26 resultados para primary and secundary oocytes
em Aston University Research Archive
Several brain regions, including the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII, respectively), are functionally active during the pain experience. Both of these regions are thought to be involved in the sensory-discriminative processing of pain and recent evidence suggests that SI in particular may also be involved in more affective processing. In this study we used MEG to investigate the hypothesis that frequency-specific oscillatory activity may be differentially associated with the sensory and affective components of pain. In eight healthy participants (four male), MEG was recorded during a visceral pain experiment comprising baseline, anticipation, pain and post-pain phases. Pain was delivered via intraluminal oesophageal balloon distension (four stimuli at 1 Hz). Significant bilateral but asymmetrical changes in neural activity occurred in the beta-band within SI and SII. In SI, a continuous increase in neural activity occurred during the anticipation phase (20-30 Hz), which continued during the pain phase but at a lower frequency (10-15 Hz). In SII, oscillatory changes only occurred during the pain phase, predominantly in the 20-30 Hz beta band, and were coincident with the stimulus. These data provide novel evidence of functional diversity within SI, indicating a role in attentional and sensory aspects of pain processing. In SII, oscillatory changes were predominantly stimulus-related, indicating a role in encoding the characteristics of the stimulus. We therefore provide objective evidence of functional heterogeneity within SI and functional segregation between SI and SII, and suggest that the temporal and frequency dynamics within cortical regions may offer valuable insights into pain processing.
Sibutramine is a satiety-inducing serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor that acts predominantly via its primary and secondary metabolites. This study investigates the possibility that sibutramine and/or its metabolites could act directly on white adipose tissue to increase lipolysis. Adipocytes were isolated by a collagenase digestion procedure from homozygous lean (+/+) and obese-diabetic ob/ob mice, and from lean nondiabetic human subjects. The lipolytic activity of adipocyte preparations was measured by the determination of glycerol release over a 2-hour incubation period. The primary amine metabolite of sibutramine M2, caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of glycerol release by murine lean and obese adipocytes (maximum increase by 157 ± 22 and 245 ± 1696, respectively, p < 0.05). Neither sibutramine nor its secondary amine metabolite M1 had any effect on lipolytic activity. Preliminary studies indicated that M2-induced lipolysis was mediated via a beta-adrenergic action. The non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (10-6M) strongly inhibited M2-stimulated lipolysis in lean and obese murine adipocytes. M2 similarly increased lipolysis by isolated human omental and subcutaneous adipocytes (maximum increase by 194 ± 33 and 136 ± 4%, respectively, p < 0.05) with EC50 values of 12 nM and 3 nM, respectively. These results indicate that the sibutramine metabolite M2 can act directly on murine and human adipose tissue to increase lipolysis via a pathway involving beta-adrenoceptors. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
This article approaches the fragmentation of identities characteristic of contemporary Western societies through the 1992 film Léolo by Jean-Claude Lauzon. Although it does explore linguistic, social, religious and ethnic divisions, this major piece of the Quebec repertoire recasts the sociolinguistic conflict between vernacular and formal practices (Labov 1972; Blanche-Benveniste 2002), raising questions of status and choice. This conflict is subsumed by the dialectics between primary and secondary culture. The cultural and linguistic opposition finds a primary metaphor in the film's central motif of the duality of dream and reality. No more than the cultural and linguistic can this opposition find a synthesis. This impossible reconciliation defines the constitutive rupture of the human psyche itself.
Background There is a paucity of data describing the prevalence of childhood refractive error in the United Kingdom. The Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction study, along with its sister study the Aston Eye Study, are the first population-based surveys of children using both random cluster sampling and cycloplegic autorefraction to quantify levels of refractive error in the United Kingdom. Methods Children aged 6–7 years and 12–13 years were recruited from a stratified random sample of primary and post-primary schools, representative of the population of Northern Ireland as a whole. Measurements included assessment of visual acuity, oculomotor balance, ocular biometry and cycloplegic binocular open-field autorefraction. Questionnaires were used to identify putative risk factors for refractive error. Results 399 (57%) of 6–7 years and 669 (60%) of 12–13 years participated. School participation rates did not vary statistically significantly with the size of the school, whether the school is urban or rural, or whether it is in a deprived/non-deprived area. The gender balance, ethnicity and type of schooling of participants are reflective of the Northern Ireland population. Conclusions The study design, sample size and methodology will ensure accurate measures of the prevalence of refractive errors in the target population and will facilitate comparisons with other population-based refractive data.
