14 resultados para quantitative analysis

em Aston University Research Archive


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A dry matrix application for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) was used to profile the distribution of 4-bromophenyl-1,4-diazabicyclo(3.2.2)nonane-4-carboxylate, monohydrochloride (BDNC, SSR180711) in rat brain tissue sections. Matrix application involved applying layers of finely ground dry alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) to the surface of tissue sections thaw mounted onto MALDI targets. It was not possible to detect the drug when applying matrix in a standard aqueous-organic solvent solution. The drug was detected at higher concentrations in specific regions of the brain, particularly the white matter of the cerebellum. Pseudomultiple reaction monitoring imaging was used to validate that the observed distribution was the target compound. The semiquantitative data obtained from signal intensities in the imaging was confirmed by laser microdissection of specific regions of the brain directed by the imaging, followed by hydrophilic interaction chromatography in combination with a quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry method. This study illustrates that a dry matrix coating is a valuable and complementary matrix application method for analysis of small polar drugs and metabolites that can be used for semiquantitative analysis.


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The software underpinning today’s IT systems needs to adapt dynamically and predictably to rapid changes in system workload, environment and objectives. We describe a software framework that achieves such adaptiveness for IT systems whose components can be modelled as Markov chains. The framework comprises (i) an autonomic architecture that uses Markov-chain quantitative analysis to dynamically adjust the parameters of an IT system in line with its state, environment and objectives; and (ii) a method for developing instances of this architecture for real-world systems. Two case studies are presented that use the framework successfully for the dynamic power management of disk drives, and for the adaptive management of cluster availability within data centres, respectively.


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Objective: To study the density and cross-sectional area of axons in the optic nerve in elderly control subjects and in cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) using an image analysis system. Methods: Sections of optic nerves from control and AD patients were stained with toluidine blue to reveal axon profiles. Results: The density of axons was reduced in both the center and peripheral portions of the optic nerve in AD compared with control patients. Analysis of axons with different cross-sectional areas suggested a specific loss of the smaller sized axons in AD, i.e., those with areas less that 1.99 μm2. An analysis of axons >11 μm2 in cross-sectional area suggested no specific loss of the larger axons in this group of patients. Conclusions: The data suggest that image analysis provides an accurate and reproducible method of quantifying axons in the optic nerve. In addition, the data suggest that axons are lost throughout the optic nerve with a specific loss of the smaller-sized axons. Loss of the smaller axons may explain the deficits in color vision observed in a significant proportion of patients with AD.


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We have developed a new technique for extracting histological parameters from multi-spectral images of the ocular fundus. The new method uses a Monte Carlo simulation of the reflectance of the fundus to model how the spectral reflectance of the tissue varies with differing tissue histology. The model is parameterised by the concentrations of the five main absorbers found in the fundus: retinal haemoglobins, choroidal haemoglobins, choroidal melanin, RPE melanin and macular pigment. These parameters are shown to give rise to distinct variations in the tissue colouration. We use the results of the Monte Carlo simulations to construct an inverse model which maps tissue colouration onto the model parameters. This allows the concentration and distribution of the five main absorbers to be determined from suitable multi-spectral images. We propose the use of "image quotients" to allow this information to be extracted from uncalibrated image data. The filters used to acquire the images are selected to ensure a one-to-one mapping between model parameters and image quotients. To recover five model parameters uniquely, images must be acquired in six distinct spectral bands. Theoretical investigations suggest that retinal haemoglobins and macular pigment can be recovered with RMS errors of less than 10%. We present parametric maps showing the variation of these parameters across the posterior pole of the fundus. The results are in agreement with known tissue histology for normal healthy subjects. We also present an early result which suggests that, with further development, the technique could be used to successfully detect retinal haemorrhages.


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Abstract A new LIBS quantitative analysis method based on analytical line adaptive selection and Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) regression model is proposed. First, a scheme of adaptively selecting analytical line is put forward in order to overcome the drawback of high dependency on a priori knowledge. The candidate analytical lines are automatically selected based on the built-in characteristics of spectral lines, such as spectral intensity, wavelength and width at half height. The analytical lines which will be used as input variables of regression model are determined adaptively according to the samples for both training and testing. Second, an LIBS quantitative analysis method based on RVM is presented. The intensities of analytical lines and the elemental concentrations of certified standard samples are used to train the RVM regression model. The predicted elemental concentration analysis results will be given with a form of confidence interval of probabilistic distribution, which is helpful for evaluating the uncertainness contained in the measured spectra. Chromium concentration analysis experiments of 23 certified standard high-alloy steel samples have been carried out. The multiple correlation coefficient of the prediction was up to 98.85%, and the average relative error of the prediction was 4.01%. The experiment results showed that the proposed LIBS quantitative analysis method achieved better prediction accuracy and better modeling robustness compared with the methods based on partial least squares regression, artificial neural network and standard support vector machine.


