29 resultados para oil-water emulsion
em Aston University Research Archive
The literature relating to haze formation, methods of separation, coalescence mechanisms, and models by which droplets <100 μm are collected, coalesced and transferred, have been reviewed with particular reference to particulate bed coalescers. The separation of secondary oil-water dispersions was studied experimentally using packed beds of monosized glass ballotini particles. The variables investigated were superficial velocity, bed depth, particle size, and the phase ratio and drop size distribution of inlet secondary dispersion. A modified pump loop was used to generate secondary dispersions of toluene or Clairsol 350 in water with phase ratios between 0.5-6.0 v/v%.Inlet drop size distributions were determined using a Malvern Particle Size Analyser;effluent, coalesced droplets were sized by photography. Single phase flow pressure drop data were correlated by means of a Carman-Kozeny type equation. Correlations were obtained relating single and two phase pressure drops, as (ΔP2/μc)/ΔP1/μd) = kp Ua Lb dcc dpd Cine A flow equation was derived to correlate the two phase pressure drop data as, ΔP2/(ρcU2) = 8.64*107 [dc/D]-0.27 [L/D]0.71 [dp/D]-0.17 [NRe]1.5 [e1]-0.14 [Cin]0.26 In a comparison between functions to characterise the inlet drop size distributions a modification of the Weibull function provided the best fit of experimental data. The general mean drop diameter was correlated by: q_p q_p p_q /β Γ ((q-3/β) +1) d qp = d fr .α Γ ((P-3/β +1 The measured and predicted mean inlet drop diameters agreed within ±15%. Secondary dispersion separation depends largely upon drop capture within a bed. A theoretical analysis of drop capture mechanisms in this work indicated that indirect interception and London-van der Waal's mechanisms predominate. Mathematical models of dispersed phase concentration m the bed were developed by considering drop motion to be analogous to molecular diffusion.The number of possible channels in a bed was predicted from a model in which the pores comprised randomly-interconnected passage-ways between adjacent packing elements and axial flow occured in cylinders on an equilateral triangular pitch. An expression was derived for length of service channels in a queuing system leading to the prediction of filter coefficients. The insight provided into the mechanisms of drop collection and travel, and the correlations of operating parameters, should assist design of industrial particulate bed coalescers.
A new concept of nanoporous metal organic framework particles stabilising emulsions was investigated. The copper benzenetricarboxylate MOF particles adsorbed at the oil/water interface play an exceptional role in stabilising both oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Two different membrane emulsification methods were used to study mechanisms for co-stabilisation of emulsions, by either electrostatic or steric stabilised nanoparticles with anionic, cationic or non-ionic surfactants. The experimental results demonstrated the existence of two distinct co-stabilisation mechanisms that arise from interactions of the nanoparticles and surfactant molecules. When significant interaction is not involved, independent competitive adsorption of nanoparticles and surfactant molecules occurs spontaneously to stabilise droplets in formation. The adsorption/desorption equilibrium between surfactant molecules determines the longevity of the droplet stability. When the surfactant molecule reacts with the nanoparticle surface, the resultant surface modification appears to generate faster wetting kinetics for nanoparticles at the oil/water interface and yields enhanced stabilisation. The paper discusses the implications of controlling these interactions for emulsion production membrane systems.
