18 resultados para linear stability analysis

em Aston University Research Archive


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1. The techniques associated with regression, whether linear or non-linear, are some of the most useful statistical procedures that can be applied in clinical studies in optometry. 2. In some cases, there may be no scientific model of the relationship between X and Y that can be specified in advance and the objective may be to provide a ‘curve of best fit’ for predictive purposes. In such cases, the fitting of a general polynomial type curve may be the best approach. 3. An investigator may have a specific model in mind that relates Y to X and the data may provide a test of this hypothesis. Some of these curves can be reduced to a linear regression by transformation, e.g., the exponential and negative exponential decay curves. 4. In some circumstances, e.g., the asymptotic curve or logistic growth law, a more complex process of curve fitting involving non-linear estimation will be required.


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A nonlinear dynamic model of microbial growth is established based on the theories of the diffusion response of thermodynamics and the chemotactic response of biology. Except for the two traditional variables, i.e. the density of bacteria and the concentration of attractant, the pH value, a crucial influencing factor to the microbial growth, is also considered in this model. The pH effect on the microbial growth is taken as a Gaussian function G0e-(f- fc)2/G1, where G0, G1 and fc are constants, f represents the pH value and fc represents the critical pH value that best fits for microbial growth. To study the effects of the reproduction rate of the bacteria and the pH value on the stability of the system, three parameters a, G0 and G1 are studied in detail, where a denotes the reproduction rate of the bacteria, G0 denotes the impacting intensity of the pH value to microbial growth and G1 denotes the bacterial adaptability to the pH value. When the effect of the pH value of the solution which microorganisms live in is ignored in the governing equations of the model, the microbial system is more stable with larger a. When the effect of the bacterial chemotaxis is ignored, the microbial system is more stable with the larger G1 and more unstable with the larger G0 for f0 > fc. However, the stability of the microbial system is almost unaffected by the variation G0 and G1 and it is always stable for f0 < fc under the assumed conditions in this paper. In the whole system model, it is more unstable with larger G1 and more stable with larger G0 for f0 < fc. The system is more stable with larger G1 and more unstable with larger G0 for f0 > fc. However, the system is more unstable with larger a for f0 < fc and the stability of the system is almost unaffected by a for f0 > fc. The results obtained in this study provide a biophysical insight into the understanding of the growth and stability behavior of microorganisms.


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The linear stability of flow past two circular cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement is investigated theoretically, numerically and experimentally under the assumption of a two-dimensional flow field, in order to explore the origin of in-phase and antiphase oscillatory flows. Steady symmetric flow is realized at a small Reynolds number, but becomes unstable above a critical Reynolds number though the solution corresponding to the flow still satisfies the basic equations irrespective of the magnitude of the Reynolds number. We obtained the solution numerically and investigated its linear stability. We found that there are two kinds of unstable modes, i.e., antisymmetric and symmetric modes, which lead to in-phase and antiphase oscillatory flows, respectively. We determined the critical Reynolds numbers for the two modes and evaluated the critical distance at which the most unstable disturbance changes from the antisymmetric to the symmetric mode, or vice versa. ©2005 The Physical Society of Japan.


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In multicriteria decision problems many values must be assigned, such as the importance of the different criteria and the values of the alternatives with respect to subjective criteria. Since these assignments are approximate, it is very important to analyze the sensitivity of results when small modifications of the assignments are made. When solving a multicriteria decision problem, it is desirable to choose a decision function that leads to a solution as stable as possible. We propose here a method based on genetic programming that produces better decision functions than the commonly used ones. The theoretical expectations are validated by case studies. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The transition of internally heated inclined plane parallel shear flows is examined numerically for the case of finite values of the Prandtl number Pr. We show that as the strength of the homogeneously distributed heat source is increased the basic flow loses stability to two-dimensional perturbations of the transverse roll type in a Hopf bifurcation for the vertical orientation of the fluid layer, whereas perturbations of the longitudinal roll type are most dangerous for a wide range of the value of the angle of inclination. In the case of the horizontal inclination transverse roll and longitudinal roll perturbations share the responsibility for the prime instability. Following the linear stability analysis for the general inclination of the fluid layer our attention is focused on a numerical study of the finite amplitude secondary travelling-wave solutions (TW) that develop from the perturbations of the transverse roll type for the vertical inclination of the fluid layer. The stability of the secondary TW against three-dimensional perturbations is also examined and our study shows that for Pr=0.71 the secondary instability sets in as a quasi-periodic mode, while for Pr=7 it is phase-locked to the secondary TW. The present study complements and extends the recent study by Nagata and Generalis (2002) in the case of vertical inclination for Pr=0.


