11 resultados para prodrugs

em Aston University Research Archive


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Clinical trials have shown temozolomide to be an effective agent for treatment of malignant melanoma. In order to investigate its suitability for delivery via the skin, a series of temozolomide esters was synthesized as prodrugs. In vitro assays demonstrated temozolomide, temozolomide acid and the hexyl ester equi-effective against selected cancer cell lines. The susceptibility of the esters to enzyme hydrolysis and their effectiveness for application to the skin were investigated. The esters effectively diffuse through rat skin and the hexyl ester demonstrated profound potency for penetrating through skin. Topical application of 5% (w/v) hexyl ester in DMSO solution on a mouse model demonstrated a significant inhibition of tumor growth. These results suggest that temozolomide esters could be an effective alternative to temozolomide in the treatment of skin cancer. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphonoformate and phosphonoacetate are effective antiviral agents, however they are charged at physiological pH and as such penetration into cells and diffusion across the blood-brain bamer is limited. In an attempt to increase the lipophilicity and improve the transport properties of these molecules, prodrugs were synthesised and their stabilities and reconversion to the parent compound subsequently investigated by the techniques of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high performance liquid Chromatography. A series of 4-substituted dibenzyl (methoxycarbonyl)phosphonates were prepared and found to be hydrolytically unstable giving predominantly the diesters, benzyl (methoxycarbonyl)phosphonates. This instability arose from the electron-withdrawing effect of the carbonyl group promoting nucleophilic attack at phosphorus. It was possible to influence the mechanism and, to some extent, the rate of hydrolysis of the phosphonoformate triesters to the diesters by varying the electronic nature of the substituent in the 4-position of the aromatic ring. Strongly electron-withdrawing groups increased the sensitivity of phosphorus to nucleophilic attack, thus promoting P-O .bond cleavage and rapid hydrolysis. Conversely, weakly electron-withdrawing substituents encouraged C-O bond fission, presumably through resonance stabilisation of the benzyl carbonium ion. The loss of the protecting group on phosphorus was in competition with nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl group, resulting in P-C bond cleavage with dibenzyl phosphite formation. The high instability and P-C bond fission make triesters unsuitable prodrug forms of phosphonoformate. A range of chemically stable triesters of phosphonoacetate were synthesised and their bioactivation investigated. Di(benzoyloxymethyl) (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonates degraded to the relevant benzoyloxymethyl (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonate in the presence of esterase. The enzymatic activation was restricted to the removal of only one protecting group from phosphorus, most likely due to the close proximity of the benzoyloxy ester function to the anionic charge on the diester. However, in similar systems di(4-alkanoyloxybenzyl) (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonates degraded in the presence of esterase with the loss of both protecting groups on phosphorus to give the monoester, (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonate, via the intermediary of the unstable 4-hydroxy benzyl esters. The methoxycarbonyl function remained intact. The rate of enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent removal of the protecting groups on phosphorus was dependent on the nature of the alkanoyl group and was most rapid for the 4-nbutanoyloxybenzyl and 4-iso-butanoyloxybenzyl esters of phosphonoacetate. This provides a strategy for the design of a prodrug with sufficient stability in plasma to reach the central nervous system in high concentration, wherein rapid metabolism to the active drug by brain-associated enzymes occurs.


