4 resultados para stains

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis is devoted to the tribology at the head~to~tape interface of linear tape recording systems, OnStream ADRTM system being used as an experimental platform, Combining experimental characterisation with computer modelling, a comprehensive picture of the mechanisms involved in a tape recording system is drawn. The work is designed to isolate the mechanisms responsible for the physical spacing between head and tape with the aim of minimising spacing losses and errors and optimising signal output. Standard heads-used in ADR current products-and prototype heads- DLC and SPL coated and dummy heads built from a AI203-TiC and alternative single-phase ceramics intended to constitute the head tape-bearing surface-are tested in controlled environment for up to 500 hours (exceptionally 1000 hours), Evidences of wear on the standard head are mainly observable as a preferential wear of the TiC phase of the AI203-TiC ceramic, The TiC grains are believed to delaminate due to a fatigue wear mechanism, a hypothesis further confirmed via modelling, locating the maximum von Mises equivalent stress at a depth equivalent to the TiC recession (20 to 30 nm). Debris of TiC delaminated residues is moreover found trapped within the pole-tip recession, assumed therefore to provide three~body abrasive particles, thus increasing the pole-tip recession. Iron rich stain is found over the cycled standard head surface (preferentially over the pole-tip and to a lesser extent over the TiC grains) at any environment condition except high temperature/humidity, where mainly organic stain was apparent, Temperature (locally or globally) affects staining rate and aspect; stain transfer is generally promoted at high temperature. Humidity affects transfer rate and quantity; low humidity produces, thinner stains at higher rate. Stain generally targets preferentially head materials with high electrical conductivity, i.e. Permalloy and TiC. Stains are found to decrease the friction at the head-to-tape interface, delay the TiC recession hollow-out and act as a protective soft coating reducing the pole-tip recession. This is obviously at the expense of an additional spacing at the head-to-tape interface of the order of 20 nm. Two kinds of wear resistant coating are tested: diamond like carbon (DLC) and superprotective layer (SPL), 10 nm and 20 to 40 nm thick, respectively. DLC coating disappears within 100 hours due possibly to abrasive and fatigue wear. SPL coatings are generally more resistant, particularly at high temperature and low humidity, possibly in relation with stain transfer. 20 nm coatings are found to rely on the substrate wear behaviour whereas 40 nm coatings are found to rely on the adhesive strength at the coating/substrate interface. These observations seem to locate the wear-driving forces 40 nm below the surface, hence indicate that for coatings in the 10 nm thickness range-· i,e. compatible with high-density recording-the substrate resistance must be taken into account. Single-phase ceramic as candidate for wear-resistant tape-bearing surface are tested in form of full-contour dummy-heads. The absence of a second phase eliminates the preferential wear observed at the AI203-TiC surface; very low wear rates and no evidence of brittle fracture are observed.


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The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.


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The density of senile plaques (SP) and cellular neurofibrillary tabgles (NFT) revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains; and beta/A4 deposits revealed by immunocytochemical staining, was estimated in the hippocampus and adjacent gyri in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Stepwise multiple regression was used to detemine whether the density of cellular NFT was related to the density of SP or beta/A4 deposits totalled over the projection sites. Cellular NFT density was only weakly correlated with the density of Glees SP and beta/A4 deposits at some of the projection sites. However, beta/A4 deposit density in a tissue was strongly correlated with the density of beta/A4 deposits at the projection sites suggesting that the lesions could spread through the brain. Hence, although there is a strong correlation between the density of beta/A4 deposits in different parts of the hippocampal formation there is little association between SP or beta/A4 and cellular NFT. These results do not provide strong evidence that beta/A4 protein is the cause of the neuritc changes in AD.


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A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was carried out on the density of lesions revealed by different stains in a total of 47 brain regions from six elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim was to determine the relationships between the density of senile plaques (SP) revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains and A4 deposits and between the plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the same brain region. The analysis indicated that the populations of plaques revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains were closely related to the A4 protein deposits but none of the lesions were related to NFT. The data suggest: 1) that neocortical regions differ from the hippocampus in the relative development of A4 and NFT; the former having more A4 deposits and the latter more NFT and 2) that the processes that lead to the formation of SP and NFT occur independently of each other in the same brain region.