9 resultados para post mortem interval

em Aston University Research Archive


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We have studied the spatial distribution of plaques in coronal and tangential sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the hippocampus, the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. Sections were stained with cresyl violet and examined at two magnifications (x100 and x400). in all cases (and at both magnifications) statistical analysis using the Poisson distribution showed that the plaques were arranged in clumps (x100: V/M = 1.48 - 4.49; x400 V/M = 1.17 - 1.95). this indicates that both large scale and small scale clumping occurs. Application of the statistical techniques of pattern analysis to coronal sections of frontal and temporal cortex and PHG showed. furthermore, that both large (3200-6400 micron) and small scale (100 - 400 micron) clumps were arranged with a high degree of regularity in the tissue. This suggests that the clumps of plaques reflect underlying neural structure.


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Numerous senile plaques are one of the most characteristic histological findings in SDAT brains. Large classical plaques may develop from smaller uncored forms. There is no strong evidence that, once formed, plaques disappear from the tissue. We have examined cresyl-violet stained sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. The frequency of various sizes of plaques were determined in each of these brain regions. Statistical analysis showed that the ratio of large plaques to small plaques was greater in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) than in the neocortex. One explanation of these results is that plaques grow more rapidly in the hippocampal formation than elsewhere. Alternatively, if the rate of plaque growth is much the same in different brain regions, the data suggest that plaques develop first in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) and only later spread to the neocortex. This interpretation is also consistent with the theory that the neuropathology of SDAT spreads from the olfactory cortex via the hippocampal formation to the neocortex. Further development of this technique may help identify the site of the primary lesion in SDAT.


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About 10% of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome (disease) (CJD) exhibit visual symptoms at presentation and approximately 50% during the course of the disease. The objectives of the present study were to determine, in two subtypes of CJD, viz., sporadic CJD (sCJD) and variant CJD (vCJD), the degree of pathological change in the primary visual cortex (area V1) and the extent to which pathology in V1 may influence visual function. The vacuolation (‘spongiform change’), surviving neurons, glial cell nuclei, and deposits of prion protein (PrP) were quantified in V1 obtained post-mortem in nine cases of sCJD and eleven cases of vCJD. In sCJD, the vacuoles and PrP deposits were regularly distributed along the cortex parallel to the pia mater in clusters with a mean dimension from 450 to 1000 µm. Across the cortex, the vacuolation was most severe in laminae II/III and the glial cell reaction in laminae V/VI. Surviving neurons were most abundant in laminae II/III while PrP deposition either affected all laminae equally or was maximal in lamina II/III. In vCJD, the vacuoles and diffuse PrP deposits were distributed relatively uniformly parallel to the pia mater while the florid deposits were consistently distributed in regular clusters. Across V1, the vacuoles either exhibited a bimodal distribution or were uniformly distributed. The diffuse PrP deposits occurred most frequently in laminae II/III while the florid deposits were more generally distributed. The data suggest that in both sCJD and vCJD, pathological changes in area V1 may affect the processing of visual information in laminae II/III and its transmission from V1 to V2 and to subcortical visual areas. In addition, the data suggest an association in sCJD between the developing pathology and the functional domains of V1 while in vCJD the pathology is more uniformly distributed. These changes could be a factor in the development of poor visual acuity, visual field defects, cortical blindness, diplopia, and vertical gaze palsy that have been observed in Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome.


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The density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was estimated at post-mortem in areas B17 and B18 of the visual cortex in 18 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases which varied in disease onset and duration. The density of SP in B17 and NFT in B17 and B18 declined significantly with age at death of the patient. The density of SP and NFT was greater in B18 than B17 but only in cases of earlier onset and shorter duration. The pathological differences between B17 and B18 could explain the visual evoked responses (VER) that have been reported in AD. However, the differences were small, and changes in the afferent pathways remain the most likely explanation for the VER in AD. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The aim of this work was to use extremely low concentrations of free radical generating compounds as a 'catalyst' to trigger endogenous free radical chain reactions in the host and to selectively eliminate neoplastic cells in the host. To test the hypothesis, a number of free radical generating compounds were screened on several malignant cell lines in vitro to select model compounds that were used against tumour models in vivo. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and its derivatives were selected at the model compounds for in vivo experiments in view of their high cytotoxic potency against several malignant cell lines in vitro. The water soluble derivative, 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2', 4'-dinitro-6'-sulphophenyl) hydrazyl (DDSH) given by subcutaneous injections demonstrated significant antitumour activities against the MAC 16 murine colon adenocarcinoma implanted subcutaneously in male NMRI mice at nanomolar concentration range. 40-60% of long term survival of over 60 days was achieved (compared with control survival of 20 days) with total tumour elimination. This compound was also active against both P388 leukaemia in male BDF1 mice and TLX5 lymphoid tumour in male CBA/CA mice at a similar concentration range. However, some of these animals died suddenly after treatment with no evidence of disease present at post mortem. The cause of death was unknown but thought to be related to the treatment. There was significant increase in serum level of malondialdehyde (MDA) following treatment, but did not correlate to the antitumour activities of these compounds. Induction of supcroxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) occurred around day 8 after the administration of DDSH. Histological sections of MAC16 tumours showed areas of extensive massive haemorrhagic necrosis and vascular collapse associated with perivascular cell death following the administration of nanomolar concentration of DDSH which was probably compatible with the effects of free radicals. It was concluded that the antitumour activities of these compounds may be related to free radical and cytokine production.


