13 resultados para lymphocyte trafficking

em Aston University Research Archive


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The evolutionarily conserved apical determinant Crumbs (Crb) is essential for maintaining apicobasal polarity and integrity of many epithelial tissues [1]. Crb levels are crucial for cell polarity and homeostasis, yet strikingly little is known about its trafficking or the mechanism of its apical localization. Using a newly established, liposome-based system described here, we determined Crb to be an interaction partner and cargo of the retromer complex. Retromer is essential for the retrograde transport of numerous transmembrane proteins from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and is conserved between plants, fungi, and animals [2]. We show that loss of retromer function results in a substantial reduction of Crb in Drosophila larvae, wing discs, and the follicle epithelium. Moreover, loss of retromer phenocopies loss of crb by preventing apical localization of key polarity molecules, such as atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and Par6 in the follicular epithelium, an effect that can be rescued by overexpression of Crb. Additionally, loss of retromer results in multilayering of the follicular epithelium, indicating that epithelial integrity is severely compromised. Our data reveal a mechanism for Crb trafficking by retromer that is vital for maintaining Crb levels and localization. We also show a novel function for retromer in maintaining epithelial cell polarity.


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It is well-known that the rapid flow of water into and out of cells is controlled by membrane proteins called aquaporins (AQPs). However, the mechanisms that allow cells to quickly respond to a changing osmotic environment are less well established. Using GFP-AQP fusion proteins expressed in HEK293 cells, we demonstrate the reversible manipulation of cellular trafficking of AQP1. AQP1 trafficking was mediated by the tonicity of the cell environment in a specific PKC- and microtubule-dependent manner. This suggests that the increased level of water transport following osmotic change may be due a phosphorylation-dependent increase in the level of AQP1 trafficking resulting in membrane localization.


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Purified B-cells fail to proliferate in response to the strong thymus-independent (TI) antigen Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the absence of macrophages (Corbel and Melchers, 1983). The fact that macrophages, or factors derived from them are required is supported by the inability of marginal zone B-cells in infants to respond to highly virulent strains of bacteria such as Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae (Timens, 1989). This may be due to the lack of CD21 expression on B-cells in infants which could associate with its co-receptor (C3d) on adjacent macrophages. It is not clear whether cell surface contacts and/or soluble products are involved in lymphocyte-macrophage interactions in response to certain antigens. This thesis describes the importance of the macrophage in lymphocyte responses to T-dependent (TD) and TI antigens. The major findings of this thesis were as follows: (1). Macrophages were essential for a full proliferative response to a range of T - and B-cell mitogens and TI-1 and TI-2 antigens, including Concanavalin A, LPS, Pokeweed mitogen (PWM), Dextran sulphate, Phytohaemagglutinin-P (PHA-P) and Poly[I][C]. (2). A ratio of 1 macrophage to 1000 lymphocytes was sufficient for the mitogens to exert their effects. (3). The optimal conditions were established for the activation of an oxidative burst in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage as measured by luminometry. The order of ability was OpZ >PMA/lonomycin >f-MLP >Con A >DS >PHA >Poly[I][C] >LPS >PWM. Responses were only substantial and protracted with OpZ and PMA. Peritoneal macrophages were the most responsive cells, whereas splenic and alveolar macrophages were significantly less active and no response could be elicited with Kupffer cells, thus demonstrating heterogeneity between macrophages. (4). Activated macrophages that were then fixed with paraformaldehyde were unable to restore mitogenic responsiveness, even with a ratio of 1 macrophage to 5 lymphocytes. (5). Although highly purified T- and B-cells could respond to mitogen provided live macrophages were present, maximum activation was only observed when all 3 cell types were present. (6). Supernatants from purified macrophage cultures treated with a range of activators were able to partially restore lymphocyte responses to mitogen in macrophage-depleted splenocyte cultures, and purified T - and B-cell cultures. In fact supernatants from macrophages treated with LPS for only 30 minutes could restore responsiveness. Supernatants from OpZ treated macrophages were without effect. (7). Macrophage supernatants could not induce proliferation in the absence of mitogen. They therefore provide a co-mitogenic signal required by lymphocytes in order to respond to mitogen. (8). Macrophage product profiles revealed that LPS and Con A-treated macrophage supernatants showed elevated levels of IL-1β, TNF -α L TB4 and TXB2. These products were therefore good candidates as the co-mitogenic factor. The possible inhibitory factors secreted by OpZ-treated macrophages were PGE2, IL-10 and NO. (9). The removal of cytokines, eicosanoids and TNF-α from LPS-treated macrophage supernatants using Cycloheximide, Dexamethasone and an MMPI respectively, resulted in the inability of these supernatants to restore macrophage-depleted lymphocyte responses to mitogen. (10). rIL-1β and rTNF-α are co-mitogenic factors, as macrophage-depleted lymphocytes incubated with rIL-1β and rTNF-α can respond to mitogen.


