the baseline free from accelerations and decelerations. This is an important limit in clinical routine since variability in correspondence of these FHR alterations has always been regarded as particularly significant in terms of prognostic value. In this work we compute foetal heart rate variability as difference between foetal heart rate and floatingline and we propose a method for extraction of floatingline which takes into account accelerations and decelerations. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.