13 resultados para lectin

em Aston University Research Archive


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The avidity of conidia and 48-h-old germlings of Coniothyrium minitans for FITC-conjugated lectins was characterised by flow cytometry and digital microscopy. Six isolates of C. minitans representing three morphological types were compared. Binding of Con A, SBA and WGA by conidial populations varied markedly in extent and pattern between isolates, however, with increasing culture age, conidia from all isolates demonstrated a significant reduction in lectin avidity. Germling isolates bound significantly different amounts of lectins and lectin binding differed significantly with locality. Spore walls of all germlings from all isolates bound more ConA compared with hyphal apices and mature hyphal walls. In contrast, hyphal apices of the majority of germling isolates, readily bound SBA and mature hyphal walls of germling isolates bound more WGA than other regions of the germlings. Such differential lectin binding by conidia and germlings may influence their specific surface interactions and adherence characteristics.


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Aims: Characterization of the representative protozoan Acanthamoeba polyphaga surface carbohydrate exposure by a novel combination of flow cytometry and ligand-receptor analysis. Methods and Results: Trophozoite and cyst morphological forms were exposed to a panel of FITC-lectins. Population fluorescence associated with FITC-lectin binding to acanthamoebal surface moieties was ascertained by flow cytometry. Increasing concentrations of representative FITC-lectins, saturation binding and determination of K d and relative Bmax values were employed to characterize carbohydrate residue exposure. FITC-lectins specific for N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and mannose/glucose were readily bound by trophozoite and cyst surfaces. Minor incremental increases in FITC-lectin concentration resulted in significant differences in surface fluorescence intensity and supported the calculation of ligand-binding determinants, Kd and relative B max, which gave a trophozoite and cyst rank order of lectin affinity and surface receptor presence. Conclusions: Trophozoites and cysts expose similar surface carbohydrate residues, foremost amongst which is N-acetylglucosamine, in varying orientation and availability. Significance and Impact of the Study: The outlined versatile combination of flow cytometry and ligand-receptor analysis allowed the characterization of surface carbohydrate exposure by protozoan morphological forms and in turn will support a valid comparison of carbohydrate exposure by other single-cell protozoa and eucaryotic microbes analysed in the same manner.


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Avidity of yeast and hyphal forms of Candida albicans for FITC-conjugated lectins was determined by flow cytometry and digital microscopy. Yeast phase cells bound Con A, a lectin with marked affinity for mannose, irrespective of growth phase, yet demonstrated little avidity for WGA and SBA. Yeast phase cell avidity for mannose-specific lectins was characterized through determination of FITC-conjugated Con A, LcH, PSA and GNA binding and subsequent calculation of Bmax, EC50 and Hn values. Such an approach, through comparison among FITC-conjugated lectins of differing specific activities, furnishes further insight into exposed outer cell wall mannose moieties. The rank order of lectin affinity as defined by EC50 values was GNA > Con A > LcH > PSA. Values for Hn suggest that lectins predominantly bind to a single receptor class, the relative abundance of which as defined by Bmax values was PSA > GNA > Con A > LcH. Hyphal surfaces in common with yeast phase cells demonstrated marked avidity for FITC-Con A, however, fluorescence of Candida morphological forms differed significantly, indicative of varying outer cell wall mannose exposure.


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Flow cytometry and confocal microscopy were used to quantify and visualize FITC-lectin binding to cell-surface carbohydrate ligands of log and stationary phase acapsular and capsular Cryptococcus neoformans strains. Cell populations demonstrated marked avidity for terminal a-linked mannose and glucose specific FITC-Con A, mannose specific FITC-GNL, as well as N-acetylglucosamine specific FITC-WGA. Exposure to other FITC-lectins specific for mannose, fucose and N-acetylgalactosamine resulted in little cell-surface fluorescence. The nature of cell-surface carbohydrates was investigated further by measurement of the fluorescence from surfaces of log and stationary phase cell populations after exposing them to increasing concentrations of FITC-Con A and FITC-WGA. Cell fluorescence increased significantly with small increases in FITC-Con A and FITC-WGA concentrations attaining reproducible maxima. Measurements of this nature supported calculation of the lectin binding determinants EC 50, Hn, Fmax and relative Bmax values. EC50 values indicated that the yeast-cell surfaces had greatest affinity for FITC-WGA, however, relative Bmax values indicated that greater numbers of Con A binding sites were present on these same cell surfaces. Hn values suggested a co-operative lectin-carbohydrate ligand interaction. Imaging of FITC-Con A and FITC-WGA cell-surface fluorescence by confocal microscopy demonstrated marked localization of both lectins to cell surfaces associated with cell division and maturation, indicative of dynamic carbohydrate ligand exposure and masking. Some fluorescence was associated with entrapment of FITC-Con A by capsular components, but FITC-Con A and FITC-WGA readily penetrated the capsule matrix to bind to the same cell surfaces labelled in acapsular cells.


