20 resultados para protein levels

em Aston University Research Archive


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Vascular monocyte retention in the subintima is pivotal to the development of cardiovascular disease and is facilitated by up-regulation of adhesion molecules on monocytes/endothelial cells during oxidative stress. Epidemiological studies have shown that cardiovascular disease risk is inversely proportional to plasma levels of the dietary micronutrients, vitamin C and vitamin E (α-tocopherol). We have tested the hypothesis that α-tocopherol supplementation may alter endothelial/monocyte function and interaction in subjects with normal ascorbate levels (> 50 μM), as ascorbate has been shown to regenerate tocopherol from its oxidised tocopheroxyl radical form in vitro. Healthy male subjects received α-tocopherol supplements (400 IU RRR-α-tocopherol /day for 6 weeks) in a placebo-controlled, double-blind intervention study. There were no significant differences in monocyte CD11b expression, monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, plasma C-reactive protein or sICAM- 1 concentrations post-supplementation. There was no evidence for nuclear translocation of NF-κB in isolated resting monocytes, nor any effect of α-tocopherol supplementation. However, post-supplementation, sVCAM-1 levels were decreased in all subjects and sE-selectin levels were increased in the vitamin C-replete group only; a weak positive correlation was observed between sE-selectin and α-tocopherol concentration. In conclusion, α-tocopherol supplementation had little effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy subjects and the effects of tocopherol were not consistently affected by plasma vitamin C concentration. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.


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Background: To investigate factors responsible for muscle loss in cachexia changes in nucleic acid and protein levels have been determined and compared with those induced by a tumour-produced cachectic factor, proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). Materials and Methods: Mice were transplanted with the MAC16 tumour, while non-tumour bearing mice received PIF (1.5 mg/kg; i.v.) over a 24 h period. Results: There was an exponential decrease in RNA and protein in gastrocnemius muscle with weight loss without an effect on the DNA content. Levels of myosin followed the decrease in total protein, while actin levels remained constant. There was also a significant loss of protein from soleus muscle and spleen, but not from heart, liver and kidney. PIF also produced a significant loss of RNA and protein in spleen and reduced the protein content of soleus muscle. Conclusion: This suggests that PIF may be responsible for changes in protein and RNA content of tissues with the development of cachexia.


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Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) is a physiologic inhibitor of c-RAF kinase and nuclear factor ?B signaling that represses tumor invasion and metastasis. Glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK3ß) suppresses tumor progression by downregulating multiple oncogenic pathways including Wnt signaling and cyclin D1 activation. Here, we show that RKIP binds GSK3 proteins and maintains GSK3ß protein levels and its active form. Depletion of RKIP augments oxidative stress-mediated activation of the p38 mitogen activated protein kinase, which, in turn, inactivates GSK3ß by phosphorylating it at the inhibitory T390 residue. This pathway de-represses GSK3ß inhibition of oncogenic substrates causing stabilization of cyclin D, which induces cell-cycle progression and ß-catenin, SNAIL, and SLUG, which promote epithelial to mesenchymal transition. RKIP levels in human colorectal cancer positively correlate with GSK3ß expression. These findings reveal the RKIP/GSK3 axis as both a potential therapeutic target and a prognosis-based predictor of cancer progression.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is considered to be the major receptor for tumour promoting phorbol esters such as 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). These agents evoke a plethora of biological effects on cells in culture. The growth of A549 human lung carcinoma cells maintained in medium fortified with 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) is arrested for 6 days by TPA and other biologically active phorbol esters. In the work described in this thesis, the hypothesis was tested that modulation of PKC activity is closely related to events pivotal for cytostasis to occur. The effect of several phorbol esters, of newly synthesized analogues of diacylglycerols (DAG) and of bryostatins (bryos) on cell growth and ability to modulate activity of PKC has been investigated.Determination of the subcellular distribution of PKC following treatment of cells with TPA and partial enzyme purification by non-denaturing poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed translocation of enzyme activity from cytosoUc to paniculate fraction. Chronic exposure of cells to TPA resulted in a time and concentration dependent degradation of enzyme activity. Synthetic DAG and DAG analogues, unable to arrest the growth of cells at non-toxic concentrations, were neither able to affect subcellular PKC distribution nor compete effectively for phorbol ester binding sites at physiologically relevant concentrations. Bryos 1,2,4 and 5, natural products, possessing antineoplastic activity in mice, elicited transient arrest of A549 cell growth in vitro. They successfully competed for phorbol ester receptors in A549 cells with exquisite affinity and induced a shift in sub-cellular PKC distribution, though not to the same extent as PTA. Enzyme down-regulation resulted from prolonged exposure of cells to nanomolar concentrations of bryos. In vivo studies demonstrated that neither PDBu nor bryo 1 was able to inhibit A549 xenograft growth in athymic mice. The growth of A549 cell populations cultured under conditions of serum-deprivation was inhibited only transiently by biologically active phorbol esters. Fortification of serum-free medium with EGF or fetuin was able to partially restore sensitivity to maintained growth arrest by PTA. PKC translocation to the paniculate cellular fraction and subsequent enzyme down-regulation, induced by TPA, occurred in a manner similar to that observed in serum-supplemented cells. However, total PKC activity and cytosolic phorbol ester binding potential were greatly reduced in the serum-deprived cell population. Western blot analysis using monospecific monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of PKC-a in both A549 cell populations, with significantly reduced protein levels in serum- deprived cells. PKC-/9 was not detected in either cell population.