Analysing investments in ISs in order to maximise benefits has become a prime concern, especially for private corporations. No formula of equilibrium exists that could link the injected amounts and accrued returns. The relationship is simply not straightforward. This thesis is based upon empirical work which involved sketching organisational ethnographies (four organographies and a sectography) into the role and value of information systems in Jordanian financial organisations. Besides deciphering the map of impacts, it explains the attributions of the variations in the impacts of ISs which were found to be related to the internal organisational processes: culturally and politically specific considerations, economically or technically rooted factors and environmental factors. The research serves as an empirical attempt to test out the applicability of adopting the interpretive paradigm to researching organisations in a developing country. The fieldwork comprised an exploratory stage, a detailed investigation of four case studies and a survey stage encompassing 16 organisations. Primary and secondary data were collected from multiple sources using a range of instruments. The evidence highlights the fact that little long term strategic planning was pursued; the emphasis was more focused on short term planning. There was no noticeable adoption of any strategic fit principle linking IS strategy to the corporate strategy. In addition, the benefits obtained were mostly intangible. Although ISs were central to the work of the organisations surveyed as the core technology, they were considered as tools or work enablers rather than weapons for competitive rivalry. The cultural specificity of IS impacts was evident and the cultural and political considerations were key factors in explaining the attributions of the variations in the impacts of ISs in JFOs. The thesis confirms that measuring the benefits of ISs is the problematic. However, in order to gain more insight, the phenomenon of "the use of ISs" has to be studied within its context.
We study the effects of temperature and strain on the spectra of the first and second-order diffraction attenuation bands of a single long-period grating (LPG) in step-index fibre. The primary and second-order attenuation bands had comparable strength with the second-order bands appearing in the visible and near-infra red parts of the spectrum. Using first and second-order diffraction to the eighth cladding mode a sensitivity matrix was obtained with limiting accuracy given by cross-sensitivity of ~1.19% of the measurement. The sensing scheme presented as a limiting temperature and strain resolution of ±0.7 °C and ~±25 µ.
The use of antibiotics was investigated in twelve acute hospitals in England. Data was collected electronically and by questionnaire for the financial years 2001/2, 2002/3 and 2003/4. Hospitals were selected on the basis of their Medicines Management Self-Assessment Scores (MMAS) and included a cohort of three hospitals with integrated electronic prescribing systems. The total sample size was 6.65% of English NHS activity for 2001/2 based on Finished Consultant Episode (FCE) numbers. Data collected included all antibiotics dispensed (ATC category J01), hospital activity FCE's and beddays, Medicines Management Self-assessment scores, Antibiotic Medicines Management scores (AMS), Primary Care Trust (PCT) of origin of referral populations, PCT antibiotic prescribing rates, Index of Multiple Deprivation for each PCT. The DDD/FCE (Defined Daily Dose/FCE) was found to correlate with the DDD 100beddays (r = 0.74 p
The activities and function of the West Midlands Adverse Drug Reaction Study Group are described. The impact of the Group on the reporting of adverse drug reactions to the CSM by the yellow card system has been evaluated in several ways including a comparison with the Trent Region. The role of the pharmacist in the Group is highlighted. A nationwide survey of the hospital pharmacist's involvement in adverse drug reaction reporting and monitoring is described, the results are reported and discussed. The available sources of information on adverse drug reactions, both primary and secondary, are critically reviewed. A checklist of necessary details for case reports is developed and examples of problems in the literature are given. The contribution of the drug information pharmacist in answering enquiries and encouraging reporting is examined. A role for the ward pharmacist in identifying, reporting, documenting and following up adverse drug reactions is proposed. Studies conducted to support this role are described and the results discussed. The ward pharmacist's role in preventing adverse drug reactions is also outlined. The reporting of adverse drug reactions in Australia is contrasted with the U.K. and particular attention is drawn to the pharmacist's contribution in the former. The problems in evaluating drug safety are discussed and examples are given where serious reactions have only been recognised after many patients have been exposed. To remedy this situation a case is made for enhancing the CSM yellow card scheme by further devolution of reporting, increasing the involvement of pharmacists and improving arrangements at the CSM. It is proposed that pharmacists should undertake the responsibility for reporting reactions to the CSM in some instances.
