11 resultados para neuromuscular synapse

em Aston University Research Archive


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The effects of organophosphorus compounds which form a rapidly-ageing complex with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (e.g. pinacolyl S-(2- trimethylaminoethyl)methylphosphonothioate (BOS)) and hence exert a persistent anticholinesterase (anti-ChE) action have been compared with other compounds with a shorter time course of inhibition (e.g. ecothiopate iodide (ECO)). Although the inhibition of AChE produced by BOS lasted longer than that seen with ECO, the time course of the myopathy appeared very similar. BOS also possessed a number of properties which have been seen with other anti-ChEs. BOS and ECO produced significant increases in neuromuscular "jitter" 5 days after injection, not only in the diaphragm but also in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. Increases in "jitter" produced by ECO could be prevented by pyridostigmine prophylaxis or rapid treatment with pyridine-2- aldoxime methiodide. Some protection from the BOS-induced increases in "jitter" could be gained by repeated treatment with pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide, an effect which could not be accounted for simply by enzyme reactivation. From experiments performed in Rej 129 mice it was determined that increases in "jitter", although demonstrated in some dystrophic muscles, could not be used as an early diagnostic tool. Because sequalae of inhibition were present some time after intoxication, by which time AChE appeared biochemically normal, experiments were performed to investigate inactivation of physiologically important AChE. The time course of extracellular MEPPs was utilised as an indicator of physiologically important AChE and compared with the AChE activity measured by the technique of Ellman et al. (1961). It was concluded that the degree of persistence of anti-ChE action was unimportant for the induction of myopathy with a time course of 3-24 hours, but had some importance in events of longer duration.


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Current knowledge of the long-term, low dose effects of carbamate (CB) anti-cholinesterases on skeletal muscle or on the metabolism and regulation of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is limited. This is largely due to the reversible nature of these inhibitors and the subtle effects they induce which has generally made their study difficult and preliminary investigations were conducted to determine suitable study methods. A sequential extraction technique was used to rapidly analyse AChE molecular form activity at the mouse neuromuscular junction and also in peripheral parts of muscle fibres. AChE in the synaptic cleft involved in the termination of cholinergic transmission was successfully assessed by the assay method and by an alternative method using a correlation equation which represented the relationship between synaptic AChE and the prolongation of extra-cellular miniature endplate potentials. It was found that inhibition after in vivo Carbamate (CB) dosing could not be maintained during tissue analysis because CB-inhibited enzyme complexes decarbamoylated vary rapidly and could not be prevented even when maintained on ice. The methods employed did not therefore give a measure of inhibition but presented a profile of metabolic responses to continual, low dose CB treatment. Repetitive and continual infusion with low doses of the CBs: pyridostigmine and physostigmine induced a variety of effects on mouse skeletal muscle. Both compounds induced a mild myopathy in the mouse diaphragm during continual infusion which was characterised by endplate deformation without necrosis; such deformation persisted on termination of treatment but had recovered slightly 14 days later. Endplate and non-endplate AChE molecular forms displayed selective responses to CB treatment. During treatment endplate AChE was reduced whereas non-endplate AChE was largely unaffected, and after treatment, endplate AChE recovered, whereas non-endplate AChE was up-regulated. The mechanisms by which these responses become manifest are unclear but may be due to CB-induced effects on nerve-mediated muscle activity, neurotrophic factors or morphological and physiological changes which arise at the neuromuscular junction. It was concluded that, as well as inhibiting AChE, CBs also influence the metabolism and regulation of the enzyme and induce persistent endplate deformation; possible detrimental effects of long-term, low-dose determination requires further investigation.


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T-cell activation requires interaction of T-cell receptors (TCR) with peptide epitopes bound by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. This interaction occurs at a special cell-cell junction known as the immune or immunological synapse. Fluorescence microscopy has shown that the interplay among one agonist peptide-MHC (pMHC), one TCR and one CD4 provides the minimum complexity needed to trigger transient calcium signalling. We describe a computational approach to the study of the immune synapse. Using molecular dynamics simulation, we report here on a study of the smallest viable model, a TCR-pMHC-CD4 complex in a membrane environment. The computed structural and thermodynamic properties are in fair agreement with experiment. A number of biomolecules participate in the formation of the immunological synapse. Multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations may be the best opportunity we have to reach a full understanding of this remarkable supra-macromolecular event at a cell-cell junction.


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We analyse the size and density of thermally induced regions of close contact in cell : cell contact interfaces within a harmonic potential approximation, estimating these regions to be below one-tenth of a micron across. Our calculations indicate that as the distance between the close contact threshold depth and the mean membrane-membrane separation increases, the density of close contact patches decreases exponentially while there is only a minimal variation in their mean size. The technique developed can be used to calculate the probability of first crossing in reflection symmetry violating systems. © Europhysics Letters Association.


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This paper resolves the long standing debate as to the proper time scale τ of the onset of the immunological synapse bond, the noncovalent chemical bond defining the immune pathways involving T cells and antigen presenting cells. Results from our model calculations show τ to be of the order of seconds instead of minutes. Close to the linearly stable regime, we show that in between the two critical spatial thresholds defined by the integrin:ligand pair (Δ2∼ 40-45 nm) and the T-cell receptor TCR:peptide-major-histocompatibility-complex pMHC bond (Δ1∼ 14-15 nm), τ grows monotonically with increasing coreceptor bond length separation δ (= Δ2-Δ1∼ 26-30 nm) while τ decays with Δ1 for fixed Δ2. The nonuniversal δ-dependent power-law structure of the probability density function further explains why only the TCR:pMHC bond is a likely candidate to form a stable synapse.


