19 resultados para inhibitory effects

em Aston University Research Archive


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The effects of a 15-mer antisense c-myc phosphorothioate modified oligodeoxynucleotide (OdN) upon the volume-sensitive Cl- current in ROS 17/2.8 cells were investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. At 5 microM, the OdN reversibly inhibited the current in a voltage- and time-dependent fashion. This was evident from the reduction in the peak current as assessed at the termination of each voltage pulse and an acceleration of the time-dependent inactivation present at strongly depolarised potentials. The kinetic modifications induced by the OdN suggest it may act by blocking the pore of open channels when the cell membrane potential is depolarised.


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Cells undergoing apoptosis in vivo are rapidly detected and cleared by phagocytes. Swift recognition and removal of apoptotic cells is important for normal tissue homeostasis and failure in the underlying clearance mechanisms has pathological consequences associated with inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. Cell cultures in vitro usually lack the capacity for removal of non-viable cells because of the absence of phagocytes and, as such, fail to emulate the healthy in vivo micro-environment from which dead cells are absent. While a key objective in cell culture is to maintain viability at maximal levels, cell death is unavoidable and non-viable cells frequently contaminate cultures in significant numbers. Here we show that the presence of apoptotic cells in monoclonal antibody-producing hybridoma cultures has markedly detrimental effects on antibody productivity. Removal of apoptotic hybridoma cells by macrophages at the time of seeding resulted in 100% improved antibody productivity that was, surprisingly to us, most pronounced late on in the cultures. Furthermore, we were able to recapitulate this effect using novel super-paramagnetic Dead-Cert Nanoparticles to remove non-viable cells simply and effectively at culture seeding. These results (1) provide direct evidence that apoptotic cells have a profound influence on their non-phagocytic neighbors in culture and (2) demonstrate the effectiveness of a simple dead-cell removal strategy for improving antibody manufacture in vitro.


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Background Individuals with clinical and subclinical depression (dysphoria) exhibit problems intentionally forgetting unwanted memories on the think/no-think (TNT) paradigm (Anderson & Green, 2001). However, providing substitute words to think about instead of the to-be-forgotten targets can improve forgetting in depressed patients. Objectives To determine if thought substitution can enhance forgetting in dysphoric participants and to examine the potential mechanisms (blocking or inhibition) that might underpin successful forgetting. Methods Thirty-six dysphoric and 36 non-dysphoric participants learned neutral word-pairs and then practiced responding with the targets to some cues (think trials) and suppressing responses to others (no think trials). Half the participants were provided with substitute words to recall instead of the original targets (aided suppression) and half were simply told to avoid thinking about the targets (unaided suppression). Finally, participants completed two recall tests for the targets; one cued with the original probes and one with independent probes. Results Regardless of suppression condition (aided or unaided), dysphoric participants exhibited impaired forgetting, relative to their non-dysphoric counterparts, but only when cued with the original probes. Furthermore, higher depression scores were associated with poorer forgetting. In the aided condition, successful forgetting was observed on both the original and independent probe tasks, which supports the inhibitory account of thought substitution. Limitations Non-clinical status of the dysphoric participants was not confirmed using a validated measure. Conclusions Findings do not support the utility of thought substitution as a method of improving the forgetting in depressed participants, but do support the inhibition account of thought substitution.


