31 resultados para infra-red

em Aston University Research Archive


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A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated by depositing multiple thin coatings on a lapped section of a standard single mode telecoms fibre forming a D-shaped section and then inscribing a grating-type structure using UV light. The coatings consisted of base coatings of semi-conductor (germanium) and dielectric (silicon dioxide) materials, followed by different metals. These fibre devices showed high spectral refractive index sensitivity with high coupling efficiency in excess of 40 dB for indices in the aqueous regime and below, with estimated index sensitivities of Lambda lambda/Lambda n = 90-800 nm from 1 to 1.15 index range and Lambda lambda/Lambda n = 1200-4000 nm for refractive indices from 1.33 to 1.39. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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There has been a dramatic change in the U.K. government policy regarding the establishment of new towns. The emphasis is now on the redevelopment of existing cities rather than on building new ones. This has created an urgent need to carry out detailed surveys and inventories of many aspects of urban land use in metropolitan areas: this study concentrates on just one aspect - urban open space. In the first stage a comparison was made between 1:10,000 scale black and white and 1:10,000 scale colour infra-red aerial photographs, to compare the type and amount of open space information which could be obtained from these two sources. The advantages of using colour infra-red photography were clearly demonstrated in this comparison. The second stage was the use of colour infra-red photography as the sole source of data to survey and map the urban open space of a sample area in Merseyside Metropolitan County. This sample area comprised eleven 1/4km2 squares, on each of which a 20m x 20m grid cell was placed to record, directly from the photography, 625 sets of data. Each set of data recorded the type and amount of open space, its surface cover, maintenance status and management. The data recorded were fed into a computer and a suite of programs was developed to provide output in both computer map and statistical form, for each of the eleven -1/4km2 -sample areas. The third stage involved a comparison of open space data with socio-economic status. Merseyside County Planning Authority had previously conducted a socio-economic survey of the county, and this information was used to identify ' the socio-economic status of the population in the eleven ilkm2 areas of this project. This comparison revealed many interesting and useful relationships between the provision of urban open space and socio-economic status.


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We report an efficient power tapping device working in near infra-red (800 nm) wavelength region based on UV-in- scribed 45° tilted fiber grating (45°-TFG) structure. Five 45°-TFGs were UV-inscribed in hydrogenated PS750 fiber using a custom-designed phase mask with different grating lengths of 3 mm, 5 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm and 15 mm, showing polarization dependent losses (PDLs) of 1 dB, 3 dB, 7 dB, 10 dB and 13 dB, respectively. The power side-tapping efficiency is clearly depending on the grating strength. It has been identified that the power tapping efficiency increases with the grating strength and deceases along the grating length. The side-tapped power profile has also been examined in azimuthal direction, showing a near-Gaussian distribution. These experimental results clearly demonstrated that 45°- TFGs may be used as in-fiber power tapping devices for applications requiring in-line signal monitoring.


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An anastomosis is a surgical procedure that consists of the connection of two parts of an organ and is commonly required in cases of colorectal cancer. About 80% of the patients diagnosed with this problem require surgery. The malignant tissue located on the gastrointestinal track must be resected and the most common procedure adopted is the anastomosis. Therefore, an anastomotic leak represents a significant problem and increases the duration of hospital stay, which is associated with remedial treatment and recovery, causing, as a result, a negative financial impact. A number of techniques to treat, prevent and even detect an anastomotic leakage are under investigation. However, studies show that these techniques are not always able to prevent an anastomotic leak from occurring. This paper discusses the monitoring of leakage through differently sized and differently positioned leak holes in phantom colons, using physical experiments and a Computational Fluid Dynamics package called FloWorks. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group.


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An anastomosis is a surgical procedure that consists of the re-connection of two parts of an organ and is commonly required in cases of colorectal cancer. Approximately 80% of the patients diagnosed with this problem require surgery. The malignant tissue located on the gastrointestinal track must be resected and the most common procedure adopted is the anastomosis. Studies made with 2,980 patients that had this procedure, show that the leakage through the anastomosis was 5.1%. This paper discusses the dynamic behavior of N2O gas through different sized leakages as detected by an Infra-Red gas sensor and how the sensors response time changes depending on the leakage size. Different sized holes were made in the rigid tube to simulate an anastomostic leakage. N2O gas was injected into the tube through a pipe and the leakage rate measured by the infra-red gas sensor. Tests were also made experimentally also using a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) package called FloWorks. The results will be compared and discussed in this paper.