Some of the problems arising from the inherent instability of emulsions are discussed. Aspects of emulsion stability are described and particular attention is given to the influence of the chemical nature of the dispersed phase on adsorbed film structure and stability, Emulsion stability has been measured by a photomicrographic technique. Electrophoresis, interfacial tension and droplet rest-time data were also obtained. Emulsions were prepared using a range of oils, including aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, dispersed In a solution of sodium dodecyl sulphate. In some cases a small amount of alkane or alkanol was incorporated into the oil phase. In general the findings agree with the classical view that the stability of oil-in-water emulsions is favoured by a closely packed interfacial film and appreciable electric charge on the droplets. The inclusion of non-ionic alcohol leads to enhanced stability, presumably owing to the formation of a "mixed" interfacial film which is more closely packed and probably more coherent than that of the anionic surfactant alone. In some instances differences in stability cannot he accounted for simply by differences in interfacial adsorption or droplet charge. Alternative explanations are discussed and it is postulated that the coarsening of emulsions may occur not only hy coalescence but also through the migration of oil from small droplets to larger ones by molecular diffusion. The viability of using the coalescence rates of droplets at a plane interface as a guide to emulsion stability has been researched. The construction of a suitable apparatus and the development of a standard testing procedure are described. Coalescence-time distributions may be correlated by equations similar to those presented by other workers, or by an analysis based upon the log-normal function. Stability parameters for a range of oils are discussed in terms of differences in film drainage and the natl1re of the interfacial film. Despite some broad correlations there is generally poor agreement between droplet and emulsion stabilities. It is concluded that hydrodynamic factors largely determine droplet stability in the systems studied. Consequently droplet rest-time measurements do not provide a sensible indication of emulsion stability,
This research provides a novel approach for the determination of water content and higher heating value of pyrolysis oil. Pyrolysis oil from Napier grass was used in this study. Water content was determined with pH adjustment using a Karl Fischer titration unit. An equation for actual water in the oil was developed and used, and the results were compared with the traditional Karl Fischer method. The oil was found to have between 42 and 64% moisture under the same pyrolysis condition depending on the properties of the Napier grass prior to the pyrolysis. The higher heating value of the pyrolysis oil was determined using an oil-diesel mixture, and 20 to 25 wt% of the oil in the mixture gave optimum and stable results. A new model was developed for evaluation of higher heating value of dry pyrolysis oil. The dry oil has higher heating values in the range between 19 and 26 MJ/kg. The developed protocols and equations may serve as a reliable alternative means for establishing the actual water content and the higher heating value of pyrolysis oil.
The ability of liposomes and microspheres to enhance the efficacy of a sub-unit antigen was investigated. Microspheres were optimised by testing a range of surfactants employed in the external aqueous phase of a water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsion solvent evaporation process for the preparation of microspherescomposed of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) and the immunological adjuvant dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA)and then investigated with regard to the physico-chemical and immunological characteristics of the particles produced. The results demonstrate that this parameter can affect the physico-chemical characteristics of these systems and subsequently, has a substantial bearing on the level of immune response achieved, both humoural and cell mediated, when employed for the delivery of the sub-unit tuberculosis vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6. Moreover, the microsphere preparations investigated failed to initiate immune responses at the levels achieved with an adjuvant DDA-based liposome formulation (DDA-TDB), further substantiating the superior ability of liposomes as vaccine delivery systems.
Pyrolysis is one of several thermochemical technologies that convert solid biomass into more useful and valuable bio-fuels. Pyrolysis is thermal degradation in the complete or partial absence of oxygen. Under carefully controlled conditions, solid biomass can be converted to a liquid known as bie-oil in 75% yield on dry feed. Bio-oil can be used as a fuel but has the drawback of having a high level of oxygen due to the presence of a complex mixture of molecular fragments of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin polymers. Also, bio-oil has a number of problems in use including high initial viscosity, instability resulting in increased viscosity or phase separation and high solids content. Much effort has been spent on upgrading bio-oil into a more usable liquid fuel, either by modifying the liquid or by major chemical and catalytic conversion to hydrocarbons. The overall primary objective was to improve oil stability by exploring different ways. The first was to detennine the effect of feed moisture content on bio-oil stability. The second method was to try to improve bio-oil stability by partially oxygenated pyrolysis. The third one was to improve stability by co-pyrolysis with methanol. The project was carried out on an existing laboratory pyrolysis reactor system, which works well with this project without redesign or modification too much. During the finishing stages of this project, it was found that the temperature of the condenser in the product collection system had a marked impact on pyrolysis liquid stability. This was discussed in this work and further recommendation given. The quantity of water coming from the feedstock and the pyrolysis reaction is important to liquid stability. In the present work the feedstock moisture content was varied and pyrolysis experiments were carried out over a range of temperatures. The quality of the bio-oil produced was measured as water content, initial viscosity and stability. The result showed that moderate (7.3-12.8 % moisture) feedstock moisture led to more stable bio-oil. One of drawbacks of bio-oil was its instability due to containing unstable oxygenated chemicals. Catalytic hydrotreatment of the oil and zeolite cracking of pyrolysis vapour were discllssed by many researchers, the processes were intended to eliminate oxygen in the bio-oil. In this work an alternative way oxygenated pyrolysis was introduced in order to reduce oil instability, which was intended to oxidise unstable oxygenated chemicals in the bio-oil. The results showed that liquid stability was improved by oxygen addition during the pyrolysis of beech wood at an optimum air factor of about 0.09-0.15. Methanol as a postproduction additive to bio-oil has been studied by many researchers and the most effective result came from adding methanol to oil just after production. Co-pyrolysis of spruce wood with methanol was undertaken in the present work and it was found that methanol improved liquid stability as a co-pyrolysis solvent but was no more effective than when used as a postproduction additive.
