14 resultados para pore volume

em Aston University Research Archive


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A strategy to enhance the thermal stability of C/SiO2 hybrids for the O2-based oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene (ST) by P addition is proposed. The preparation consists of the polymerization of furfuryl alcohol (FA) on a mesoporous precipitated SiO2. The polymerization is catalyzed by oxalic acid (OA) at 160 °C (FA:OA = 250). Phosphorous was added as H3PO4 after the polymerization and before the pyrolysis that was carried out at 700 °C and will extend the overall activation procedure. Estimation of the apparent activation energies reveals that P enhances the thermal stability under air oxidation, which is a good indication for the ODH tests. Catalytic tests show that the P/C/SiO2 hybrids are readily active, selective and indeed stable in the applied reactions conditions for 60 h time on stream. Coke build-up during the reaction attributed to the P-based acidity is substantial, leading to a reduction of the surface area and pore volume. The comparison with a conventional MWCNT evidences that the P/C/SiO2 hybrids are more active and selective at high temperatures (450–475 °C) while the difference becomes negligible at lower temperature. However, the comparison with reference P/SiO2 counterparts shows a very similar yield than the hybrids but more selective to ST. The benefit of the P/C/SiO2 hybrid is the lack of stabilization period, which is observed for the P/SiO2 to create an active coke overlayer. For long term operation, P/SiO2 appears to be a better choice in terms of selectivity, which is crucial for commercialization.


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We report the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic performance of two nature-inspired biomass-derived electro-catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells. The catalysts were prepared via pyrolysis of a real food waste (lobster shells) or by mimicking the composition of lobster shells using chitin and CaCO3 particles followed by acid washing. The simplified model of artificial lobster was prepared for better reproducibility. The calcium carbonate in both samples acts as a pore agent, creating increased surface area and pore volume, though considerably higher in artificial lobster samples due to the better homogeneity of the components. Various characterisation techniques revealed the presence of a considerable amount of hydroxyapatite left in the real lobster samples after acid washing and a low content of carbon (23%), nitrogen and sulphur (<1%), limiting the surface area to 23 m2/g, and consequently resulting in rather poor catalytic activity. However, artificial lobster samples, with a surface area of ≈200 m2/g and a nitrogen doping of 2%, showed a promising onset potential, very similar to a commercially available platinum catalyst, with better methanol tolerance, though with lower stability in long time testing over 10,000 s.


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A study is reported on the deactivation of hydroprocessing catalysts and their reactivation by the removal of coke and metal foulants. The literature on hydrotreating catalyst deactivation by coke and metals deposition, the environmental problems associated with spent catalyst disposal, and its reactivation/rejuvenation process were reviewed. Experimental studies on catalyst deactivation involved problem analysis in industrial hydroprocessing operations, through characterization of the spent catalyst, and laboratory coking studies. A comparison was made between the characteristics of spent catalysts from fixed bed and ebullating bed residue hydroprocessing reactor units and the catalyst deactivation pattern in both types of reactor systems was examined. In the laboratory the nature of initial coke deposited on the catalyst surface and its role on catalyst deactivation were studied. The influence of initial coke on catalyst surface area and porosity was significant. Both catalyst acidity and feedstock quality had a remarkable influence on the amount and the nature of the initial coke. The hydroenitrogenation function (HDN) of the catalyst was found to be deactivated more rapidly by the initial coke than the hydrodesulphurization function (HDS). In decoking experiments, special attention was paid to the initial conditions of coke combustion, since the early stages of contact between the coke on the spent catalyst surface and the oxygen are crucial in the decoking process. An increase in initial combustion temperature above 440oC and the oxygen content of the regeneration gas above 5% vanadium led to considerable sintering of the catalyst. At temperatures above 700oC there was a substantial loss of molybdenum from the catalyst, and phase transformations in the alumina support. The preferred leaching route (coked vs decoked form of spent catalyst) and a comparison of different reagents (i.e., oxalic acid and tartaric acid) and promoters (i.e., Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferric Nitrate) for better selectivity in removing the major foulant (vanadium), characterization and performance evaluation of the treated catalysts and modelling of the leaching process were addressed in spent catalyst rejuvenation studies. The surface area and pore volume increased substantially with increasing vanadium extraction from the spent catalyst; the HDS activity showed a parallel increase. The selectivity for leaching of vanadium deposits was better, and activity recovery was higher, for catalyst rejuvenated by metal leaching prior to decoking.


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An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of poor curing simulating hot climatic conditions and remedies on the durability of steel in concrete. Three different curing environments were used i.e. (1) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 20°C, (2) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 50°C and (3) Air at 50°C at 30% relative humidity. The third curing condition corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity typical of Middle Eastern Countries. The nature of the hardened cement paste matrix, cured under the above conditions was studied by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry for measuring pore size distribution. The results were represented as total pore volume and initial pore entry diameter. The Scanning Electron Microscope was used to look at morphological changes during hydration, which were compared to the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results. X-ray defraction and Differential Thermal Analysis techniques were also employed for looking at any phase transformations. Polymer impregnation was used to reduce the porosity of the hardened cement pastes, especially in the case of the poorly cured samples. Carbonation rates of unimpregnated and impregnated cements were determined. Chloride diffusion studies were also undertaken to establish the effect of polymer impregnation and blending of the cements. Finally the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel bars was determined by the technique of Linear Polarisation. The steel was embedded in both untreated and polymer impregnated hardened cement pastes placed in either a solution containing NaCl or an environmental cabinet which provided carbonation at 40°C and 50% relative humidity.


