8 resultados para ionic surfactant

em Aston University Research Archive


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The aim of this research was to investigate the molecular interactions occurring in the formulation of non-ionic surfactant based vesicles composed monopalmitoyl glycerol (MPG), cholesterol (Chol) and dicetyl phosphate (DCP). In the formulation of these vesicles, the thermodynamic attributes and surfactant interactions based on molecular dynamics, Langmuir monolayer studies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hot stage microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were investigated. Initially the melting points of the components individually, and combined at a 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP weight ratio, were investigated; the results show that lower (90 C) than previously reported (120-140 C) temperatures could be adopted to produce molten surfactants for the production of niosomes. This was advantageous for surfactant stability; whilst TGA studies show that the individual components were stable to above 200 C, the 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP mixture show ∼2% surfactant degradation at 140 C, compared to 0.01% was measured at 90 C. Niosomes formed at this lower temperature offered comparable characteristics to vesicles prepared using higher temperatures commonly reported in literature. In the formation of niosome vesicles, cholesterol also played a key role. Langmuir monolayer studies demonstrated that intercalation of cholesterol in the monolayer did not occur in the MPG:Chol:DCP (5:4:1 weight ratio) mixture. This suggests cholesterol may support bilayer assembly, with molecular simulation studies also demonstrating that vesicles cannot be built without the addition of cholesterol, with higher concentrations of cholesterol (5:4:1 vs 5:2:1, MPG:Chol:DCP) decreasing the time required for niosome assembly. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Enhanced immune responses for DNA and subunit vaccines potentiated by surfactant vesicle based delivery systems outlined in the present study, provides proof of principle for the beneficial aspects of vesicle mediated vaccination. The dehydration-rehydration technique was used to entrap plasmid DNA or subunit antigens into lipid-based (liposomes) or non-ionic surfactant-based (niosomes) dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV). Using this procedure, it was shown that both these types of antigens can be effectively entrapped in DRV liposomes and DRV niosomes. The vesicle size of DRV niosomes was shown to be twice the diameter (~2µm) of that of their liposome counterparts. Incorporation of cryoprotectants such as sucrose in the DRV procedure resulted in reduced vesicle sizes while retaining high DNA incorporation efficiency (~95%). Transfection studies in COS 7 cells demonstrated that the choice of cationic lipid, the helper lipid, and the method of preparation, all influenced transfection efficiency indicating a strong interdependency of these factors. This phenomenon has been further reinforced when 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE): cholesteryl 3b- [N-(N’ ,N’ -dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol)/DNA complexes were supplemented with non-ionic surfactants. Morphological analysis of these complexes using transmission electron microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) revealed the presence of heterogeneous structures which may be essential for an efficient transfection in addition to the fusogenic properties of DOPE. In vivo evaluation of these DNA incorporated vesicle systems in BALB/c mice showed weak antibody and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses. Subsequent mock challenge with hepatitis B antigen demonstrated that, 1-monopalmitoyl glycerol (MP) based DRV, is a more promising DNA vaccine adjuvant. Studying these DRV systems as adjuvants for the Hepatitis B subunit antigen (HBsAg) revealed a balanced antibody/CMI response profile on the basis of the HBsAg specific antibody and cytokine responses which were higher than unadjuvated antigen. The effect of addition of MP, cholesterol and trehalose 6,6’-dibehenate (TDB) on the stability and immuno-efficacy of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) vesicles was investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry showed a reduction in transition temperature of DDA vesicles by ~12°C when incorporated with surfactants. ESEM of MP based DRV system indicated an increased vesicle stability upon incorporation of antigen. Adjuvant activity of these systems tested in C57BL/6j mice against three subunit antigens i.e., mycobacterial fusion protein- Ag85B-ESAT-6, and two malarial antigens - merozoite surface protein-1, (MSP1), and glutamate rich protein, (GLURP) revealed that while MP and DDA based systems induced comparable antibody responses, DDA based systems induced powerful CMI responses.