The effect of lignin and inorganic species in biomass on pyrolysis oil yields, quality and stability
This paper investigates four reference fuels and three low lignin Lolium Festuca grasses which were subjected to pyrolysis to produce pyrolysis oils. The oils were analysed to determine their quality and stability, enabling the identification of feedstock traits which affect oil stability. Two washed feedstocks were also subjected to pyrolysis to investigate whether washing can enhance pyrolysis oil quality. It was found that the mineral matter had the dominate effect on pyrolysis in compared to lignin content, in terms of pyrolysis yields for organics, char and gases. However the higher molecular weight compounds present in the pyrolysis oil are due to the lignin derived compounds as determined by results of GPC and liquid-GC/MS. The light organic fraction also increased in yield, but reduced in water content as metals increased at the expense of the lignin content. It was found that the fresh oil and aged oil had different compound intensities/concentrations, which is due to a large number of reactions occurring when the oil is aged day by day. These findings agree with previous reports which suggest that a large amount of re-polymerisation occurs as levoglucosan yields increase during the aging progress, while hydroxyacetaldehyde decrease. In summary the paper reports a window for producing a more stable pyrolysis oil by the use of energy crops, and also show that washing of biomass can improve oil quality and stability for high ash feedstocks, but less so for the energy crops.
The primary objective of this work is to relate the biomass fuel quality to fast pyrolysis-oil quality in order to identify key biomass traits which affect pyrolysis-oil stability. During storage the pyrolysis-oil becomes more viscous due to chemical and physical changes, as reactions and volatile losses occur due to aging. The reason for oil instability begins within the pyrolysis reactor during pyrolysis in which the biomass is rapidly heated in the absence of oxygen, producing free radical volatiles which are then quickly condensed to form the oil. The products formed do not reach thermodynamic equilibrium and in tum the products react with each other to try to achieve product stability. The first aim of this research was to develop and validate a rapid screening method for determining biomass lignin content in comparison to traditional, time consuming and hence costly wet chemical methods such as Klason. Lolium and Festuca grasses were selected to validate the screening method, as these grass genotypes exhibit a low range of Klason /Acid Digestible Fibre lignin contents. The screening methodology was based on the relationship between the lignin derived products from pyrolysis and the lignin content as determined by wet chemistry. The second aim of the research was to determine whether metals have an affect on fast pyrolysis products, and if any clear relationships can be deduced to aid research in feedstock selection for fast pyrolysis processing. It was found that alkali metals, particularly Na and K influence the rate and yield of degradation as well the char content. Pre-washing biomass with water can remove 70% of the total metals, and improve the pyrolysis product characteristics by increasing the organic yield, the temperature in which maximum liquid yield occurs and the proportion of higher molecular weight compounds within the pyrolysis-oil. The third aim identified these feedstock traits and relates them to the pyrolysis-oil quality and stability. It was found that the mineral matter was a key determinant on pyrolysis-oil yield compared to the proportion of lignin. However the higher molecular weight compounds present in the pyrolysis-oil are due to the lignin, and can cause instability within the pyrolysis-oil. The final aim was to investigate if energy crops can be enhanced by agronomical practices to produce a biomass quality which is attractive to the biomass conversion community, as well as giving a good yield to the farmers. It was found that the nitrogen/potassium chloride fertiliser treatments enhances Miscanthus qualities, by producing low ash, high volatiles yields with acceptable yields for farmers. The progress of senescence was measured in terms of biomass characteristics and fast pyrolysis product characteristics. The results obtained from this research are in strong agreement with published literature, and provides new information on quality traits for biomass which affects pyrolysis and pyrolysis-oils.
Sewage sludge was pyrolysed with 40% mixed wood, 40% rapeseed and 40% straw. The reason for the mixture of different biomass is to investigate the impact of co-pyrolysis on the upper phase of bio-oil in terms of changes to composition, elemental analysis, viscosity, water content, pH, higher heating value and acid number that could impact on their applications. The biomass was pyrolysed in a laboratory at 450 °C and bio-oil was collected from two cooling traps. The bio-oil obtained from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge with wood, rapeseed and straw was analysed for composition using the gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The upper phase from the co-pyrolysis process was also characterised for ultimate analysis, higher heating values, water content, viscosity, pH and acid number. There was an increase in the amount of upper phase produced with co-pyrolysis of 40% rapeseed. It was also found that the upper phase from sewage sludge with mixed wood has the highest viscosity, acid number and lowest pH. The bio-oil containing 40% straw was found to have a pH of 6.5 with a very low acid number while the 40% rapeseed was found to have no acid number. Sewage sludge with 40% rapeseed was found to have the highest energy content of 34.8 MJ/kg, 40% straw has 32.5 MJ/kg while the 40% mixed wood pyrolysis oil has the lowest energy content of 31.3 MJ/kg. The 40% rapeseed fraction was found to have the highest water content of 8.2% compared to other fractions.
