20 resultados para solvent extraction

em Aston University Research Archive


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This work follows a feasibility study (187) which suggested that a process for purifying wet-process phosphoric acid by solvent extraction should be economically viable. The work was divided into two main areas, (i) chemical and physical measurements on the three-phase system, with or without impurities; (ii) process simulation and optimization. The object was to test the process technically and economically and to optimise the type of solvent. The chemical equilibria and distribution curves for the system water - phosphoric acid - solvent for the solvents n-amyl alcohol, tri-n-butyl phosphate, di-isopropyl ether and methyl isobutyl ketone have been determined. Both pure phosphoric acid and acid containing known amounts of naturally occurring impurities (Fe P0 4 , A1P0 4 , Ca3(P04)Z and Mg 3(P0 4 )Z) were examined. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the systems were also studied. The experimental results obtained for drop size distribution were compared with those obtainable from Hinze's equation (32) and it was found that they deviated by an amount related to the turbulence. A comprehensive literature survey on the purification of wet-process phosphoric acid by organic solvents has been made. The literature regarding solvent extraction fundamentals and equipment and optimization methods for the envisaged process was also reviewed. A modified form of the Kremser-Brown and Souders equation to calculate the number of contact stages was derived. The modification takes into account the special nature of phosphoric acid distribution curves in the studied systems. The process flow-sheet was developed and simulated. Powell's direct search optimization method was selected in conjunction with the linear search algorithm of Davies, Swann and Campey. The objective function was defined as the total annual manufacturing cost and the program was employed to find the optimum operating conditions for anyone of the chosen solvents. The final results demonstrated the following order of feasibility to purify wet-process acid: di-isopropyl ether, methylisobutyl ketone, n-amyl alcohol and tri-n-butyl phosphate.


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This work investigated the purification of phosphoric acid using a suitable organic solvent, followed by re-extraction of the acid from the solvent using water. The work consisted of practical batch and continuous studies and the economics and design of a full scale plant, based on the experimental data. A comprehensive literature survey on the purification of wet process phosphoric acid by organic solvents is presented and the literature describing the design and operation of mixer-settlers has also been reviewed. In batch studies, the equilibrium and distribution curves for the systems water-phosphoric acid-solvent for Benzaldehyde, Cyclohexanol and Methylisobutylketone (MIBK) were determined together with hydrodynamic characteristics for both pure and impure systems. The settling time increased with acid concentration, but power input had no effect. Drop size was found to reduce with acid concentration and power input. For the continuous studies a novel horizontal mixer~settler cascade was designed, constructed and operated using pure and impure acid with MIBK as the solvent. The cascade incorporates three air turbine agitated, cylindrical 900 ml mixers, and three cylindrical 200 ml settlers with air-lift solvent interstage transfer. Mean drop size in the fully baffled mixer was correlated. Drop size distributions were log-normal and size decreased with acid concentration and power input and increased with dispersed phase hold-up. Phase inversion studies showed that the width of the ambivalent region depended upon rotor speed, hold-up and acid concentration. Settler characteristics were investigated by measuring wedge length. Distribution coefficients of impurities and acid were also investigated. The following optimum extraction conditions were found: initial acid concentration 63%, phase ratio of solvent to acid 1:1 (v/v), impeller speed recommended 900 r.p.m. In the washing step the maximum phase ratio of solvent to water was 8:1 (v/v). Work on phosphoric acid concentration involved constructing distillation equipment consisting of a 10& spherical still. A 100 T/d scale detailed process design including capital cost, operating cost and profitability was also completed. A profit model for phosphoric acid extraction was developed and maximised. Recommendations are made for both the application of the results to a practical design and for extensions of the study.


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The literature on the potential use of liquid ammonia as a solvent for the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from mixtures with paraffins, and the application of reflux, has been reviewed. Reference is made to extractors suited to this application. A pilot scale extraction plant was designed comprising a Scm. diameter by 12Scm. high, 50 stage Rotating Disc Contactor with 2 external settlers. Provision was made for operation with, or without, reflux at a pressure of 10 bar and ambient temperature. The solvent recovery unit consisted of an evaporator, compressor and condenser in a refrigeration cycle. Two systems were selected for study, Cumene-n-Heptane-Ammonia and Toluene-Methylcyclohexane-Ammonia. Equlibrium data for the first system was determined experimentally in a specially-designed, equilibrium bomb. A technique was developed to withdraw samples under pressure for analysis by chromatography and titration. The extraction plant was commissioned with a kerosine-water system; detailed operating procedures were developed based on a Hazard and Operability Study. Experimental runs were carried out with both ternary ammonia systems. With the system Toluene-Methylcyclohexane-Ammonia the extraction plant and the solvent recovery facility, operated satisfactorily, and safely,in accordance with the operating procedures. Experimental data gave reasonable agreement with theory. Recommendations are made for further work with plant.