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Compared to naked DNA immunisation, entrapment of plasmid-based DNA vaccines into liposomes by the dehydration-rehydration method has shown to enhance both humoural and cell-mediated immune responses to encoded antigens administered by a variety of routes. In this paper we have compared the potency of lipid-based and non-ionic surfactant based vesicle carrier systems for DNA vaccines after subcutaneous immunisation. Plasmid pI.18Sfi/NP containing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of A/Sichuan/2/87 (H3N2) influenza virus in the pI.18 expression vector was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into various vesicle formulations. The DRV method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded high DNA vaccine incorporation values (85-97% of the DNA used) in all formulations. Studies on vesicle size revealed lipid-based systems formed cationic submicron size vesicles whilst constructs containing a non-ionic surfactant had significantly large z-average diameters (>1500 nm). Subcutaneous vesicle-mediated DNA immunisation employing two DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that humoural responses (immunoglobulin total IgG, and subclasses IgG 1 and 1gG 2a) engendered by the plasmid encoded nucleoprotein were substantially higher after dosing twice, 28 days apart with 10 μg DRV-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. Comparison between the lipid and non-ionic based vesicle formulations revealed no significant difference in stimulated antibody production. These results suggest that, not only can DNA be effectively entrapped within a range of lipid and non-ionic based vesicle formulations using the DRV method but that such DRV vesicles containing DNA may be a useful system for subcutaneous delivery of DNA vaccines. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fundamentals of this research were to exploit non-ionic surfactant technology for delivery and administration of vaccine antigens across the oral route and to gain a better understanding of vaccine trafficking. Using a newly developed method for manufacture of non-ionic surfactant vesicles (niosomes and bilosomes) lower process temperatures were adopted thus reducing antigen exposure to potentially damaging conditions. Vesicles prepared by this method offered high protection to enzymatic degradation, with only ~10 % antigen loss measured when vesicles incorporating antigen were exposed to enzyme digestion. Interestingly, when formulated using this new production method, the addition of bile salt to the vesicles offered no advantage in terms of stability within simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. Considering their ability to deliver antigen to their target site, results demonstrated that incorporation of antigen within vesicles enhanced delivery and targeting of the antigen to the Peyer's Patch, again with niosomes and bilosomes offering similar efficiency. Delivery to both the Peyer's patches and mesentery lymphatics was shown to be dose dependent at lower concentrations, with saturation kinetics applying at higher concentrations. This demonstrates that in the formulation of vaccine delivery systems, the lipid/antigen dose ratio is not only a key factor in production cost, but is equally a key factor in the kinetics of delivery and targeting of a vaccine system. © 2013 Controlled Release Society.


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The fundamentals of this research were to exploit non-ionic surfactant technology for delivery and administration of vaccine antigens across the oral route and to gain a better understanding of vaccine trafficking. Using a newly developed method for manufacture of non-ionic surfactant vesicles (niosomes and bilosomes) lower process temperatures were adopted thus reducing antigen exposure to potentially damaging conditions. Vesicles prepared by this method offered high protection to enzymatic degradation, with only ~10 % antigen loss measured when vesicles incorporating antigen were exposed to enzyme digestion. Interestingly, when formulated using this new production method, the addition of bile salt to the vesicles offered no advantage in terms of stability within simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. Considering their ability to deliver antigen to their target site, results demonstrated that incorporation of antigen within vesicles enhanced delivery and targeting of the antigen to the Peyer's Patch, again with niosomes and bilosomes offering similar efficiency. Delivery to both the Peyer's patches and mesentery lymphatics was shown to be dose dependent at lower concentrations, with saturation kinetics applying at higher concentrations. This demonstrates that in the formulation of vaccine delivery systems, the lipid/antigen dose ratio is not only a key factor in production cost, but is equally a key factor in the kinetics of delivery and targeting of a vaccine system. © 2013 Controlled Release Society.