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AIMS: To investigate multiple techniques for the preparation of solid tissue for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, and to identify the most simple techniques for routine use in the laboratory. METHODS: Techniques for the preparation of arterial tissue samples including homogenisation, ultrafiltration, and treatments involving proteinase K, Gene Clean, lectin, and Fe3+ specific chelators were evaluated using the PCR to amplify both Chlamydia pneumoniae and human DNA. RESULTS: Treatment with either Gene-Clean or lectin and the Fe3+ specific chelator deferoxamine mesylate removed PCR inhibitors from tissue homogenates. Homogenisation followed by GeneClean treatment resulted in the amplification of C pneumoniae DNA from within a section of atherosclerotic carotid artery, implying that C pneumoniae elementary bodies had been disrupted. In eight further clinical samples from patients not known to have C pneumoniae infection, human DNA was amplified and no cross contamination was observed between samples. These samples contained no evidence of C pneumoniae by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: A simple preparation of solid tissue for PCR analysis, involving homogenisation followed by GeneClean treatment has been developed, and is effective for the amplification of both C pneumoniae and human DNA.


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Acanthamoeba polyphaga trophozoites bind yeast cells of Candida albicans isolates within a few hours, leaving few cells in suspension or still attached to trophozoite surfaces. The nature of yeast cell recognition, mediated by an acanthamoebal trophozoite mannose binding protein is confirmed by experiments utilizing concentration dependent mannose hapten blocking. Similarly, acapsulate cells of Cryptococcus neoformans are also bound within a relatively short timescale. However, even after protracted incubation many capsulate cells of Cryptococcus remain in suspension, suggesting that the capsulate cell form of this species is not predated by acanthamoebal trophozoites. Further aspects of the association of Acanthamoeba and fungi are apparent when studying their interaction with conidia of the biocontrol agent Coniothyrium minitans. Conidia which readily bind with increasing maturity of up to 42 days, were little endocytosed and even released. Cell and conidial surface mannose as determined by FITC-lectin binding, flow cytometry with associated ligand binding analysis and hapten blocking studies demonstrates the following phenomena. Candida isolates and acapsulate Cryptococcus expose most mannose, while capsulate Cryptococcus cells exhibit least exposure commensurate with yeast cellular binding or lack of trophozoites. Conidia of Coniothyrium, albeit in a localized fashion, also manifest surface mannose exposure but as shown by Bmax values, in decreasing amounts with increasing maturity. Contrastingly such conidia experience greater trophozoite binding with maturation, thereby questioning the primacy of a trophozoite mannose-binding-protein recognition model.


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It is advantageous to develop controlled release dosage forms utilising site-specific delivery or gastric retention for those drugs with frequent or high dosing regimes. Cimetidine is a potent and selective H2 -reception antagonist used in the treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders and localisation in the upper gastrointestinal tract could significantly improve the drug absorption. Three strategies were undertaken to prepare controlled release systems for the delivery of cimetidine to the GI tract. Firstly, increasing the contact time of the dosage form with the mucus layer which coats the gastrointestinal tract, may lead to increased gastric residence times. Mucoadhesive microspheres, by forming a gel-like structure in contact with the mucus, should prolong the contact between the delivery system and the mucus layer, and should have the potential for releasing the drug in sustained and controlled manner. Gelatin microspheres were prepared, optimised and characterised for their physicochemical properties. Crosslinking concentration, particle size and cimetidine loading influenced drug release profiles. Particle size was influenced by surfactant concentration and stirring speed. Mucoadheisve polymers such as alginates, chitosans, carbopols and polycarbophil were incorporated into the microspheres using different strategies. The mucoadhesion of the microspheres was determined using in vitro surface adsorption and ex vivo rat intestine models. The surface-modification strategy resulted in highest levels of microsphere adhesion, with chitosan, carbopols and polycarbophil as the most successful candidates for improvement of adhesion, with over 70% of the microspheres retained ex vivo. Specific targeting agent UEA I lectin was conjugated to the surface of gelatin microspheres, which enhanced the adhesion of the microspheres. Alginate raft systems containing antacids have been used extensively in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal disease and protection of the oesophageal mucosa from acid reflux by forming a viscous raft layer on the surface of the stomach content, and could be an effective delivery system for controlled release of cimetidine.


