25 resultados para post-illumination pupil response
em Aston University Research Archive
Purpose: It is widely accepted that pupil responses to visual stimuli are determined by the ambient illuminance, and recently it has been shown that changes in stimulus color also contributes to a pupillary control mechanism. However, the role of pupillary responses to chromatic stimuli is not clear. The aim of this study was to investigate how color and luminance signals contribute to the pupillary control mechanism. Methods: We measured pupillary iso-response contours in M-and L-cone contrast space. The iso-response contours in cone-contrast space have been determined to examine what mechanisms contribute to the pupillary pathway. The shapes of the iso-response contour change when different mechanisms determine the response. Results: It was shown that for all subjects, the pupillary iso-response contours form an ellipse with positive slope in cone-contrast space, indicating that the sensitivities to the chromatic stimuli are higher than those for the luminance stimuli. The pupil responds maximally to a grating that has a stronger L-cone modulation than the red-green isoluminant grating. Conclusions: The sensitivity of the chromatic pathway, in terms of pupillary response, is three times larger than that of the luminance pathway, a property that might have utility in clinical applications. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
A Hamamatsu Video Area Analyser has been coupled with a modified Canon IR automatic optometer. This has allowed simultaneous recording of pupil diameter and accommodation response to be made both statically and continuously, a feature not common in previous studies. Experimental work concerned pupil and accommodation responses during near vision tasks under a variety of conditions. The effects of sustained near vision tasks on accommodation have usually been demonstrated by taking post-task measures under darkroom conditions. The possibility of similar effects on pupil diameter was assessed using static and continuous recordings following a near vision task. Results showed that is luminance levels remained unchanged by using a pre-and post-task bright-empty field then, although accommodation regressed to pre-task levels,pupil diameter remained for several minutes at the contstricted level induced by the task. An investigation into the effect of a sinusoidally-modulated blur-only accommodative stimulus on pupil response demonstrated that response may be reduced or absent despite robust accommodation responses. This suggests that blur-driven acommodation alone may not be sufficient to produce a pupil near response and that the presence of other cues may be necessary. Pupil response was investigated using a looming stimulus which produced an inferred-proximity cue. It was found that a pupil response could be induced which was in synchrony with the stimulus while closed-loop accommodation response was kept constant by the constraints of optical blur. The pupil diameter of young and elderly subjects undertaking a 5 minute reading task was measured to assess the contribution of pupil constriction to near vision function in terms of depth-of-focus. Results showed that in the young subjects pupil diameter was too large to have a significant effect on depth-of-focus although it may be increased in the elderly subjects. Pupil and accommodation reponses to a temporally-modulated stimulus containing all cues present in a normal visual environment was assessed and results showed that as stimulus temporal frequency increased, pupil response showed increasing phase lag relative to closed-loop accommodation. The results of this study suggest that it may be necessary to change the accepted view of the function of pupil response as part of the near vision triad and that further study would be of benefit in particular to designers of vision aids such as, for example, bifocal contact lenses.
Aim: N-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may possess anticachectic properties. This trial compared a protein and energy dense supplement enriched with n-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (experimental: E) with an isocaloric isonitrogenous control supplement (C) for their effects on weight, lean body mass (LBM), dietary intake, and quality of life in cachectic patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: A total of 200 patients (95 E; 105 C) were randomised to consume two cans/day of the E or C supplement (480 ml, 620 kcal, 32 g protein ± 2.2 g EPA) for eight weeks in a multicentre, randomised, double blind trial. Results: At enrolment, patients' mean rate of weight loss was 3.3 kg/month. Intake of the supplements (E or C) was below the recommended dose (2 cans/day) and averaged 1.4 cans/day. Over eight weeks, patients in both groups stopped losing weight (Δweight E: -0.25 kg/month versus C: -0.37 kg/month; p=0.74) and LBM (ΔLBM E: +0.27 kg/month versus C: +0.12 kg/month; p=0.88) to an equal degree (change from baseline E and C, p<0.001). In view of evident non-compliance in both E and C groups, correlation analyses were undertaken to examine for potential dose-response relationships. E patients demonstrated significant correlations between their supplement intake and weight gain (r=0.50, p<0.001) and increase in LBM (r=0.33, p=0.036). Such correlations were not statistically significant in C patients. The relationship of supplement intake with change in LBM was significantly different between E and C patients (p=0.043). Increased plasma EPA levels in the E group were associated with weight and LBM gain (r=0.50, p<0.001; r=0.51, p=0.001). Weight gain was associated with improved quality of life (p<0.01) only in the E group. Conclusion: Intention to treat group comparisons indicated that at the mean dose taken, enrichment with n-3 fatty acids did not provide a therapeutic advantage and that both supplements were equally effective in arresting weight loss. Post hoc dose-response analysis suggests that if taken in sufficient quantity, only the n-3 fatty acid enriched energy and protein dense supplement results in net gain of weight, lean tissue, and improved quality of life. Further trials are required to examine the potential role of n-3 enriched supplements in the treatment of cancer cachexia.
