14 resultados para geo localisation

em Aston University Research Archive


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We sought to determine the extent to which colour (and luminance) signals contribute towards the visuomotor localization of targets. To do so we exploited the movement-related illusory displacement a small stationary window undergoes when it has a continuously moving carrier grating behind it. We used drifting (1.0-4.2 Hz) red/green-modulated isoluminant gratings or yellow/black luminance-modulated gratings as carriers, each curtailed in space by a stationary, two-dimensional window. After each trial, the perceived location of the window was recorded with reference to an on-screen ruler (perceptual task) or the on-screen touch of a ballistic pointing movement made without visual feedback (visuomotor task). Our results showed that the perceptual displacement measures were similar for each stimulus type and weakly dependent on stimulus drift rate. However, while the visuomotor displacement measures were similar for each stimulus type at low drift rates (<4 Hz), they were significantly larger for luminance than colour stimuli at high drift rates (>4 Hz). We show that the latter cannot be attributed to differences in perceived speed between stimulus types. We assume, therefore, that our visuomotor localization judgements were more susceptible to the (carrier) motion of luminance patterns than colour patterns. We suggest that, far from being detrimental, this susceptibility may indicate the operation of mechanisms designed to counter the temporal asynchrony between perceptual experiences and the physical changes in the environment that give rise to them. We propose that perceptual localisation is equally supported by both colour and luminance signals but that visuomotor localisation is predominantly supported by luminance signals. We discuss the neural pathways that may be involved with visuomotor localization. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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Recently, we introduced a new 'GLM-beamformer' technique for MEG analysis that enables accurate localisation of both phase-locked and non-phase-locked neuromagnetic effects, and their representation as statistical parametric maps (SPMs). This provides a useful framework for comparison of the full range of MEG responses with fMRI BOLD results. This paper reports a 'proof of principle' study using a simple visual paradigm (static checkerboard). The five subjects each underwent both MEG and fMRI paradigms. We demonstrate, for the first time, the presence of a sustained (DC) field in the visual cortex, and its co-localisation with the visual BOLD response. The GLM-beamformer analysis method is also used to investigate the main non-phase-locked oscillatory effects: an event-related desynchronisation (ERD) in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) and an event-related synchronisation (ERS) in the gamma band (55-70 Hz). We show, using SPMs and virtual electrode traces, the spatio-temporal covariance of these effects with the visual BOLD response. Comparisons between MEG and fMRI data sets generally focus on the relationship between the BOLD response and the transient evoked response. Here, we show that the stationary field and changes in oscillatory power are also important contributors to the BOLD response, and should be included in future studies on the relationship between neuronal activation and the haemodynamic response. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Most current 3D landscape visualisation systems either use bespoke hardware solutions, or offer a limited amount of interaction and detail when used in realtime mode. We are developing a modular, data driven 3D visualisation system that can be readily customised to specific requirements. By utilising the latest software engineering methods and bringing a dynamic data driven approach to geo-spatial data visualisation we will deliver an unparalleled level of customisation in near-photo realistic, realtime 3D landscape visualisation. In this paper we show the system framework and describe how this employs data driven techniques. In particular we discuss how data driven approaches are applied to the spatiotemporal management aspect of the application framework, and describe the advantages these convey.


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This work sets out to evaluate the potential benefits and pit-falls in using a priori information to help solve the Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) inverse problem. In chapter one the forward problem in MEG is introduced, together with a scheme that demonstrates how a priori information can be incorporated into the inverse problem. Chapter two contains a literature review of techniques currently used to solve the inverse problem. Emphasis is put on the kind of a priori information that is used by each of these techniques and the ease with which additional constraints can be applied. The formalism of the FOCUSS algorithm is shown to allow for the incorporation of a priori information in an insightful and straightforward manner. In chapter three it is described how anatomical constraints, in the form of a realistically shaped source space, can be extracted from a subject’s Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). The use of such constraints relies on accurate co-registration of the MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems. Variations of the two main co-registration approaches, based on fiducial markers or on surface matching, are described and the accuracy and robustness of a surface matching algorithm is evaluated. Figures of merit introduced in chapter four are shown to given insight into the limitations of a typical measurement set-up and potential value of a priori information. It is shown in chapter five that constrained dipole fitting and FOCUSS outperform unconstrained dipole fitting when data with low SNR is used. However, the effect of errors in the constraints can reduce this advantage. Finally, it is demonstrated in chapter six that the results of different localisation techniques give corroborative evidence about the location and activation sequence of the human visual cortical areas underlying the first 125ms of the visual magnetic evoked response recorded with a whole head neuromagnetometer.