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The impact of whole body vibrations (vibration stimulus mechanically transferred to the body) on muscular activity and neuromuscular response has been widely studied but without standard protocol and by using different kinds of exercises and parameters. In this study, we investigated how whole body vibration treatments affect electromyographic signal of rectus femoris during static and dynamic squat exercises. The aim was the identification of squat exercise characteristics useful to maximize neuromuscular activation and hence progress in training efficacy. Fourteen healthy volunteers performed both static and dynamic squat exercises without and with vibration treatments. Surface electromyographic signals of rectus femoris were recorded during the whole exercise and processed to reduce artifacts and to extract root mean square values. Paired t-test results demonstrated an increase of the root mean square values (p<0.05) in both static and dynamic squat exercises with vibrations respectively of 63% and 108%. For each exercise, subjects gave a rating of the perceived exertion according to the Borg's scale but there were no significant changes in the perceived exertion rate between exercises with and without vibration. Finally, results from analysis of electromyographic signals identified the static squat with WBV treatment as the exercise with higher neuromuscular system response. © 2012 IEEE.


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The article analyzes the contribution of stochastic thermal fluctuations in the attachment times of the immature T-cell receptor TCR: peptide-major-histocompatibility-complex pMHC immunological synapse bond. The key question addressed here is the following: how does a synapse bond remain stabilized in the presence of high-frequency thermal noise that potentially equates to a strong detaching force? Focusing on the average time persistence of an immature synapse, we show that the high-frequency nodes accompanying large fluctuations are counterbalanced by low-frequency nodes that evolve over longer time periods, eventually leading to signaling of the immunological synapse bond primarily decided by nodes of the latter type. Our analysis shows that such a counterintuitive behavior could be easily explained from the fact that the survival probability distribution is governed by two distinct phases, corresponding to two separate time exponents, for the two different time regimes. The relatively shorter timescales correspond to the cohesion:adhesion induced immature bond formation whereas the larger time reciprocates the association:dissociation regime leading to TCR:pMHC signaling. From an estimate of the bond survival probability, we show that, at shorter timescales, this probability PΔ(τ) scales with time τ as a universal function of a rescaled noise amplitude DΔ2, such that PΔ(τ)∼τ-(ΔD+12),Δ being the distance from the mean intermembrane (T cell:Antigen Presenting Cell) separation distance. The crossover from this shorter to a longer time regime leads to a universality in the dynamics, at which point the survival probability shows a different power-law scaling compared to the one at shorter timescales. In biological terms, such a crossover indicates that the TCR:pMHC bond has a survival probability with a slower decay rate than the longer LFA-1:ICAM-1 bond justifying its stability.


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The cell:cell bond between an immune cell and an antigen presenting cell is a necessary event in the activation of the adaptive immune response. At the juncture between the cells, cell surface molecules on the opposing cells form non-covalent bonds and a distinct patterning is observed that is termed the immunological synapse. An important binding molecule in the synapse is the T-cell receptor (TCR), that is responsible for antigen recognition through its binding with a major-histocompatibility complex with bound peptide (pMHC). This bond leads to intracellular signalling events that culminate in the activation of the T-cell, and ultimately leads to the expression of the immune eector function. The temporal analysis of the TCR bonds during the formation of the immunological synapse presents a problem to biologists, due to the spatio-temporal scales (nanometers and picoseconds) that compare with experimental uncertainty limits. In this study, a linear stochastic model, derived from a nonlinear model of the synapse, is used to analyse the temporal dynamics of the bond attachments for the TCR. Mathematical analysis and numerical methods are employed to analyse the qualitative dynamics of the nonequilibrium membrane dynamics, with the specic aim of calculating the average persistence time for the TCR:pMHC bond. A single-threshold method, that has been previously used to successfully calculate the TCR:pMHC contact path sizes in the synapse, is applied to produce results for the average contact times of the TCR:pMHC bonds. This method is extended through the development of a two-threshold method, that produces results suggesting the average time persistence for the TCR:pMHC bond is in the order of 2-4 seconds, values that agree with experimental evidence for TCR signalling. The study reveals two distinct scaling regimes in the time persistent survival probability density prole of these bonds, one dominated by thermal uctuations and the other associated with the TCR signalling. Analysis of the thermal fluctuation regime reveals a minimal contribution to the average time persistence calculation, that has an important biological implication when comparing the probabilistic models to experimental evidence. In cases where only a few statistics can be gathered from experimental conditions, the results are unlikely to match the probabilistic predictions. The results also identify a rescaling relationship between the thermal noise and the bond length, suggesting a recalibration of the experimental conditions, to adhere to this scaling relationship, will enable biologists to identify the start of the signalling regime for previously unobserved receptor:ligand bonds. Also, the regime associated with TCR signalling exhibits a universal decay rate for the persistence probability, that is independent of the bond length.