The need to measure the response of the oculomotor system, such as ocular accommodation, accurately and in real-world environments is essential. New instruments have been developed over the past 50 years to measure eye focus including the extensively utilised and well validated Canon R-1, but in general these have had limitations such as a closed field-of-view, a poor temporal resolution and the need for extensive instrumentation bulk preventing naturalistic performance of environmental tasks. The use of photoretinoscopy and more specifically the PowerRefractor was examined in this regard due to its remote nature, binocular measurement of accommodation, eye movement and pupil size and its open field-of-view. The accuracy of the PowerRefractor to measure refractive error was on averaging similar, but more variable than subjective refraction and previously validated instrumentation. The PowerRefractor was found to be tolerant to eye movements away from the visual axis, but could not function with small pupil sizes in brighter illumination. The PowerRefractor underestimated the lead of accommodation and overestimated the slope of the accommodation stimulus response curve. The PowerRefractor and the SRW-5000 were used to measure the oculomotor responses in a variety of real-world environment: spectacles compared to single vision contract lenses; the use of multifocal contact lenses by pre-presbyopes (relevant to studies on myopia retardation); and ‘accommodating’ intraocular lenses. Due to the accuracy concerns with the PowerRefractor, a purpose-built photoretinoscope was designed to measure the oculomotor response to a monocular head-mounted display. In conclusion, this thesis has shown the ability of photoretinoscopy to quantify changes in the oculomotor system. However there are some major limitations to the PowerRefractor, such as the need for individual calibration for accurate measures of accommodation and vergence, and the relatively large pupil size necessary for measurement.
This paper examines how the loss of 6300 jobs from the closure of MG Rover (MGR) in the city of Birmingham (UK) in April 2005 affected the employment trajectories of ex-workers, in the context of wider structural change and efforts at urban renewal. The paper presents an analysis of a longitudinal survey of 300 ex-MGR workers, and examines to what extent the state of local labour markets and workers’ geographical mobility—as well as the effectiveness of the immediate policy response and longer-term local economic strategies—may have helped to balance the impacts of personal attributes associated with workers’ employability and their reabsorption into the labour markets. It is found that the relative buoyancy of the local economy, the success of longer-run efforts at diversification and a strong policy response and retraining initiative helped many disadvantaged workers to find new jobs in the medium term. However, the paper also highlights the unequal employment outcomes and trajectories that many lesser-skilled workers faced. It explores the policy issues arising from such closures and their aftermath, such as the need to co-ordinate responses, to retain institutional capacity, to offer high-quality training and education resources to workers and, where possible, to slow down such closure processes to enable skills to be retained and reused within the local economy.
Utilising de Certeau's concepts of daily life and his delineation between strategies and tactics as everyday practices this paper examines the role of informal economies in post-Ukraine. Based on 700 household surveys and seventy-five in-depth interviews, conducted in three Ukrainian cities, the paper argues that individuals/households have developed a wide range of tactics in response to the economic marginalisation the country has endured since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Firstly, the paper details the importance of informal economies in contemporary Ukraine while highlighting that many such practices are operated out of necessity due to low wage and pension rates and high levels of corruption. This challenges state-produced statistics on the scale of economic marginalisation currently experienced in the country. By exploring a variety of these tactics the paper then examines how unequal power relations shape the spaces in which these practices operate in and how they can be simultaneously sites of exploitation and resistance to economic marginalisation. The paper concludes pessimistically by suggesting that the way in which these economic spaces are shaped precludes the development of state policies which might benefit the economically marginalised.