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A study has been made of the dynamic behaviour of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant utilising pulsed solvent extraction columns. A flowsheet is presented and the choice of an extraction device is discussed. The plant is described by a series of modules each module representing an item of equipment. Each module consists of a series of differential equations describing the dynamic behaviour of the equipment. The model is written in PMSP, a language developed for dynamic simulation models. The differential equations are solved to predict plant behaviour with time. The dynamic response of the plant to a range of disturbances has been assessed. The interactions between pulsed columns have been demonstrated and illustrated. The importance of auxillary items of equipment to plant performance is demonstrated. Control of the reprocessing plant is considered and the effect of control parameters on performance assessed.


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This research was undertaken to: develop a process for the direct solvent extraction of castor oil seeds. A literature survey confirmed the desirability of establishing such a process with emphasis on the decortication, size, reduction, detoxification-deallergenization, and solvent·extraction operations. A novel process was developed for the dehulling of castor seeds which consists of pressurizing the beans and then suddenly releasing the pressure to vaccum. The degree of dehulling varied according to the pressure applied and the size of the beans. Some of the batches were difficult-to-hull, and this phenomenon was investigated using the scanning electron microscope and by thickness and compressive strength measurements. The other variables studied to lesser degrees included residence time, moisture, content, and temperature.The method was successfully extended to cocoa beans, and (with modifications) to peanuts. The possibility of continuous operation was looked into, and a mechanism was suggested to explain the method works. The work on toxins and allergens included an extensive literature survey on the properties of these substances and the methods developed for their deactivation Part of the work involved setting up an assay method for measuring their concentration in the beans and cake, but technical difficulties prevented the completion of this aspect of the project. An appraisal of the existing deactivation methods was made in the course of searching for new ones. A new method of reducing the size of oilseeds was introduced in this research; it involved freezing the beans in cardice and milling them in a coffee grinder, the method was found to be a quick, efficient, and reliable. An application of the freezing technique was successful in dehulling soybeans and de-skinning peanut kernels. The literature on the solvent extraction, of oilseeds, especially castor, was reviewed: The survey covered processes, equipment, solvents, and mechanism of leaching. three solvents were experimentally investigated: cyclohexane, ethanol, and acetone. Extraction with liquid ammonia and liquid butane was not effective under the conditions studied. Based on the results of the research a process has been suggested for the direct solvent extraction of castor seeds, the various sections of the process have analysed, and the factors affecting the economics of the process were discussed.