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AIDS dementia complex is a common neurological syndrome thought to result from the invasion of the CNS by HIV. Phosphonoformate has anti-HIV activity but due to its charged nature is excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier. Lipophilic triesters of phosphonoformate designed to improve transport properties are unsuitable prodrugs due to their rapid and complicated hydrolysis, involving competitive P-O and P-C bond cleavage. Diesters, though hydrolytically stable, are considered too polar to passively diffuse into the CNS. Hydrophilic drugs mimicking endogenous nutrients are known to be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier. In this thesis the possibility that diesters of phosphonoformate may be actively transported is investigated. Triesters of phosphonoformate with labile aryl carboxyl esterrs were synthesised and their hydrolysis followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The triesters were found to undergo rapid hydrolysis via P-C bond cleavage to the phosphite. Phosphonoformate diesters designed to be analogues of actively transported -keto acids have been synthesised and fully characterised. Tyrosine-phosphonoformate and lipid-phosphonoformate conjugates have also been synthesised and characterised. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier utilising confluent monolayers of porcine brain microvessel endothelial cells grown on a permeable support has been established. The presence of enzyme and antigen markers specific to the blood-brain barrier has been demonstrated for the endothelial cells and the diffusional properties of the model investigated with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Active transport systems for -keto acids and large amino acids have been identified in the endothelial cell monolayers using 14C-pyruvate and 3H-L-tyrosine respectively. Temperature and concentration dependence of the two systems have been demonstrated and transport constants calculated. Competition with 14C-pyruvate transport was shown with other monocarboxylic acids including the anti-epileptic drug valproate. Stereospecificity was shown in that L-lactate inhibited pyruvate transport while D-lactate did not. Sodium methyl methoxycarbonylphosphonate, a phosphonoformate diester was shown not to compete for 14C-pyruvate transport indicating that this compound has no affinity for the carrier. Competition with 3H-L-tyrosine transport was shown with other large amino acids, including the anti-Parkinsonian agent L-dopa. Stereospecificity was shown using L- and D-tyrosine and L- and D-dopa. The tyrosine-phosphonoformate conjugate, which was stable under the experimental conditions, was shown to compete with 3H-Ltyrosine transport indicating that it may be actively transported at the blood-brain barrier. Thirty two triesters, diesters and monoesters of phosphonoformate, showed no activity in an anti-HIV screen above that attributable to hydrolysis to the parent compound.


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The effects of ionisation on transdermal drug delivery using excised human epidermis (HS) and silastic rubber (SR) as model permeation barriers were investigated in vitro using Franz-type absorption cells. Suspensions and solutions of salicylic acid (SA), the model ionogenic permeant, were used as donors and the variables studied were vehicle pH and trans-membrane pH-gradients. For solutions, the pH effect was related to the level of ionisation of the drug and the degree of saturation of the solution. With suspensions, the observed permeation rate was unaffected by pH. The penetration profiles through HS and SR were similar, although the overall flux through HS was about 70% of that observed through SR. Pretreatment of the membranes with various enhancer regimens, including oleic acid, Azone and N, N-dimethylamides in propylene glycol (PG) and isopropyl myristate (IPM) promoted the penetration of SA. SR was not a suitable model for enhancer pretreatment using IPM as a vehicle as the membrane was significantly disrupted by this vehicle. The results from comparable experiments with and without a trans-membrane pH-gradient did not have a significant effect upon flux or flux enhancement after pretreatment with the above enhancers. A theoretical model for the extraction coefficients of weak acids was derived using the partition coefficients of the ionised and unionised species, pH and pKa. This model was shown to account for the variation in overall partition of salicylic acid dependent upon pH and pKa. This model was shown to account for the variation in overall partition of salicylic acid dependent upon pH and pKa. The distribution of this solute between aqueous and oily phases, with and without added enhancer, was measured as a function of pH. The extraction coefficients determined were consistent with the model and showed that the behaviour of the system can be explained without referral to ion-pair mechanisms. Phosphonoacetate is an effective antiviral agent. However, as it is charged at physiological pH, its permeation across cell membranes is limited. To assess the improvement of the transport properties of this molecule, mono-, di- and tri-ester prodrugs were examined. These were assessed for stability and subsequent breakdown with respect to pH by HPLC. In vitro percutaneous absorption was observed using the triester, but not the ionic mono- or di-esters. The triester absorption could be potentiated using a range of enhancers with oleic acid being the most effective. Cyclodextrins (CD) have a role as absorption enhancers for peptide compounds across nasal epithelium. One potential mode of action is that CDs include these compounds, protect them from enzymic attack and thereby increase their residence time in the nasal epithelium. This study investigated the potential of CDs to protect ester prodrugs from enzymatic breakdown and prevent production of poorly transportable ionic species. Using a range of CD to ester molar ratios (10:1 to 2500:1) a small, but measurable, protection for the model esters (parabens) against esterase attack was observed. Possible mechanisms for this phenomenon are that CDs include the ester, making it unavailable for hydrolysis, the CDs may also affect the esterase in some way preventing access for the ester into the active site.