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Ceramide (a sphingolipid) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are each partly responsible for the intracellular signal transduction of a variety of physiological, pharmacological or environmental agents. It has been reported that synthesis of ceramide and ROS are intimately linked, and show reciprocal regulation. The levels of ceramide are reported to be elevated in atherosclerotic plaques providing circumstantial evidence for a pro-atherogenic role for ceramide. Indeed, LDL may be important sources of ceramide from sphingomyelin, where it promotes LDL aggregation. Using synthetic, short chain ceramides to mimic the cellular responses to fluctuations in natural endogenous ceramides, we have investigated ceramide effects on both intracellular redox state (as glutathione and ROS) and redox-sensitive gene expression, specifically the scavenger receptor CD36 (using RT-PCR and flow cytometry), in U937 monocytes and macrophages. We describe that the principal redox altering properties of ceramide are to lower cytosolic peroxide and to increase mitochondrial ROS formation, where growth arrest of U937 monocytes is also observed. In addition, cellular glutathione was depleted, which was independent of an increase in glutathione peroxidase activity. Examination of the effects of ceramide on stress induced CD36 expression in macrophages, revealed a dose dependent reduction in CD36 mRNA and protein levels, which was mimicked by N-acetyl cysteine. Taken together, these data suggest that ceramides differentially affect ROS within different cellular compartments, and that loss of cytosolic peroxide inhibits expression of the redox sensitive gene, CD36. This may attenuate both the uptake of oxidised LDL and the interaction of HDL with macrophages. The resulting sequelae in vivo remain to be determined.