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Non-linear solutions and studies of their stability are presented for flows in a homogeneously heated fluid layer under the influence of a constant pressure gradient or when the mass flux across any lateral cross-section of the channel is required to vanish. The critical Grashof number is determined by a linear stability analysis of the basic state which depends only on the z-coordinate perpendicular to the boundary. Bifurcating longitudinal rolls as well as secondary solutions depending on the streamwise x-coordinate are investigated and their amplitudes are determined as functions of the supercritical Grashof number for various Prandtl numbers and angles of inclination of the layer. Solutions that emerge from a Hopf bifurcation assume the form of propagating waves and can thus be considered as steady flows relative to an appropriately moving frame of reference. The stability of these solutions with respect to three-dimensional disturbances is also analyzed in order to identify possible bifurcation points for evolving tertiary flows.


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Quantitative evidence that establishes the existence of the hairpin vortex state (HVS) in plane Couette flow (PCF) is provided in this work. The evidence presented in this paper shows that the HVS can be obtained via homotopy from a flow with a simple geometrical configuration, namely, the laterally heated flow (LHF). Although the early stages of bifurcations of LHF have been previously investigated, our linear stability analysis reveals that the root in the LHF yields multiple branches via symmetry breaking. These branches connect to the PCF manifold as steady nonlinear amplitude solutions. Moreover, we show that the HVS has a direct bifurcation route to the Rayleigh-Bénard convection. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The stability of internally heated inclined plane parallel shear flows is examined numerically for the case of finite value of the Prandtl number, Pr. The transition in a vertical channel has already been studied for 0≤Pr≤100 with or without the application of an external pressure gradient, where the secondary flow takes the form of travelling waves (TWs) that are spanwise-independent (see works of Nagata and Generalis). In this work, in contrast to work already reported (J. Heat Trans. T. ASME 124 (2002) 635-642), we examine transition where the secondary flow takes the form of longitudinal rolls (LRs), which are independent of the steamwise direction, for Pr=7 and for a specific value of the angle of inclination of the fluid layer without the application of an external pressure gradient. We find possible bifurcation points of the secondary flow by performing a linear stability analysis that determines the neutral curve, where the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability. The linear stability of the secondary flow against three-dimensional perturbations is also examined numerically for the same value of the angle of inclination by employing Floquet theory. We identify possible bifurcation points for the tertiary flow and show that the bifurcation can be either monotone or oscillatory. © 2003 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Interactions between the wakes in a flow past a row of square bars are investigated by numerical simulations, the linear stability analysis and the bifurcation analysis. It is assumed that the row of square bars is placed across a uniform flow. Two-dimensional and incompressible flow field is also assumed. The flow is steady and symmetric along a streamwise centerline through the center of each square bar at low Reynolds numbers. However, it becomes unsteady and periodic in time at the Reynolds numbers larger than a critical value, and then the wakes behind the square bars become oscillatory. It is found by numerical simulations that vortices are shed synchronously from every couple of adjacent square bars in the same phase or in the anti-phase depending upon the distance between the bars. The synchronous shedding of vortices is clarified to occur due to an instability of the steady symmetric flow by the linear stability analysis. The bifurcation diagram of the flow is obtained and the critical Reynolds number of the instability is evaluated numerically.


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One of the simplest ways to create nonlinear oscillations is the Hopf bifurcation. The spatiotemporal dynamics observed in an extended medium with diffusion (e.g., a chemical reaction) undergoing this bifurcation is governed by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, one of the best-studied generic models for pattern formation, where besides uniform oscillations, spiral waves, coherent structures and turbulence are found. The presence of time delay terms in this equation changes the pattern formation scenario, and different kind of travelling waves have been reported. In particular, we study the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that contains local and global time-delay feedback terms. We focus our attention on plane wave solutions in this model. The first novel result is the derivation of the plane wave solution in the presence of time-delay feedback with global and local contributions. The second and more important result of this study consists of a linear stability analysis of plane waves in that model. Evaluation of the eigenvalue equation does not show stabilisation of plane waves for the parameters studied. We discuss these results and compare to results of other models.


