11 resultados para molecular processes

em Aston University Research Archive


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Exposure to the solar ultraviolet spectrum that penetrates the Earth's stratosphere (UVA and UVB) causes cellular DNA damage within skin cells. This damage is elicited directly through absorption of energy (UVB), and indirectly through intermediates such as sensitizer radicals and reactive oxygen species (UVA). DNA damage is detected as strand breaks or as base lesions, the most common lesions being 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG) from UVA exposure and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from UVB exposure. The presence of these products in the genome may cause misreading and misreplication. Cells are protected by free radical scavengers that remove potentially mutagenic radical intermediates. In addition, the glutathione-S-transferase family can catalyze the removal of epoxides and peroxides. An extensive repair capacity exists for removing (1) strand breaks, (2) small base modifications (8OHdG), and (3) bulky lesions (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers). UV also stimulates the cell to produce early response genes that activate a cascade of signaling molecules (e.g., protein kinases) and protective enzymes (e.g., haem oxygenase). The cell cycle is restricted via p53-dependent and -independent pathways to facilitate repair processes prior to replication and division. Failure to rescue the cell from replication block will ultimately lead to cell death, and apoptosis may be induced. The implications for UV-induced genotoxicity in disease are considered.


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Clinical dextran is used as a blood volume expander. The British Pharmacopeia (BP) specification for this product requires the amount of dextran below 12,000 MW and above 98,000 MW to be strictly controlled. Dextran is presently fractionated industrially using ethanol precipitation. The aim of this work was to develop an ultrafiltration system which could replace the present industrial process. Initially these molecular weight (MW) bands were removed using batch ultrafiltration. A large number of membranes were tested. The correct BP specification could be achieved using these membranes but there was a significant loss of saleable material. To overcome this problem a four stage ultrafiltration cascade (UFC) was used. This work is the first known example of a UFC being used to remove both the high and low MW dextran. To remove the high MW material it was necessary to remove 90% of the MW distribution and retain the remaining 10%. The UFC significantly reduced the amount of dialysate required. To achieve the correct specification below 12,000 MW, the UFC required only 2.5 - 3.0 diavolumes while the batch system required 6 - 7. The UFC also improved the efficiency of the fractionation process. The UFC could retain up to 96% of the high MW material while the batch system could only retain 82.5% using the same number of diavolumes. On average the UFC efficiency was approximately 10% better than the equivalent batch system. The UFC was found to be more predictable than the industrial process and the specification of the final product was easier to control. The UFC can be used to improve the fractionation of any polymer and also has several other potential uses including enzyme purification. A dextransucrase bioreactor was also developed. This preliminary investigation highlighted the problems involved with the development of a successful bioreactor for this enzyme system.


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Gas absorption, the removal of one or more constitutents from a gas mixture, is widely used in chemical processes. In many gas absorption processes, the gas mixture is already at high pressure and in recent years organic solvents have been developed for the process of physical absorption at high pressure followed by low pressure regeneration of the solvent and recovery of the absorbed gases. Until now the discovery of new solvents has usually been by expensive and time consuming trial and error laboratory tests. This work describes a new approach, whereby a solvent is selected from considerations of its molecular structure by applying recently published methods of predicting gas solubility from the molecular groups which make up the solvent molecule. The removal of the acid gases of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from methane or hydrogen was used as a commercially important example. After a preliminary assessment to identify promising moecular groups, more than eighty new solvent molecules were designed and evaluated by predicting gas solubility. The other important physical properties were also predicted by appropriate theoretical procedures, and a commercially promising new solvent was chosen to have a high solubility for acid gases, a low solubility for methane and hydrogen, a low vapour pressure, and a low viscosity. The solvent chosen, of molecular structure Ch3-COCH2-CH2-CO-CH3, was tested in the laboratory and shown to have physical properties, except for vapour pressures, close to those predicted. That is gas solubilities were within 10% but lower than predicted. Viscosity within 10% but higher than predicted and a vapour pressure significantly lower than predicted. A computer program was written to predict gas solubility in the new solvent at the high pressures (25 bar) used in practice. This is based on the group contribution method of Skold Jorgensen (1984). Before using this with the new solvent, Acetonyl acetone, the method was show to be sufficiently accurate by comparing predicted values of gas solubility with experimental solubilities from the literature for 14 systems up to 50 bar. A test of the commercial potential of the new solvent was made by means of two design studies which compared the size of plant and approximate relative costs of absorbing acid gases by means of the new solvent with other commonly used solvents. These were refrigerated methanol(Rectisol process) and Dimethyl Ether or Polyethylene Glycol(Selexol process). Both studies showed in terms of capital and operating cost some significant advantage for plant designed for the new solvent process.