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Loss of skeletal muscle is a major factor in the poor survival of patients with cancer cachexia. This study examines the mechanism of catabolism of skeletal muscle by a tumour product, proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). Intravenous administration of PIF to normal mice produced a rapid decrease in body weight (1.55 ± 0.12 g in 24 h) that was accompanied by increased mRNA levels for ubiquitin, the Mr 14 000 ubiquitin carrier-protein, E2, and the C9 proteasome subunit in gastrocnemius muscle. There was also increased protein levels of the 20S proteasome core and 19S regulatory subunit, detectable by immunoblotting, suggesting activation of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway. An increased protein catabolism was also seen in C2C12 myoblasts within 24 h of PIF addition with a bell-shaped dose-response curve and a maximal effect at 2-4 nM. The enhanced protein degradation was attenuated by anti-PIF antibody and by the proteasome inhibitors MG115 and lactacystin. Glycerol gradient analysis of proteasomes from PIF-treated cells showed an elevation in chymotrypsin-like activity, while Western analysis showed a dose-related increase in expression of MSSI, an ATPase that is a regulatory subunit of the proteasome, with a dose-response curve similar to that for protein degradation. These results confirm that PIF acts directly to stimulate the proteasome pathway in muscle cells and may play a pivotal role in protein catabolism in cancer cachexia. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) can induce post-translational modification of proteins, resulting in protein cross-linking or incorporation of polyamines into substrates, and can also function as a signal transducing G protein. The role of TG2 in the formation of insoluble cross-links has led to its implication in some neurodegenerative conditions. Exposure of pre-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells to the Parkinsonian neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) resulted in significant dose-dependent reductions in TG2 protein levels, measured by probing Western blots with a TG2-specific antibody. Transglutaminase (TG) transamidating activity, on the other hand, monitored by incorporation of a polyamine pseudo-substrate into cellular proteins, was increased. Inhibitors of TG (putrescine) and TG2 (R283) exacerbated MPP+ toxicity, suggesting that activation of TG2 may promote a survival response in this toxicity paradigm.


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Muscle protein degradation is thought to play a major role in muscle atrophy in cancer cachexia. To investigate the importance of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, which has been suggested to be the main degradative pathway mediating progressive protein loss in cachexia, the expression of mRNA for proteasome subunits C2 and C5 as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E2(14k), has been determined in gastrocnemius and pectoral muscles of mice bearing the MAC16 adenocarcinoma, using competitive quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Protein levels of proteasome subunits and E2(14k) were determined by immunoblotting, to ensure changes in mRNA were reflected in changes in protein expression. Muscle weights correlated linearly with weight loss during the course of the study. There was a good correlation between expression of C2 and E2(14k) mRNA and protein levels in gastrocnemius muscle with increases of 6-8-fold for C2 and two-fold for E2(14k) between 12 and 20% weight loss, followed by a decrease in expression at weight losses of 25-27%, although loss of muscle protein continued. In contrast, expression of C5 mRNA only increased two-fold and was elevated similarly at all weight losses between 7.5 and 27%. Both proteasome functional activity, and proteasome-specific tyrosine release as a measure of total protein degradation was also maximal at 18-20% weight loss and decreased at higher weight loss. Proteasome expression in pectoral muscle followed a different pattern with increases in C2 and C5 and E2(14k) mRNA only being seen at weight losses above 17%, although muscle loss increased progressively with increasing weight loss. These results suggest that activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway plays a major role in protein loss in gastrocnemius muscle, up to 20% weight loss, but that other factors such as depression in protein synthesis may play a more important role at higher weight loss. © 2005 Cancer Research.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a malignant brain tumour for which there is currently no effective treatment regime. It is thought to develop due to the overexpression of a number of genes, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is found in over 40% of GBM. Novel forms of treatment such as antisense therapy may allow for the specific inhibition of aberrant genes and thus they are optimistic therapies for future treatment of GBM. Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) are small pieces of DNA that are often modified to increase their stability to nucleases and can be targeted to the aberrant gene in order to inhibit it and thus prevent its transcription into protein. By specifically binding to mRNA in an antisense manner, they can bring about its degradation by a variety of mechanisms including the activation of RNase H and thus have great potential as therapeutic agents. One of the main drawbacks to the utilisation of this therapy so far is the lack of techniques that can successfully predict accessible regions on the target mRNA that the ODNs can bind to. DNA chip technology has been utilised here to predict target sequences on the EGFR mRNA and these ODNs (AS 1 and AS2) have been tested in vitro for their stability, uptake into cells and their efficacy on cellular growth, EGFR protein and mRNA. Studies showed that phosphorothioate and 2'O-methyl ODNs were significantly more stable than phosphodiester ODNs both in serum and serum-free conditions and that the mechanism of uptake into A431 cells was temperature dependent and more efficient with the use of optimised lipofectin. Efficacy results show that AS 1 and AS2 phosphorothioate antisense ODNs were capable of inhibiting cell proliferation by 69% ±4% and 65% ±4.5% respectively at 500nM in conjunction with a non-toxic dose of lipofectinTM used to enhance cellular delivery. Furthermore, control ODN sequences, 2' O-methyl derivatives and a third ODN sequence, that was found not to be capable of binding efficiently to the EGFR mRNA by DNA chip technology, showed no significant effect on cell proliferation. AS 1 almost completely inhibited EGFR protein levels within 48 hours with two doses of 500nM AS 1 with no effect on other EGFR family member proteins or by control sequences. RNA analysis showed a decrease in mRNA levels of 32.4% ±0.8% but techniques require further optimisation to confirm this. As there are variations found between human glioblastoma in situ and those developed as xenografts, analysis of effect of AS 1 and AS2 was performed on primary tumour cell lines derived from glioma patients. ODN treatment showed a specific knockdown of cell growth compared to any of the controls used. Furthermore, combination therapies were tested on A431 cell growth to determine the advantage of combining different antisense approaches and that of conventional drugs. Results varied between the combination treatments but indicated that with optimisation of treatment regimes and delivery techniques that combination therapies utilising antisense therapies would be plausible.


