42 resultados para periodic perturbation

em Aston University Research Archive


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Since 1996 direct femtosecond inscription in transparent dielectrics has become the subject of intensive research. This enabling technology significantly expands the technological boundaries for direct fabrication of 3D structures in a wide variety of materials. It allows modification of non-photosensitive materials, which opens the door to numerous practical applications. In this work we explored the direct femtosecond inscription of waveguides and demonstrated at least one order of magnitude enhancement in the most critical parameter - the induced contrast of the refractive index in a standard borosilicate optical glass. A record high induced refractive contrast of 2.5×10-2 is demonstrated. The waveguides fabricated possess one of the lowest losses, approaching level of Fresnel reflection losses at the glassair interface. High refractive index contrast allows the fabrication of curvilinear waveguides with low bend losses. We also demonstrated the optimisation of the inscription regimes in BK7 glass over a broad range of experimental parameters and observed a counter-intuitive increase of the induced refractive index contrast with increasing translation speed of a sample. Examples of inscription in a number of transparent dielectrics hosts using high repetition rate fs laser system (both glasses and crystals) are also presented. Sub-wavelength scale periodic inscription inside any material often demands supercritical propagation regimes, when pulse peak power is more than the critical power for selffocusing, sometimes several times higher than the critical power. For a sub-critical regime, when the pulse peak power is less than the critical power for self-focusing, we derive analytic expressions for Gaussian beam focusing in the presence of Kerr non-linearity as well as for a number of other beam shapes commonly used in experiments, including astigmatic and ring-shaped ones. In the part devoted to the fabrication of periodic structures, we report on recent development of our point-by-point method, demonstrating the shortest periodic perturbation created in the bulk of a pure fused silica sample, by using third harmonics (? =267 nm) of fundamental laser frequency (? =800 nm) and 1 kHz femtosecond laser system. To overcome the fundamental limitations of the point-by-point method we suggested and experimentally demonstrated the micro-holographic inscription method, which is based on using the combination of a diffractive optical element and standard micro-objectives. Sub-500 nm periodic structures with a much higher aspect ratio were demonstrated. From the applications point of view, we demonstrate examples of photonics devices by direct femtosecond fabrication method, including various vectorial bend-sensors fabricated in standard optical fibres, as well as a highly birefringent long-period gratings by direct modulation method. To address the intrinsic limitations of femtosecond inscription at very shallow depths we suggested the hybrid mask-less lithography method. The method is based on precision ablation of a thin metal layer deposited on the surface of the sample to create a mask. After that an ion-exchange process in the melt of Ag-containing salts allows quick and low-cost fabrication of shallow waveguides and other components of integrated optics. This approach covers the gap in direct fs inscription of shallow waveguide. Perspectives and future developments of direct femtosecond micro-fabrication are also discussed.


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Most of the common techniques for estimating conditional probability densities are inappropriate for applications involving periodic variables. In this paper we introduce two novel techniques for tackling such problems, and investigate their performance using synthetic data. We then apply these techniques to the problem of extracting the distribution of wind vector directions from radar scatterometer data gathered by a remote-sensing satellite.


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Most of the common techniques for estimating conditional probability densities are inappropriate for applications involving periodic variables. In this paper we apply two novel techniques to the problem of extracting the distribution of wind vector directions from radar catterometer data gathered by a remote-sensing satellite.


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Most conventional techniques for estimating conditional probability densities are inappropriate for applications involving periodic variables. In this paper we introduce three related techniques for tackling such problems, and investigate their performance using synthetic data. We then apply these techniques to the problem of extracting the distribution of wind vector directions from radar scatterometer data gathered by a remote-sensing satellite.


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Most of the common techniques for estimating conditional probability densities are inappropriate for applications involving periodic variables. In this paper we introduce three novel techniques for tackling such problems, and investigate their performance using synthetic data. We then apply these techniques to the problem of extracting the distribution of wind vector directions from radar scatterometer data gathered by a remote-sensing satellite.


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This note explores the regulatory process of UK privatised utilities through the periodic review of prices. It provides a brief history of the privatisation programme in the UK and the theoretical arguments for the price-cap regulation that has been used. It argues that regulatory process appears to involve a covert dialogue and exchange of information between the regulator and regulated and also a second separate review process that consists of an overt dialogue. Using a semiotic analysis the authors suggest that the unfolding of each of these overt reviews follows a very similar pattern that is constantly being re-enacted. It is concluded that further research is required into the relative importance of the two separate review processes in the setting of the price-cap.