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The work described in this thesis is an attempt to provide improved understanding of the effects of several factors affecting diffusion in hydrated cement pastes and to aid the prediction of ionic diffusion processes in cement-based materials. Effect of pore structure on diffusion was examined by means of comparative diffusion studies of quaternary ammonium ions with different ionic radii. Diffusivities of these ions in hydrated pastes of ordinary portland cement with or without addition of fly ash were determined by a quasi-steady state technique. The restriction of the pore geometry on diffusion was evaluated from the change of diffusivity in response to the change of ionic radius. The pastes were prepared at three water-cement ratios, 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65. Attempts were made to study the effect of surface charge or the electrochemical double layer at the pore/solution interface on ionic diffusion. An approach was to evaluate the zeta potentials of hydrated cement pastes through streaming potential measurements. Another approach was the comparative studies of the diffusion kinetics of chloride and dissolved oxygen in hydrated pastes of ordinary portland cement with addition of 0 and 20% fly ash. An electrochemical technique for the determination of oxygen diffusivity was also developed. Non-steady state diffusion of sodium potassium, chloride and hydroxyl ions in hydrated ordinary portland cement paste of water-cement ratio 0.5 was studied with the aid of computer-modelling. The kinetics of both diffusion and ionic binding were considered for the characterization of the concentration profiles by Fick's first and second laws. The effect of the electrostatic interactions between ions on the overall diffusion rates was also considered. A general model concerning the prediction of ionic diffusion processes in cement-based materials has been proposed.


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Elevated amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and loss of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) stand prominently in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since the discovery of an Aβ - nAChR interaction, much effort has been expended to characterize the consequences of high versus low concentrations of Aβ on nAChRs. This review will discuss current knowledge on the subject at the molecular, cellular, and physiological levels with particular emphasis on understanding how Aβ - nAChR interaction may contribute to normal physiological processes as well as the etiology of AD. ©2010 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Recent advances in our ability to watch the molecular and cellular processes of life in action-such as atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers and Forster fluorescence resonance energy transfer-raise challenges for digital signal processing (DSP) of the resulting experimental data. This article explores the unique properties of such biophysical time series that set them apart from other signals, such as the prevalence of abrupt jumps and steps, multi-modal distributions and autocorrelated noise. It exposes the problems with classical linear DSP algorithms applied to this kind of data, and describes new nonlinear and non-Gaussian algorithms that are able to extract information that is of direct relevance to biological physicists. It is argued that these new methods applied in this context typify the nascent field of biophysical DSP. Practical experimental examples are supplied.


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We report statistical time-series analysis tools providing improvements in the rapid, precision extraction of discrete state dynamics from time traces of experimental observations of molecular machines. By building physical knowledge and statistical innovations into analysis tools, we provide techniques for estimating discrete state transitions buried in highly correlated molecular noise. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on simulated and real examples of steplike rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor and the F1-ATPase enzyme. We show that our method can clearly identify molecular steps, periodicities and cascaded processes that are too weak for existing algorithms to detect, and can do so much faster than existing algorithms. Our techniques represent a step in the direction toward automated analysis of high-sample-rate, molecular-machine dynamics. Modular, open-source software that implements these techniques is provided.


