14 resultados para organometallic compound

em Aston University Research Archive


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The reactions of group 16 heterocycles with organometallic reagents are described. Thiophenes have been used as models for organic sulfur in coal and their reactivity towards triiron dodecacarbonyl has been investigated. Reaction of unsubstituted thiophene with Fe3(CO)12 results in desulfurisation of the heterocycle, with the organic fragment being recovered in the form of the ferrole, C4H4.Fe2(CO)6. In addition a novel organometallic compound of iron is isolated, the formula of which is shown to be C4H4.Fe3(CO)8. Bezothiophene reacts with Fe3(CO)12 to yield benzothiaferrole, C8H6S.Fe2(CO)6, in which the sulfur is retained in the heterocycle. Dibenzothiophene, a more accurate model for organic sulfur in coal, displays no reactivity towards the iron carbonyl, suggesting that the more condensed systems will desulfurise less readily. Microwave methodology has been successful in accelerating the reactions of thiophenes with Fe3(CO)12. However, reaction of benzothiophene does not proceed to the desulfurisation stage while dibenzothiophene is unreactive even under microwave conditions. Tellurophenes (Te analogues of thiophenes) are shown to mimic the behaviour of thiophenes towards certain organometallic reagents with the advantage that their greater reactivity enables recovery of products in higher yields. Hence, reaction of tellurophene with Fe3(CO)12 again affords the ferrole but with an almost ten-fold increase in yield over thiophene. More significantly, dibenzotellurophene is also detellurated by the iron carbonyl affording the previously inaccessible dibenzoferrole, C12H8.Fe2(CO)6, thereby demonstrating the mechanistic feasibility of dechalcogenation of the more condensed aromatic molecules. The potential of tellurium heterocycles to act as precursors for novel organometallics is also recognised owing to the relatively facile elimination of the heteroatom from these systems. Thus, 2-telluraindane reacts with Fe3(CO)12 to yield a novel organometallic compound of formula C16H16.Fe(CO)3, arising from the unsymmetric dimerisation of two organic fragments.


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The synthetic hectorite, laponite has been used within the paper industry to produce mildly conducting paper for use in electrographic printing. The aim of this research was to modify laponite in order to improve the electrical conductivity. In a continuation of a previous investigation involving organotin intercalation of laponite, the organotin precursor (p-CH3,OC6H4)4Sn was synthesised and characterised using Mass Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Results of intercalation with this compound and a range of organobismuth and organoantimony compounds suggested that a halide content within the precursor was necessary for improvement in conductivity to be observed. Organometallic intercalation of a range of organotellurium compounds with laponite provided evidence that a hydrolysis reaction on the clay surface followed by the release of hydrochloric acid was an important first step if a reaction was to occur with the clay. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy studies have shown that the acid protons underwent exchange with the interlayer sodium ions in the clay to varying degrees. Gas-liquid Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy revealed that the carbon-tellurium bond remained intact. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed that there had been no increase in the basal spacing. The a.c. conductivity of the modified clays in the form of pressed discs was studied over a frequency range of 12Hz - 100kHz using two electrode systems, silver paste and stainless steel. The a.c. conductivity consists of two components, ionic and reactive. The conductivity of laponite was increased by intercalation with organometallic compounds. The most impressive increase was gained using the organotellurium precursor (p-CH3OC6H4)2TeCl2. Conductivity investigations using the stainless steel electrode where measurements are made under pressure showed that in the case of laponite, where poor particle-particle contact exists at ambient pressure, there is a two order of magnitude increase in the measured a.c. conductivity. This significant increase was not seen in modified laponites where the particle-particle contact had already been improved upon. Investigations of the clay surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy suggested that the improvement in particle-particle contact is the largest factor in the determination of the conductivity. The other important factor is the nature and the concentration of the interlayer cations. A range of clays were synthesised in order to increase the concentration of sodium interlayer cations. A sol-gel method was employed to carry out these syntheses. A conductivity evaluation showed that increasing the concentration of the sodium cations within the clay led to an increase in the conductivity.