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The 19 channel Neuromagnetometer system in the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at Aston University is a multi-channel system, unique in the United Kingdom. A bite bar head localisation and MRI co-registration strategy which enabled accurate and reproducible localisation of MEG data into cortical space was developed. This afforded the opportunity to study magnetic fields of the human cortex generated by stimulation of peripheral nerve, by stimulation of visceral sensory receptors and by those evoked through voluntary finger movement. Initially, a study of sensory-motor evoked data was performed in a healthy control population. The techniques developed were then applied to patients who were to undergo neurosurgical intervention for the treatment of epilepsy and I or space occupying lesions. This enabled both validation of the effective accuracy of source localisation using MEG as well as to determine the clinical value of MEG in presurgical assessment of functional localisation in human cortex. The studies in this thesis have demonstrated that MEG can repeatedly and reliably locate sources contained within a single gyrus and thus potentially differentiate between disparate gyral activation. This ability is critical in the clinical application of any functional imaging technique; which is yet to be fully validated by any other 'non-invasive' functional imaging methodology. The technique was also applied to the study of visceral sensory representation in the cortex which yielded important data about the multiple cortical representation of visceral sensory function.


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Although the importance of dataset fitness-for-use evaluation and intercomparison is widely recognised within the GIS community, no practical tools have yet been developed to support such interrogation. GeoViQua aims to develop a GEO label which will visually summarise and allow interrogation of key informational aspects of geospatial datasets upon which users rely when selecting datasets for use. The proposed GEO label will be integrated in the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and will be used as a value and trust indicator for datasets accessible through the GEO Portal. As envisioned, the GEO label will act as a decision support mechanism for dataset selection and thereby hopefully improve user recognition of the quality of datasets. To date we have conducted 3 user studies to (1) identify the informational aspects of geospatial datasets upon which users rely when assessing dataset quality and trustworthiness, (2) elicit initial user views on a GEO label and its potential role and (3), evaluate prototype label visualisations. Our first study revealed that, when evaluating quality of data, users consider 8 facets: dataset producer information; producer comments on dataset quality; dataset compliance with international standards; community advice; dataset ratings; links to dataset citations; expert value judgements; and quantitative quality information. Our second study confirmed the relevance of these facets in terms of the community-perceived function that a GEO label should fulfil: users and producers of geospatial data supported the concept of a GEO label that provides a drill-down interrogation facility covering all 8 informational aspects. Consequently, we developed three prototype label visualisations and evaluated their comparative effectiveness and user preference via a third user study to arrive at a final graphical GEO label representation. When integrated in the GEOSS, an individual GEO label will be provided for each dataset in the GEOSS clearinghouse (or other data portals and clearinghouses) based on its available quality information. Producer and feedback metadata documents are being used to dynamically assess information availability and generate the GEO labels. The producer metadata document can either be a standard ISO compliant metadata record supplied with the dataset, or an extended version of a GeoViQua-derived metadata record, and is used to assess the availability of a producer profile, producer comments, compliance with standards, citations and quantitative quality information. GeoViQua is also currently developing a feedback server to collect and encode (as metadata records) user and producer feedback on datasets; these metadata records will be used to assess the availability of user comments, ratings, expert reviews and user-supplied citations for a dataset. The GEO label will provide drill-down functionality which will allow a user to navigate to a GEO label page offering detailed quality information for its associated dataset. At this stage, we are developing the GEO label service that will be used to provide GEO labels on demand based on supplied metadata records. In this presentation, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the GEO label development process, with specific emphasis on the GEO label implementation and integration into the GEOSS.


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One of the aims of the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) was to establish a GEO Label- a label to certify geospatial datasets and their quality. As proposed, the GEO Label will be used as a value indicator for geospatial data and datasets accessible through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). It is suggested that the development of such a label will significantly improve user recognition of the quality of geospatial datasets and that its use will help promote trust in datasets that carry the established GEO Label. Furthermore, the GEO Label is seen as an incentive to data providers. At the moment GEOSS contains a large amount of data and is constantly growing. Taking this into account, a GEO Label could assist in searching by providing users with visual cues of dataset quality and possibly relevance; a GEO Label could effectively stand as a decision support mechanism for dataset selection. Currently our project - GeoViQua, - together with EGIDA and ID-03 is undertaking research to define and evaluate the concept of a GEO Label. The development and evaluation process will be carried out in three phases. In phase I we have conducted an online survey (GEO Label Questionnaire) to identify the initial user and producer views on a GEO Label or its potential role. In phase II we will conduct a further study presenting some GEO Label examples that will be based on Phase I. We will elicit feedback on these examples under controlled conditions. In phase III we will create physical prototypes which will be used in a human subject study. The most successful prototypes will then be put forward as potential GEO Label options. At the moment we are in phase I, where we developed an online questionnaire to collect the initial GEO Label requirements and to identify the role that a GEO Label should serve from the user and producer standpoint. The GEO Label Questionnaire consists of generic questions to identify whether users and producers believe a GEO Label is relevant to geospatial data; whether they want a single "one-for-all" label or separate labels that will serve a particular role; the function that would be most relevant for a GEO Label to carry; and the functionality that users and producers would like to see from common rating and review systems they use. To distribute the questionnaire, relevant user and expert groups were contacted at meetings or by email. At this stage we successfully collected over 80 valid responses from geospatial data users and producers. This communication will provide a comprehensive analysis of the survey results, indicating to what extent the users surveyed in Phase I value a GEO Label, and suggesting in what directions a GEO Label may develop. Potential GEO Label examples based on the results of the survey will be presented for use in Phase II.