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Endogenous glucocorticoids and serotonin have been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. This thesis investigates the potential of downregulating expression of central Type II glucocorticoid receptors (GR) both in vitro and in vivo, with empirically-designed antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), to characterise GR modulation of 5-HT2A receptor expression using quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot analysis and radioligand binding. The functional consequence of GR downregulation is also determined by measuring 1-(2,5-dimethoxy 4-iodophenyl)-2-amino propane hydrochloride (DOI) mediated 5-HT2A receptor specific headshakes. Using a library of random antisense ODN probes, RNAse H accessibility mapping of T7-primed, in vitro transcribed GR mRNA revealed several potential cleavage sites and identified an optimally effect GR antisense ODN sequence of 21-mer length (GRAS5). In vitro efficacy studies using rat C6 glioma cells showed a 56% downregulation in GR mRNA levels and 80% downregulation in GR protein levels. In the same cells a 29% upregulation in 5-HT2A mRNA levels and 32% upregulation in 5-HT2A protein levels was revealed. This confirmed the optimal nature of the GRAS5 sequence to produce marked inhibition of GR gene expression, and also revealed GR modulation of the 50-HT2A receptor subtype in C6 glioma cells to be a tonic repression of receptor expression. The distribution of a fluorescently-labelled GRAS5 ODN was detected in diverse areas of the rat brain after single ICV administration, although this fluorescence signal was not sustained over a period of 5 days. However, fluorescently-labelled GRAS5 ODN, when formulated in polymer microspheres, showed diverse distribution in the brain which was maintained for 5 days following a single ICV administration. This produced no apparent neurotoxic effects on rat behaviour and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis homeostasis. Furthermore, a single polymer microsphere injection ICV proved to be an effective means of delivering antisense ODNs and this was adopted for the in vivo efficacy studies. In vivo characterisation of GRAS5 revealed marked downregulation of GR mRNA in rat brain regions such as the frontal cortex (26%), hippocampus (35%), and hypothalamus (39%). Downregulation of GR protein was also revealed in frontal cortex (67%), hippocampus (76%), and hypothalamus (80%). In the same animals upregulation of 5-HT2A mRNA levels was shown in frontal cortex (13%), hippocampus (7%), and hypothalamus (5%) while upregulation in 5-HT2A protein levels was shown in frontal cortex (21 %). This upregulation in 5-HT2A receptor density as a result of antisense-mediated inhibition of GR was further confirmed by a 55% increase in DOl-mediated 5-HT2A receptor specific headshakes. These results demonstrate that GR is involved in tonic inhibitory regulation of 5-HT2A receptor expression and function in vivo, thus providing the potential to control 5-HT2A-linked disorders through corticosteroid manipulation. These experiments have therefore established an antisense approach which can be used to investigate pharmacological characteristics of receptors.