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The effect of low energy nitrogen molecular ion beam bombardment on metals and compound semiconductors has been studied, with the aim to investigate at the effects of ion and target properties. For this purpose, nitrogen ion implantation in aluminium, iron, copper, gold, GaAs and AIGaAs is studied using XPS and Angle Resolve XPS. A series of experimental studies on N+2 bombardment induced compositional changes, especially the amount of nitrogen retained in the target, were accomplished. Both monoenergetic implantation and non-monoenergetic ion implantation were investigated, using the VG Scientific ESCALAB 200D system and a d. c. plasma cell, respectively. When the samples, with the exception of gold, are exposed to air, native oxide layers are formed on the surfaces. In the case of monoenergetic implantation, the surfaces were cleaned using Ar+ beam bombardment prior to implantation. The materials were then bombarded with N2+ beam and eight sets of successful experiments were performed on each sample, using a rastered N2+ ion beam of energy of 2, 3, 4 and 5 keV with current densities of 1 μA/cm2 and 5 μA/cm22 for each energy. The bombarded samples were examined by ARXPS. After each complete implantation, XPS depth profiles were created using Ar+ beam at energy 2 ke V and current density 2 μA/cm2 . As the current density was chosen as one of the parameters, accurate determination of current density was very important. In the case of glow discharge, two sets of successful experiments were performed in each case, by exposing the samples to nitrogen plasma for the two conditions: at low pressure and high voltage and high pressure and low voltage. These samples were then examined by ARXPS. On the theoretical side, the major problem was prediction of the number of ions of an element that can be implanted in a given matrix. Although the programme is essentially on experimental study, but an attempt is being made to understand the current theoretical models, such as SATVAL, SUSPRE and TRIM. The experimental results were compared with theoretical predictions, in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible. From the experimental results, considering possible experimental uncertainties, there is no evidence of significant variation in nitrogen saturation concentration with ion energy or ion current density in the range of 2-5 ke V, however, the retention characteristics of implantant seem to strongly depend on the chemical reactivity between ion species and target material. The experimental data suggests the presence of at least one thermal process. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results could be the inability of the codes to account for molecular ion impact and thermal processes.


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Surface compositional change of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, InSb, GeSi and CdSe single crystals due to low keV noble gas ion beam bombardment has been investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (LEISS). The purpose of using this complementary analytical method is to obtain more complete experimental evidence of ion beam modification in surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy to improve the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these effects. Before ion bombardment the sample surfaces were analysed nondestructively by Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) and LEISS to get the initial distribution of surface composition. Ion bombardment experiments were carried out using 3keV argon ions with beam current of 1μA for a period of 50 minutes, compositional changes in the surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy were monitored with normal XPS. After ion bombardment the surfaces were re-examined with ARXPS and LEISS. Both XPS and LEISS results showed clearly that ion bombardment will change the compositional distribution in the compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces. In order to explain the observed experimental results, two major theories in this field, Sigmund linear collision cascade theory and the thermodynamic models based on bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion, were investigated. Computer simulation using TRIM code was also carried out for assistance to the theoretical analysis. Combined the results obtained from XPS and LEISS analyses, ion bombardment induced compositional changes in compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces are explained in terms of the bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion.