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A model of human leucopenia has been developed further in the female mouse. Following daily administration to female mice of 50 mg/kg of the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide, significant falls in platelet and white cell counts occurred after 2 and 3 weeks. At week 4, drug dosage was stopped and the cell counts recovered at the end of that week, although on rechallenge at the beginning of week 5, both platelet and white cell counts fell rapidly. Administration to the mice of structural analogues of aminoglutethimide, such as WSP-3, glutethimide and 4-nitroglutethimide, showed no reductions in platelet and white cell counts. The haemotoxicity of aminoglutethimide over 21 days was unaffected by the presence of either the P-450 inhibitor SKF-525A or the hepatic P-450 inducer phenobarbitone. However, the co-administration of cimetidine abolished the haemotoxicity of aminoglutethimide in terms of platelet and white cell levels. In in vitro studies, both aminoglutethimide and WSP-3 were oxidised to cytotoxic species, although aminoglutethimide was significantly more cytotoxic than WSP-3. The NADPH-dependent covalent binding of 14C aminoglutethimide to mouse microsomes in vitro was significantly reduced by the presence of cimetidine. The activation of the compound to reactive species in vitro, the inhibitory effects of cimetidine in vivo and in vitro, as well as the rapid fall in the in vivo white cell count on rechallenge with aminoglutethimide suggest that this model illustrates a form of leucopenia which may be related to hapten formation and subsequent immune-mediated platelet and white cell lysis. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lipid-mobilising factor (LMF) is produced by cachexia-inducing tumours and is involved in the degradation of adipose tissue, with increased oxidation of the released fatty acids through an induction of uncoupling protein (UCP) expression. Since UCP-2 is thought to be involved in the detoxification of free radicals if LMF induced UCP-2 expression in tumour cells, it might attenuate free radical toxicity. As a model system we have used MAC13 tumour cells, which do not produce LMF. Addition of LMF caused a concentration-dependent increase in UCP-2 expression, as determined by immunoblotting. This effect was attenuated by the β3 antagonist SR59230A, suggesting that it was mediated through a β3 adrenoreceptor. Co-incubation of LMF with MAC13 cells reduced the growth-inhibitory effects of bleomycin, paraquat and hydrogen peroxide, known to be free radical generators, but not chlorambucil, an alkylating agent. There was no effect of LMF alone on cellular proliferation. These results indicate that LMF antagonises the antiproliferative effect of agents working through a free radical mechanism, and may partly explain the unresponsiveness to the chemotherapy of cachexia-inducing tumours. © 2004 Cancer Research UK.


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The work presented in this thesis was undertaken to increase understanding of the intracellular mechanisms regulating acid secretion by gastric parietal cells. Investigation of the effects of protein kinase C on secretory activity induced by a variety of agents was a major objective. A further aim was to establish the sites at which epidermal growth factor (EGF) acts to stimulate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production and to inhibit acid secretion. These investigations were carried out by using the HGT-1 human gastric cancer cell line and freshly isolated rat parietal cells. In HGT-1 cells, the cyclic AMP response to histamine and to truncated glucagon-like peptide 1 (TGLP-1) was reduced when protein kinase C was activated by 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Receptor-binding studies and experiments in which cyclic AMP production in HGT-1 cells was stimulated by gastric inhibitory polypeptide, cholera toxin and forskolin suggested that the effect of TPA was mediated by uncoupling of the histamine H2 receptor from the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Gs, possibly by phosphorylation of the receptor. An involvement of protein kinase C α in this effect was suggested because an antibody to this isoform specifically prevented the inhibitory effects of TPA on histamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in a membrane fraction prepared from HGT-1 cells. Carbachol-stimulated secretory activity in parietal cells was specifically inhibited by Ro 31-8220, a bisindolylmaleimide inhibitor of protein kinase C. Thus protein kinase C may play a role in the activation of the secretory response to carbachol. In parietal cells prelabelled with [3H]-arachidonic acid or [3H]myristic acid, EGF did not affect [3H]-fatty acid or [3H] - diacylglycerol content. No evidence for effects of EGF on phosphatidylinositol glycan-specific phospholipase C, phospholipase A2 or on low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activities were found.


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The dipeptide L-carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) has been described as enigmatic: it inhibits growth of cancer cells but delays senescence in cultured human fibroblasts and extends the lifespan of male fruit flies. In an attempt to understand these observations, the effects of L-carnosine on the model eukaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were examined on account of its unique metabolic properties; S. cerevisiae can respire aerobically, but like some tumor cells, it can also exhibit a metabolism in which aerobic respiration is down regulated. L-Carnosine exhibited both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on yeast cells, dependent upon the carbon source in the growth medium. When yeast cells were not reliant on oxidative phosphorylation for energy generation (e.g. when grown on a fermentable carbon source such as 2% glucose), 10-30 mM L-carnosine slowed growth rates in a dose-dependent manner and increased cell death by up to 17%. In contrast, in media containing a non-fermentable carbon source in which yeast are dependent on aerobic respiration (e.g. 2% glycerol), L-carnosine did not provoke cell death. This latter observation was confirmed in the respiratory yeast, Pichia pastoris. Moreover, when deletion strains in the yeast nutrient-sensing pathway were treated with L-carnosine, the cells showed resistance to its inhibitory effects. These findings suggest that L-carnosine affects cells in a metabolism-dependent manner and provide a rationale for its effects on different cell types. © 2012 Cartwright et al.