The compressive creep and load relaxation properties of a series of high aluminium zinc-based alloys
A new family of commercial zinc alloys designated as ZA8, ZA12, and ZA27 and high damping capacity alloys including Cosmal and Supercosmal and aluminium alloy LM25 were investigated for compressive creep and load relaxation behaviour under a series of temperatures and stresses. A compressive creep machine was designed to test the sand cast hollow cylindrical test specimens of these alloys. For each compressive creep experiment the variation of creep strain was presented in the form of graphs plotted as percentage of creep strain () versus time in seconds (s). In all cases, the curves showed the same general form of the creep curve, i.e. a primary creep stage, followed by a linear steady-state region (secondary creep). In general, it was observed that alloy ZA8 had the least primary creep among the commercial zinc-based alloys and ZA27 the greatest. The extent of primary creep increased with aluminium content to that of ZA27 then declined to Supercosmal. The overall creep strength of ZA27 was generally less than ZA8 and ZA12 but it showed better creep strength than ZA8 and ZA12 at high temperature and high stress. In high damping capacity alloys, Supercosmal had less primary creep and longer secondary creep regions and also had the lowest minimum creep rate among all the tested alloys. LM25 exhibited almost no creep at maximum temperature and stress used in this research work. Total creep elongation was shown to be well correlated using an empirical equation. Stress exponent and activation energies were calculated and found to be consistent with the creep mechanism of dislocation climb. The primary α and β phases in the as-cast structures decomposed to lamellar phases on cooling, with some particulates at dendrite edges and grain boundaries. Further breakdown into particulate bodies occurred during creep testing, and zinc bands developed at the highest test temperature of 160°C. The results of load relaxation testing showed that initially load loss proceeded rapidly and then deminished gradually with time. Load loss increased with temperature and almost all the curves approximated to a logarithmic decay of preload with time. ZA alloys exhibited almost the same load loss at lower temperature, but at 120°C ZA27 improved its relative performance with the passage of time. High damping capacity alloys and LM25 had much better resistance to load loss than ZA alloys and LM25 was found to be the best against load loss among these alloys. A preliminary equation was derived to correlate the retained load with time and temperature.
Recognition of the contribution of small firms to the UK economy has grown considerably since 1995 when this research first began. The poor record of small firms in managing health and safety effectively has caused concern, and efforts made to improve knowledge and awareness of the target group through various initiatives have had some success. This research thesis attempts to identify the range of intervention routes and methods available to reach the target group, and to consider ways of evaluating the outcome of such efforts. Various interventions were tested with small firms, including a Workshop; use of Questionnaires; short postal Reply Slip survey; leading to a closer evaluation of a specific industry- the Licensed Trade. Attitudes and beliefs of the sample were identified, and observations carried out to consider actions taken by workers and others in the workplace. These empirical research findings were used to develop the theme of Primary and Secondary interventions intended to change behaviours, and to confirm assumptions about what small firms currently do to manage health and safety risks. Guidance for small firms was developed as a Secondary intervention tool to support Primary interventions, such as inspection or insurance provision.
This thesis is concerned with the role of diagenesis in forming ore deposits. Two sedimentary 'ore-types' have been examined; the Proterozoic copper-cobalt orebodies of the Konkola Basin on the Zambian Copperbelt, and the Permian Marl Slate of North East England. Facies analysis of the Konkola Basin shows the Ore-Shale to have formed in a subtidal to intertidal environment. A sequence of diagenetic events is outlined from which it is concluded that the sulphide ores are an integral part of the diagenetic process. Sulphur isotope data establish that the sulphides formed as a consequence of the bacterial reduction of sulphate, while the isotopic and geochemical composition of carbonates is shown to reflect changes in the compositions of diagenetic pore fluids. Geochemical studies indicate that the copper and cobalt bearing mineralising fluids probably had different sources. Veins which crosscut the orebodies contain hydrocarbon inclusions, and are shown to be of late diagenetic lateral secretion origin. RbiSr dating indicates that the Ore-Shale was subject to metamorphism at 529 A- 20 myrs. The sedimentology and petrology of the Marl Slate are described. Textural and geochemical studies suggest that much of the pyrite (framboidal) in the Marl Slate formed in an anoxic water column, while euhedral pyrite and base metal sulphides formed within the sediment during early diagenesis. Sulphur isotope data confirm that conditions were almost "ideal" for sulphide formation during Marl Slate deposition, the limiting factors in ore formation being the restricted supply of chalcophile elements. Carbon and oxygen isotope data, along with petrographic observations, indicate that much of the calcite and dolomite occurring in the Marl Slate is primary, and probably formed in isotopic equilibrium. A depositional model is proposed which explains all of the data presented and links the lithological variations with fluctuations in the anoxicioxic boundary layer of the water column.