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Regular aspirin intake is associated with a reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer. Aspirin has been shown to be cytotoxic to colorectal cancer cells in vitro. The molecular basis for this cytotoxicity is controversial, with a number of competing hypotheses in circulation. One suggestion is that the protective effect is related to the induction of expression of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins hMLH1, hMSH2, hMSH6 and hPMS2 in DNA MMR proficient cells. We report that treatment of the DNA MMR competent/p53 mutant colorectal cancer cell line SW480 with 1 mM aspirin for 48 h caused changes in mRNA expression of several key genes involved in DNA damage signalling pathways, including a significant down-regulation in transcription of the genes ATR, BRCA1 and MAPK12. Increases in the transcription of XRCC3 and GADD45alpha genes are also reported. Regulation of these genes could potentially have profound effects on colorectal cancer cells and may play a role in the observed chemo-protective effect of aspirin in vivo. Although a correlation was not seen between transcript and protein levels of ATR, BRCA1 and GADD45alpha, an increase in XRCC3 encoded protein expression upon aspirin treatment in SW480 cells was observed by immunoblotting, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical analysis. This is the first report of XRCC3 gene transcription and encoded protein expression being susceptible to exposure to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, aspirin. Furthermore, this study indicates that alterations in gene transcription seen in microarray studies must be verified at the protein level.


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Context: Genetic, neuroimaging, and molecular neurobiological evidence support the hypothesis that the disconnectivity syndrome in schizophrenia (SZ) could arise from failures of saltatory conduction and abnormalities at the nodes of Ranvier (NOR) interface where myelin and axons interact. Objective: To identify abnormalities in the expression of oligodendroglial genes and proteins that participate in the formation, maintenance, and integrity of the NOR in SZ. Design: The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of multiple NOR genes were quantified in 2 independent postmortem brain cohorts of individuals with SZ, and generalizability to protein expression was confirmed. The effect of the ANK3 genotype on the mRNA expression level was tested in postmortem human brain. Case-control analysis tested the association of the ANK3 genotype with SZ. The ANK3 genotype's influence on cognitive task performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging activation was tested in 2 independent cohorts of healthy individuals. Setting: Research hospital. Patients: Postmortem samples from patients with SZ and healthy controls were used for the brain expression study (n=46) and the case-control analysis (n=272). Healthy white men and women participated in the cognitive (n=513) and neuroimaging (n=52) studies. Main Outcome Measures: The mRNA and protein levels in postmortem brain samples, genetic association with schizophrenia, cognitive performance, and blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The mRNA expression of multiple NOR genes was decreased in schizophrenia. The ANK3 rs9804190 C allele was associated with lower ANK3 mRNA expression levels, higher risk for SZ in the case-control cohort, and poorer working memory and executive function performance and increased prefrontal activation during a working memory task in healthy individuals. Conclusions: These results point to abnormalities in the expression of genes and protein associated with the integrity of the NOR and suggest them as substrates for the disconnectivity syndrome in SZ. The association of ANK3 with lower brain mRNA expression levels implicates a molecular mechanism for its genetic, clinical, and cognitive associations with SZ. ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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Zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG), a 43-kDa protein, is overexpressed in certain human malignant tumors and acts as a lipid-mobilizing factor to stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes leading to cachexia in mice implanted with ZAG-producing tumors. Because white adipose tissue (WAT) is an endocrine organ secreting a wide range of protein factors, including those involved in lipid metabolism, we have investigated whether ZAG is produced locally by adipocytes. ZAG mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in the mouse WAT depots examined (epididymal, perirenal, s.c., and mammary gland) and in interscapular brown fat. In WAT, ZAG gene expression was evident in mature adipocytes and in stromal-vascular cells. Using a ZAG Ab, ZAG protein was located in WAT by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Mice bearing the MAC16-tumor displayed substantial losses of body weight and fat mass, which was accompanied by major increases in ZAG mRNA and protein levels in WAT and brown fat. ZAG mRNA was detected in 3T3-L1 cells, before and after the induction of differentiation, with the level increasing progressively after differentiation with a peak at days 8-10. Both dexamethasone and a β 3 agonist, BRL 37344, increased ZAG mRNA levels in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. ZAG gene expression and protein were also detected in human adipose tissue (visceral and s.c.). It is suggested that ZAG is a new adipose tissue protein factor, which may be involved in the modulation of lipolysis in adipocytes. Overexpression in WAT of tumor-bearing mice suggests a local role for adipocyte-derived ZAG in the substantial reduction of adiposity of cancer cachexia.