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Concanavalin A, a T cell mitogen enhanced DNA synthesis in murine splenocytes. Amongst the early signals prior to this event was an increase in cytosolic calcium derived from both intra- and extracellular sources. The requirements for extracellular calcium persisted for four hours after the lectin administration which itself was needed for six hours. Putative calcium channel antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors blocked ihe increase in DNA synthesis. The calcium signal was mimicked by application of the ionophore, A23187, although no increase in DNA synthesis occurred. An activator of protein kinase C, 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, had little effect in isolation but the combined application of these two agents greatly enhanced DNA synthesis. The natural mediators of these events are presumed to be inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol derived from phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate hydrolysis. Lectin application and protein kinase C activation both increased intracellular pH possibly as a result of Na'l'/H"'' exchange since amiloride an inhibitor of this antiporter inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis. The calcium and hydrogen ionic changes occur within minutes of lectin application; the protracted requirement for this mitogen suggests further signalling mechanisms occur to elicit maximum DNA synthesis in these cells. Gonadectomy caused an increase in thymic and splenic weight. Spleno-cytes derived from castrated mice showed no change in mitogen response whereas those from ovariectomised mice demonstrated a reduced lectin sensitivity. Testosterone, 5 a dihydrotestosterone, a and 0 oestradiol all inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis but only at pharmacological concentrations. Testosterone glucuronide and cholesterol were without effect Studies with mouse serum fractions of differing steroidal status were unable to confirm the presence or absence of serum factors which might mediate the effects of steroid on lymphoid cells, all fractions tested inhibited lymphocyte transformation. Both interleukin-2 and lipopolysaccharide induced splenocyte mitogene-sis was also impaired by high steroid concentrations in vitro, suggesting that steroids mediate their effect by a non-specific, non-receptor-mediated event.


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This study examined the effect of iron deprivation and sub-inhibitory concentrations of antifungal agents on yeast cell surface antigen recognition by antibodies from patients with Candida infections. Separation of cell wall surface proteins by sodium dodecyl-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunological detection by immunoblotting, revealed that antigenic profiles of yeasts were profoundly influenced by the growth environment. Cells grown under iron-depleted conditions expressed several iron-regulated proteins that were recognized by antibodies from patient sera. An attempt to characterize these proteins by lectin blotting with concanavalin A revealed that some could be glycoprotein in nature. Furthermore, these proteins which were located within cell walls and on yeast surfaces, were barely or not expressed in yeasts cultivated under iron-sufficient conditions. The magnitude and heterogeneity of human antibody responses to these iron-regulated proteins were dependent on the type of Candida infection, serum antibody class and yeast strain. Hydroxamate-type siderophores were also detected in supernatants of iron depleted yeast cultures. This evidence suggests that Candida albicans expresses iron-regulated proteins/glycoproteins in vitro which may play a role in siderophore-mediated iron uptake in Candida albicans. Sequential monitoring of IgG antibodies directed against yeast surface antigens during immunization of rabbits revealed that different antigens were recognized particularly during early and later stages of immunization in iron-depleted cells compared to iron-sufficient cells. In vitro and in vivo adherence studies demonstrated that growth phase, yeast strain and growth conditions affect adhesion mechanisms. In particular, growth under iron-depletion in the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of polyene and azole antifungals enhanced the hydrophobicity of C.albicans. Growth conditions also influenced MICs of antifungals, notably that of ketoconazole. Sub-inhibitory concentrations of amphotericin B and fluconazole had little effect on surface antigens, whereas nystatin induced profound changes in surface antigens of yeast cells. The effects of such drug concentrations on yeast cells coupled with host defence mechanisms may have a significant affect on the course of Candida infections.


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Background: During ageing an altered redox balance has been observed in both intracellular and extracellular compartments, primarily due to glutathione depletion and metabolic stress. Maintaining redox homeostasis is important for controlling proliferation and apoptosis in response to specific stimuli for a variety of cells. For T cells, the ability to generate specific response to antigen is dependent on the oxidation state of cell surface and cytoplasmic protein-thiols. Intracellular thiols are maintained in their reduced state by a network of redox regulating peptides, proteins and enzymes such as glutathione, thioredoxins and thioredoxin reductase. Here we have investigated whether any relationship exists between age and secreted or cell surface thioredoxin-1, intracellular glutathione concentration and T cell surface thioredoxin 1 (Trx-1) and how this is related to interleukin (IL)-2 production.Results: Healthy older adults have reduced lymphocyte surface expression and lower circulating plasma Trx-1 concentrations. Using buthionine sulfoximine to deplete intracellular glutathione in Jurkat T cells we show that cell surface Trx-1 is lowered, secretion of Trx-1 is decreased and the response to the lectin phytohaemagglutinin measured as IL-2 production is also affected. These effects are recapitulated by another glutathione depleting agent, diethylmaleate.Conclusion: Together these data suggest that a relationship exists between the intracellular redox compartment and Trx-1 proteins. Loss of lymphocyte surface Trx-1 may be a useful biomarker of healthy ageing. © 2013 Carilho Torrao et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.


