31 resultados para locational disadvantage

em Aston University Research Archive


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There is now substantial evidence that locational and agglomeration influences can have a significant positive effect on innovation performance. Networking and boundary-spanning activities are also increasingly recognised as important contributors to innovation success. In this article we attempt to discover whether these factors are associated: in particular, is there any link between plant location, agglomeration effects and the extent of outsourcing in the innovation process? Using data for a large sample of UK and German manufacturing plants, we find that organisational and strategic factors play a much greater and more consistent role than locational influences in shaping the level of outsourcing in the innovation process. Strategic approaches to outsourcing may also benefit plants in obtaining economies of scope in the management or governance of outsourcing within the innovation process.


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We describe a method of recognizing handwritten digits by fitting generative models that are built from deformable B-splines with Gaussian ``ink generators'' spaced along the length of the spline. The splines are adjusted using a novel elastic matching procedure based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm that maximizes the likelihood of the model generating the data. This approach has many advantages. (1) After identifying the model most likely to have generated the data, the system not only produces a classification of the digit but also a rich description of the instantiation parameters which can yield information such as the writing style. (2) During the process of explaining the image, generative models can perform recognition driven segmentation. (3) The method involves a relatively small number of parameters and hence training is relatively easy and fast. (4) Unlike many other recognition schemes it does not rely on some form of pre-normalization of input images, but can handle arbitrary scalings, translations and a limited degree of image rotation. We have demonstrated our method of fitting models to images does not get trapped in poor local minima. The main disadvantage of the method is it requires much more computation than more standard OCR techniques.


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Developing countries are subject to the same global pressures as their developed counterparts but have additional domestic challenges that may place them at a significant, and perhaps insurmountable, disadvantage. However, technology still offers them the opportunity to participate in the international economy. Difficult conditions in their countries do not absolve managers from formulating and implementing technology policies that can make their firms globally competitive. At a macro-economic level, a number of broad developmental issues impact on the use of technology in developing countries. The subject of this paper is to examine the challenge for South African firms in their efforts to master technology, despite internal and external difficulties. Owners of technology need to consider the local context when supplying their technology to developing markets. The paper aims to investigate the views of technology recipients by examining the perceptions of South African managers regarding technology integration in a manufacturing environment. A number of technology suppliers were also interviewed in order to obtain their opinions on the issues raised by the technology acquirers. The importance of different factors in integrating technology is studied in relation to managers ’ abilities to control these variables. An importance-control grid framework is used to identify critical parameters and to assess how they can be managed in a complex environment.


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The traditional paradigm of foreign direct investment (FDI) suggests that FDI is undertaken principally to exploit some firm-specific advantage in a foreign country which provides a locational advantage to the investor. However, recent theoretical work suggests a model of FDI in which the motivation is not to exploit existing technological advantages in a foreign country, but to access such technology and transfer it from the host economy to the investing multinational corporation via spillover effects. This paper tests the technology sourcing versus technology exploiting hypotheses for a panel of sectoral FDI flows between the United States and major OECD nations over a 15 year period. The research makes use of Patel and Vega's (Research Policy, 28, 145-55, 1999) taxonomy of sectors which are likely a priori to exhibit technology sourcing and exploiting behaviour respectively. While there is evidence that FDI flows into the United States are attracted to R and D intensive sectors, very little support is found for the technology sourcing hypothesis either for inward or outward FDI flows. The results suggest that, in aggregate, firm-specific 'ownership' effects remain powerful determinants of FDI flows.


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It is still debatable whether scientific diversity is a virtue or a disadvantage for the development of a discipline. Nonetheless, diversity among scientists with respect to their journal quality perceptions plays an important role in hiring and promotion decisions. In this article we examine the degree of diversity within economics based on the journal quality perceptions of 2,103 AEA economists worldwide. Specifically, we empirically test for factors that might explain differences in an economist's journal quality perceptions. These factors include an economist's geographic origin, school of thought, journal affiliation, field of specialization and research orientation. Indeed, we find that a significant degree of diversity in journal quality perceptions exists between economists that belong in different subgroups. These results might explain the frequent debates in tenure and promotion committees where journal standings are used for the evaluation of a researcher's output.