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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are developed for the simultaneous determination of various salicylates, their p-hydroxy isomers and nicotinic acid esters. The method is sensitive enough to detect trace amounts (~µM/L)of the product generated from cross reactivity between the drugs and the vehicle. The developed method also allows analysis of various topical products containing salicylate and nicotinate esters in their formulations. Applying this method, the degradation profiles of salicylates, nicotinates, p-hydroxy benzoate, o-methoxy benzoate and aspirin prodrugs in alkaline media are determined. The profile for alkyl salicylate degradation is found to be first order (A---? B) When the alcoholic radical is similar to that of the ester. In alcohol having a radical different from that of the ester function, the degradation is found to proceed through competitive transesterification and hydrolysis. The intermediates are identified following synthesis and isolation. The rate and extent of transesterification depends on the proportion of alcohol present in the system. Equations are presented to model the time profiles of reactant and product concentration. The reactions are base catalysed and the predominant pathway involves a concerted solvent attack upon the salicylate anion. Competitive hydrolysis of both ester components also follows this mechanism at moderate pH values but rates increase under strongly alkaline conditions as direct hydroxide attack becomes significant. In contrast, transesterification is independent of base concentration once full ionization is accomplished. The competitive hydrolysis is modelled using equations involving the dielectric constant of the medium. A range of other esters are also shown to undergo base-catalysed transesterification. In non-alcoholic solution phenyl salicylate undergoes a concentration-dependent oligomerisation which yields salsalate among the products. Competitive transesterification and hydrolysis also occur in products for topical use which have vehicles based upon alcohol, glycol or glycol polymers. Such reactions may compromise stability assessments, pharmaceutical integrity and delivery profiles.


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Azidoprofen {2-(4-azidophenyl)propionic acid; AZP}, an azido-substituted arylalkanoic acid, was investigated as a model soft drug candidate for a potential topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA). Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of AZP, a series of ester analogues and their· degradation products. 1H-NMR spectroscopy was also employed as an analytical method in selected cases. Reduction of the azido-group to the corresponding amine has been proposed as a potential detoxification mechanism for compounds bearing this substituent. An in vitro assay to measure the susceptibility of azides towards reduction was developed using dithiothreitol as a model reducing agent. The rate of reduction of AZP was found to be base-dependent, hence supporting the postulated mechanism of thiol-mediated reduction via nucleophilic attack by the thiolate anion. Prodrugs may enhance topical bioavailability through the manipulation of physico-chemical properties of the parent drug. A series of ester derivatives of AZP were investigated for their susceptibility to chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis, which regenerates the parent acid. Use of alcoholic cosolvents with differing alkyl functions to that of the ester resulted in transesterification reactions, which were found to be enzyme-mediated. The skin penetration of AZP was assessed using an in vitro hairless mouse skin model, and silastic membrane in some cases. The rate of permeation of AZP was found to be a similar magnitude to that of the well established NSAIA ibuprofen. Penetration rates were dependent on the vehicle pH and drug concentration when solutions were employed. In contrast, flux was independent of pH when suspension formulations were used. Pretreatment of the skin with various enhancer regimes, including oleic acid and azone in propylene glycol, promoted the penetration of AZP. An intense IR absorption due to the azide group serves as a highly diagnostic marker, enabling azido compounds to be detected in the outer layers of the· stratum corneum following their application to skin, using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). This novel application enabled a non-invasive examination of the percutaneous penetration enhancement of a model azido compound in vivo in man, in the presence of the enhancer oleic acid.


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Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography procedures were developed for the analysis of pyrimidine-based drugs bropirimine and its derivatives (2-N-acetyl- and 2-N-propanoyl-) and for pyrimethamine and its 2/4- substituted derivatives (2, N-propanoyl and 2,4-N, N-dipropanoyl-) and its 6- substituted (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and isopropyl- carboxylates) analogues. Stability studies indicated that these derivatives were not sufficiently labile to act as potential prodrugs. Solubility-pH profiles were constructed from which the dissociation constants were calculated. The physicochemical properties of these compounds were studied and attempts were made to increase the poor aqueous solubility of bropirimine (35μg/mL) by prodrug synthesis, solvate formation (acetic acid, N, N-dimethylformamide and N-methylformamide) and the use of co-solvents and additives. The first two methods proved to be fruitless whereas the latter method resulted in an intravenous formulation incorporating 32mg/mL of bropirimine. An in-vitro method for the detection of precipitation was developed and the results suggested that by using low injection rates (< 0.24mL/min) and high mobile phase flow rates (> 500mL/hr) precipitation could be minimised. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that bropirimine debrominates in the presence of a number of additives commonly used in formulation work but the temperature at which this occurred were usually > 200oC. In-vitro work gave encouraging results for the possibility of rectal delivery of bropirimine but in-vivo work on rabbits showed considerable variations in the resulting plasma levels and pharmacokinetic parameters.