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Lipidome profile of fluids and tissues is a growing field as the role of lipids as signaling molecules is increasingly understood, relying on an effective and representative extraction of the lipids present. A number of solvent systems suitable for lipid extraction are commonly in use, though no comprehensive investigation of their effectiveness across multiple lipid classes has been carried out. To address this, human LDL from normolipidemic volunteers was used to evaluate five different solvent extraction protocols [Folch, Bligh and Dyer, acidified Bligh and Dyer, methanol (MeOH)-tert-butyl methyl ether (TBME), and hexane-isopropanol] and the extracted lipids were analyzed by LC-MS in a high-resolution instrument equipped with polarity switching. Overall, more than 350 different lipid species from 19 lipid subclasses were identified. Solvent composition had a small effect on the extraction of predominant lipid classes (triacylglycerides, cholesterol esters, and phosphatidylcholines). In contrast, extraction of less abundant lipids (phosphatidylinositols, lyso-lipids, ceramides, and cholesterol sulfates) was greatly influenced by the solvent system used. Overall, the Folch method was most effective for the extraction of a broad range of lipid classes in LDL, although the hexane-isopropanol method was best for apolar lipids and the MeOH-TBME method was suitable for lactosyl ceramides. Copyright © 2013 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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The primary objective of this research was to examine the concepts of the chemical modification of polymer blends by reactive processing using interlinking agents (multi-functional, activated vinyl compounds; trimethylolpropane triacrylates {TRIS} and divinylbenzene {DVD}) to target in-situ interpolymer formation between immiscible polymers in PS/EPDM blends via peroxide-initiated free radical reactions during melt mixing. From a comprehensive survey of previous studies of compatibility enhancement in polystyrene blends, it was recognised that reactive processing offers opportunities for technological success that have not yet been fully realised; learning from this study is expected to assist in the development and application of this potential. In an experimental-scale operation for the simultaneous melt blending and reactive processing of both polymers, involving manual injection of precise reactive agent/free radical initiator mixtures directly into molten polymer within an internal mixer, torque changes were distinct, quantifiable and rationalised by ongoing physical and chemical effects. EPDM content of PS/EPDM blends was the prime determinant of torque increases on addition of TRIS, itself liable to self-polymerisation at high additions, with little indication of PS reaction in initial reactively processed blends with TRIS, though blend compatibility, from visual assessment of morphology by SEM, was nevertheless improved. Suitable operating windows were defined for the optimisation of reactive blending, for use once routes to encourage PS reaction could be identified. The effectiveness of PS modification by reactive processing with interlinking agents was increased by the selection of process conditions to target specific reaction routes, assessed by spectroscopy (FT-IR and NMR) and thermal analysis (DSC) coupled dichloromethane extraction and fractionation of PS. Initiator concentration was crucial in balancing desired PS modification and interlinking agent self-polymerisation, most particularly with TRIS. Pre-addition of initiator to PS was beneficial in the enhancement of TRIS binding to PS and minimisation of modifier polymerisation; believed to arise from direct formation of polystyryl radicals for addition to active unsaturation in TRIS. DVB was found to be a "compatible" modifier for PS, but its efficacy was not quantified. Application of routes for PS reaction in PS/EPDM blends was successful for in-situ formation of interpolymer (shown by sequential solvent extraction combined with FT-IR and DSC analysis); the predominant outcome depending on the degree of reaction of each component, with optimum "between-phase" interpolymer formed under conditions selected for equalisation of differing component reactivities and avoidance of competitive processes. This was achieved for combined addition of TRIS+DVB at optimum initiator concentrations with initiator pre-addition to PS. Improvements in blend compatibility (by tensiles, SEM and thermal analysis) were shown in all cases with significant interpolymer formation, though physical benefits were not; morphology and other reactive effects were also important factors. Interpolymer from specific "between-phase" reaction of blend components and interlinking agent was vital for the realisation of positive performance on compatibilisation by the chemical modification of polymer blends by reactive processing.


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The organic matter in five oil shales (three from the Kimmeridge Clay sequence, one from the Oxford Clay sequence and one from the Julia Creek deposits in Australia) has been isolated by acid demineralisation, separated into kerogens and bitumens by solvent extraction and then characterised in some detail by chromatographic, spectroscopic and degradative techniques. Kerogens cannot be characterised as easily as bitumens because of their insolubility, and hence before any detailed molecular information can be obtained from them they must be degraded into lower molecular weight, more soluble components. Unfortunately, the determination of kerogen structures has all too often involved degradations that were far too harsh and which lead to destruction of much of the structural information. For this reason a number of milder more selective degradative procedures have been tested and used to probe the structure of kerogens. These are: 1. Lithium aluminium hydride reduction. - This procedure is commonly used to remove pyrite from kerogens and it may also increase their solubility by reduction of labile functional groups. Although reduction of the kerogens was confirmed, increases in solubility were correlated with pyrite content and not kerogen reduction. 2. O-methylation in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst. - By the removal of hydrogen bond interactions via O-methylation, it was possible to determine the contribution of such secondary interactions to the insolubility of the kerogens. Problems were encountered with the use of the phase transfer catalyst. 3. Stepwise alkaline potassium permanganate oxidation. - Significant kerogen dissolution was achieved using this procedure but uncontrolled oxidation of initial oxidation products proved to be a problem. A comparison with the peroxytrifluoroaceticacid oxidation of these kerogens was made. 4. Peroxytrifluoroacetic acid oxidation. - This was used because it preferentially degrades aromatic rings whilst leaving any benzylic positions intact. Considerable conversion of the kerogens into soluble products was achieved with this procedure. At all stages of degradation the products were fully characterised where possible using a variety of techniques including elemental analysis, solution state 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, gel-permeationchromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and some ultra violet-visible spectroscopy.