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There is evidence for both advantages and disadvantages in normal recognition of living over nonliving things. This paradox has been attributed to high levels of perceptual similarity within living categories having a different effect on performance in different contexts. However, since living things are intrinsically more similar to each other, previous studies could not determine whether the various category effects were due to perceptual similarity, or to other characteristics of living things. We used novel animal and vehicle stimuli that were matched for similarity to measure the influence of perceptual similarity in different contexts. We found that displaying highly similar objects in blocked sets reduced their perceived similarity, eliminating the detrimental effect on naming performance. Experiment 1 demonstrated a disadvantage for highly similar objects in name learning and name verification using mixed groups of similar and dissimilar animals and vehicles. Experiment 2 demonstrated no disadvantage for the same highly similar objects when they were blocked, e.g., similar animals presented alone. Thus, perceptual similarity, rather than other characteristics particular to living things, is affected by context, and could create apparent category effects under certain testing conditions.


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This work reports the developnent of a mathenatical model and distributed, multi variable computer-control for a pilot plant double-effect climbing-film evaporator. A distributed-parameter model of the plant has been developed and the time-domain model transformed into the Laplace domain. The model has been further transformed into an integral domain conforming to an algebraic ring of polynomials, to eliminate the transcendental terms which arise in the Laplace domain due to the distributed nature of the plant model. This has made possible the application of linear control theories to a set of linear-partial differential equations. The models obtained have well tracked the experimental results of the plant. A distributed-computer network has been interfaced with the plant to implement digital controllers in a hierarchical structure. A modern rnultivariable Wiener-Hopf controller has been applled to the plant model. The application has revealed a limitation condition that the plant matrix should be positive-definite along the infinite frequency axis. A new multi variable control theory has emerged fram this study, which avoids the above limitation. The controller has the structure of the modern Wiener-Hopf controller, but with a unique feature enabling a designer to specify the closed-loop poles in advance and to shape the sensitivity matrix as required. In this way, the method treats directly the interaction problems found in the chemical processes with good tracking and regulation performances. Though the ability of the analytical design methods to determine once and for all whether a given set of specifications can be met is one of its chief advantages over the conventional trial-and-error design procedures. However, one disadvantage that offsets to some degree the enormous advantages is the relatively complicated algebra that must be employed in working out all but the simplest problem. Mathematical algorithms and computer software have been developed to treat some of the mathematical operations defined over the integral domain, such as matrix fraction description, spectral factorization, the Bezout identity, and the general manipulation of polynomial matrices. Hence, the design problems of Wiener-Hopf type of controllers and other similar algebraic design methods can be easily solved.


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Two-way power flow is nothing new and has been in practical use using line commutated converters for at least 50 years. With these types of converters, reversal of power flow can be achieved by increasing the firing angle of the devices beyond 90 degrees thus producing a negative DC voltage. Line commutated converters have several known disadvantages including: the direct current cannot be reversed, the power factor decreases when the firing angle increases and the harmonics are high on the line current. To tackle the above problems a forced commutated converter can be used. The power factor can be unity and the harmonics can be reduced. Many researchers have used PWM with different control techniques to serve the above purposes. In each converter arm, they used a forced commutated device with an antiparallel diode. Under the rectification mode of operation the current path is preponderantly through the diodes and under the inverter operation the current flows preponderantly through the forced commutated devices. Although their results were encouraging and gave a unity power factor with nearly sinusoidal current, the main disadvantage was that there were difficulties in controlling the power factor when the system is needed to operate at lagging or leading power factor. In this work, a new idea was introduced by connecting two GTOs antiparallel instead of a diode and a GTO. A single phase system using two GTO converters which are connected in series was built. One converter operates as a rectifier and the other converter operates as an inverter. In the case of the inversion mode and in each inverter arm one GTO is operated as a diode simply by switching it always on and the other antiparallel GTO is operated as a normal device to carry the inverter current. In case of the rectification mode, in each arm one GTO is always off and the other GTP is operated as a controlled device. The main advantage is that the system can be operated at lagging or leading power factor.


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With the extensive use of pulse modulation methods in telecommunications, much work has been done in the search for a better utilisation of the transmission channel.The present research is an extension of these investigations. A new modulation method, 'Variable Time-Scale Information Processing', (VTSIP), is proposed.The basic principles of this system have been established, and the main advantages and disadvantages investigated. With the proposed system, comparison circuits detect the instants at which the input signal voltage crosses predetermined amplitude levels.The time intervals between these occurrences are measured digitally and the results are temporarily stored, before being transmitted.After reception, an inverse process enables the original signal to be reconstituted.The advantage of this system is that the irregularities in the rate of information contained in the input signal are smoothed out before transmission, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth. A disadvantage of the system is the time delay necessarily introduced by the storage process.Another disadvantage is a type of distortion caused by the finite store capacity.A simulation of the system has been made using a standard speech signal, to make some assessment of this distortion. It is concluded that the new system should be an improvement on existing pulse transmission systems, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth, but introducing a time delay.