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Data fluctuation in multiple measurements of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) greatly affects the accuracy of quantitative analysis. A new LIBS quantitative analysis method based on the Robust Least Squares Support Vector Machine (RLS-SVM) regression model is proposed. The usual way to enhance the analysis accuracy is to improve the quality and consistency of the emission signal, such as by averaging the spectral signals or spectrum standardization over a number of laser shots. The proposed method focuses more on how to enhance the robustness of the quantitative analysis regression model. The proposed RLS-SVM regression model originates from the Weighted Least Squares Support Vector Machine (WLS-SVM) but has an improved segmented weighting function and residual error calculation according to the statistical distribution of measured spectral data. Through the improved segmented weighting function, the information on the spectral data in the normal distribution will be retained in the regression model while the information on the outliers will be restrained or removed. Copper elemental concentration analysis experiments of 16 certified standard brass samples were carried out. The average value of relative standard deviation obtained from the RLS-SVM model was 3.06% and the root mean square error was 1.537%. The experimental results showed that the proposed method achieved better prediction accuracy and better modeling robustness compared with the quantitative analysis methods based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) and WLS-SVM. It was also demonstrated that the improved weighting function had better comprehensive performance in model robustness and convergence speed, compared with the four known weighting functions.


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Cloud computing is a new technological paradigm offering computing infrastructure, software and platforms as a pay-as-you-go, subscription-based service. Many potential customers of cloud services require essential cost assessments to be undertaken before transitioning to the cloud. Current assessment techniques are imprecise as they rely on simplified specifications of resource requirements that fail to account for probabilistic variations in usage. In this paper, we address these problems and propose a new probabilistic pattern modelling (PPM) approach to cloud costing and resource usage verification. Our approach is based on a concise expression of probabilistic resource usage patterns translated to Markov decision processes (MDPs). Key costing and usage queries are identified and expressed in a probabilistic variant of temporal logic and calculated to a high degree of precision using quantitative verification techniques. The PPM cost assessment approach has been implemented as a Java library and validated with a case study and scalability experiments. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Quantitative analysis of solid-state processes from isothermal microcalorimetric data is straightforward if data for the total process have been recorded and problematic (in the more likely case) when they have not. Data are usually plotted as a function of fraction reacted (α); for calorimetric data, this requires knowledge of the total heat change (Q) upon completion of the process. Determination of Q is difficult in cases where the process is fast (initial data missing) or slow (final data missing). Here we introduce several mathematical methods that allow the direct calculation of Q by selection of data points when only partial data are present, based on analysis with the Pérez-Maqueda model. All methods in addition allow direct determination of the reaction mechanism descriptors m and n and from this the rate constant, k. The validity of the methods is tested with the use of simulated calorimetric data, and we introduce a graphical method for generating solid-state power-time data. The methods are then applied to the crystallization of indomethacin from a glass. All methods correctly recovered the total reaction enthalpy (16.6 J) and suggested that the crystallization followed an Avrami model. The rate constants for crystallization were determined to be 3.98 × 10-6, 4.13 × 10-6, and 3.98 × 10 -6 s-1 with methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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A new surface analysis technique has been developed which has a number of benefits compared to conventional Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectrometry (LEISS). A major potential advantage arising from the absence of charge exchange complications is the possibility of quantification. The instrumentation that has been developed also offers the possibility of unique studies concerning the interaction between low energy ions and atoms and solid surfaces. From these studies it may also be possible, in principle, to generate sensitivity factors to quantify LEISS data. The instrumentation, which is referred to as a Time-of-Flight Fast Atom Scattering Spectrometer has been developed to investigate these conjecture in practice. The development, involved a number of modifications to an existing instrument, and allowed samples to be bombarded with a monoenergetic pulsed beam of either atoms or ions, and provided the capability to analyse the spectra of scattered atoms and ions separately. Further to this a system was designed and constructed to allow incident, exit and azimuthal angles of the particle beam to be varied independently. The key development was that of a pulsed, and mass filtered atom source; which was developed by a cyclic process of design, modelling and experimentation. Although it was possible to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the instrument, problems relating to surface contamination prevented the measurement of the neutralisation probabilities. However, these problems appear to be technical rather than scientific in nature, and could be readily resolved given the appropriate resources. Experimental spectra obtained from a number of samples demonstrate some fundamental differences between the scattered ion and neutral spectra. For practical non-ordered surfaces the ToF spectra are more complex than their LEISS counterparts. This is particularly true for helium scattering where it appears, in the absence of detailed computer simulation, that quantitative analysis is limited to ordered surfaces. Despite this limitation the ToFFASS instrument opens the way for quantitative analysis of the 'true' surface region to a wider range of surface materials.