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Various monoacrylic compounds containing a hindered phenol function (e.g.3,5-di-tert.-butyl-4-hydroxy benzyl alcohol, DBBA and vinyl-3-[3',5'-di-tert.-butyl-4-hydroxy phenyl] propionate, VDBP), and a benzophenone function (2-hydroxy-4-[beta hydroxy ethoxy] benzophenone, HAEB) were synthesised and used as reactive antioxidants (AO's) for polypropylene (PP). These compounds were reacted with PP melt in the presence of low concentration of a free radical generator such a peroxide (reactive processing) to produce bound-antioxidant concentrates. The binding reaction of these AO's onto PP was found to be low and this was shown to be mainly due to competing reactions such as homopolymerisation of the antioxidant. At high concentrations of peroxide, higher binding efficiency resulted, but, this was accompanied by melt degradation of the polymer. In a special reactive processing procedure, a di- or a trifunctional reactant (referred to as coagent), e.g.tri-methylol propane tri-acrylate, Tris, and Divinyl benzene, DVB, were used with the antioxidant and this has led to an enhanced efficiency of the grating reaction of antioxidants on the polymer in the melt. The evidence suggests that this is due to copolymerisation of the antioxidants with the coagent as well as grafting of the copolymers onto the polymer backbone. Although the 'bound' AO's containing a UV stabilising function showed lower overall stabilisation effect than the unbound analogues before extraction, they were still much more effective when subjected to exhaustive solvent extraction. Furthermore, a very effective synergistic stabilising activity when two reactive AO's containing thermal and UV stabilising functions e.g. DBBA and HAEB, were reactively processed with PP in the presence of a coagent. The stabilising effectiveness of such a synergist was much higher than that of the unbound analogues both before and after extraction. Analysis using the GPC technique of concentrates containing bound-DBBA processed in the presence of Tris coagent showed higher molecular weight (Mn), compared to that of a polymer processed without the coagent, but was still lower than that of the control processed PP with no additives. This indicates that Tris coagent may inhibit further melt degradation of the polymer. Model reactions of DBBA in liquid hydrocarbon (decalin) and analysis of the products using FTIR and NMR spectroscopy showed the formation of grafted DBBA onto decalin molecules as well as homopolymerisation of the AO. In the presence of Tris coagent, copolymerisation of DBBA with the Tris inevitably occured; which was followed by grafting of the copolymer onto the decalin, FTIR and NMR results of the polymer concentrates containing bound-DBBA processed with and without Tris, showed similar behaviour as the above model reactions. This evidence supports the effect of Tris in enhancing the efficiency of the reaction of DBBA in the polymer melt. Reactive procesing of HAEB in polymer melts exhibited crosslinking formation In the early stages of the reaction, however, in the final stage, the crosslinked structure was 'broken down' or rearranged to give an almost gel free polymer with high antioxidant binding efficiency.


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m-Azidopyrimethamine ethanesulphonate salt (MZPES) is a new potent dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor designed to be both lipophilic and rapidly biodegradable. The drug is active against some methotrexate-refractory cell lines and against a broad spectrum of malignant cells in murine models. The pharmacokinetics of the drug were evaluated in the mouse, rat and man. A specific analytical method was developed to allow determination of MZP (the free base of MZPES) and its putative metabolite m-amino-pyrimethamine (MAP) in plasma, urine, faeces and tissues. Analytical methodology involved solvent extraction followed by reversed-phase ion-pair high pressure liquid chromatography. Mice were dosed at 10 and 20 mg/kg IP and 10 mg/kg PO. Absorption was rapid from both sites with a mean plasma elimination half-life of 4 hours. Oral bio-availability, relative to intraperitoneal injection, exceeded 95% in the mouse. MZP attained concentrations in mouse tissues 4 to 14 fold greater than those found in plasma and penetrated the blood-brain barrier effectively. Following intraperitoneal administration of MZP to the rat, the recovery of MZP and MAP in urine and faeces was 14% during 72 hours. MZPES was formulated for a phase I clinical evaluation as a 1% w/v aqueous solution and was administered by IV infusion in 5% dextrose over 1 hour. The drug obeyed 2-compartment kinetics with a central compartment volume of 27 litres and a volume of distribution of 118 litres. Plasma distribution and elimination half-lives were 0.27 and 34 hours respectively and plasma clearance was 7.5 L/hr. MZP was removed from plasma more rapidly than the prototypic lipophilic dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor metoprine (half-life 216 hours). The pharmacokinetics of MZPES showed no dose-dependency over the dose-range studied (27 to 460 mg/m2). The dose-limiting toxicity was nausea and vomiting. The short half-life of the drug should allow easy assessment of the optimum dose and schedule of administration.