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The fossil arthropod Class Trilobita is characterised by the possession of a highly mineralised dorsal exoskeleton with an incurved marginal flange (doublure). This cuticle is usually the only part of the organism to be preserved. Despite the common occurrence of trilobites in Palaeozoic sediments, the original exoskeletal mineralogy has not been determined previously. Petrographic data involving over seventy trilobite species, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, together with atomic absorption and stable isotope analyses, indicate a primary low-magnesian calcite composition. Trilobite cuticles exhibit a variety of preservational textures which are related to the different diagenetic realms through which they have passed. A greater knowledge of post-depositional processes and the specific features they produce, has enabled post-mortem artefacts to be distinguished from primary cuticular microstructures. Alterations of the cuticle can either enhance or destroy primary features, and their effects are best observed in thin-sections, both under transmitted light and cathodoluminescence. Well-preserved trilobites often retain primary microstructures such as laminations, canals, and tubercles. These have been examined in stained thin-sections and by scanning electron microscopy, from as wide a range of trilobites as possible. Construction of sensory field maps has shown that although the basic organisation of the exoskeleton is the same in all trilobites, the types of microstructures found, and their distribution is species-specific. The composition, microstructure, and architecture of the trilobite exoskeleton have also been studied from a biomechanical viewpoint. Total cuticle thickness, and the relative proportions of the different layers, together with the overall architecture all affected the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton.


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Aberrant amyloid-ß peptide (Aß) accumulation along with altered expression and function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) stand prominently in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since the discovery that Aß is bound to a7 nAChRs under many experimental settings, including post-mortem AD brain, much effort has been expended to understand the implications of this interaction in the disease milieu. This research update will review the current literature on the a7 nAChR-Aß interaction in vitro and in vivo, the functional consequences of this interaction from sub-cellular to cognitive levels, and discuss the implications these relationships might have for AD therapies.


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Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is characterized neuropathologically by neuronal loss, gliosis, and the presence of tau-immunoreactive neuronal and glial cell inclusions affecting subcortical and some cortical regions. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) the spatial patterns of the tau-immunoreactive pathology, viz., neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), tufted astrocytes (TA), and Alzheimer's disease-type neuritic plaques (NP) in PSP and (2) to investigate the spatial correlations between the histological features. Post-mortem material of cortical and subcortical regions of eight PSP cases was studied. Spatial pattern analysis was applied to the NFT, GI, TA, NP, abnormally enlarged neurons (EN), surviving neurons, and glial cells. NFT, GI, and TA were distributed either at random or in regularly distributed clusters. The EN and NP were mainly randomly distributed. Clustering of NFT and EN was more frequent in the cortex and subcortical regions, respectively. Variations in NFT density were not spatially correlated with the densities of either GI or TA, but were positively correlated with the densities of EN and surviving neurons in some regions. (1) NFT were the most widespread tau-immunoreactive pathology in PSP being distributed randomly in subcortical regions and in regular clusters in cortical regions, (2) GI and TA were more localized and exhibited a regular pattern of clustering in subcortical regions, and (3) neuronal and glial cell pathologies were not spatially correlated. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Factors associated with survival were studied in 84 neuropathologically documented cases of the pre-senile dementia frontotemporal dementia lobar degeneration (FTLD) with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis estimated mean survival as 7.9 years (range: 1-19 years, SD = 4.64). Familial and sporadic cases exhibited similar survival, including progranulin (GRN) gene mutation cases. No significant differences in survival were associated with sex, disease onset, Braak disease stage, or disease subtype, but higher survival was associated with lower post-mortem brain weight. Survival was significantly reduced in cases with associated motor neuron disease (FTLD-MND) but increased with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) co-morbidity. Cox regression analysis suggested that reduced survival was associated with increased densities of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) while increased survival was associated with greater densities of enlarged neurons (EN) in the frontal and temporal lobes. The data suggest that: (1) survival in FTLD-TDP is more prolonged than typical in pre-senile dementia but shorter than some clinical subtypes such as the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA), (2) MND co-morbidity predicts poor survival, and (3) NCI may develop early and EN later in the disease. The data have implications for both neuropathological characterization and subtyping of FTLD-TDP.