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This paper explores the regulatory process of UK privatised utilities as manifest in the periodic review of prices. Two separate review processes are identified, operating concurrently - a covert dialogue between the regulator and the regulated and an overt dialogue taking place in the public arena. Using a semiotic analysis of the review the authors argue that the overt event is the real review. Furthermore they argue that the unfolding of each review is so similar that it can be likened to a film script which is constantly re-enacted. The purpose of the review as a legitimating vehicle for the regulator and regulated, who exist in a symbiotic relationship, is explored in terms of the semiotics involved and the myth creation role of legitimation in order to explain the significance of the regulatory process.


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It is shown, through numerical simulations, that by using a combination of dispersion management and periodic saturable absorption it is possible to transmit solitonlike pulses with greatly increased energy near to the zero net dispersion wavelength. This system is shown to support the stable propagation of solitons over transoceanic distances for a wide range of input powers.


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We analytically and numerically analyze the occurrence of modulational instability in fibers with periodic changes in the group-velocity dispersion. For small variations, a set of resonances occurs in the gain spectrum. However, large dispersion variations eliminate these resonances and restrict the bandwidth of the fundamental gain spectrum. This research has been motivated by the adoption of dispersion management techniques in long-haul optical communications.


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In this paper we examine the equilibrium states of periodic finite amplitude flow in a horizontal channel with differential heating between the two rigid boundaries. The solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by means of a perturbation method for evaluating the Landau coefficients and through a Newton-Raphson iterative method that results from the Fourier expansion of the solutions that bifurcate above the linear stability threshold of infini- tesimal disturbances. The results obtained from these two different methods of evaluating the convective flow are compared in the neighbourhood of the critical Rayleigh number. We find that for small Prandtl numbers the discrepancy of the two methods is noticeable.


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We introduce a novel transmission technique of periodic in-line all-optical format conversion between return-to-zero and non-return-to-zero-like aimed at delaying the accumulation of format-specific impairments. A particular realization of this approach using in-line normal dispersion fibre-enhanced nonlinear optical loop mirrors at 40Gbit/s data rate is presented. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which generally activates Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), is expressed on commensal colonic bacteria. In a number of tissues, LPS can act directly on epithelial cells to increase paracellular permeability. Such an effect in the colon would have an important impact on the understanding of normal homeostasis and of pathology. Our aim was to use a novel primary culture of colonic epithelial cells grown on Transwells to investigate whether LPS, or Pam(3)CSK( 4), an activator of TLR2, affected paracellular permeability. Consequently, [(14)C]-mannitol transfer and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) were measured. The preparation consisted primarily of cytokeratin-18 positive epithelial cells that produced superoxide, stained for mucus with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and expressed TLR2 and TLR4. Tight junctions and desmosomes were visible by transmission electron microscopy. Basally, but not apically, applied LPS from Escherichia coli increased the permeability to mannitol and to a 10-kDa dextran, and reduced TEER. The LPS from Helicobacter pylori increased paracellular permeability of gastric cells when applied either apically or basally, in contrast to colon cells, where this LPS was active only from the basal aspect. A pan-caspase inhibitor prevented the increase in caspase activity caused by basal E. coli LPS, and reduced the effects of LPS on paracellular permeability. Synthetic Pam(3)CSK(4) in the basal compartment prevented all effects of basal E. coli LPS. In conclusion, LPS applied to the base of the colonic epithelial cells increased paracellular permeability by a mechanism involving caspase activation, suggesting a process by which perturbation of the gut barrier could be exacerbated. Moreover, activation of TLR2 ameliorated such effects.


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We overview our recent developments in the theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons within the context of optical applications. First, we present a class of localized solutions with a period multiple to that of the standard DM soliton in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic variations of the dispersion. In the framework of a reduced ordinary differential equation-based model, we discuss the key features of these structures, such as a smaller energy compared to traditional DM solitons with the same temporal width. Next, we present new results on dissipative DM solitons, which occur in the context of mode-locked lasers. By means of numerical simulations and a reduced variational model of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we analyze the influence of the different dissipative processes that take place in a laser.