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The reactions of directly related tellurium and selenium heterocyclic compounds with triiron dodecacarbonyl are described. The reaction of 2-telluraphthalide, C8H8OTe with [Fe3(CO)12 gave [Fe{C6H4(CH2)Te}(CO)3]2, (1). An iron atom has inserted into the telluracyclic ring, and it is probable that one co-ordinated CO ligand arises from the initially organic carbonyl group. X-ray analysis of compound (1) showed that the compound has a Fe2Te2 core, which is achieved by dimerisation. The reaction of telluraphthalic anhydride, C8H402Te with [Fe3(CO)12] gave a known, but unexpected, organic phthalide product, C8H602, which was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Selenaphthalic anhydride,  C8H4O2Se gave intractable products on reaction with [Fe3(CO)12], 2-selenaphthalide, C8H6OSe, on reaction with [Fe3(CO)12] gave a major product [Fe2{C6H4(CH2)Se}(CO)6], (2) and a minor product [Fe3{C6H4(CH2)Se}(CO)8], (3) which is an intermediate in the formation of (2). X-ray analysis of (2) shows that compound (2) is very similar to (1) except that the 18 electron rule is satisfied by co-ordination of a Fe(CO)3 moiety, rather than dimerisation. Compound (3), also studied by X-ray crystallography, differs from (2) mainly in the addition of an Fe(CO)2 moiety. Telluraphtbalic anhydride, C8H402Te, and selenaphthalic anhydride, C8H402Se, are both monoclinic and crystallise in space group P21/n. 2-Selenaphthalide, C8H402Se, is also monoclinic, space group P21/C. The reactions of the following compounds (l,3-dihydrobenzo[c]selenophene, 1,3,7,9-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2c; 4,5c'] ditellurophene, dibenzoselenophene, phenoxselenine, 3, 5-naphtho-1-telluracyclohexane and 3,5-naphtho-1-selenacyclohexane) with [Fe3lCO)12] are reported. It is unfortunate that the above compounds do not react under the conditions employed; this may be due to differing degrees of ring strain. 1,8-bis(bromomethyl)naphthalene, C12H10Br2 is monoclinic and crystallises in space group C2/c. 1,1-diiodo-3,5-naphthotelluracyclohexane, C12H10TeI2 and 3,5-naphtho-l-telluracyclohexane, C12H10Te are monoclinic and crystallise in space group P21/c. 3,5-naphtho-l-selenacyclohexane, C12H10Se and 2,2,8,8-tetraiodo-1,3,7,9-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2c;4,5c']ditellurophene are also monoclinic, space group P21/a. The syntheses of intramolecular stabilised organo-tellurium and selenium compounds are reported, having a general formula of REX (where R = phenylazophenyl; E = Se, Te; X = electronegative group, for example C1, Br or I). The crystal structures of R'TeBr, RTeI, RSeCI, RSeCI/I and RSeI (where R = phenylazophenyl) are reported. The tellurium containing X-ray structures are triclinic and have a space group P-1. The selenium containing X-ray structures are monoclinic with space group P21/n. The inclusion of nitrogen in selenium heterocycles provides access to an entirely new area of organometallic chemistry. The reaction of 2-methylbenzoselenazole with [Fe3(CO)12] gave [Fe2{C6H4(NCH2CH3)Se}(CO)6]. The reactions of 2-(methyltelluro)benzanilide or 2-(methylseleno)benzanilide with [Fe3(CO)12] gave reaction products [Fe2(μTeMe)2(CO)6] and [Fe2 (μ-SeMe)2(CO)6] respectively, which were confmned by X-ray crystallography. The use of Mossbauer spectroscopy on the products obtained from the reactions of heterocyclic compounds with [Fe3(CO)12] can give useful information, for example the number of iron sites and the environments of these iron sites within the products.


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A series of novel polymeric compounds of formula [M(btzb)3][ClO4]2 (Mll = Fe, Ni or Cu) with btzb = 1,4-bis-(tetrazol-1-yl)butane have been prepared and their physical properties investigated. The btzb ligand has been prepared and its crystal structure determined, together with a tentative crystal structure of the 3-D compound [Fe(btzb)3][ClO4]2. The model of the latter shows two symmetry-related, interpenetrating Fe-btzb networks in which the iron(II) ions approach each other as close as 8.3 and 9.1 Å. This supramolecular catenane undergoes a sharp thermal spin transition around 160 K with hysteresis (20 K) along with a pronounced thermochromic effect. The spin crossover behaviour has been followed by magnetic, DSC, optical spectroscopy and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements. Irradiation with green light at low temperature leads to population of the metastable high-spin state for the thermally active iron(ll) ions. The nature of the spin crossover behaviour has been discussed in detail.