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In animal models, transplantation of bone marrow stromal cells (MSC) into the spinal cord following injury enhances axonal regeneration and promotes functional recovery. How these improvements come about is currently unclear. We have examined the interaction of MSC with neurons, using an established in vitro model of nerve growth, in the presence of substrate-bound extracellular molecules that are thought to inhibit axonal regeneration, i.e., neural proteoglycans (CSPG), myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) and Nogo-A. Each of these molecules repelled neurite outgrowth from dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in a concentration-dependent manner. However, these nerve-inhibitory effects were much reduced in MSC/DRG co-cultures. Video microscopy demonstrated that MSC acted as "cellular bridges" and also "towed" neurites over the nerve-inhibitory substrates. Whereas conditioned medium from MSC cultures stimulated DRG neurite outgrowth over type I collagen, it did not promote outgrowth over CSPG, MAG or Nogo-A. These findings suggest that MSC transplantation may promote axonal regeneration both by stimulating nerve growth via secreted factors and also by reducing the nerve-inhibitory effects of the extracellular molecules present.


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Study Design. Coculture assays of the migration and interaction of human intervertebral disc cells and chick sensory nerves on alternate substrata of collagen and aggrecan. Objective. To examine the effects of aggrecan on disc cell migration, how disc cells and sensory nerves interact, and whether disc cells affect previously reported inhibitory effects of aggrecan on sensory nerve growth. Summary of Background Data. Human intervertebral disc aggrecan is inhibitory to sensory nerve growth in vitro, suggesting that a loss of aggrecan from the disc may have a role in the increased innervation seen in disc degeneration. Endothelial cells that appear to co-migrate with nerves into degenerated intervertebral disc express neurotrophic factors, but the effects of disc cells on nerve growth are not known. Methods. Human disc cells were seeded onto tissue culture plates that had been coated with type I collagen and human intervertebral disc aggrecan. Explants of chick dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) were subsequently added to the plates and sensory neurite outgrowth stimulated by the addition of nerve growth factor. Time-lapse video and fluorescence microscopy were used to examine the migration and interaction of the disc cells and sensory neurites, in the context of the different matrix substrata. The effects of disc cell conditioned medium on nerve growth were also examined. Results. Disc cells spread and migrated on collagen until they encountered the aggrecan substrata, where some cells, but not all, were repelled. In coculture, DRG neurites extended onto the collagen/disc cells until they encountered the aggrecan, where, like the disc cells, many were repelled. However, in the presence of disc cells, some neurites were able to cross onto this normally inhibitory substratum. The number of neurite crossings onto aggrecan correlated significantly with the number of disc cells present on the aggrecan. In control experiments using DRG alone, all extending neurites were repelled at the collagen/aggrecan border. Conditioned medium from disc cell cultures stimulated DRG neurite outgrowth on collagen but did not increase neurite crossing onto aggrecan substrata. Conclusions. Human disc cells migrate across aggrecan substrata that are repellent to sensory DRG neurites. Disc cells synthesize neurotrophic factors in vitro that promote neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, the presence of disc cells in coculture with DRG partially abrogates the inhibitory effects of aggrecan on nerve growth. These findings have important implications for the regulation of nerve growth into the intervertebral disc, but whether disc cells promote nerve growth in vivo remains to be determined.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of human intervertebral disc aggrecan on nerve growth and guidance, using in vitro techniques. METHODS: Aggrecan extracted from human lumbar intervertebral discs was incorporated into tissue culture substrata for the culture of the human neuronal cell line, SH-SY5Y, or explants of chick dorsal root ganglia. The effects on nerve growth of different concentrations of aggrecan extracted from the anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus, and of these aggrecan preparations following enzymic deglycosylation, were compared. RESULTS: Disc aggrecan inhibited the growth of neurites from SH-SY5Y cells and induced growth cone turning of chick sensory neurites in a concentration-dependent manner. Aggrecan isolated from the anulus fibrosus was more inhibitory than that isolated from the nucleus pulposus, but enzymic pretreatments to reduce the glycosylation of both types of disc aggrecan partially abrogated their inhibitory effects. CONCLUSION: Nerve growth into degenerate intervertebral discs has been linked with the development of low back pain, but little is known about factors affecting disc innervation. The finding that disc aggrecan inhibits nerve growth in vitro, and that this inhibitory activity depends on aggrecan glycosylation, has important implications for our understanding of mechanisms that may regulate disc innervation in health and disease.