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A new bridge technique for the measurement of the dielectric absorption of liquids and solutions at microwave frequencies has been described and its accuracy assessed. 'l'he dielectric data of the systems studied is discussed in terms of the relaxation processes contributing to the dielectric absorption and the apparent dipole moments. Pyridine, thiophen and furan in solution have a distribution of relaxation times which may be attributed to the small size of the solute molecules relative to the solvent. Larger rigid molecules in solution were characterized by a single relaxation time as would be anticipated from theory. The dielectric data of toluene, ethyl-, isopropyl- and t-butylbenzene as pure liquids and in solution were described by two relaxation times, one identified with molecular re-orientation and a shorter relaxation time.· The subsequent work was investigation of the possible explanations of this short relaxation process. Comparable short relaxation times were obtained from the analysis of the dielectric data of solutions of p-chloro- and p-bromotoluene below 40°C, o- and m-xylene at 25°C and 1-methyl- and 2 methylnaphthalene at 50 C. Rigid molecules of similar shapes and sizes were characterized by a single relaxation time identified with molecular re-orientation. Contributions from a long relaxation process attributed to dipolar origins were reported for solutions of nitrobenzene, benzonitrile and p-nitrotoluene. A short relaxation process of possible dipolar origins contributed to the dielectric absorption of 4-methyl- and 4-t-butylpyridine in cyclohexane at 25°C. It was concluded that the most plausible explanation of the short relaxation process of the alkyl-aryl hydrocarbons studied appears to be intramolecular relaxation about the alkyl-aryl bond. Finally the mean relaxation times of some phenylsubstituted compounds were investigated to evaluate any shortening due to contributions from the process of relaxation about the phenyl-central atom bond. The relaxation times of triphenylsilane and phenyltrimethylsilane were significantly short.


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The simulated classical dynamics of a small molecule exhibiting self-organizing behavior via a fast transition between two states is analyzed by calculation of the statistical complexity of the system. It is shown that the complexity of molecular descriptors such as atom coordinates and dihedral angles have different values before and after the transition. This provides a new tool to identify metastable states during molecular self-organization. The highly concerted collective motion of the molecule is revealed. Low-dimensional subspaces dynamics is found sensitive to the processes in the whole, high-dimensional phase space of the system. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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-In the Liliaceous species Alstroemeria, petal senescence is characterized by wilting and inrolling, terminating in abscission 8-10 d after flower opening. -In many species, flower development and senescence involves programmed cell death (PCD). PCD in Alstroemeria petals was investigated by light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (to study nuclear degradation and cellular integrity), DNA laddering and the expression programme of the DAD-1 gene. -TEM showed nuclear and cellular degradation commenced before the flowers were fully open and that epidermal cells remained intact whilst the mesophyll cells degenerated completely. DNA laddering increased throughout petal development. Expression of the ALSDAD-1 partial cDNA was shown to be downregulated after flower opening. -We conclude that some PCD processes are started extremely early and proceed throughout flower opening and senescence, whereas others occur more rapidly between stages 4-6 (i.e. postanthesis). The spatial distribution of PCD across the petals is discussed. Several molecular and physiological markers of PCD are present during Alstroemeria petal senescence. © New Phytologist (2003).


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Postharvest senescence in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var Italica) florets results in phenotypic changes similar to those seen in developmental leaf senescence. To compare these two processes in more detail, we investigated molecular and biochemical changes in broccoli florets stored at two different temperatures after harvest. We found that storage at cooler temperatures delayed the symptoms of senescence at both the biochemical and gene expression levels. Changes in key biochemical components (lipids, protein, and chlorophyll) and in gene expression patterns occurred in the harvested tissue well before any visible signs of senescence were detected. Using previously identified senescence-enhanced genes and also newly isolated, differentially expressed genes, we found that the majority of these showed a similar enhancement of expression in postharvest broccoli as in developmental leaf senescence. At the biochemical level, a rapid loss of membrane fatty acids was detected after harvest, when stored at room temperature. However, there was no corresponding increase in levels of lipid peroxidation products. This, together with an increased expression of protective antioxidant genes, indicated that, in the initial stages of postharvest senescence, an orderly dismantling of the cellular constituents occurs, using the available lipid as an energy source. Postharvest changes in broccoli florets, therefore, show many similarities to the processes of developmental leaf senescence.