4 resultados para sandstone reservoir

em Aston University Research Archive


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The Sherwood Sandstone Group forms an important aquifer in Eastern England, which in North Nottinghamshire comprises the Nottingham Castle and Lenton Sandstone Formations. The aquifer is formed by an alluvial red-bed sequence dominated by medium-coarse grained sandstones which are texturally immature to submature and have only been subjected to shallow burial diagenesis. These sandstones reached the mature stage of the meso diagenetic regime, and four stages are recognized in their diagenetic history depending upon the physical/chemical processes prevailing and the subsequent effect on porosity and permeability. Stage "One" represents changes including dissolution of unstable silicates, clay replacement, red colouration and precipitation of authigenic minerals (quartz, feldspar, illite, l/S, kaolinite, dolomite, ferroan calcite, calcite). The net result of these changes was porosity reduction. Stage "Two" included changes due to mechanical compaction which resulted in minor porosity reduction. Stage "Three" was the main phase of secondary porosity enhancement. Stage "Four" represents changes taking place in the present groundwater where porosity and permeability may have been increased by dissolution and partly reduced by kaolinite precipitation. Porosity measured by water-resaturation and Hg-injection gave average values of 25.63% and 24.85% respectively. The results are comparable and showed marked correlation especially in highly porous/permeable rocks. Porosity measurements from photomicrographs were markedly offset from laboratory results. Horizontal Kw ranged between 1.43 x 10-5 and 1.13 x 10-1 mm/sec, with an average of  1.68 x 10-2 mm/sec. The estimated KHg ranged between 7.29 x 10-6 and 6.99 x 10-2 mm/sec with an average of 1.47 x 10-2 mm/sec. Both results are significantly correlated for highly porous/permeable rocks. The hydraulic properties are highly dependent upon the diagenetic properties (as most of the pores present are of secondary origin) as well as the pore size distribution. The chemistry of these groundwaters indicates that they are under-saturated with respect to dolomite, calcite, K-feldspar, l/S clay, and montmorillonite. The precipitation of kaolinite,and to a lesser extent illite, is favoured in the present groundwater regime.


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Deflections of jets discharged into a reservoir with a free surface are investigated numerically. The jets are known to deflect towards either side of the free surface or the bottom, whose direction is not determined uniquely in some experimental conditions, i.e. there are multiple stable states realizable in the same condition. The origin of the multiple stable states is explored by utilizing homotopy transformations in which the top boundary of the reservoir is transformed from a rigid to a free boundary and also the location of the outlet throat is continuously moved from mid-height to the top. We depicted bifurcation diagrams of the flow compiling the data of numerical simulations, from which we identified the origin as an imperfect pitchfork bifurcation, and obtained an insight into the mechanism for the direction to be determined. The parameter region where such multiple stable states are possible is also delimited. © 2011 The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper presents the development of a modelling study for part of the Birmingham area. Restricted access and model resolutions have limited wide applications of some of the previously developed models. The study area covers approximately 221 km2, and is underlain geologically, by a multi-layer setup with varied hydraulic properties. The basal aquifer unit is the Kidderminster sandstone Formation, overlain by the Wildmoor and Bromsgrove sandstone Formations. The presence of the Birmingham fault which acts as low permeability barrier demarcates the eastern and southern boundaries. The western boundary is defined by the presence of crystallised rocks and coal measures, while a groundwater divide defines the northern boundary. The estimated recharge flux is 112 mm/yr. The ranges of calibrated values obtained for horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities are 5.787x10-6 - 2.315x10-5  m/s and 5.787x10-8  - 1.157x10-7  m/s, respectively. Corresponding values obtained for the specific yield and specific storage are 0.10 - 0.12, and 1x10 -4 - 5x10 -4. The calculated numerical error is generally much less than 0.1 %. Hydraulic layering within the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifer is thought to account for the large vertical anisotropy. Although, uncertainties are associated with the use of a simplistic delay approach to characterise the effects of the unsaturated zone, the modelled values are comparable with those obtained in the literature, and the flow pattern predictions appear to be realistic. © Research India Publications.