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Background: A natural glycoprotein usually exists as a spectrum of glycosylated forms, where each protein molecule may be associated with an array of oligosaccharide structures. The overall range of glycoforms can have a variety of different biophysical and biochemical properties, although details of structure–function relationships are poorly understood, because of the microheterogeneity of biological samples. Hence, there is clearly a need for synthetic methods that give access to natural and unnatural homogeneously glycosylated proteins. The synthesis of novel glycoproteins through the selective reaction of glycosyl iodoacetamides with the thiol groups of cysteine residues, placed by site-directed mutagenesis at desired glycosylation sites has been developed. This provides a general method for the synthesis of homogeneously glycosylated proteins that carry saccharide side chains at natural or unnatural glycosylation sites. Here, we have shown that the approach can be applied to the glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin, an important therapeutic glycoprotein with three sites of N-glycosylation that are essential for in vivo biological activity. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins


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During ageing an altered redox balance has been observed in both intracellular and extracellular compartments, primarily due to glutathione depletion and metabolic stress. Maintaining redox homeostasis is important for controlling proliferation and apoptosis in response to specific stimuli for a variety of cells. For T cells, the ability to generate specific response to antigen is dependent on the oxidation state of cell surface and cytoplasmic protein-thiols. Here we describe the effects of depleting intracellular glutathione concentration for T cell exofacial expression of thioredoxin 1 and IL-2 production, and have determined the distribution of Trx1 with ageing. Using buthionine sulfoximine to deplete intracellular glutathione in Jurkat T cells we show using Western blotting that cell surface thioredoxin-1 is lowered and that the response to the lectin phytohaemagglutinin measured by ELISA as IL-2 production is also decreased. Using flow cytometry we show that the distribution of Trx1 on primary CD4+ T cells is age-dependent, with lower surface Trx1 expression and greater variability of surface expression observed with age. Together these data suggest that a relationship exists between the intracellular redox compartment and exofacial surface. Redox imbalance may be important for impaired T cell function during ageing.


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Cysteine is a thiol containing amino acid that readily undergoes oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS) to form sulphenic (R-SOH) sulphinic (RSO2H) and sulphonic (RSO3H) acids. Thiol modifications of cysteine have been implicated as modulators of cellular processes and represent significant biological modifications that occur during oxidative stress and cell signalling. However, the different oxidation states are difficult to monitor in a physiological setting due to the limited availability of experimental tools. Therefore it is of interest to synthesise and use a chemical probe that selectively recognises the reversible oxidation state of cysteine sulphenic acid to understand more about oxidative signalling. The aim of this thesis was to investigate a synthetic approach for novel fluorescent probe synthesis, for the specific detection of cysteine sulphenic acids by fluorescence spectroscopy and confocal microscopy. N-[2-(Anthracen-2-ylamino)-2-oxoethyl]-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxamide was synthesised in a multistep synthesis and characterised by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The optimisation of conditions needed for sulphenic acid formation in a purified protein using human serum albumin (HSA) and the commercially available biotin tagged probe 3-(2,4-dioxocyclohexyl)propyl-5-((3aR,6S,6aS)-hexahydro-2-oxo-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-6-yl)pentanoate (DCP-Bio1) were identified. This approach was extended to detect sulphenic acids in Jurkat T cells and CD4+ T cells pre- and post-stimulus. Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) was used to manipulate the endogenous antioxidant glutathione (GSH) in human CD4+ T cells. Then the surface protein thiol levels and sulphenic acid formation was examined. T cells were also activated by the lectin phytohaemagglutinin-L (PHA-L) and formation of sulphenic acid was investigated using SDS-PAGE, western blotting and confocal microscopy. Resting Jurkat cells have two prominent protein bands that have sulphenic acid modifications whereas resting CD4+ T cells have an additional band present. When cells were treated with BSO the number of bands increased whereas activation reduced the number of proteins that were modified. The identities of the protein bands containing sulphenic acids were explored by mass spectrometry. Cysteine oxidation was observed in redox, metabolic and cytoskeletal proteins. In summary, a novel fluorescent probe for detection of cysteine sulphenic acids has been synthesised alongside a model system that introduces cysteine sulphenic acid in primary T cells. This probe has potential application in the subcellular localisation of cysteine oxidation during T cell signalling.