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A range of mesoporous solid sulphonic acid catalysts have been prepared from a mercaptopropyl-trimethoxysilane (MPTS) precursor by sol-gel synthesis. The creation of surface sulphonic acid functionality via thiol oxidation has been followed by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. It is possible to continuously vary the sulphonic acid loading from 1 to 12wt.% while maintaining pore volume and mesostructure. The resulting materials exhibit high thermal stability and acid strength across the composition range and show good activity and selectivity in esterification and condensation reactions. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermal stability of porous sol-gel phosphosilicates was studied by comparing the textural features upon calcination between 400 and 550 °C. A significant loss of surface area and pore volume were observed; the first is due to thermal coarsening of the nanoparticles, and the pore volume reduction was ascribed to sintering of the most external nanoparticles producing less void volume. Lanthanum addition was investigated as thermal stabilizer. For the mesoporous phosphosilicate composition, lanthanum addition enhanced the surface area, showing a 45% and 50% improvement with respect to the La-free counterpart; the effect was much less visible for the macroporous composition.


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Porosity development of mesostructured colloidal silica nanoparticles is related to the removal of the organic templates and co-templates which is often carried out by calcination at high temperatures, 500-600 °C. In this study a mild detemplation method based on the oxidative Fenton chemistry has been investigated. The Fenton reaction involves the generation of OH radicals following a redox Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle that is used as catalyst and H2O2 as oxidant source. Improved material properties are anticipated since the Fenton chemistry comprises milder conditions than calcination. However, the general application of this methodology is not straightforward due to limitations in the hydrothermal stability of the particular system under study. The objective of this work is three-fold: 1) reducing the residual Fe in the resulting solid as this can be detrimental for the application of the material, 2) shortening the reaction time by optimizing the reaction temperature to minimize possible particle agglomeration, and finally 3) investigating the structural and textural properties of the resulting material in comparison to the calcined counterparts. It appears that the Fenton detemplation can be optimized by shortening the reaction time significantly at low Fe concentration. The milder conditions of detemplation give rise to enhanced properties in terms of surface area, pore volume, structural preservation, low Fe residue and high degree of surface hydroxylation; the colloidal particles are stable during storage. A relative particle size increase, expressed as 0.11%·h-1, has been determined.


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This paper investigates the effect of silica addition on the structural, textural and acidic properties of an evaporation induced self-assembled (EISA) mesoporous alumina. Two silica addition protocols were applied while maintaining the EISA synthesis route. The first route is based on the addition of a Na-free colloidal silica suspension (Ludox®), and the second method consists of the co-hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) with aluminium tri-sec-butoxide, to favour a more intimate mixing of the Al- and Si-hydrolysed species. The properties of the so derived materials were compared to the SiO2-free counterpart. The SiO2 addition was always beneficial from a structural and textural standpoint. TEOS appears to have a truly promoting effect; the ordering, surface area and pore volume are all improved. For Ludox®, the enhancement comes from the formation of smaller pores by a densification of the structure. The crystallization of γ-alumina depends on the interaction between the Al- and Si-species in the mesophase. Ludox®-based materials achieved crystallization at 750 °C but the intimate mixing in the TEOS-based mesophases shows a suppression of the phase transformation by 50-100 °C, with respect to the SiO2-free counterpart. This reduces the textural features substantially. For all SiO2-modified materials, the enhancement in the surface area is not accompanied by a concomitant improvement of total acidity, and the formation of weak Lewis acid sites was promoted. These effects were ascribed to SiO2 migration to the surface that blocks part of the acidity.


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The effect of the mild detemplation method, based on Fenton chemistry (with and without previous solvent extraction), and calcination was evaluated by the drug uptake capacity of SBA-15 materials. A number of characterization techniques were applied for evaluation and comparison of the materials properties such as TGA, CNH, N2 physisorption and 29Si NMR. The mild Fenton detemplation method rendered a nearly pristine SBA-15 without structural shrinkage, low residual template, improved surface area, pore volume and silanol concentration. The drug (ibuprofen) adsorption experiments were carried out by solution immersion in powdery form. The mild detemplated samples experienced an enhanced uptake that could be explained by the enhanced density of silanols (mmol/g), originated from the absence of calcination in the Fenton approaches. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Fenton-chemistry-based detemplation combined with secondary treatments offers options to tune the hierarchical porosity of SBA-15. This approach has been studied on a series of SBA-15 mesophases and has been compared to the conventional calcination. The as-synthesized and detemplated materials were studied with regard to their template content (TGA, CHN), structure (SAXS, TEM), surface hydroxylation (Blin-Carterets approach), and texture (high-resolution argon physisorption). Fenton detemplation achieves 99% of template removal, leading to highly hydroxylated materials. The structure is better preserved when a secondary treatment is applied after the Fenton oxidation, due to the intense capillary forces during drying in water. Two successful approaches are presented: drying in a low-surface-tension solvent (such as n-BuOH) and a hydrothermal stabilization to further condense the structure and make it structurally more robust. Both approaches give rise to remarkably low structural shrinkage, lower than calcination and the direct water-dried Fenton. Interestingly, the derived textural features are remarkably different. The n-BuOH exchange route gives rise to highly hierarchical structures with enhanced interconnecting pores and the highest surface areas. The hydrothermal stabilization produces large-pore SBA-15 structures with high pore volume, intermediate interconnectivity, and minimal micropores. Therefore, the hierarchical texture can be fine-tuned in these two fashions while the template is removed under mild conditions.


