14 resultados para light gauge cold-formed steel frame structures

em Aston University Research Archive


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The purlin-sheeting system has been the subject of numerous theoretical and experimental investigations over the past 30 years, but the complexity of the problem has led to great difficulty in developing a sound and general model. The primary aim of the thesis is to investigate the failure behaviours of cold-formed zed and channel sections for use in purlin-sheeting systems. Both the energy method and finite strip method are used to develop an approach to investigate cold-formed zed and channel section beams with partial-lateral restraint from the metal sheeting when subjected to a uniformly distributed transverse load. The stress analysis of cold-formed zed and channel section beams with partially-lateral restraint from the metal sheeting when subjected to a uniformly distributed transverse load is investigated firstly by using the analytical model based on the energy method in which the restraint actions of the sheeting are modelled by using two springs representing the translational and rotational restraints. The numerical results have showed that the two springs have significantly different influences on the stresses of the beams. The influence of the two springs has also been found to depend on the anti-sag bar and the position of the loading line. A novel method is presented for analysing the elastic local buckling behaviour of cold-formed zed and channel section beams with partial-lateral restraint from metal sheeting when subjected to a uniformly distributed transverse load, which is carried out by inputting the cross sectional stresses with the largest compressive stress into the finite strip analysis. By using the presented novel method, individual influences of warning stress, partially lateral restraints from the sheeting and the dimensions of the cross section and position of the loading line on the buckling behaviour are investigated.


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In this thesis, standard algorithms are used to carry out the optimisation of cold-formed steel purlins such as zed, channel and sigma sections, which are assumed to be simply supported and subjected to a gravity load. For zed, channel and sigma section, the local buckling, distortional buckling and lateral-torsional buckling are considered respectively herein. Currently, the local buckling is based on the BS 5950-5:1998 and EN 1993-1-3:2006. The distortional buckling is calculated by the direct strength method employing the elastic distortional buckling which is calculated by three available approaches such as Hancock (1995), Schafer and Pekoz (1998), Yu (2005). In the optimisation program, the lateral-torsional buckling based on BS 5950-5:1998, AISI and analytical model of Li (2004) are investigated. For the optimisation program, the programming codes are written for optimisation of channel, zed and sigma beam. The full study has been coded into a computer-based analysis program (MATLAB).


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The work reported in this thesis is concerned with the improvement and expansion of the assistance given to the designer by the computer in the design of cold formed sections. The main contributions have been in four areas, which have consequently led to the fifth, the development of a methodology to optimise designs. This methodology can be considered an `Expert Design System' for cold formed sections. A different method of determining section properties of profiles was introduced, using the properties of line and circular elements. Graphics were introduced to show the outline of the profile on screen. The analysis of beam loading has been expanded to beam loading conditions where the number of supports, point loads, and uniform distributive loads can be specified by the designer. The profile can then be checked for suitability for the specified type of loading. Artificial Intelligence concepts have been introduced to give the designer decision support from the computer, in combination with the computer aided design facilities. The more complex decision support was adopted through the use of production rules. All the support was based on the British standards. A method has been introduced, by which the appropriate use of stiffeners can be determined and consequently designed by the designer. Finally, the methodology by which the designer is given assistance from the computer, without constraining the designer, was developed. This methodology gives advice to the designer on possible methods of improving the design, but allows the designer to reject that option, and analyse the profile accordingly. The methodology enables optimisation to be achieved by the designer, designing variety of profiles for a particular loading, and determining which one is best suited.


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This thesis encompasses an investigation of the behaviour of concrete frame structure under localised fire scenarios by implementing a constitutive model using finite-element computer program. The investigation phase included properties of material at elevated temperature, description of computer program, thermal and structural analyses. Transient thermal properties of material have been employed in this study to achieve reasonable results. The finite-element computer package of ANSYS is utilized in the present analyses to examine the effect of fire on the concrete frame under five various fire scenarios. In addition, a report of full-scale BRE Cardington concrete building designed to Eurocode2 and BS8110 subjected to realistic compartment fire is also presented. The transient analyses of present model included additional specific heat to the base value of dry concrete at temperature 100°C and 200°C. The combined convective-radiation heat transfer coefficient and transient thermal expansion have also been considered in the analyses. For the analyses with the transient strains included, the constitutive model based on empirical formula in a full thermal strain-stress model proposed by Li and Purkiss (2005) is employed. Comparisons between the models with and without transient strains included are also discussed. Results of present study indicate that the behaviour of complete structure is significantly different from the behaviour of individual isolated members based on current design methods. Although the current tabulated design procedures are conservative when the entire building performance is considered, it should be noted that the beneficial and detrimental effects of thermal expansion in complete structures should be taken into account. Therefore, developing new fire engineering methods from the study of complete structures rather than from individual isolated member behaviour is essential.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of detecting and locating damage in large frame structures where visual inspection would be difficult or impossible. This method is based on a vibration technique for non-destructively assessing the integrity of structures by using measurements of changes in the natural frequencies. Such measurements can be made at a single point in the structure. The method requires that initially a comprehensive theoretical vibration analysis of the structure is undertaken and from it predictions are made of changes in dynamic characteristics that will occur if each member of the structure is damaged in turn. The natural frequencies of the undamaged structure are measured, and then routinely remeasured at intervals . If a change in the natural frequencies is detected a statistical method. is used to make the best match between the measured changes in frequency and the family of theoretical predictions. This predicts the most likely damage site. The theoretical analysis was based on the finite element method. Many structures were extensively studied and a computer model was used to simulate the effect of the extent and location of the damage on natural frequencies. Only one such analysis is required for each structure to be investigated. The experimental study was conducted on small structures In the laboratory. Frequency changes were found from inertance measurements on various plane and space frames. The computational requirements of the location analysis are small and a desk-top micro computer was used. Results of this work showed that the method was successful in detecting and locating damage in the test structures.