The thesis explores the nature of pupil resistance; it investigates what constitutes it and how it can be explained. Various ethnic and national group, male and female working-class resistance if analysed in two secondary schools in Birmingham (England) and one school in Sydney (Australia). It focuses on the pupils’ experience of school. ‘Compressed ethnographies’ (Walford and Miller, 1991) were conducted in each school to examine pupil resistance. The research found that structural societal state factors, regional, community and formal, informal and physical characteristics of each school, together with the teachers and pupils characteristics and background all influence resistance. The class, gender, ethnic and national identity of each pupil shapes resistance. In all three schools that were involved with the research, girls were more likely to exhibit overt, collective forms of resistance, whereas lads were more likely to operate alone. Islander pupils in Sydney and African-Caribbean kids in Birmingham were more likely to display engaged forms of resistance. Girls tended to show more engaged forms compared to their male counterparts across all ethnic and national cultures. Resistance is complex and dynamic, the definition alters depending upon context. Dimensions of resistance are developed; including overt, covert; individual, collective; intentional, unintentional; engaged and detached forms. Resistance operates within a structure and agency framework, the pupils can shape their own schooling experience mediated within the structures of their school, community and society. Some pupils manage their resources and the structures better than others; how the pupil manages and operates within the structures influences their resistance response. Resistance is contradictory and can reinforce the status quo. To fully understand resistance, it must be contextualised.
In an endeavour to provide further insight into the maturation of the cortical visual system in human infants, chromatic transient pattern reversal visual evoked potentials to red/green stimuli, were studied in a group of normal full term infants between the ages of 1 and 14 weeks post term in both cross sectional and longitudinal studies. In order to produce stimuli in which luminance cues had been eliminated with an aim to eliciting a chromatic response, preliminary studies of isoluminance determination in adults and infants were undertaken using behavioural and electrophysiological techniques. The results showed close similarity between the isoluminant ratio for adults and infants and all values were close to photometric isoluminance. Pattern reversal VEPs were recorded to stimuli of a range of red/green luminance ratios and an achromatic checkerboard. No transient VEP could be elicited with an isoluminant chromatic pattern reversal stimulus from any infant less than 7 weeks post term and similarly, all infants more than 7 weeks post term showed clear chromatic VEPs. The chromatic response first appeared at that age as a major positive component (P1) of long latency. This was delayed and reduced in comparison to the achromatic response. As the infant grew older, the latency of the P1 component decreased with the appearance of N1 and N by the 10th week post term. This finding was consistent throughout all infants assessed. In a behavioural study, no infant less than 7 weeks post term demonstrated clear discrimination of the chromatic stimulus, while those infants older than 7 weeks could do so. These findings are reviewed with respect to current neural models of visual development.
In this thesis a modified Canon IR optometer was used to record static and continuous responses of accommodation during sustained visual tasks. The instrument was assessed with regard to the ocular exit pupil used, its frequency response and noise levels. Experimental work concerned essentially the temporal characteristics and neurological basis of the accommodative mechanism. In the absence of visual stimuli, the accommodative system assumes a resting or tonic accommodative (TA) position, which may be modified by periods of sustained fixation. The rate of regression from a near task to TA in darkness has exhibited differences between regression rates for enunetropes (EMMs) compared with late-onset myopes (WMs). The rate of accommodative regression from a task set at 3D above TA was examined for a group of 10 EMMs and 10 LOMs for 3 conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol retarded the regression to TA for a sub-group of EMMs. The patterns of regression for the remaining emmetropes mirrored that for the LOMs, the drugs showing no difference in rate of regression compared with the saline condition. This provides support for the conjecture that LOMs and certain EMMs appear to be deficient in a sympathetic inhibitory component to the ciliary muscle which may attenuate adaptational changes in tonus and which leave them susceptible to the development of LOM. It is well established that the steady-state accommodative response is characterised by temporal changes in lens power having 2 dominant frequency components: a low frequency component (LFC: < 0.6Hz) and a high frequency component (HFC: 1.0-2.2Hz). This thesis investigates various aspects of these microfluctuations of accommodation.The HFC of accommodative fluctuations was shown to be present in central and peripheral lens zones, although the magnitude of the rms of accommodative microfluctuations was found to be reduced in the lens periphery. These findings concur with the proposal that the lens capsule acts as a force distributor, transmitting the tension from the zonules evenly over the whole of the lens surface.An investigation into the correlation between arterial pulse and the HFC of accommodative fluctuations showed that the peak frequency of the HFC was governed by the arterial pulse frequency. It was proposed that the microflucutations comprised a combination of neurological control (LFC) and physiological variations (HFC).The effect of timolol maleate on the steady-state accommodative response for a group of 10 emmetropes showed that timolol reduced significantly the rms of accommodative microfluctuations in treated but not untreated eyes. Consequently, the effect was considered to be locally, rather than systemically induced.The influence of the sympathetic system on within-task measurements of accommodation was examined by recording the accommodative response of 3 subjects to a sinusoidally moving target at 6 temporal frequencies from 0.05Hz to 0.5Hz for 3 drug conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol caused a reduced gain for frequencies below 0.3 whereas betaxolol reduced accommodative gain for all frequencies. It was proposed that the results for timolol were consistent with temporal response characteristics of sympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle whereas the betaxolol results were thought to be a manifestation of fatigue resulting from the CNS depressant effect of the drug.