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variety of hindered phenol and hindered piperidine antioxidants containing vinyl or vinylidine functional groups have been synthesised and some of these were successfully bound to Polypropylene backbone during processing operations in presence of a radical generator. Up to 20% concentrates were prepared using this technique. Commercially acceptable concentrates (MASTERBATCHES) can only be prepared with antioxidants that are only weakly chain breaking such as hindered piperidines. One of the antioxidants, AATP was found to polymrise as well as bind to Polypropylene. Bound antioxidants were found to be resistant to such channels of physical loss as solvent extraction. Temperature and concentration of the additive and radical generator were found to be important parameters in the preparation of the concentrates. The stabilising efficiences of the diluted bound antioxidants alone, and in combination (synergistic) with other antioxidants have been evaluated. Results of both thermal and photo-oxidative stabilities of the bound samples in Polypropylene show that the restriction on free mobility of the bound antioxidants in the polymer has virtually no effect on its stabilising efficiency. Bound AATP was found to generate nitroxyl radicals during the course of its stabilising activities, and in combination with a small amount of Irganox 1076, it was shown to be highly synergistic thermally. A mechanism of catalytic phenol regeneration by the resultant piperidine hydroxylamine was proposed. Although the mechanical properties of the masterbatches were affected by the transformation, this was not found to be carried over to the diluted samples. This work has shown that bound concentrates can be effectively prepared in saturated polymers for subsequent dilution to normal concentrates used in commercial stabilisation.


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This review covers the production and utilisation of liquids from the thermal processing of biomass and related materials to substitute for synthetic phenol and formaldehyde in phenol formaldehyde resins. These resins are primarily employed in the manufacture of wood panels such as plywood, MDF, particle-board and OSB. The most important thermal conversion methods for this purpose are fast pyrolysis and vacuum pyrolysis, pressure liquefaction and phenolysis. Many feedstocks have been tested for their suitability as sources of phenolics including hard and softwoods, bark and residual lignins. Resins have been prepared utilising either the whole liquid product, or a phenolics enriched fraction obtained after fractional condensation or further processing, such as solvent extraction. None of the phenolics production and fractionation techniques covered in this review are believed to allow substitution of 100% of the phenol content of the resin without impacting its effectiveness compared to commercial formulations based on petroleum derived phenol. This survey shows that considerable progress has been made towards reaching the goal of a price competitive renewable resin, but that further research is required to meet the twin challenges of low renewable resin cost and satisfactory quality requirements. Particular areas of concern are wood panel press times, variability of renewable resin properties, odour, lack of reactive sites compared to phenol and potential for increased emissions of volatile organic compounds.


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The 5-HT7 receptor is linked with various CNS disorders. Using an automated solution phase synthesis a combinatorial library of 384 N-substituted N-[1-methyl-3-(4-methylpiperidin-1-yl)propyl]-arylsulfonamides was prepared with 24 chemically diverse amines 1-24 and 16 sulfonyl chlorides A-P. The chemical library of alkylated sulfonamides was evaluated in a receptor binding assay with [3]H-5-CT as ligand. The key synthetic step was the alkylation of a sulfonamide with iodide E, which was prepared from butanediol in 4 synthetic steps. The target compounds 1A, 1B .....24A ... 24P were purified by solvent extraction on a Teacan liquid handling system. Sulfonamide J20, B23, D23, G23, G23, J23 , I24 and O24 displayed a binding affinity IC50 between 100 nM and 10 nM. The crystalline J20 (IC50=39 nM) and O24 (IC50=83 nM) were evaluated further in the despair swimming test and the tail suspension assay. A significant antidepressant activity was found in mice of a greater magnitude than imipramine and fluoxetine at low doses. © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The effect of the mild detemplation method, based on Fenton chemistry (with and without previous solvent extraction), and calcination was evaluated by the drug uptake capacity of SBA-15 materials. A number of characterization techniques were applied for evaluation and comparison of the materials properties such as TGA, CNH, N2 physisorption and 29Si NMR. The mild Fenton detemplation method rendered a nearly pristine SBA-15 without structural shrinkage, low residual template, improved surface area, pore volume and silanol concentration. The drug (ibuprofen) adsorption experiments were carried out by solution immersion in powdery form. The mild detemplated samples experienced an enhanced uptake that could be explained by the enhanced density of silanols (mmol/g), originated from the absence of calcination in the Fenton approaches. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.