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The conformational characteristics of poly(dimethylsilmethylene), poly(dimethylsilethene), poly(dimethylsilethane) and a related material, poly(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxa-2,5-disilapentane), have been investigated using the method of molecular mechanics. In this method, a quantitative analysis of the factors affecting the nature and magnitude of the bond rotation potentials governing their conformational behaviour has been undertaken. Along with their structural data, the results obtained were employed to calculate a variety of conformationally-dependent properties for these polymers, including the characteristic ratio, the dipole moment ratio and the mean-square radius of gyration. In addition, the dielectric relaxation behaviour of two samples of poly(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxa-2,5-disilapentane) with molar masses Mw = 28000 and Mw = 46000 respectively, have been studied as a function of temperature (179K-205K) and frequency (100-105Hz). Activation energies for the α-relaxation process and Davidson-Cole empirical distribution factors have been calculated.


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This work concerns the developnent of a proton irduced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis system and a multi-sample scattering chamber facility. The characteristics of the beam pulsing system and its counting rate capabilities were evaluated by observing the ion-induced X-ray emission from pure thick copper targets, with and without beam pulsing operation. The characteristic X-rays were detected with a high resolution Si(Li) detector coupled to a rrulti-channel analyser. The removal of the pile-up continuum by the use of the on-demand beam pulsing is clearly demonstrated in this work. This new on-demand pu1sirg system with its counting rate capability of 25, 18 and 10 kPPS corresponding to 2, 4 am 8 usec main amplifier time constant respectively enables thick targets to be analysed more readily. Reproducibility tests of the on-demard beam pulsing system operation were checked by repeated measurements of the system throughput curves, with and without beam pulsing. The reproducibility of the analysis performed using this system was also checked by repeated measurements of the intensity ratios from a number of standard binary alloys during the experimental work. A computer programme has been developed to evaluate the calculations of the X-ray yields from thick targets bornbarded by protons, taking into account the secondary X-ray yield production due to characteristic X-ray fluorescence from an element energetically higher than the absorption edge energy of the other element present in the target. This effect was studied on metallic binary alloys such as Fe/Ni and Cr/Fe. The quantitative analysis of Fe/Ni and Cr/Fe alloy samples to determine their elemental composition taking into account the enhancement has been demonstrated in this work. Furthermore, the usefulness of the Rutherford backscattering (R.B.S.) technique to obtain the depth profiles of the elements in the upper micron of the sample is discussed.


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In this paper we present the design and analysis of an intonation model for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis applications using a combination of Relational Tree (RT) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) technologies. The model is demonstrated using the Standard Yorùbá (SY) language. In the proposed intonation model, phonological information extracted from text is converted into an RT. RT is a sophisticated data structure that represents the peaks and valleys as well as the spatial structure of a waveform symbolically in the form of trees. An initial approximation to the RT, called Skeletal Tree (ST), is first generated algorithmically. The exact numerical values of the peaks and valleys on the ST is then computed using FL. Quantitative analysis of the result gives RMSE of 0.56 and 0.71 for peak and valley respectively. Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) of 9.5 and 6.8, on a scale of 1 - -10, was obtained for intelligibility and naturalness respectively.


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Human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) therapies have the potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry and replicate the success of the therapeutic protein industry; however, for this to be achieved there is a need to apply key bioprocessing engineering principles and adopt a quantitative approach for large-scale reproducible hMSC bioprocess development. Here we provide a quantitative analysis of the changes in concentration of glucose, lactate and ammonium with time during hMSC monolayer culture over 4 passages, under 100% and 20% dissolved oxgen (dO2), where either a 100%, 50% or 0% growth medium exchange was performed after 72h in culture. Yield coefficients, specific growth rates (h-1) and doubling times (h) were calculated for all cases. The 100% dO2 flasks outperformed the 20% dO2 flasks with respect to cumulative cell number, with the latter consuming more glucose and producing more lactate and ammonium. Furthermore, the 100% and 50% medium exchange conditions resulted in similar cumulative cell numbers, whilst the 0% conditions were significantly lower. Cell immunophenotype and multipotency were not affected by the experimental culture conditions. This study demonstrates the importance of determining optimal culture conditions for hMSC expansion and highlights a potential cost savings from only making a 50% medium exchange, which may prove significant for large-scale bioprocessing. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.