In the absence of adequate visual stimulation accommodation adopts an intermediate resting position, appropriately termed tonic accommodation (TA). A period of sustained fixation can modify the tonic resting position, and indicate the adaptation properties of TA. This thesis investigates various factors contributing to the accommodative response during sustained visual tasks, in particular the adaptation of TA. Objective infra-red optometry was chosen as the most effective method of measurement of accommodation. This technique was compared with other methods of measuring TA and the results found to be well correlated. The inhibitory sympathetic input to the ciliary muscle provides the facility to attenuate the magnitude and duration of adaptive changes in TA. This facility is, however, restricted to those individuals having relatively high levels of pre-task TA. Furthermore, the facility is augmented by substantial levels of concurrent parasympathetic activity. The imposition of mental effort can induce concurrent changes in TA which are predominantly positive and largely the result of an increase in parasympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle although there is some evidence for sympathetic attentuation at higher levels of TA. In emmetropes sympathetic inhibition can modify the effect of mental effort on the steady-state accommodative response at near. Late-onset myopes (onset after the age of 15 years) have significantlylower values of TA then emmetropes. Similarly, late-onset myopes show lower values of steady-state accommodative response for nearstimuli. The imposition of mental effort induces concurrent increases in TA and steady-state accommodative response in the myopic group which are significantly greater than those for emmetropes. Estimates of TA made under bright empty-field conditions are well correlated with those made under darkroom conditions. The method by which the accommodative loop is opened has no significant effect on the magnitude and duration of post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task. Significant differences in the post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task exist between emmetropes and late-onset myopes, the post-task shifts being more sustained for the myopic group.
There is much talk of =the crisis‘ in higher education, often expressed in fatalistic narratives about the (im)possibility of critical resistance or alternatives to the deepening domination of neoliberal rationality and capitalist power throughout social life. But how precisely are we to make sense of this situation? In what ways is it experienced? And what knowledges and practices may help us to respond? These questions form the basis for a series of explorations of the history and character of this crisis, the particular historical conjuncture that we occupy today, and the different types of theoretical analysis and political response it seems to be engendering. Our talk will explore the tensions between readings of the situation as a paralyzing experience of domination, loss and impossibility, on the one hand, and radical transformation and the opening of future possibilities, on the other. We will finally consider what implications new forms of political theory being created in the new student movements have for reconceptualising praxis in higher education today, and perhaps for a wider imagination of post-capitalist politics.
Background: Some Australian pharmacists use continuing education to maintain knowledge and acquire new information. There has been a progression from continuing education to continuing professional development (CPD) - a mandatory requirement for pharmacists in all jurisdictions of Australia. Aim: To identify post-registration learning trends of community pharmacists in Western Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed and administered by face-to-face interviews with community pharmacists in metropolitan Perth. Pharmacists registered for less than 12 months and pharmacists working in hospitals were excluded. Results: 103 pharmacists were approached with a response rate of 95%. Journals (41%), reference books (23%) and the Internet (18%) were the most commonly used educational resources cited by pharmacists. Keeping scientific information up-to-date (39%) and gathering practical knowledge (22%) were the leading motivators for pharmacists to participate in continuing education. Factors that hindered participation in continuing education included lack of time (34%), family commitments (21%) and business commitments (21%). 79% of pharmacists agreed with the concept of mandatory CPD. 47% of pharmacists suggested that the primary sanction for not complying with mandatory CPD should be counselling to determine reasons for non-compliance. Conclusion: Community pharmacists preferred educational resources that were easily accessible at convenient times. Most pharmacists were able to fulfil the requirements of CPD, however, further educational support and promotion would ensure the successful uptake of CPD by community pharmacists in Western Australia.