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We study the effects of temperature and strain on the spectra of the first and second-order diffraction attenuation bands of a single long-period grating (LPG) in step-index fibre. The primary and second-order attenuation bands had comparable strength with the second-order bands appearing in the visible and near-infra red parts of the spectrum. Using first and second-order diffraction to the eighth cladding mode a sensitivity matrix was obtained with limiting accuracy given by cross-sensitivity of ~1.19% of the measurement. The sensing scheme presented as a limiting temperature and strain resolution of ±0.7 °C and ~±25 µ.


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Aromatic and aliphatic diacid chlorides were used to condense naturally occurring diamino acids and their esterified derivatives. It was anticipated the resulting functional polyamides would biodegrade to physiologically acceptable compounds and show pH dependant solubility could be used for biomedical applications ranging from enteric coatings to hydrosoluble drug delivery vehicles capable of targeting areas of low physiological pH. With these applications in mind the polymers were characterised by infra red spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography and in the case of aqueous soluble polymers by potentiometric titration. Thin films of poly (lysine ethyl ester isophthalamide) plasticised with poly (caprolactone) were cast from DMSO/chloroform solutions and their mechanical properties measured on a Hounsfield Hti tensiometer. Interfacial synthesis was investigated as a synthetic route for the production of linear functional polyamides. High molecular weight polymer was obtained only when esterified diamino acids were condensed with aromatic diacid chlorides. The method was unsuitable for the production of copolymers of free and esterified amino acids with a diacid chloride. A novel miscible mixed solvent single phase reaction was investigated for production of copolymers of esterified and non-esterified amino acids with diacid chlorides. Aliphatic diacid chlorides were unsuitable for condensing diamino acids using this technique because of high rates of hydrolysis. The technique gave high molecular weight homopolymers from esterified diamino acids and aromatic diacid chlorides.


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A novel metathesis catalyst for the polymerisation of acetylene has been developed. The polyacetylene produced by this new catalyst has been characterised by infra-red and NMR spectroscopy. The conductivity of the pristine material has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect on the conductivity of doping the material has also been investigated. The new metathesis catalyst has been incorporated into an anionic-to-metathesis transformation reaction. This novel reaction has been used to prepare samples of poly(styrene-co-acetylene). The copolymer has been characterised using U.V./Visible, NMR, infra-red spectroscopy and the surface morphology looked at using scanning electron microscopy. GPC was also used to give some idea of the molecular weights of the materials prepared. The conductivity of the copolymer has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect of doping on the conductivity the material has also been investigated. The conductivity results obtained from both materials have been used to try and gain an insight into the mechanism of the conduction processes occurring within the materials. An attempt has also been made to synthesise polyacetylene oligomers (polyenes) by modifying the Ziegler/Natta type catalysts commonly used to synthesise polyacetylene. The polyenes were characterised using U.V./Visible and infra-red spectroscopy together with GPC and GCMS.


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Perturbations in the bismuth market resulted in Mining and Chemical Products Ltd., seeking further outlets in the market. Together with Manchem Ltd. they were anxious to evaluate the possibility of using bismuth compounds as a replacement for lead/calcium soaps in paint driers. A range of new organobismuth compounds were synthesised of the type RBiX2 and R3BiX2 (X= halogen, OOCR, dithiocarbamate). A variety of synthetic techniques were explored, including the use of mathematical reactions, phase-transfer catalysis and microwave energy. The preparation of a range of trivalent and pentavalent organobismuth carboxylates is reported and their infra-red , 13C, lH nmr spectra. The compounds were evaluated as paint driers and in cases found to enhance paint drying to a greater degree than the standard driers, to which they were being compared. The drying times of paint films containing the organobismuth compounds are reported, together with a comparison of the drying times with the addition of bismuth tris-diethyldithiocarbamate, which may promote the cross-linking reaction that occur in paint films during the drying process. Examples are reported to illustrate the great reductions in reaction times possible when using microwave energy. Reactions such as metallation of aromatic rings, ligand redistribution and synthesis were carried out in PTFE containers in a conventional domestic microwave oven. An X-ray diffraction study of (phenylazophenyl-C,N')mercury(II) chloride has shown it to be dimeric via long Hg-Cl bridging interactions of 3.367A. Its crystal structure is reported, together with its 13C nmr spectra and mass spectrum. The Lewis acidity of compounds of the type RBiX2 was investigated. The donor group being anchored to the organo group (R). The dithiocarbamates bis- (diethyldithiobarbamato)phenylbismuth(Ill) and [2-2-pyridyl)phenylbismuth(III) were synthesised, and their crystal structures, 14N, 13C nmr ar1d infra-red spectra are reported. Both compounds are pseudo-pentagonal bipyramidal in geometry, with two long Bi-S bonds and two short Bi-S bonds. The reaction of RBiBr2 (R= 2-(pyridyl) with various ligands is reported. The infra-red evidence suggesting that the coordination of extra ligands is accompanied by a reduction of the strength of the Bi-interaction.