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We study existence, stability, and dynamics of linear and nonlinear stationary modes propagating in radially symmetric multicore waveguides with balanced gain and loss. We demonstrate that, in general, the system can be reduced to an effective PT-symmetric dimer with asymmetric coupling. In the linear case, we find that there exist two modes with real propagation constants before an onset of the PT-symmetry breaking while other modes have always the propagation constants with nonzero imaginary parts. This leads to a stable (unstable) propagation of the modes when gain is localized in the core (ring) of the waveguiding structure. In the case of nonlinear response, we show that an interplay between nonlinearity, gain, and loss induces a high degree of instability, with only small windows in the parameter space where quasistable propagation is observed. We propose a novel stabilization mechanism based on a periodic modulation of both gain and loss along the propagation direction that allows bounded light propagation in the multicore waveguiding structures.


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The thermal degradation of 2,6,2',6'-tetrabromo-4,4-pm-isoproylidene-di phenol (tetrabromobisphenol A) (TBBPA) has been investigated and a mechanism for its thermal degradation is suggested. TBBPA is a comonomer widely used in epoxy and in unsaturated polyester resins to impart fire retardance. These resins find a common use in electric and electronic equipment. The presence of bromine atoms is the key factor in fire retardant activity, while on the other hand it represents an ecological problem when pyrolytic recycling is programmed at the end of the useful life of such items. However, pyrolysis is the more advantageous recycling system for thermosetting resins and thus efforts should be made to control the pyrolysis in order to avoid or minimize the development of toxics. Homolytic scission of the aromatic bromine and condensation of aromatic bromine with phenolic hydroxyl are the main processes occuring in the range 270-340°C. A large amount of charred residue is left as a consequence of condensation reactions. HBr and brominated phenols and bisphenols are the main volatile products formed. Brominated dibenzodioxins structures are included in the charred residue and not evolved in the volatile phases.


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The thesis describes the work carried out to develop a prototype knowledge-based system 'KBS-SETUPP' to generate process plans for the manufacture of seamless tubes. The work is specifically related to a plant in which hollows are made from solid billets using a rotary piercing process and then reduced to required size and finished properties using the fixed plug cold drawing process. The thesis first discusses various methods of tube production in order to give a general background of tube manufacture. Then a review of the automation of the process planning function is presented in terms of its basic sub-tasks and the techniques and suitability of a knowledge-based system is established. In the light of such a review and a case study, the process planning problem is formulated in the domain of seamless tube manufacture, its basic sub-tasks are identified and capabilities and constraints of the available equipment in the specific plant are established. The task of collecting and collating the process planning knowledge in seamless tube manufacture is discussed and is mostly fulfilled from domain experts, analysing of existing manufacturing records specific to plant, textbooks and applicable Standards. For the cold drawing mill, tube-drawing schedules have been rationalised to correspond with practice. The validation of such schedules has been achieved by computing the process parameters and then comparing these with the drawbench capacity to avoid over-loading. The existing models cannot be simulated in the computer program as such, therefore a mathematical model has been proposed which estimates the process parameters which are in close agreement with experimental values established by other researchers. To implement the concepts, a Knowledge-Based System 'KBS- SETUPP' has been developed on Personal Computer using Turbo- Prolog. The system is capable of generating process plans, production schedules and some additional capabilities to supplement process planning. The system generated process plans have been compared with the actual plans of the company and it has been shown that the results are satisfactory and encouraging and that the system has the capabilities which are useful.