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Concanavalin A, provoked a 35-fold increase in the rate of proliferation of rat thymocytes. Insulin (10-6M), and insulin-like growth factor I (10-10M) approximately doubled the rate of DNA synthesis. Both of these structurally related molecules acted through the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor. The sequential addition of Concanavalin A and insulin, promoted a much greater proliferative response than to either of the two agonists alone. Insulin also increased the uptake of glucose and amino acids by the cells. Glucose uptake was enhanced at insulin concentrations of 10-6M and 10-10M. Amino acid uptake was more strongly affected at the higher concentration. Insulin-like growth factor I (10-11M) also enhanced amino acid uptake. The effects of insulin on metabolism were mediated by both insulin and type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. These effects were greatly enhanced after a pre-treatment with Concanavalin A. Concanavalin A provided a primary mitogenic signal to the cells. Amongst the responses was an increased expression of insulin and/or type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. The consequent enhanced cellular sensitivity to these agonists, enabled them to facilitate the passage of the cells through the cell cycle by: i) providing a secondary mitogenic signal, and ii) promoting the uptake of raw materials and energy substrates. The initiation of DNA synthesis and passage through the cell cycle was thus punctuated by the sequential expression of various cell surface receptors. This regulated cellular sensitivity, enabling them to react in a precisely orchestrated fashion to hormones and other molecules in their environment. The intracellular mechanism of insulin action remains an enigma. Although the presence of extracellular calcium was essential for insulin stimulation of amino acid uptake and DNA synthesis, the cation did not subserve a direct mediator function. Insulin promoted an increase in intracellular pH, which was mediated by the Na+/H+ antiport. Other mechanisms were probably also involved in mediating the full cellular response to insulin.


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The tethering factor p115 has been shown to facilitate Golgi biogenesis and membrane traffic in cells in culture. However, the role of p115 within an intact animal is largely unknown. Here, we document that RNAi-mediated depletion of p115 in C. elegans causes accumulation of the yolk protein (YP170) in body cavity and the retention of the yolk receptor RME-2 in the ER and the Golgi within oocytes.Structure-function analyses of p115 have identified two homology (H1-2) regions within the N-terminal globular head and the coiled-coil 1 (CC1) domain as essential for p115 function. We identify a novel C-terminal domain of p115 as necessary for Golgi ribbon formation and cargo trafficking. We show that p115 mutants lacking the fourth CC domain (CC4) act in a dominant negative manner to disrupt Golgi and prevent cargo trafficking in cells containing endogenous p115. Furthermore, using RNAi-mediated "replacement" strategy we show that CC4 is necessary for Golgi ribbon formation and membrane trafficking in cells depleted of endogenous p115.p115 has been shown to bind a subset of ER-Golgi SNAREs through CC1 and CC4 domains (Shorter et al., 2002). Our findings show that CC4 is required for p115 function and suggest that both the CC1 and the CC4 SNARE-binding motifs may participate in p115-mediated membrane tethering.


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A powerful approach to gain understanding of molecular machinery responsible for membrane trafficking is through inactivation of gene function by RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi-mediated gene silencing occurs when a double-stranded RNA is introduced into cells and targets a complementary mRNA for degradation. The subsequent lack of mRNA prevents the synthesis of the corresponding protein and ultimately causes depletion of a particular gene product from the cell. The effects of such depletion can then by analyzed by functional, morphological, and biochemical assays. RNAi-mediated knockdowns of numerous gene products in cultured cells of mammalian and other species origins have provided significant new insight into traffic regulation and represent standard approaches in current cell biology. However, RNAi in the multicellular nematode Caenorhabditis elegans model allows RNAi studies within the context of a whole organism, and thus provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore effects of specific trafficking regulators within the context of distinct developmental stages and diverse cell types. In addition, various transgenic C. elegans strains have been developed that express marker proteins tagged with fluorescent proteins to facilitate the analysis of trafficking within the secretory and endocytic pathways. This chapter provides a detailed description of a basic RNAi approach that can be used to analyze the function of any gene of interest in secretory and endosomal trafficking in C. elegans. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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SNARE proteins have been classified as vesicular (v)- and target (t)-SNAREs and play a central role in the various membrane interactions in eukaryotic cells. Based on the Paramecium genome project, we have identified a multigene family of at least 26 members encoding the t-SNARE syntaxin (PtSyx) that can be grouped into 15 subfamilies. Paramecium syntaxins match the classical build-up of syntaxins, being 'tail-anchored' membrane proteins with an N-terminal cytoplasmic domain and a membrane-bound single C-terminal hydrophobic domain. The membrane anchor is preceded by a conserved SNARE domain of approximately 60 amino acids that is supposed to participate in SNARE complex assembly. In a phylogenetic analysis, most of the Paramecium syntaxin genes were found to cluster in groups together with those from other organisms in a pathway-specific manner, allowing an assignment to different compartments in a homology-dependent way. However, some of them seem to have no counterparts in metazoans. In another approach, we fused one representative member of each of the syntaxin isoforms to green fluorescent protein and assessed the in vivo localization, which was further supported by immunolocalization of some syntaxins. This allowed us to assign syntaxins to all important trafficking pathways in Paramecium.


