31 resultados para harmonic oscillators

em Aston University Research Archive


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We report on generation of harmonic oscillations with frequencies of hundreds of MHz and radio-frequency linewidth of 13 Hz in unidirectional ring laser oscillator. This high stability makes these oscillators a suitable substitute for existing quartz resonators used in high frequency optoelectronics applications.


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In vivo, neurons of the globus pallidus (GP) and subthalamic nucleus (STN) resonate independently around 70 Hz. However, on the loss of dopamine as in Parkinson's disease, there is a switch to a lower frequency of firing with increased bursting and synchronization of activity. In vitro, type A neurons of the GP, identified by the presence of Ih and rebound depolarizations, fire at frequencies (≤80 Hz) in response to glutamate pressure ejection, designed to mimic STN input. The profile of this frequency response was unaltered by bath application of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (10 μM), indicating the lack of involvement of a local GABA neuronal network, while cross-correlations of neuronal pairs revealed uncorrelated activity or phase-locked activity with a variable phase delay, consistent with each GP neuron acting as an independent oscillator. This autonomy of firing appears to arise due to the presence of intrinsic voltage- and sodium-dependent subthreshold membrane oscillations. GABAA inhibitory postsynaptic potentials are able to disrupt this tonic activity while promoting a rebound depolarization and action potential firing. This rebound is able to reset the phase of the intrinsic oscillation and provides a mechanism for promoting coherent firing activity in ensembles of GP neurons that may ultimately lead to abnormal and pathological disorders of movement.


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An optical autocorrelator grown on a (211)B GaAs substrate that uses visible surface-emitted second-harmonic generation is demonstrated. The (211)B orientation needs TE mode excitation only, thus eliminating the problem of the beating between the TE and TM modes that is required for (100)-grown devices; it also has the advantage of giving higher upconversion efficiency than (111) growth. Values of waveguide loss and the difference in the effective refractive index between the TE(0) and TE(1) modes were also obtained from the autocorrelation experiment.


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Keyword identification in one of two simultaneous sentences is improved when the sentences differ in F0, particularly when they are almost continuously voiced. Sentences of this kind were recorded, monotonised using PSOLA, and re-synthesised to give a range of harmonic ?F0s (0, 1, 3, and 10 semitones). They were additionally re-synthesised by LPC with the LPC residual frequency shifted by 25% of F0, to give excitation with inharmonic but regularly spaced components. Perceptual identification of frequency-shifted sentences showed a similar large improvement with nominal ?F0 as seen for harmonic sentences, although overall performance was about 10% poorer. We compared performance with that of two autocorrelation-based computational models comprising four stages: (i) peripheral frequency selectivity and half-wave rectification; (ii) within-channel periodicity extraction; (iii) identification of the two major peaks in the summary autocorrelation function (SACF); (iv) a template-based approach to speech recognition using dynamic time warping. One model sampled the correlogram at the target-F0 period and performed spectral matching; the other deselected channels dominated by the interferer and performed matching on the short-lag portion of the residual SACF. Both models reproduced the monotonic increase observed in human performance with increasing ?F0 for the harmonic stimuli, but not for the frequency-shifted stimuli. A revised version of the spectral-matching model, which groups patterns of periodicity that lie on a curve in the frequency-delay plane, showed a closer match to the perceptual data for frequency-shifted sentences. The results extend the range of phenomena originally attributed to harmonic processing to grouping by common spectral pattern.


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The global and local synchronisation of a square lattice composed of alternating Duffing resonators and van der Pol oscillators coupled through displacement is studied. The lattice acts as a sensing device in which the input signal is characterised by an external driving force that is injected into the system through a subset of the Duffing resonators. The parameters of the system are taken from MEMS devices. The effects of the system parameters, the lattice architecture and size are discussed.


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Future sensor arrays will be composed of interacting nonlinear components with complex behaviours with no known analytic solutions. This paper provides a preliminary insight into the expected behaviour through numerical and analytical analysis. Specically, the complex behaviour of a periodically driven nonlinear Duffing resonator coupled elastically to a van der Pol oscillator is investigated as a building block in a 2D lattice of such units with local connectivity. An analytic treatment of the 2-device unit is provided through a two-time-scales approach and the stability of the complex dynamic motion is analysed. The pattern formation characteristics of a 2D lattice composed of these units coupled together through nearest neighbour interactions is analysed numerically for parameters appropriate to a physical realisation through MEMS devices. The emergent patterns of global and cluster synchronisation are investigated with respect to system parameters and lattice size.