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[μ-Tris(1,4-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)butane-N4,N4‘)iron(II)] bis(hexafluorophosphate), [Fe(btzb)3](PF6)2, crystallizes in a three-dimensional 3-fold interlocked structure featuring a sharp two-step spin-crossover behavior. The spin conversion takes place between 164 and 182 K showing a discontinuity at about T1/2 = 174 K and a hysteresis of about 4 K between T1/2 and the low-spin state. The spin transition has been independently followed by magnetic susceptibility measurements, 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy, and variable temperature far and midrange FTIR spectroscopy. The title compound crystallizes in the trigonal space group P30¯(No. 147) with a unit cell content of one formula unit plus a small amount of disordered solvent. The lattice parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction at several temperatures between 100 and 300 K. Complete crystal structures were resolved for 9 of these temperatures between 100 (only low spin, LS) and 300 K (only high spin, HS), Z = 1 [Fe(btzb)3](PF  6)2:  300 K (HS), a = 11.258(6) Å, c = 8.948(6) Å, V = 982.2(10) Å3; 100 K (LS), a = 10.989(3) Å, c = 8.702(2) Å, V = 910.1(4) Å3. The molecular structure consists of octahedral coordinated iron(II) centers bridged by six N4,N4‘ coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands to form three 3-dimensional networks. Each of these three networks is symmetry related and interpenetrates each other within a unit cell to form the interlocked structure. The Fe−N bond lengths change between 1.993(1) Å at 100 K in the LS state and 2.193(2) Å at 300 K in the HS state. The nearest Fe separation is along the c-axis and identical with the lattice parameter c.


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A simple elementary osmotic pump (EOP) system that could deliver metformin hydrochloride (MT) and glipizide (GZ) simultaneously for extended periods of time was developed in order to reduce the problems associated with multidrug therapy of type 2 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In general, both highly and poorly water-soluble drugs are not good candidates for elementary osmotic delivery. However, MT is a highly soluble drug with a high dose (500 mg) while GZ is a water-insoluble drug with a low dose (5 mg) so it is a great challenge to pharmacists to provide satisfactory extended release of MT and GZ. In this paper sodium carbonate was used to modulate the solubility of GZ within the core and MT was not only one of the active ingredients but also the osmotic agent. The optimal EOP was found to deliver both drugs at a rate of approximately zero order for up to 10 h in pH 6.8, independent of environment media. In-vivo evaluation was performed relative to the equivalent dose of conventional MT tablet and GZ tablet by a cross-study in six Beagle dogs. The EOP had a good sustained effect in comparison with the conventional product. The prototype design of the system could be applied to other combinations of drugs used for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.


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[Cu(hyetrz)3](CF3SO3)2·H2O [hyetrz = 4-(2′-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,4-triazole] represents the first structurally characterised ferromagnetically coupled CuII chain compound containing triple N1,N2-1,2,4-triazole bridges. catena-[μ-Tris{4-(2′-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,4-triazole-N1,N2}copper(II)] bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) hydrate (C14H23F6S2O10CuN9) crystallises in the triclinic space group Pl, a = 13.54(3), b = 14.37(3), c = 15.61(4) Å, α = 95.9(1), β = 104.9(1), γ = 106.5(1)°, V = 2763(11) Å3, Z = 4 (CuII units). The CuII ions are linked by triple N1,N2-1,2,4-triazole bridges yielding an alternating chain with Cu1−Cu2 = 3.8842(4) Å and Cu2−Cu3 = 3.9354(4) Å. Analysis of the magnetic data according to a high-temperature series expansion gives a J value of +1.45(3) cm−1. The nature and the magnitude of the ferromagnetic exchange have been discussed on the basis of the structural features. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).