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Background context Transplantation of bone marrow cells into spinal cord lesions promotes functional recovery in animal models, and recent clinical trials suggest possible recovery also in humans. The mechanisms responsible for these improvements are still unclear. Purpose To characterize spinal cord motor neurite interactions with human bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs) in an in vitro model of spinal cord injury (SCI). Study design/setting Previously, we have reported that human MSCs promote the growth of extending sensory neurites from dorsal root ganglia (DRG), in the presence of some of the molecules present in the glial scar, which are attributed with inhibiting axonal regeneration after SCI. We have adapted and optimized this system replacing the DRG with a spinal cord culture to produce a central nervous system (CNS) model, which is more relevant to the SCI situation. Methods We have developed and characterized a novel spinal cord culture system. Human MSCs were cocultured with spinal motor neurites in substrate choice assays containing glial scar-associated inhibitors of nerve growth. In separate experiments, MSC-conditioned media were analyzed and added to spinal motor neurites in substrate choice assays. Results As has been reported previously with DRG, substrate-bound neurocan and Nogo-A repelled spinal neuronal adhesion and neurite outgrowth, but these inhibitory effects were abrogated in MSC/spinal cord cocultures. However, unlike DRG, spinal neuronal bodies and neurites showed no inhibition to substrates of myelin-associated glycoprotein. In addition, the MSC secretome contained numerous neurotrophic factors that stimulated spinal neurite outgrowth, but these were not sufficient stimuli to promote spinal neurite extension over inhibitory concentrations of neurocan or Nogo-A. Conclusions These findings provide novel insight into how MSC transplantation may promote regeneration and functional recovery in animal models of SCI and in the clinic, especially in the chronic situation in which glial scars (and associated neural inhibitors) are well established. In addition, we have confirmed that this CNS model predominantly comprises motor neurons via immunocytochemical characterization. We hope that this model may be used in future research to test various other potential interventions for spinal injury or disease states. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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1. The effects of arachidonic acid upon the volume-sensitive Cl- current present in cultured osteoblastic cells (ROS 17/2.8) was studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. 2. Arachidonate produced two distinct phases of inhibition, a rapid phase occurring within 10-15 s of application preceding a slower phase that occurred 2 min after onset of arachidonate superfusion. Accompanying the slower inhibitory phase was an acceleration of the time-dependent inactivation exhibited by the current at strongly depolarized potentials (> + 50 mV). The half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 177 +/- 31 and 10 +/- 4 microM for the two phases respectively. 3. Arachidonate was still effective in the presence of inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase (indomethacin, 10 microM), lipoxygenase (nordihydroguaretic acid, 10-100 microM) and cytochrome P450 (SKF525A, 100 microM; ethoxyresorufin, 10 microM; metyrapone, 500 microM; piperonyl butoxide, 500 microM; cimetidine, 1 mM). The effects of arachidonate could not be produced by another cis unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid. 4. Measurements of cell volume showed that arachidonate effectively inhibited the regulatory volume decrease elicited by ROS 17/2.8 cells in response to a reduction in extracellular osmolarity. 5. It is concluded that the volume-sensitive Cl- conductance in ROS 17/2.8 cells is directly modulated by arachidonate and may represent a physiological mechanism by which volume regulation can be controlled in these cells.


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Onset asynchrony is an important cue for auditory scene analysis. For example, a harmonic of a vowel that begins before the other components contributes less to the perceived phonetic quality. This effect was thought primarily to involve high-level grouping processes, because the contribution can be partly restored by accompanying the leading portion of the harmonic (precursor) with a synchronous captor tone an octave higher, and hence too remote to influence adaptation of the auditory-nerve response to that harmonic. However, recent work suggests that this restoration effect arises instead from inhibitory interactions relatively early in central auditory processing. The experiments reported here have reevaluated the role of adaptation in grouping by onset asynchrony and explored further the inhibitory account of the restoration effect. Varying the frequency of the precursor in the range ± 10% relative to the vowel harmonic (Experiment 1), or introducing a silent interval from 0 to 320 ms between the precursor and the vowel (Experiment 2), both produce effects on vowel quality consistent with those predicted from peripheral adaptation or recovery from it. However, there were some listeners for whom even the smallest gap largely eliminated the effect of the precursor. Consistent with the inhibitory account of the restoration effect, a contralateral pure tone whose frequency is close to that of the precursor is highly effective at restoring the contribution of the asynchronous harmonic (Experiment 3). When the frequencies match, lateralization cues arising from binaural fusion of the precursor and contralateral tone may also contribute to this restoration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)