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Bilateral corneal blindness represents a quarter of the total blind, world-wide. The artificial cornea in assorted forms, was developed to replace opaque non-functional corneas and to return sight in otherwise hopeless cases that were not amenable to corneal grafts; believed to be 2% of corneal blind. Despite technological advances in materials design and tissue engineering no artificial cornea has provided absolute, long-term success. Formidable problems exist, due to a combination of unpredictable wound healing and unmanageable pathology. To have a solid guarantee of reliable success an artificial cornea must possess three attributes: an optical window to replace the opaque cornea; a strong, long term union to surrounding ocular tissue; and the ability to induce desired host responses. A unique artificial cornea possesses all three functional attributes- the Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP). The OOKP has a high success rate and can survive for up to twenty years, but it is complicated both in structure and in surgical procedure; it is expensive and not universally available. The aim of this project was to develop a synthetic substitute for the OOKP, based upon key features of the tooth and bone structure. In doing so, surgical complexity and biological complications would be reduced. Analysis of the biological effectiveness of the OOKP showed that the structure of bone was the most crucial component for implant retention. An experimental semi-rigid hydroxyapatite framework was fabricated with a complex bone-like architecture, which could be fused to the optical window. The first method for making such a framework, was pressing and sintering of hydroxyapatite powders; however, it was not possible to fabricate a void architecture with the correct sizes and uniformity of pores. Ceramers were synthesised using alternative pore forming methods, providing for improved mechanical properties and stronger attachment to the plastic optical window. Naturally occurring skeletal structures closely match the structural features of all forms of natural bone. Synthetic casts were fabricated using the replamineform process, of desirable natural artifacts, such as coral and sponges. The final method of construction by-passed ceramic fabrication in favour of pre-formed coral derivatives and focused on methods for polymer infiltration, adhesion and fabrication. Prototypes were constructed and evaluated; a fully penetrative synthetic OOKP analogue was fabricated according to the dimensions of the OOKP. Fabrication of the cornea shaped OOKP synthetic analogue was also attempted.


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In this Thesis, details of a proposed method for the elastic-plastic failure load analysis of complete building structures are given. In order to handle the problem, a computer programme in Atlas Autocode is produced. The structures consist of a number of parallel shear walls and intermediate frames connected by floor slabs. The results of an experimental investigation are given to verify the theoretical results and to demonstrate various factors that may influence the behaviour of these structures. Large full scale practical structures are also analysed by the proposed method and suggestions are made for achieving design economy as well as for extending research in various aspects of this field. The existing programme for elastic-plastic analysis of large frames is modified to allow for the effect of composite action of structural members, i.e. reinforced concrete floor slabs and the supporting steel beams. This modified programme is used to analyse some framed type structures with composite action as well as those which incorporate plates and shear walls. The results obtained are studied to ascertain the influence of composite action and other factors on the load carrying capacity of both bare frames and complete building structures. The theoretical failure load presented in this thesis does not predict the overall failure load of the structure nor does it predict the partial failure load of the shear walls and slabs but it merely predicts the partial failure load of a single frame and assumes that the loss of stiffess of such a frame renders the overall structure unusable. For most structures the analysis proposed in this thesis is likely to break down prematurely due to the failure of the slab and shear wall system and this factor must be taken into account in any future work on such structures. The experimental work reported in this thesis is acknowledged to be unsatisfactory as a verification of the limited theory proposed. In particular perspex was not found to be a suitable material for testing at high loads, micro-concrete may be more suitable.


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In recent years dual phase steels comprising of 5-20% martensite in a ferrite matrix have come into the limelight of high strength cold formable steels because of their potential for vehicle weight saving. They show the following features: no yield point; relatively low initial flow stress; high initial workhardening rate; well sustained work hardening. As a consequence of these characteristics, dual phase steels exhibit a better combination of strength and elongation than other HSLA steels. In this thesis, a broad view of the factors which influence their properties is presented. Mechanical properties and forming ability of a commercially available dual phase steel and an AL-Si killed steel processed to dual phase form are investigated to ascertain the effect of their microstructure on their properties. It is found that the yield phenomena are masked by the transformation induced stresses present during processing and so yield point could be recovered under suitable ageing treatment; that apart from giving the above properties dual phasing gives rise to very low strain-rate sensitivity and a low R value ~ 1; that the mechanical response under rolling conditions is not different from those under tension; that there is a danger of damage to tooling during forming operations of these steels if fracture should precede instability as a result of grain size dependent strength found for these steels. It is also found that very little deformation of the martensite islands took place during deformation except at high strains. The work-hardening and the strength levels can be controlled by either decreasing the grain size or increasing the martensite volume fraction, but it is found that increasing martensite has a detrimental effect on ductility and the ductility and fracture strength can be controlled better by refining the grain size. A remarkable effect found in the dual phase steel tested is that the compressive strength is higher than the tensile strength. The reason for this observation is not yet clear but it is suggested that it might be due to the introduction of emissary type dislocations into the ferrite lattice as a result of twins formed in the martensite during transformation from austenite. The twins are envisaged to be {111} <112> in character.


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Physical systems with co-existence and interplay of processes featuring distinct spatio-temporal scales are found in various research areas ranging from studies of brain activity to astrophysics. The complexity of such systems makes their theoretical and experimental analysis technically and conceptually challenging. Here, we discovered that while radiation of partially mode-locked fibre lasers is stochastic and intermittent on a short time scale, it exhibits non-trivial periodicity and long-scale correlations over slow evolution from one round-trip to another. A new technique for evolution mapping of intensity autocorrelation function has enabled us to reveal a variety of localized spatio-temporal structures and to experimentally study their symbiotic co-existence with stochastic radiation. Real-time characterization of dynamical spatio-temporal regimes of laser operation is set to bring new insights into rich underlying nonlinear physics of practical active- and passive-cavity photonic systems.