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A mild protocol that allows the template removal of soft un-aged silica nanoparticles was investigated. After oxidizing the organic template by Fenton chemistry, a good structural preservation is only achieved when the material is equilibrated and dried in a low-surface tension solvent. This avoids excessive capillary stress induced by the high surface tension of water, a major component in the Fenton reaction medium. The Fenton reaction should be carried out under mild conditions as well; otherwise the sample deteriorates by extensive hydrolysis, and capillary stress, and the structural ordering diminishes severely. We propose employing 10 ppm Fe concentration at 70 °C for 24 h for the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide template. The proposed protocol involves 2 steps resulting in an overall significantly higher pore volume attributed to the wider pores and limited particle agglomeration, while the calcined counterpart evidences aggregation and loss of the hexagonal ordering. n-BuOH exchange is unnecessary when the mesophase is stabilized by ageing, as the structure resists the water capillary stress. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


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The effects of a 15-mer antisense c-myc phosphorothioate modified oligodeoxynucleotide (OdN) upon the volume-sensitive Cl- current in ROS 17/2.8 cells were investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. At 5 microM, the OdN reversibly inhibited the current in a voltage- and time-dependent fashion. This was evident from the reduction in the peak current as assessed at the termination of each voltage pulse and an acceleration of the time-dependent inactivation present at strongly depolarised potentials. The kinetic modifications induced by the OdN suggest it may act by blocking the pore of open channels when the cell membrane potential is depolarised.


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This study has investigated the inclusion of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) and blast furnace slag (BFS) into hardened cement pastes (HCP) in retarding the ingress of chloride ions and oxygen molecules from the external environment. The influence of environmental factors such as drying and carbonation on the pore structure and diffusional properties of OPC, OPC/30%PFA and OPC/65%BFS hardened pastes was investigated. Specimens were desorbed from a saturated surface dry condition to a near constant weight at 65% relative humidity (RH) while others were simultaneously exposed to a 65% RH atmosphere and a carbon dioxide atmosphere of up to 5% by volume until there were fully carbonated. The presence of the interfacial zone at the cement paste-aggregate interface was critically reviewed and identified. The influence of the interfacial zone on porosity and chloride ingress in assumed periodic composites of glass bead mortars was also studied. The investigations have demonstrated the following: (a) The use of fly ash and slag in blended cement pastes has resulted in a marked reduction in capillary porosity and rate of chloride ingress. (b) The ratio of oxygen to chloride diffusion coefficients increased from values close to 1 in permeable pastes, to values of around 15 in low-permeability blended fly ash and slag pastes. This supports the view that the diffusion of chloride ions is retarded by the surface charge of the hydrated cement gel in low-permeability pastes. (c) Compared with plain OPC pastes, the carbonation of blended fly ash and slag pastes resulted in a marked increase in the coarse capillary porosity and a corresponding increase in the oxygen and chloride diffusion rates.


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Two new types of phenolic resin-derived synthetic carbons with bi-modal and tri-modal pore-size distributions were used as supports for Pd catalysts. The catalysts were tested in chemoselective hydrogenation and hydrodehalogenation reactions in a compact multichannel flow reactor. Bi-modal and tri-modal micro-mesoporous structures of the synthetic carbons were characterised by N2 adsorption. HR-TEM, PXRD and XPS analyses were performed for characterising the synthesised catalysts. N2 adsorption revealed that tri-modal synthetic carbon possesses a well-developed hierarchical mesoporous structure (with 6.5 nm and 42 nm pores), contributing to a larger mesopore volume than the bi-modal carbon (1.57 cm3 g-1versus 1.23 cm3 g-1). It was found that the tri-modal carbon promotes a better size distribution of Pd nanoparticles than the bi-modal carbon due to presence of hierarchical mesopore limitting the growth of Pd nanoparticles. For all the model reactions investigated, the Pd catalyst based on tri-modal synthetic carbon (Pd/triC) show high activity as well as high stability and reproducibility. The trend in reactivities of different functional groups over the Pd/triC catalyst follows a general order alkyne ≫ nitro > bromo ≫ aldehyde.