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The multifunctional properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) make them a powerful platform for unprecedented innovations in a variety of practical applications. As a result of the surging growth of nanotechnology, nanotubes present a potential problem as an environmental pollutant, and as such, an efficient method for their rapid detection must be established. Here, we propose a novel type of ionic sensor complex for detecting CNTs – an organic dye that responds sensitively and selectively to CNTs with a photoluminescent signal. The complexes are formed through Coulomb attractions between dye molecules with uncompensated charges and CNTs covered with an ionic surfactant in water. We demonstrate that the photoluminescent excitation of the dye can be transferred to the nanotubes, resulting in selective and strong amplification (up to a factor of 6) of the light emission from the excitonic levels of CNTs in the near-infrared spectral range, as experimentally observed via excitation-emission photoluminescence (PL) mapping. The chirality of the nanotubes and the type of ionic surfactant used to disperse the nanotubes both strongly affect the amplification; thus, the complexation provides sensing selectivity towards specific CNTs. Additionally, neither similar uncharged dyes nor CNTs covered with neutral surfactant form such complexes. As model organic molecules, we use a family of polymethine dyes with an easily tailorable molecular structure and, consequently, tunable absorbance and PL characteristics. This provides us with a versatile tool for the controllable photonic and electronic engineering of an efficient probe for CNT detection.


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This thesis illustrates the development of tailor-made, partially hydrated skin adhesive hydrogels as a vehicle for the topical delivery of moisturising agents. Maintaining an optimum hydration level of the stratum corneum ensures that the barrier properties of the skin are preserved. An unsaturated ionic monomer 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, glycerol, water, a photoinitiator Irgacure 184 and crosslinker Ebacryl II facilitated the production of monophasic sheet skin adhesives using photopolymerisation. The exploration and modification of the hydrogel components coupled with their influence on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour led to the development of novel monophasic and biphasic hydrogels. Biphasic pregels comprising of a hydrophobic monomer (epoxidised soybean oil acrylate, lauryl acrylate or stearyl acrylate) micellised with a non ionic surfactant Tween 60 allowed a homogeneous distribution throughout a predominantly hydrophilic phase (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, 4-acryloylmorpholine, glycerol and water). Further development of biphasic hydrogel technology led to the incorporation of preformed commercial O/W emulsions (Acronal, Flexbond 150, DM137 or Texicryl 13056WB) allowing the hydrophobic component to be added without prior stabilisation. The topical release of moisturising agents 2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, lactobionic acid and d-calcium pantothenate results in the deposition onto the skin by an initial burst mechanism. The hydration level of the stratum corneum was measured using a Comeometer CM 825, Skin Reader MY810 or FT-ATR. The use of hydrophilic actives in conjunction with lipophilic agents for example Vitamin E or Jojoba oil provided an occlusive barrier, which reduced the rate of transepidermal water loss. The partition coefficients of the release agents provided invaluable information which enabled the appropriate gel technology to be selected. In summary the synthetic studies led to the understanding and generation of transferable technology. This enabled the synthesis of novel vehicles allowing an array of actives with a range of solubilities to be incorporated.


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The preparation of a steam-based hydrothermally stable transition alumina is reported. The gel was derived from a synthetic sol-gel route where Al-tri-sec-butoxide is hydrolysed in the presence of a non-ionic surfactant (EO20PO70EO20), HCl as the catalyst and water (H2O/Al = 6); the condensation was enhanced by treating the hydrolysed gel with tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH), after which it was dried at 60 °C by solvent evaporation. The so-obtained mesophase was crystallized under argon at 1200 °C (1 h) producing a transition alumina containing δ/α, and possibly θ, alumina phases. Due to its surface acidity, the pyrolysis conditions transform the block copolymer into a cross-linked char structure that embeds the alumina crystallites. Calcination at 650 °C generates a fully porous material by burning the char; a residual carbon of 0.2 wt.% was found, attributed to the formation of surface (oxy)carbides. As a result, this route produces a transition alumina formed by nanoparticles of about 30 nm in size on average, having surface areas in the range of 59-76 m2 g-1 with well-defined mesopores centered at 14 nm. The material withstands steam at 900 °C with a relative surface area rate loss lower than those reported for δ-aluminas, the state-of-the-art MSU-X γ-alumina and other pure γ-aluminas. The hydrothermal stability was confirmed under relevant CH4 steam reforming conditions after adding Ni; a much lower surface area decay and higher CH4 conversion compared to a state-of-the-art MSU-X based Ni catalyst were observed. Two effects are important in explaining the properties of such an alumina: the char protects the particles against sintering, however, the dominant effect is provided by the TBAOH treatment that makes the mesophase more resistant to coarsening and sintering. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.