4 resultados para short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs)

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis presents details on progress made in the fabrication and application of short and novel structure fibre Bragg gratings. The basic theoretical concepts of in-fibre Bragg gratings and photosensitive mechanisms are introduced together with an overview of fabrication methods and applications presented to date. The fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings using a quadrupled Nd:YAG laser is presented and some of the issues of grating fabrication using a fabrication using a phasemask are investigated, including the variation of the separation of the fibre and phasemask, and other alignment issues. A new apodisation technique is presented, enabling the production of gratings with a wide range of spectral profiles. The technique is used to investigate the design and fabrication of length limited fibre Bragg gratings for use in telecommunication systems as filters. Application to devices designed for use in WDM systems is presented. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as high spatial resolution distributed sensors is investigated. Grating sensing arrays comprising very short apodised gratings are demonstrated and Chirped Moiré gratings are implemented as distributed sensors achieving high spatial resolution with miniature point sensing sub-elements. A novel grating sensing element designed to imitate an interferometer is also presented. Finally, the behaviour of gratings fabricated in Boron-Germania-co-doped fibre is investigated, revealing atypical behaviour of the Bragg wavelength during ageing.


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This thesis presents a study of the chemical reactions that may occur at the fuel- clad interfaces of fuel elements used in advanced gas-coooled reactors (A.G.R.) The initial investigation involved a study of the inner surfaces of irradiated stainless steel clad and evidence was obtained to show that fission products, in particular tellerium, were associated with reaction products on these surfaces. An accelerated rate of oxidation was observed on the inner surfaces of a failed A.G.R. fuel pin. It is believed that fission product caesium was responsible for this enhancement. A fundamental study of the reaction between 20%Cr/25%Ni/niobium stabilised stainless steel and tellerium was then undertaken over the range 350 - 850 degrees C. Reaction occurred with increasing rapidity over this range and long term exposure at ≤ 750 degrees resulted in intergranular attack of the stainless steel and chromium depletion. The reaction on unoxidised steel surfaces involved the formation of an initial iron-nickel-tellerium layer which subsequently transformed to a chromium telluride product during continued exposure. The thermodynamic stabilities of the steel tellurides were determined to be chromium telluride > nickel telluride > iron telluride. Oxidation of the stainless steel surface prior to tellerium exposure inhibited the reaction. However reaction did occur in regions where the oxide layer had either cracked or spalled.


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Maintaining the structural health of prestressed concrete nuclear containments is a key element in ensuring nuclear reactors are capable of meeting their safety requirements. This paper discusses the attachment, fabrication and characterisation of optical fibre strain sensors suitable for the prestress monitoring of irradiated steel prestressing tendons. The all-metal fabrication and welding process allowed the instrumented strand to simultaneously monitor and apply stresses up to 1300 MPa (80% of steel's ultimate tensile strength). There were no adverse effects to the strand's mechanical properties or integrity. After sensor relaxation through cyclic stress treatment, strain transfer between the optical fibre sensors and the strand remained at 69%. The fibre strain sensors could also withstand the non-axial forces induced as the strand was deflected around a 4.5 m bend radius. Further development of this technology has the potential to augment current prestress monitoring practices, allowing distributed measurements of short- and long-term prestress losses in nuclear prestressed-concrete vessels. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific hypertensive syndrome that causes substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Recent evidence indicates that maternal endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia results from increased soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), a circulating antiangiogenic protein. Factors responsible for excessive production of sFlt-1 in preeclampsia have not been identified. We tested the hypothesis that angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor activating autoantibodies, which occur in women with preeclampsia, contribute to increased production of sFlt-1. IgG from women with preeclampsia stimulates the synthesis and secretion of sFlt-1 via AT1 receptor activation in pregnant mice, human placental villous explants, and human trophoblast cells. Using FK506 or short-interfering RNA targeted to the calcineurin catalytic subunit mRNA, we determined that calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells signaling functions downstream of the AT1 receptor to induce sFlt-1 synthesis and secretion by AT1-receptor activating autoantibodies. AT1-receptor activating autoantibody–induced sFlt-1 secretion resulted in inhibition of endothelial cell migration and capillary tube formation in vitro. Overall, our studies demonstrate that an autoantibody from women with preeclampsia induces sFlt-1 production via angiotensin receptor activation and downstream calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells signaling. These autoantibodies represent potentially important targets for diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.