The thymic anlagen appears in Tilapia mossambica at 2 days post hatching and becomes lymphoid at 5 days. Lymphoid cells were first seen in the pronephros at 14 days and in the spleen at approximately five weeks of age. Differentiation into red and white pulp regions was seen by 10 weeks of age. Light and electron microscopic studies of adult lymphoid organ revealed increases in size and lymphoid cell numbers. Adult thymus develops a clearer corticomedullary differentiation of thymic corpuscles in the medulla and in the splenic red and white pulp became more distinct. Melanomacrophage centres were seen in spleen and pronephros. Adult fish gave primary and secondary antibody responses following challenge with sheep red bloods cells (SRBC), Escherichia coli (E. coli) and human gamma globulin (HGG). Plaque forming cell and immunocytoadherence assays revealed that head kidney and spleen were major sites for antibody production and development of antigen reactive cells. Proliferative activity in these organs was revealed using autoradiography and scintillation counting. Increased levels of pyroninophilia were also seen following antigenic challenge. Pilot studies on adults revealed that they were capable of rejecting first and second set allografts and leucocytes from spleen and head kidney proliferated in mixed leucocyte cultures. Antibody responses to SRBC, E. coli and HGG develop at about 10-12 weeks of age. Fry given either a single injection of SRBC at 10 weeks or two injections of the same antigen at 10 weeks and 12 days later, failed to respond to a further challenge with SRBC 56 days after the first injection (A time when animals would normally respond positively to this antigen). Injection of E. coli at the same times resulted in a prolonged antibody response.
This thesis is about the relationship between schooling and the economic and political structures which constrain its institutional framework. It focusses on teachers, as mediators of structural constraints, and on middle schools, as institutions which occupy a functionally transitional place between the primary and secondary traditions. In approaching the problem of linking the different perspectives of macro and micro sociologies, I argue the view that the individual mediates the contradictions between the socially cooperative processes of production and the competitive individualism which legitimates the private appropriation of wealth and income. The link is observable in the schooling process as a pattern of contradictions and tensions mediated by the rhetoric of equality of opportunity. In order to elucidate the link, the processes within the boundaried institutions must be viewed in the context of those changing tensions within the state administrative systems, which reverberate into schools as economic and political constraints. Framed within the ideology of the Flowden Report (1967), middle schooling was set within a discourse which stressed cooperative relationships rather than competitive standards. Since the mid-1970s, administrative policies have heightened the competitive battle for declining resources and attacked the Plowden ideology. Focussing the fieldwork on six middle schools in one local authority, T use an eclectic methodology to relate economic and political policies, generated in the state administrative system, to the situation in the schools between 1979 and 1981. The methodology incorporates a time dimension in order to highlight the tensions as they play upon teachers' changing definitions of the changing situation. I conclude that the intersubjective socio-cultural relations of schooling cannot be properly explained without making explicit the changing tensions in the rule/resource relationships which teachers mediate through their particular institutions.
Medication errors are associated with significant morbidity and people with mental health problems may be particularly susceptible to medication errors due to various factors. Primary care has a key role in improving medication safety in this vulnerable population. The complexity of services, involving primary and secondary care and social services, and potential training issues may increase error rates, with physical medicines representing a particular risk. Service users may be cognitively impaired and fail to identify an error placing additional responsibilities on clinicians. The potential role of carers in error prevention and medication safety requires further elaboration. A potential lack of trust between service users and clinicians may impair honest communication about medication issues leading to errors. There is a need for detailed research within this field.
Aims The aims of this study were to examine Type 2 diabetic patients' expectations, perceptions and experiences of oral glucose-lowering agents (OGLAs), including their reasons for taking/not taking these drugs as prescribed and to provide recommendations for developing interventions to improve OGLA adherence. Methods Longitudinal, qualitative study using repeat in-depth interviews with patients (n = 20) over 4 years following clinical diagnosis. Respondents were recruited from primary and secondary care settings across Lothian, Scotland, UK. Results Despite experiences of side-effects, dislikes and concerns about taking multiple drugs and a belief that OGLAs could themselves cause one's diabetes to progress, most respondents appeared motivated to take these drugs as prescribed. This motivation seemed to arise from respondents' experiences of taking OGLAs and observing them to 'work'. Some respondents described feeling better after taking OGLAs, others, typically those who were asymptomatic, used blood glucose self-monitoring and/or glycated haemoglobin results to observe and evidence the effects of their OGLAs. Most respondents demonstrated a 'passive' expectation that health professionals should be responsible for decisions about medications. Hence, non-adherence typically resulted from forgetfulness rather than ambivalence about either medication or consultation style. Respondent concern about OGLA's largely centred upon lack of knowledge about the medication and what to do when doses were missed. Conclusion The findings call for multifaceted strategies to promote adherence. These could include education to address misconceptions and advise patients how to respond to missed doses; reminders to help patients remember to take their drugs; and structured feedback on the impact of OGLAs on glycaemic control.