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The organic matter in five oil shales (three from the Kimmeridge Clay sequence, one from the Oxford Clay sequence and one from the Julia Creek deposits in Australia) has been isolated by acid demineralisation, separated into kerogens and bitumens by solvent extraction and then characterised in some detail by chromatographic, spectroscopic and degradative techniques. Kerogens cannot be characterised as easily as bitumens because of their insolubility, and hence before any detailed molecular information can be obtained from them they must be degraded into lower molecular weight, more soluble components. Unfortunately, the determination of kerogen structures has all too often involved degradations that were far too harsh and which lead to destruction of much of the structural information. For this reason a number of milder more selective degradative procedures have been tested and used to probe the structure of kerogens. These are: 1. Lithium aluminium hydride reduction. - This procedure is commonly used to remove pyrite from kerogens and it may also increase their solubility by reduction of labile functional groups. Although reduction of the kerogens was confirmed, increases in solubility were correlated with pyrite content and not kerogen reduction. 2. O-methylation in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst. - By the removal of hydrogen bond interactions via O-methylation, it was possible to determine the contribution of such secondary interactions to the insolubility of the kerogens. Problems were encountered with the use of the phase transfer catalyst. 3. Stepwise alkaline potassium permanganate oxidation. - Significant kerogen dissolution was achieved using this procedure but uncontrolled oxidation of initial oxidation products proved to be a problem. A comparison with the peroxytrifluoroaceticacid oxidation of these kerogens was made. 4. Peroxytrifluoroacetic acid oxidation. - This was used because it preferentially degrades aromatic rings whilst leaving any benzylic positions intact. Considerable conversion of the kerogens into soluble products was achieved with this procedure. At all stages of degradation the products were fully characterised where possible using a variety of techniques including elemental analysis, solution state 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, gel-permeationchromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and some ultra violet-visible spectroscopy.


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Soft contact lens wear has become a common phenomenon in recent times. The contact lens when placed in the eye rapidly undergoes change. A film of biological material builds up on and in the lens matrix. The long term wear characteristics of the lens ultimately depend on this process. With time distinct structures made up of biological material have been found to build up on the lens. A fuller understanding of this process and how it relates to the lens chemistry could lead to contact lenses that are better tolerated by the eye. The tear film is a complex biological fluid, it is this fluid that bathes the lens during wear. It is reasonable to suppose that it is material derived from this source that accumulates on the lens. To understand this phenomenon it was decided to investigate the make up and conformation of the protein species that are found on and in the lens. As inter individual variations in tear fluid composition have been found it is important to be able to study the proteins on a single lens. Many of the analytical techniques used in bio research are not suitable for this study because of the lack of sensitivity. Work with poly acrylamide electrophoresis showed the possibility of analyzing the proteins extracted from a single lens. The development of a biotin avidin electro-blot and an enzyme linked aniibody electro-blot, lead to the high sensitivity detection and identification of the proteins present. The extraction of proteins from a lens is always incomplete. A method that analyses the proteins in situ would be a great advancement. Fourier transform infra red microscopy was developed to a point where a thin section of a contact lens could yield information about the proteins present and their conformation. The three dimensional structure of the gross macroscopic structures termed white spots was investigated using confocal laser microscopy.


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Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), (PHB), is a biologically produced, biodegradable thennoplastic with commercial potential. In this work the qualitative and quantitative investigations of the structure and degradation of a previously unstudied, novel, fibrous form of PHB, were completed. This gel-spun PHB fibrous matrix, PHB(FM), which has a similar appearance to cotton wool, possesses a relatively complex structure which combines a large volume with a low mass and has potential for use as a wound scaffolding device. As a result of the intrinsic problems presented by this novel structure, a new experimental procedure was developed to analyze the degradation of the PHB to its monomer hydroxybutyric acid, (HBA). This procedure was used in an accelerated degradation model which accurately monitored the degradation of the undegraded and degraded fractions of a fibrous matrix and the degradation of its PHB component. The in vitro degradation mechanism was also monitored using phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, fibre diameter distributions and Fourier infra-red photoacoustic spectroscopy. The accelerated degradation model was used to predict the degradation of the samples in the physiological model and this provided a clearer picture as to the samples potential biodegradation as medical implantation devices. The degradation of the matrices was characterized by an initial penetration of the degradative medium and weakening of the fibre integrity due to cleavage of the ester linkages, this then led to the physical collapse of the fibres which increased the surface area to volume ratio of the sample and facilitated its degradation. Degradation in the later stages was reduced due to the experimental kinetics, compaction and degradation resistant material, most probably the highly crystalline regions of the PHB. The in vitro degradation of the PHB(FM) was influenced by blending with various polysaccharides, copolymerizing with poly(~-hydroxyvalerate), (PHV), and changes to the manufacturing process. The degradation was also detennined to be faster than that of conventional melt processed PHB based samples. It was concluded that the material factors such as processing, sample size and shape affected the degradation of PHB based samples with the major factor of sample surface area to volume ratio being of paramount importance in determining the degradation of a sample.