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Healthcare associated infections may arise from many sources, including patient?s own skin flora and the clinical environment, and inflict a significant burden within the health service. Adequate and effective skin antisepsis and surface disinfection are therefore essential factors in infection control. Current EPIC guidelines recommend 2 % chlorhexidine (CHG) in 70 % isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for skin antisepsis however poor penetration has been reported. Eucalyptus oil (EO) is a known permeation enhancer, producing synergistic antimicrobial activity when combined with CHG. In this current study, the antimicrobial efficacy of EO and its main constituent 1,8-cineole were assessed against a panel of clinically relevant microorganisms, alone and in combination with CHG. The superior antimicrobial efficacy of EO compared with 1,8-cineole, and synergistic effects with CHG against planktonic and biofilm cultures, confirmed its suitability for use in subsequent studies within this thesis. Impregnation of EO, CHG and IPA onto prototype hard surface disinfectant wipes demonstrated significantly improved efficacy compared with CHG/IPA wipes, with clear reductions in the time required to eliminate biofilms. Optimisation of the EO/CHG/IPA formulation resulted in the development of Euclean® wipes, with simulated-use and time kill studies confirming their ability to remove microbial surface contamination, prevent cross contamination and eliminate biofilms within 10 minutes. The employment of isothermal calorimetry provided additional information on the type and rate of antimicrobial activity possessed by Euclean® wipes. A clinical audit of the Euclean® wipes at Birmingham Children?s Hospital, Birmingham, U.K. revealed divided staff opinion, with the highest cited advantage and disadvantage concerning the odour. Finally, skin penetration and cell toxicity studies of EO/CHG biopatches and Euclean® solution developed during this study, revealed no permeation into human skin following biopatch application, and no significant toxicity. These current studies enhance the knowledge regarding EO and its potential applications.


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Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. is a foliose lichen found more frequently on south facing compared with north facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd, Wales, UK. The radial growth of thalli of P. conspersa from a north and a south facing rock surface was measured in situ at intervals of two months for 1 yr during 1990/1991. Mean annual radial growth rates were greater on the south compared with the north facing rock surface. In addition, the pattern of radial growth varied during the year with maximum growth recorded in the Feb/Mar. period especially on the south facing rock surface. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of P. conspersa collected from the same rock surfaces on 4 days (2 Jun; 7 July and 30 Nov. 1990 and 29 Mar. 1991) during 1990/1991. The total of the three carbohydrates varied between days; the levels of arbitol and ribitol being significantly lower in the 7 July sample on both north and south facing rock surfaces. In addition, the levels ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were higher on the south facing rock surface especially in the summer samples. The ratio of arabitol plus mannitol to ribitol and the mannitol/arabitol ratio varied more between days sampled than between north and south facing rock surfaces. The level of ribitol in individual thalli was positively correlated with arabitol on the north facing and with mannitol on the south facing slope. These results suggest that differences in the radial growth of P. conspersa thalli with aspect are more likely to reflect higher rates of photosynthesis on the south facing rock surface rather than large difference in the way carbohydrates were partitioned on the different surfaces. Lower radial growth rates may place P. conspersa at a competitive disadvantage on north facing rock surfaces.


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Cassava rhizome was catalytically pyrolysed at 500 °C using analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in order to investigate the effect of catalysts on bio-oil properties. The catalysts studied were zeolite ZSM-5, two aluminosilicate mesoporous materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-MSU-F, and a proprietary commercial catalyst alumina-stabilised ceria MI-575. The influence of catalysts on pyrolysis products was observed through the yields of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, lignin-derived compounds, carbonyls, methanol and acetic acid. Results showed that all the catalysts produced aromatic hydrocarbons and reduced oxygenated lignin derivatives, thus indicating an improvement of bio-oil heating value and viscosity. Among the catalysts, ZSM-5 was the most active to all the changes in pyrolysis products. In addition, all the catalysts with the exception of MI-575 enhanced the formation of acetic acid. This is clearly a disadvantage with respect to the level of pH in the liquid bio-fuel.