Catalytic pyrolysis experiments have been carried out on Brunei rice husk (BRH) to obtain bio-oil using a fixed-bed pyrolysis rig. ZSM-5, Al-MCM-41, Al-MSU-F and Brunei rice husk ash (BRHA) were used as the catalysts for the catalytic pyrolysis experiments and comparison was done to analyse the changes in the bio-oil properties and yield. Properties of the liquid catalytic and non-catalytic bio-oil were analysed in terms of water content, pH, acid number, viscosity, density and calorific value. The bio-oil chemical composition shows that ZSM-5 increases the production of aromatic hydrocarbons and light phenols, whilst Al-MCM-41 reduces the acetic acid production. The catalytic runs increased the calorific value and water content in the bio-oil, whilst viscosity, density and acid number is decreased. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Renewable non-edible plant oils such as jatropha and karanj have potential to substitute fossil diesel fuels in CI engines. A multi-cylinder water cooled IDI type CI engine has been tested with jatropha and karanj oils and comparisons made against fossil diesel. The physical and chemical properties of the three fuels were measured to investigate the suitability of jatropha and karanj oils as fuels for CI engines. The engine cooling water circuit and fuel supply systems were modified such that hot jacket water preheated the neat plant oil prior to injection. Between jatropha and karanj there was little difference in the performance, emission and combustion results. Compared to fossil diesel, the brake specific fuel consumption on volume basis was around 3% higher for the plant oils and the brake thermal efficiency was almost similar. Jatropha and karanj operation resulted in higher CO 2 and NO x emissions by 7% and 8% respectively, as compared to diesel. The cylinder gas pressure diagram showed stable engine operation with both plant oils. At full load, the plant oils gave around 3% higher peak cylinder pressure than fossil diesel. With the plant oils, cumulative heat release was smaller at low load and almost similar at full load, compared to diesel. At full load, the plant oils exhibited 5% shorter combustion duration. The study concludes that the IDI type CI engine can be efficiently operated with neat jatropha (or karanj) oil preheated by jacket water, after small modifications of the engine cooling and fuel supply circuits. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
In this study the impact of senescence and harvest time in Miscanthus on the quality of fast pyrolysis liquid (bio-oil) was investigated. Bio-oil was produced using a 1kgh fast pyrolysis reactor to obtain a quantity of bio-oil comparable with existing industrial reactors. Bio-oil stability was measured using viscosity, water content, pH and heating value changes under specific conditions. Plant developmental characteristics were significantly different (P=0.05) between all harvest points. The stage of crop senescence was correlated with nutrient remobilisation (N, P, K; r=0.9043, r=0.9920, r=0.9977 respectively) and affected bio-oil quality. Harvest time and senescence impacted bio-oil quality and stability. For fast pyrolysis processing of Miscanthus, the harvest time of Miscanthus can be extended to cover a wider harvest window whilst still maintaining bio-oil quality but this may impact mineral depletion in, and long term sustainability of, the crop unless these minerals can be recycled. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
This study presents design and construction of a tri-generation system (thermal efficiency, 63%), powered by neat nonedible plant oils (jatropha, pongamia and jojoba oil or standard diesel fuel), besides studies on plant performance and economics. Proposed plant consumes fuel (3 l/h) and produce ice (40 kg/h) by means of an adsorption refrigerator powered from the engine waste jacket water heat. Potential savings in green house gas (GHG) emissions of trigeneration system in comparison to cogeneration (or single generation) has also been discussed.
Crossflow and rotating membrane emulsification techniques were used for making oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. The emulsions produced from a variety of oils and monomers (viscosity 7–528 mPas) exhibited narrow size distributions over a wide droplet size range, with the average droplet size ranging from less than 1 µm up to 500 µm. The monomer emulsions were further encapsulated to produce microcapsules through subsequent polymerisation reactions. The monodispersity feature of the primary emulsions was retained after the encapsulation. In comparison with other homogenisation methods, our experimental results demonstrated that the membrane emulsification technique is not only superior in emulsion droplet size controls, but also advantageous in energy efficiency and industrial-scale productions.