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This thesis considers the visual electrophysiological effects of vigabatrin (an anti-epileptic drug, which acts by increasing the levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA on the retina of the eye compared to the concentric visual field defects which have been found associated with the drug. Flash and pattern ERG's, EOG's multifocal ERG's (VERIS), flash and pattern VEP's and visual fields were tested. Although VEP's have been shown not to be affected by vigabatrin, these were recorded to complete the testing. Initially, of the eight vigabatrin patients with known visual field defects, 7 showed abnormally delayed 30Hz flicker a-wave latencies, 5 abnormally delayed 30Hz b-wave latencies and 6 abnormally low 30Hz amplitudes. Also 7 showed an abnormally prolonged latency of oscillatory potential 1 (OP1). The two patients taking vigabatrin at the time of testing showed low EOG Arden index values. The VERIS results correlated well with the severity of the visual field defects. Following this finding, eleven healthy subjects received vigabatrin over a 10-day period. No changes were seen in the visual fields, however, the photopic ERG b-wave latency significantly increased (although not to abnormal values). A matched pairs study with eleven vigabatrin, patients and eleven epileptic patients, who had never taken vigabatrin supported the findings of abnormal 30Hz flicker b-wave and OP latencies associated with vigabatrin, again with the VERIS results correlating to the severity of the visual field defect. The abnormal 30Hz flicker and VERIS responses indicate involvement of the cone photoreceptors and the OP's show an effect on the amacrine cells. The ERG increase in the photopic b-wave latency also suggests involvement of the bipolar cells, however, this effect and the reversible effect on the Arden index after cessation of the drug may be unrelated to the visual field defect. To conclude this thesis, a field specific VEP stimulus was developed to assess the retinal function in the peripheral field of paediatric patients. It comprises of a dartboard stimulus with a central 0-5 degree black and white chequered stimulus, a blank 5-30 degree annulus and a 30-60 degree peripheral chequered stimulus. When optimised on four vigabatrin patients it was found that no peripheral response can be evoked with a field loss exceeding 30-35 degrees. Co-operation was found to be successful in children as young as four years old.


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The principal aim of this work was to examine the effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on vision. Vigabatrin acts by increasing GABA at brain inhibitory synapses by irreversibly binding to GABA-transaminase. Remacemide is a novel non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist and fast sodium channel inhibitor that results in the inhibition of the NMDA receptors located in the neuronal membrane calcium channels increasing glutamate in the brain. Vigabatrin has been shown to cause a specific pattern of visual field loss, as one in three adults taking vigabatrin have shown a bilateral concentric constriction. Remacemide has unknown effects on vision. The majority of studies of the effects of AEDs on vision have not included the paediatric population due to difficulties assessing visual field function using standard perimetry testing. Evidently an alternative test is required to establish and monitor visual field problems associated with AEDs both in children and in adults who cannot comply with perimetry. In order to test paediatric patients exposed to vigabatrin, a field-specific visual evoked potential was developed. Other tests performed on patients taking either vigabatrin or remacemide were electroretinograms, electro-oculograms, multifocal VEPs and perimetry. Comparing these tests to perimetry results from vigabatrin patients the field specific VEP was found to have a high sensitivity and specificity, as did the 30Hz flicker amplitude. The modified VEP was also found to provide useful results in vigabatrin patients. Remacemide did not produce a similar visual field loss to vigabatrin although macular vision was affected. The field specific VEP is a useful method for detecting vigabatrin associated visual field loss that is well tolerated by young children. This technique combined with the ERG under light adapted (30Hz flicker) condition is presently the superior method for detecting vigabatrin-attributed peripheral field defects present in children below the developmental age of 9. The effects of AEDs on vision should be monitored carefully and the use of multifocal stimulation allows for specific areas of the retina and visual pathway to be monitored.