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The antitumour imidazotetrazinones are believed to act as prodrugs for the triazene series of alkylating agents, showing a marked pteference for the alkylation of the middle guanine residue in a run of three or more contiguous guanines. However, the. exact nature of the interactions of imidazotetrazinones within the micro~environment of DNA are; as yet unknown. In order to examine such interactions a three pronged approach involving molecular modelling, synthetic chemistry and biological analysis has been undertaken during the course of this project. . Molecular modelling studies have shown that for the 8-carboxamido substituted imidazotetrazinones antitumour activity is dependent upon the. presence of a free NH group which can be involved in the formation of both intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and the presence of a non-bulky substituent with a small negative potential . volume. Modelling studies involving the docking of .mitozolomide into the major groove of DNA in the region of a triguanine sequence has shown that a number of hydrogen bonding interactions are feasible. A series of 8-substituted carboxamide derivatives of mitozolomide have been synthesised via the 8-acid chloride and 8-carboxylic acid derivatives including a number of peptide analogues. The peptide derivatives were based upon the key structural features of the helix-turn-helix motif of DNA-binding proteins with a view to developing agents that are capable of binding to DNA with greater selectivity. An examination of the importance of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in influencing the antitumour activity:of :the imidazotetrazinones has led to the synthesis of the novel pyrimido[4',5' :4,3]pyrazolo[5,1-d]-1,2,3,5-tetrazine ring system. In general, in vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that the new derivatives were less active against the TLX5 lymphoma cell line. than the parent compound mitozolomide despite an increased potential for hydrogen bonding interactions. Due to the high reactivity of the: tetrazinone ring system it is difficult to study the interactions between the imidazotetrazinones and DNA. Consequently a number of structural analogues that are stable under physiological conditions have been. prepared based upon the 1,2,3 triazin-4(3H)-one ring system fused with both benzene and pyrazole rings. Although the 3-methylbenzotriazinones failed to antagonise the cytotoxic activity of temozolomide encouraging results with a 3-methylpyrazolotriazinone may suggest the existence of an imidazotetrazinone receptor site within DNA. The potential of guanine rich sequences to promote the alkylating selectivity of imidazotetrazinones by acting as a catalyst for ring cleavage and thereby generation of the alkylating agent was examined. Experiments involving the monitoring: of the rate of breakdown of mitozolomide incubated in the presence of synthetic oIigonucleotides did not reveal any catalytic effect resulting from the DNA. However, it was noted that the breakdown of mitozolomide was dependent upon the type of buffer used in the incubations and this may indeed mask any catalysis by the oligonucleotides.


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Oral drug delivery is considered the most popular route of delivery because of the ease of administration, availability of a wide range of dosage forms and the large surface area for drug absorption via the intestinal membrane. However, besides the unfavourable biopharmaceutical properties of the therapeutic agents, efflux transporters such as Pglycoprotein (P-gp) and multiple resistance proteins (MRP) decrease the overall drug uptake by extruding the drug from the cells. Although, prodrugs have been investigated to improve drug partitioning by masking the polar groups covalently with pre-moieties promoting increased uptake, they present significant challenges including reduced solubility and increased toxicity. The current work investigates the use of amino acids as ion-pairs for three model drugs: indomethacin (weak acid), trimethoprim (weak base) and ciprofloxacin (zwitter ion) in an attempt to improve both solubility and uptake. Solubility was studied by salt formation while creating new routes for uptake across the membranes via amino acids transporter proteins or dipeptidyl transporters was the rationale to enhance absorption. New salts were prepared for the model drugs and the oppositely charged amino acids by freeze drying and they were characterised using FTIR, 1HNMR, DSC, SEM, pH solubility profile, solubility and dissolution. Permeability profiles were assessed using an in vitro cell based method; Caco-2 cells and the genetic changes occurring across the transporter genes and various pathways involved in the cellular activities were studied using DNA microarrays. Solubility data showed a significant increase in drug solubility upon preparing the new salts with the oppositely charged counter ions (ciprofloxacin glutamate salt exhibiting 2.9x103 fold enhancement when compared to the free drug). Moreover, permeability studies showed a 3 fold increase in trimethoprim and indomethacin permeabilities upon ion-pairing with amino acids and more than 10 fold when the zwitter ionic drug was paired with glutamic acid. Microarray data revealed that trimethoprim was absorbed actively via OCTN1 transporters while MRP7 is the main transporter gene that mediates its efflux. The absorption of trimethoprim from trimethoprim glutamic acid ion-paired formulations was affected by the ratio of glutamic acid in the formulation which was inversely proportional to the degree of expression of OCTN1. Interestingly, ciprofloxacin glutamic acid ion-pairs were found to decrease the up-regulation of ciprofloxacin efflux proteins (P-gp and MRP4) and over-express two solute carrier transporters; (PEPT2 and SLCO1A2) suggesting that a high aqueous binding constant (K11aq) enables the ion-paired formulations to be absorbed as one entity. In conclusion, formation of ion-pairs with amino acids can influence in a positive way solubility, transfer and gene expression effects of drugs.