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The transition of laterally heated flows in a vertical layer and in the presence of a streamwise pressure gradient is examined numerically for the case of different values Prandtl number. The stability analysis of the basic flow for the pure hydrodynamic case ( Pr = 0 ) was reported in [1]. We find that in the absence of transverse pumping the previously known critical parameters are recovered [2], while as the strength of the Poiseuille flow component is increased the convective motion is delayed considerably. Following the linear stability analysis for the vertical channel flow our attention is focused on a study of the finite am- plitude secondary travelling-wave (TW) solutions that develop from the perturbations of the transverse roll type imposed on the basic flow and temperature profiles. The linear stability of the secondary TWs against three-dimensional perturbations is also examined and it is shown that the bifurcating tertiary flows are phase-locked to the secondary TWs.


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We consider the suppression of spatiotemporal chaos in the complex GinzburgLandau equation by a combined global and local time-delay feedback. Feedback terms are implemented as a control scheme, i.e., they are proportional to the difference between the time-delayed state of the system and its current state. We perform a linear stability analysis of uniform oscillations with respect to space-dependent perturbations and compare with numerical simulations. Similarly, for the fixed-point solution that corresponds to amplitude death in the spatially extended system, a linear stability analysis with respect to space-dependent perturbations is performed and complemented by numerical simulations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. To use anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to analyze ciliary muscle morphology and changes with accommodation and axial ametropia. Methods. Fifty prepresbyopic volunteers, aged 19 to 34 years were recruited. High-resolution images were acquired of nasal and temporal ciliary muscles in the relaxed state and at stimulus vergence levels of -4 and -8 D. Objective accommodative responses and axial lengths were also recorded. Two-way, mixed-factor analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to assess the changes in ciliary muscle parameters with accommodation and determine whether these changes are dependent on the nasal–temporal aspect or axial length, whereas linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between axial length and ciliary muscle length. Results. The ciliary muscle was longer (r = 0.34, P = 0.02), but not significantly thicker (F = 2.84, P = 0.06), in eyes with greater axial length. With accommodation, the ciliary muscle showed a contractile shortening (F = 42.9. P < 0.001), particularly anteriorly (F = 177.2, P < 0.001), and a thickening of the anterior portion (F= 46.2, P < 0.001). The ciliary muscle was thicker (F = 17.8, P < 0.001) and showed a greater contractile response on the temporal side. Conclusions. The accommodative changes observed support an anterior, as well as centripetal, contractile shift of ciliary muscle mass.


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In this paper we examine the equilibrium states of finite amplitude flow in a horizontal fluid layer with differential heating between the two rigid boundaries. The solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by means of a perturbation method for evaluating the Landau constants and through a Newton-Raphson iterative method that results from the Fourier expansion of the solutions that bifurcate above the linear stability threshold of infinitesimal disturbances. The results obtained from these two different methods of evaluating the convective flow are compared in the neighborhood of the critical Rayleigh number. We find that for small Prandtl numbers the discrepancy of the two methods is noticeable. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


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The stability of internally heated convective flows in a vertical channel under the influence of a pressure gradient and in the limit of small Prandtl number is examined numerically. In each of the cases studied the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability at the critical point identified by the corresponding linear analysis to two-dimensional states in a Hopf bifurcation. These marginal points determine the linear stability curve that identifies the minimum Grashof number (based on the strength of the homogeneous heat source), at which the two-dimensional periodic flow can bifurcate. The range of stability of the finite amplitude secondary flow is determined by its (linear) stability against three-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances. By first examining the behavior of the eigenvalues as functions of the Floquet parameters in the streamwise and spanwise directions we show that the secondary flow loses stability also in a Hopf bifurcation as the Grashof number increases, indicating that the tertiary flow is quasi-periodic. Secondly the Eckhaus marginal stability curve, that bounds the domain of stable transverse vortices towards smaller and larger wavenumbers, but does not cause a transition as the Grashof number increases, is also given for the cases studied in this work.