BACKGROUND: Seizures are one of the most common symptoms of acute neurological disorders in newborns. This study aims at evaluating predictors of epilepsy in newborns with neonatal seizures. METHODS: we recruited consecutively eighty-five neonates with repeated neonatal video-EEG-confirmed seizures between Jan 1999 and Dec 2004. The relationship between clinical, EEG and ultrasound data in neonatal period and the development of post-neonatal epilepsy was investigated at 7 years of age. RESULTS: Fifteen patients (17.6%) developed post-neonatal epilepsy. Partial or no response to anticonvulsant therapy (OR 16.7, 95% CI: 1.8-155.8, p= .01; OR 47, 95% CI: 5.2-418.1, p<.01 respectively), severely abnormal cerebral ultrasound scan findings (OR: 5.4; 95% CI: 1.1-27.4; p<.04), severely abnormal EEG background activity (OR: 9.5; 95% CI: 1.6-54.2; p= .01) and the presence of status epilepticus (OR: 6.1; 95% CI: 1.8-20.3; p<.01) were found to be predictors of epilepsy. However, only the response to therapy seemed to be an independent predictor of post-neonatal epilepsy. CONCLUSION: Neonatal seizures seem to be related to post-neonatal epilepsy. Recurrent and prolonged neonatal seizures may act on an epileptogenic substrate, causing further damage, which is responsible for the subsequent clinical expression of epilepsy.
Previous studies have shown that a chromatic mechanism can drive pupil responses. The aim of this research was to clarify whether a linear or nonlinear chromatic mechanism drives pupillary responses by using test stimuli of various colours that are defined in cone contrast space. The pupil and accommodation responses evoked by these test stimuli were continuously and simultaneously objectively measured by photorefraction. The results with isochromatic and isoluminant stimuli showed that (lie accommodative level remained approximately constant (<0.25 D change in mean level) even when the concurrent pupillary response was large (ca. 0.30mm). The pupillary response to an isoluminant grating was sustained, delayed by ca. 60 ms) and larger in amplitude than that for a isochromatic uniform stimulus, which supports previous work suggesting that the chromatic mechanism contributes to the pupillary response. In a second experiment, selected chromatic test gratings were used and isoresponse contours in cone contrast space were obtained. The results showed that the isoresponse contour in cone contrast space is well described (r2 = 0.99) by a straight line with a positive slope. The results indicate that a [L-M] linear chromatic mechanism, whereby a signal from the long wavelength cone is subtracted from that of the middle wavelength cone and vice versa, drives pupillary responses.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of the portable Grand Seiko FR-5000 autorefractor to allow objective, continuous, open-field measurement of accommodation and pupil size for the investigation of the visual response to real-world environments and changes in the optical components of the eye. METHODS. The FR-5000 projects a pair of infrared horizontal and vertical lines on either side of fixation, analyzing the separation of the bars in the reflected image. The measurement bars were turned on permanently and the video output of the FR-5000 fed into a PC for real-time analysis. The calibration between infrared bar separation and the refractive error was assessed over a range of 10.0 D with a model eye. Tolerance to longitudinal instrument head shift was investigated over a ±15 mm range and to eye alignment away from the visual axis over eccentricities up to 25.0°. The minimum pupil size for measurement was determined with a model eye. RESULTS. The separation of the measurement bars changed linearly (r = 0.99), allowing continuous online analysis of the refractive state at 60 Hz temporal and approximately 0.01 D system resolution with pupils >2 mm. The pupil edge could be analyzed on the diagonal axes at the same rate with a system resolution of approximately 0.05 mm. The measurement of accommodation and pupil size were affected by eccentricity of viewing and instrument focusing inaccuracies. CONCLUSIONS. The small size of the instrument together with its resolution and temporal properties and ability to measure through a 2 mm pupil make it useful for the measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses in confined environments, although good eye alignment is important. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Optometry.