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The infra-red detector material cadmium mercury telluride can be grown by the technique of Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy using simple alkyl telluride compounds as the source of tellurium. New tellurium precursors are required in order to overcome handling and toxicity problems and to reduce the growth temperature in preparing the material. A range of diaryltellurium(IV) dicarboxylates and some 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl-tellurium(II) and tellurium(IV) monocarboxylates have been synthesised and characterised by infra-red, 13C N.M.R. and mass spectroscopy. Infra-red spectroscopy has been used to determine the mode of bonding of the carboxylate ligand to tellurium. Synthetic methods have been devised for the preparation of diorganotritellurides (R2Te3) and mixed diorganotetrachalcogenides (RTeSeSeTeR). A mechanism for the formation of the tritellurides based on aerobic conditions is proposed. The reaction of ArTe- with (ClCH2CH2)3N leads to tripod-like multidentate ligands (ArTeCH2CH2)3N which form complexes with the ions Hg(II), Cd(II), Cu(I), Pt(II) and Pd(II). Synthetic routes to aryltelluroalkylamines and arylselenoalkylamines are also reported. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyltellurium(II) bromide has been solved in which there are six molecules present within the unit cell. There are no close intermolecular Te---Te interactions and the molecules are stabilised by short Te---N intramolecular contacts. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenylselenium(II)-tribromomercurate(II) is also presented. A study of the Raman vibrational spectra of some tellurated azobenzenes and 2-phenylpyridines shows spectra of remarkably far superior quality to those obtained using infra-red spectroscopy.


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The kinetics of the metathesis of 1-hexene using Re2O7/-Al_2O_3 as the catalyst were investigated under a variety of conditions. The experiments were carried out under high vacuum conditions. The product solutions were characterised by gas liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The initial kinetics of the metathesis of 1-hexene showed that the reaction was first order in the weight of the catalyst and second order in the concentration of 1-hexene. A kinetic scheme which correlated the experimental data with the metallocarbene chain mechanism postulated by Herisson and Chauvin and the kinetics of the reaction was explained using a model based on the Langmuir-Hinshelwood theory. The low conversion of 1-hexene to its products is due to termination reactions which most likely occur by the decomposition of the metallocyclobutane intermediate to produce a cyclopropane derivative and an inactive centre. The optimum temperature for the metathesis of 1-hexene over Re_2O_7/-Al2O3 is 45oC and above this temperature, the rate of metathesis decreases rapidly. Co-catalysts alter the active sites for metathesis so that the catalyst is more selective to the metathesis of 1-hexene. However, the regeneration of metathesis activity is much worse for promoted catalysts than for the unpromoted. The synthesis and metathesis of 4,4-dimethyl-2-allowbreak (9-decenyl)-1,3-oxazoline and 4,4-dimethyl-2-allowbreak (3-pentenyl)-1,3-oxazoline was attempted and the products were analysed by thin layer chromatography, infra-red, 13C and 1H nmr and mass spectroscopy. Obtaining the oxazolines in a good yield with high purity was difficult and consequently metathesis of the impure products did not occur.


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This project is concerned with the deterioration of surface coatings as a result of weathering and exposure to a pollutant gas (in this case nitric oxide). Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) plastisol surface coatings have been exposed to natural and artificial weathering and a comparison of the effects of these two types of weathering has been made by use of various analytical techniques. These techniques have each been assessed as to their value in providing information regarding changes taking place in the coatings during ageing, and include, goniophotometry, micro-penetrometry, surface energy measurements, weight loss measurements, thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The results of each of these studies have then been combined to show the changes undergone by PVC plastisol surface coatings during ageing and to show the effects which additives to the coatings have on their behaviour and in particular the effects of plasticiser, pigment and uv and thermal stabilisers. Finally a preliminary study of the interaction between five commercial polymers and nitric oxide has been carried out, the polymers being polypropylene, cellulose acetate butyrate, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate and polycarbonate. Each of the samples was examined using infra-red spectroscopy in the transmission mode.