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In analogy to a common synthesis of 1-substituted 5-H tetrazoles (Tetrahedron Lett. 36 (1995)1759; Beloruss. Gos. Univ., Minsk, USSR. Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. 11 (1985) 1521; Beloruss. Gos. Univ., Minsk, USSR. Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. 1 (1991) 66; BGU, Belarus. Vestsi Akad. Navuk Belarusi, Ser. Khim. Navuk 1 (1992) 73), the new bidentate ligand 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane [endi] was synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, NMR, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy. By using iron(II) tetrafluoroborate hexahydrate the complexation with this ligand yields a 1-dimensional linear coordination polymer similar to the recently published chain compound (Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1891) exhibiting a thermally induced spin-crossover phenomenon. Similar to the 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane-bridged compound, our 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane-bridged compound shows a gradual spin transition, but the spin-crossover temperature T1/2≈140 K is found to be 10 K above the other T1/2. The T1/2 was determined by temperature-dependent 57Fe-Mössbauer, far FT-IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy as well as by temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements. Single crystals of the complex were grown in situ from a solution of the ligand and iron(II) tetrafluoroborate. The X-ray structure determinations of both the high spin as well as the low spin state of the compound revealed a solid state structure, which is comparable to that of catena-[Fe(1,2-bis(tetrazole-1-yl)propane)3](ClO4)2 (Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1891; 2nd TMR-TOSS Meeting, 4th Spin Crossover Family Meeting, Lufthansa Training Center, Seeheim/Germany, April 30–May 2, 1999). Both the 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane-bridged and our compound do not show a thermal hysteresis effect (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 (1993) 9810; Inorg. Chim. Acta 37 (1979) 169; Chem. Phys. Lett. 93 (1982) 567). The synthesis of the complex described in the experimental section yielded a fine powdered product being poorly soluble in most common solvents. The single crystal measurements were done with crystals obtained by various diffusion methods. Most of them yielded either thin needles or small hexagonal prism crystals depending on the specific conditions.


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The synthesis and crystal structure of a novel one-dimensional Cu(II) compound [Cu(1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane)3](ClO4)2 are described. The single-crystal X-ray structure determination was carried out at 298 K. The molecular structure consists of a linear chain in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by three N4,N4' coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands in syn conformation. The Cu(II) ions are in a Jahn-Teller distorted octahedral environment (Cu(1)-N(11)=2.034(2) Å, Cu(1)-N(21)=2.041(2) Å and Cu(1)-N(31)=2.391(2) Å). The Cu⋯Cu separations are 7.420(3) Å.


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We describe the case of a dysgraphic aphasic individual-S.G.W.-who, in writing to dictation, produced high rates of formally related errors consisting of both lexical substitutions and what we call morphological-compound errors involving legal or illegal combinations of morphemes. These errors were produced in the context of a minimal number of semantic errors. We could exclude problems with phonological discrimination and phonological short-term memory. We also excluded rapid decay of lexical information and/or weak activation of word forms and letter representations since S.G.W.'s spelling showed no effect of delay and no consistent length effects, but, instead, paradoxical complexity effects with segmental, lexical, and morphological errors that were more complex than the target. The case of S.G.W. strongly resembles that of another dysgraphic individual reported in the literature-D.W.-suggesting that this pattern of errors can be replicated across patients. In particular, both patients show unusual errors resulting in the production of neologistic compounds (e.g., "bed button" in response to "bed"). These patterns can be explained if we accept two claims: (a) Brain damage can produce both a reduction and an increase in lexical activation; and (b) there are direct connections between phonological and orthographic lexical representations (a third spelling route). We suggest that both patients are suffering from a difficulty of lexical selection resulting from excessive activation of formally related lexical representations. This hypothesis is strongly supported by S.G.W.'s worse performance in spelling to dictation than in written naming, which shows that a phonological input, activating a cohort of formally related lexical representations, increases selection difficulties. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.