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The abnormalities of lipid metabolism observed in cancer cachexia may be induced by a lipid-mobilizing factor produced by adenocarcinomas. The specific molecules and metabolic pathways that mediate the actions of lipid-mobilizing factor are not known. The mitochondrial uncoupling proteins-1, -2 and -3 are suggested to play essential roles in energy dissipation and disposal of excess lipid. Here, we studied the effects of lipid-mobilizing factor on the expression of uncoupling proteins-1, -2 and -3 in normal mice. Lipid-mobilizing factor isolated from the urine of cancer patients was injected intravenously into mice over a 52-h period, while vehicle was similarly given to controls. Lipid-mobilizing factor caused significant reductions in body weight (-10%, P=0.03) and fat mass (-20%, P<0.01) accompanied by a marked decrease in plasma leptin (-59%, P<0.01) and heavy lipid deposition in the liver. In brown adipose tissue, uncoupling protein-1 mRNA levels were elevated in lipid-mobilizing factor-treated mice (+96%, P<0.01), as were uncoupling proteins-2 and -3 (+57% and +37%, both P<0.05). Lipid-mobilizing factor increased uncoupling protein-2 mRNA in both skeletal muscle (+146%, P<0.05) and liver (+142%, P=0.03). The protein levels of uncoupling protein-1 in brown adipose tissue and uncoupling protein-2 in liver were also increased with lipid-mobilizing factor administration (+49% and +67%, both P=0.02). Upregulation by lipid-mobilizing factor of uncoupling proteins-1, -2 and -3 in brown adipose tissue, and of uncoupling protein-2 in skeletal muscle and liver, suggests that these uncoupling proteins may serve to utilize excess lipid mobilized during fat catabolism in cancer cachexia.


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Objective - The purpose of this study was to assess cardiac function and cell damage in intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) fetuses across clinical Doppler stages of deterioration. Study Design - One hundred twenty appropriate-for-gestational-age and 81 IUGR fetuses were classified in stages 1/2/3 according umbilical artery present/absent/reversed end-diastolic blood flow, respectively. Cardiac function was assessed by modified-myocardial performance index, early-to-late diastolic filling ratios, cardiac output, and cord blood B-type natriuretic peptide; myocardial cell damage was assessed by heart fatty acid–binding protein, troponin-I, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Results - Modified-myocardial performance index, blood B-type natriuretic peptide, and early-to-late diastolic filling ratios were increased in a stage-dependent manner in IUGR fetuses, compared with appropriate-for-gestational-age fetuses. Heart fatty acid–binding protein levels were higher in IUGR fetuses at stage 3, compared with control fetuses. Cardiac output, troponin-I, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein did not increase in IUGR fetuses at any stage. Conclusion - IUGR fetuses showed signs of cardiac dysfunction from early stages. Cardiac dysfunction deteriorates further with the progression of fetal compromise, together with the appearance of biochemical signs of cell damage.