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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) and azathioprine (AZA) are both inactive prodrugs that require intracellular activation into the active 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs). • This metabolic process undergoes three different competitive pathways that are catalysed by three different enzymes; xanthine oxidase (XO), thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) and inosine triphosphatase (ITPA), all of which exhibit genetic polymorphisms. • Although the impact of genetic variation in the TPMT gene on treatment outcome and toxicity has been demonstrated, the role of other polymorphisms remains less well known. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • New information on the allelic variation of these three enzymes (XO, TPMT and ITPA) and their influence on 6-MP/AZA metabolism and toxicity. • Confirmation of the association of TPMT polymorphism with haematological toxicity. • Identified potential genetic characteristics that may contribute to higher risk of adverse events (such as ITPA IVS2+21A→C mutation). AIMS - To examine the allelic variation of three enzymes involved in 6-mercaptopurine/azathioprine (6-MP/AZA) metabolism and evaluate the influence of these polymorphisms on toxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite levels in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS - Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 19 ALL paediatric patients and 35 IBD patients who were receiving 6-MP/AZA therapy. All patients were screened for seven genetic polymorphisms in three enzymes involved in mercaptopurine metabolism [xanthine oxidase, inosine triphosphatase (C94→A and IVS2+21A→C) and thiopurine methyltransferase]. Erythrocyte and plasma metabolite concentrations were also determined. The associations between the various genotypes and myelotoxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite concentrations were determined. RESULTS - Thiopurine methyltransferase variant alleles were associated with a preferential metabolism away from 6-methylmercaptopurine nucleotides (P = 0.008 in ALL patients, P = 0.038 in IBD patients) favouring 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) (P = 0.021 in ALL patients). Interestingly, carriers of inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A→C variants among ALL and IBD patients had significantly higher concentrations of the active cytotoxic metabolites, 6-TGNs (P = 0.008 in ALL patients, P = 0.047 in IBD patients). The study confirmed the association of thiopurine methyltransferase heterozygosity with leucopenia and neutropenia in ALL patients and reported a significant association between inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A→C variants with thrombocytopenia (P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS - Pharmacogenetic polymorphisms in the 6-MP pathway may help identify patients at risk for associated toxicities and may serve as a guide for dose individualization.


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Assessment of oral drug bioavailability is an important parameter for new chemical entities (NCEs) in drug development cycle. After evaluating the pharmacological response of these new molecules, the following critical stage is to investigate their in vitro permeability. Despite the great success achieved by prodrugs, covalent linking the drug molecule with a hydrophobic moiety might result in a new entity that might be toxic or ineffective. Therefore, an alternative that would improve the drug uptake without affecting the efficacy of the drug molecule would be advantageous. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of ion-pairing on the permeability profile of a model drug: indomethacin (IND) to understand the mechanism behind the permeability improvement across Caco-2 monolayers. Arginine and lysine formed ion-pairs with IND at various molar ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 as reflected by the double reciprocal graphs. The partitioning capacities of the IND were evaluated using octanol/water partitioning studies and the apparent permeabilities (P app) were measured across Caco-2 monolayers for the different formulations. Partitioning studies reflected the high hydrophobicity of IND (Log P = 3) which dropped upon increasing the concentrations of arginine/lysine in the ion pairs. Nevertheless, the prepared ion pairs improved IND permeability especially after 60 min of the start of the experiment. Coupling partitioning and permeability results suggest a decrease in the passive transcellular uptake due to the drop in IND portioning capacities and a possible involvement of active carriers. Future work will investigate which transport gene might be involved in the absorption of the ion paired formulations using molecular biology technologies. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.