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The two-way design has been variously described as a matched-sample F-test, a simple within-subjects ANOVA, a one-way within-groups ANOVA, a simple correlated-groups ANOVA, and a one-factor repeated measures design! This confusion of terminology is likely to lead to problems in correctly identifying this analysis within commercially available software. The essential feature of the design is that each treatment is allocated by randomization to one experimental unit within each group or block. The block may be a plot of land, a single occasion in which the experiment was performed, or a human subject. The ‘blocking’ is designed to remove an aspect of the error variation and increase the ‘power’ of the experiment. If there is no significant source of variation associated with the ‘blocking’ then there is a disadvantage to the two-way design because there is a reduction in the DF of the error term compared with a fully randomised design thus reducing the ‘power’ of the analysis.


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Since the Second World War a range of policies have been implemented by central and local government agencies, with a view to improving accessibility to facilities, housing and employment opportunities within rural areas. It has been suggested that a lack of reasonable access to a range of such facilities and opportunities constitutes a key aspect of deprivation or disadvantage for rural residents. Despite considerable interest, very few attempts have been made to assess the nature and incidence of this disadvantage or the reaction of different sections of the population of rural areas to it. Moreover, almost all previous assessments have relied on so-called 'objective' measures of accessibility and disadvantage and failed to consider the relationship between such measures and 'subjective' measures such as individual perceptions. It is this gap in knowledge that the research described in this thesis has addressed. Following a critical review of relevant literature the thesis describes the way in which data on 'objective' and 'subjective' indicators of accessibility and behavioural responses to accessibility problems was collected, in six case study areas in Shropshire. Analysis of this data indicates that planning and other government policies have failed to significantly improve rural resident's accessibility to their basic requirements, and may in some cases have exacerbated it, and that as a result certain sections of the rural population are relatively disadvantaged. Moreover, analysis shows that .certain aspects of individual subjective' assessments of such accessibility disadvantage are significantly associated with more easily-obtained 'objective' measures. By using discriminant analysis the research demonstrates that it is possible to predict the likely levels of satisfaction with access to facilities from a range of 'objective' measures. The research concludes by highlighting the potential practical applications of such indicators in policy formulation, policy appraisal and policy evaluation.


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The unmitigated transmission of undesirable vibration can result in problems by way of causing human discomfort, machinery and equipment failure, and affecting the quality of a manufacturing process. When identifiable transmission paths are discernible, vibrations from the source can be isolated from the rest of the system and this prevents or minimises the problems. The approach proposed here for vibration isolation is active force cancellation at points close to the vibration source. It uses force feedback for multiple-input and multiple-output control at the mounting locations. This is particularly attractive for rigid mounting of machine on relative flexible base where machine alignment and motions are to be restricted. The force transfer function matrix is used as a disturbance rejection performance specification for the design of MIMO controllers. For machine soft-mounted via flexible isolators, a model for this matrix has been derived. Under certain conditions, a simple multiplicative uncertainty model is obtained that shows the amount of perturbation a flexible base has on the machine-isolator-rigid base transmissibility matrix. Such a model is very suitable for use with robust control design paradigm. A different model is derived for the machine on hard-mounts without the flexible isolators. With this model, the level of force transmitted from a machine to a final mounting structure using the measurements for the machine running on another mounting structure can be determined. The two mounting structures have dissimilar dynamic characteristics. Experiments have verified the usefulness of the expression. The model compares well with other methods in the literature. The disadvantage lies with the large amount of data that has to be collected. Active force cancellation is demonstrated on an experimental rig using an AC industrial motor hard-mounted onto a relative flexible structure. The force transfer function matrix, determined from measurements, is used to design H and Static Output Feedback controllers. Both types of controllers are stable and robust to modelling errors within the identified frequency range. They reduce the RMS of transmitted force by between 30?80% at all mounting locations for machine running at 1340 rpm. At the rated speed of 1440 rpm only the static gain controller is able to provide 30?55% reduction at all locations. The H controllers on the other hand could only give a small reduction at one mount location. This is due in part to the deficient of the model used in the design. Higher frequency dynamics has been ignored in the model. This can be resolved by the use of a higher order model that can result in a high order controller. A low order static gain controller, with some tuning, performs better. But it lacks the analytical framework for analysis and design.