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Objective: Previous studies have suggested that somatoform disorders (SFD) might be associated with changes in the function of the central and autonomic nervous systems. The aim of this study was to examine the possible immunological differences between SFD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-four patients with SFD and 13 healthy individuals completed the psychological questionnaires to assess symptom reporting [Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R)] and to diagnose for SFD [Screening for Somatoform Symptoms scale (SOMS-scale)]. Participants also provided a blood sample taken in the morning, which was analysed with an automated cell counter to determine the number of leucocytes per μl and with flow cytometry to determine lymphocyte subsets. Results: With the exception of a higher T4/T8 ratio in the patient group, which was mainly because of lower CD8 counts, there were no significant differences in the absolute number of lymphocytes (subsets) between patients with SFD and healthy subjects. A positive correlation between B-lymphocyte subsets (CD19+CD22+, CD19+CD5+, CD19+CD3-) to all scales of the SCL-90-R, except somatisation, were found in SFD. Additionally, a positive correlation was found in SFD between CD14+CD16+ monocytes and somatisation (0.573) on the SCL-90-R scale. Conclusion: These data indicate that patients with SFD have an enhanced humoral immunity as shown by increased B-cell numbers and furthermore an elevated T4/T8 ratio because of lower CD8 suppressor cells. Further studies will be required to determine whether these alterations in lymphocyte subsets are directly involved in the pathophysiology of SFD. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.


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CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in containment of virus replication in primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV's ability to mutate to escape from CTL pressure is increasingly recognized; but comprehensive studies of escape from the CD8 T cell response in primary HIV infection are currently lacking. Here, we have fully characterized the primary CTL response to autologous virus Env, Gag, and Tat proteins in three patients, and investigated the extent, kinetics, and mechanisms of viral escape from epitope-specific components of the response. In all three individuals, we observed variation beginning within weeks of infection at epitope-containing sites in the viral quasispecies, which conferred escape by mechanisms including altered peptide presentation/recognition and altered antigen processing. The number of epitope-containing regions exhibiting evidence of early CTL escape ranged from 1 out of 21 in a subject who controlled viral replication effectively to 5 out of 7 in a subject who did not. Evaluation of the extent and kinetics of HIV-1 escape from >40 different epitope-specific CD8 T cell responses enabled analysis of factors determining escape and suggested that escape is restricted by costs to intrinsic viral fitness and by broad, codominant distribution of CTL-mediated pressure on viral replication.


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The interplay between long-term potentiation and long-term depression (LTD) is thought to be involved in learning and memory formation. One form of LTD expressed in the hippocampus is initiated by the activation of the group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Importantly, mGluRs have been shown to be critical for acquisition of new memories and for reversal learning, processes that are thought to be crucial for cognitive flexibility. Here we provide evidence that MAPK-activated protein kinases 2 and 3 (MK2/3) regulate neuronal spine morphology, synaptic transmission and plasticity. Furthermore, mGluR-LTD is impaired in the hippocampus of MK2/3 double knockout (DKO) mice, an observation that is mirrored by deficits in endocytosis of GluA1 subunits. Consistent with compromised mGluR-LTD, MK2/3 DKO mice have distinctive deficits in hippocampal-dependent spatial reversal learning. These novel findings demonstrate that the MK2/3 cascade plays a strategic role in controlling synaptic plasticity and cognition. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX-2) belongs to a family of thiol containing proteins and is important for antioxidant defense, redox signaling and cell function. This study examined whether lymphocyte PRDX-2 levels are altered over one month following ultra-endurance exercise. Nine middle-aged men participated in a 145 mile ultra-endurance running race event. Blood drawing was undertaken immediately before, upon completion/retirement, and at one, seven and twenty eight-days following the race. PRDX-2 levels were examined at each time-point, for all participants (n=9) by reducing SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Further analysis using non-reducing SDS-PAGE and western blotting was undertaken in a sub-group of men who completed the race (n = 4) to investigate PRDX-2 oligomeric state (indicative of oxidation state). Ultra-endurance exercise caused a significant alteration in lymphocyte PRDX-2 levels (F(4,32) 3.409, p=0.020, η2 =0.299): seven-days after the race PRDX-2 levels fell by 70% (p=0.013) and at twenty eight-days after the race returned to near-normal levels. PRDX-2 dimers (intracellular reduced PRDX-2 monomers) in three of the four participants, who finished the race, were increased upon race completion. Furthermore, PRDX-2 monomers (intracellular over-oxidized PRDX-2 monomers) in two of these four participants were present upon race completion, but absent seven-days after the race. This study found that PRDX-2 levels in lymphocytes were reduced below normal levels seven-days after an ultra-endurance running race. We suggest that excessive reactive oxygen species production, induced by ultra-endurance exercise may, in part, explain the depletion of lymphocyte PRDX-2 by triggering its turnover after oxidation.