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We analyze the nonlinear excitation of holographic gratings in a photorefractive crystal being subject to an alternating electric field and a stationary light interference pattern. The influence of the higher harmonics on the fundamental grating is illustrated for the case where a crystal of Bi12SiO20 is the recording medium. We analyze both the steady state and the transient consequences of the higher harmonic excitation.


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We propose and investigate a method for the stable determination of a harmonic function from knowledge of its value and its normal derivative on a part of the boundary of the (bounded) solution domain (Cauchy problem). We reformulate the Cauchy problem as an operator equation on the boundary using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. To discretize the obtained operator, we modify and employ a method denoted as Classic II given in [J. Helsing, Faster convergence and higher accuracy for the Dirichlet–Neumann map, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009), pp. 2578–2576, Section 3], which is based on Fredholm integral equations and Nyström discretization schemes. Then, for stability reasons, to solve the discretized integral equation we use the method of smoothing projection introduced in [J. Helsing and B.T. Johansson, Fast reconstruction of harmonic functions from Cauchy data using integral equation techniques, Inverse Probl. Sci. Eng. 18 (2010), pp. 381–399, Section 7], which makes it possible to solve the discretized operator equation in a stable way with minor computational cost and high accuracy. With this approach, for sufficiently smooth Cauchy data, the normal derivative can also be accurately computed on the part of the boundary where no data is initially given.


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We consider the problem of stable determination of a harmonic function from knowledge of the solution and its normal derivative on a part of the boundary of the (bounded) solution domain. The alternating method is a procedure to generate an approximation to the harmonic function from such Cauchy data and we investigate a numerical implementation of this procedure based on Fredholm integral equations and Nyström discretization schemes, which makes it possible to perform a large number of iterations (millions) with minor computational cost (seconds) and high accuracy. Moreover, the original problem is rewritten as a fixed point equation on the boundary, and various other direct regularization techniques are discussed to solve that equation. We also discuss how knowledge of the smoothness of the data can be used to further improve the accuracy. Numerical examples are presented showing that accurate approximations of both the solution and its normal derivative can be obtained with much less computational time than in previous works.


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This investigation originated from work by Dr. A.H. McIlraith of the National Physical Laboratory who, in 1966, described a new type of charged particle oscillator. This makes use of two equal cylindrical electrodes to constrain the particles in such a way that they follow extremely long oscillatory paths between the electrodes under the influence of an electrostatic field alone. The object of this work has been to study the principle of the oscillator in detail and to investigate its properties and applications. Any device which is capable of creating long electron trajectories has potential application in the field of ultra high vacuum technology. It was therefore considered that a critical review of the problems associated with the production and measurement of ultra high vacuum was relevant in the initial stages of the work. The oscillator has been applied with a considerable degree of success as a high energy electrostatic ion source. This offers several advantages over existing ion sources. It can be operated at much lower pressures without the need of a magnetic field. The oscillator principle has also been applied as a thermionic ionization gauge and has been compared with other ionization gauges to pressures as low as 5 x 10- 11 torr.. This new gauge exhibited a number of advantages over most of the existing gauges. Finally the oscillator has been used in an evaporation ion pump and has exhibited fairly high pumping speeds for argon gas relative to those for nitrogen. This investigation supports the original work of Dr. A.H. McIlraith and shows that his proposed oscillator has considerable potential in the fields of vacuum technology and electron physics.


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We report on a polarimetry of harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes saturable absorber. We find new types of vector solitons with locked, switching and precessing states of polarization. The underlying physics presents interplay between birefringence of a laser cavity created by polarization controller along with light induced anisotropy caused by polarization hole burning. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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In the early days of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger noticed that oscillations of a wave packet in a one-dimensional harmonic potential well are periodic and, in contrast to those in anharmonic potential wells, do not experience distortion over time. This original idea did not find applications up to now since an exact one-dimensional harmonic resonator does not exist in nature and has not been created artificially. However, an optical pulse propagating in a bottle microresonator (a dielectric cylinder with a nanoscale-high bump of the effective radius) can exactly imitate a quantum wave packet in the harmonic potential. Here, we propose a tuneable microresonator that can trap an optical pulse completely, hold it as long as the material losses permit, and release it without distortion. This result suggests the solution of the long standing problem of creating a microscopic optical buffer, the key element of the future optical signal processing devices.


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