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Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mediates endothelial cell mitogenesis and enhances vascular permeability. The existence of single or multiple VEGF isoforms and receptors suggests that these proteins may have overlapping but distinct functions, which may be reflected in their cell expression and distribution. Methods: The localisation of VEGFs A–C and their receptors (VEGFRs 1–3, respectively) in 30 fresh human atherosclerotic arteries, 15 normal uterine arteries, and 15 saphenous veins using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Results: Saphenous veins showed no staining for VEGF-B or VEGFR-2. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) showed the strongest staining for VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2 in all specimens. Conversely, VEGFR-3 and VEGF-C were predominately localised to the endothelial vasa vasorum in normal arteries, whereas medial SMCs showed the strongest staining in atherosclerotic arteries. Western blotting showed variations in VEGF protein localisation, with lower amounts of VEGF-B and VEGF-C in saphenous veins, compared with arterial tissue. Amounts of VEGF-C were lower than those of VEGF-A and VEGF-B in all specimens. Conclusion: This study provides direct evidence of the presence of VEGF proteins and receptors in human physiology and pathology, with variations in both the amounts of VEGF proteins expressed and their cellular distribution in normal arteries compared with atherosclerotic arteries. The presence of VEGFs A–C and their receptors in normal arterial tissue implies that VEGF functions may extend beyond endothelial cell proliferation. Reduced VEGFR-2 staining in atherosclerotic arteries may have implications for the atherosclerosis process and the development of vascular disease and its complications.


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Most current 3D landscape visualisation systems either use bespoke hardware solutions, or offer a limited amount of interaction and detail when used in realtime mode. We are developing a modular, data driven 3D visualisation system that can be readily customised to specific requirements. By utilising the latest software engineering methods and bringing a dynamic data driven approach to geo-spatial data visualisation we will deliver an unparalleled level of customisation in near-photo realistic, realtime 3D landscape visualisation. In this paper we show the system framework and describe how this employs data driven techniques. In particular we discuss how data driven approaches are applied to the spatiotemporal management aspect of the application framework, and describe the advantages these convey. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.


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It is estimated that 69-75 million people worldwide will suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or stroke each year. Brain oedema caused by TBI or following a stroke, together with other disorders of the brain cost Europe €770 billion in 2014. Aquaporins (AQP) are transmembrane water channels involved in many physiologies and are responsible for the maintenance of water homeostasis. They react rapidly to changes in osmolarity by transporting water through their highly selective central pore to maintain tonicity and aid in cell volume regulation. We have previously shown that recombinant AQP1-GFP trafficking occurs in a proteinkinase C-microtubule dependant manner in HEK-293 cells in response to hypotonicity. This trafficking mechanism is also reliant on the presence of calcium and its messenger-binding protein calmodulin and results in increased cell surface expression of AQP1 in a time-scale of ~30 seconds. There is currently very little research into the trafficking mechanisms of endogenous AQPs in primary cells. AQP4 is the most abundantly expressed AQP within the brain, it is localised to the astrocytic end-feet, in contact with the blood vessels at the blood-brain-barrier. In situations where the exquisitely-tuned osmotic balance is disturbed, high water permeability can become detrimental. AQP4-mediated water influx causes rapid brain swelling, resulting in death or long term brain damage. Previous research has shown that AQP4 knock-out mice were protected from the formation of cytotoxic brain oedema in a stroke model, highlighting AQP4 as a key drug target for this pathology. As there are currently no treatments available to restrict the flow of water through AQP4 as all known inhibitors are either cytotoxic or non-specific, controlling the mechanisms involved in the regulation of AQP4 in the brain could provide a therapeutic solution to such diseases. Using cell surface biontinylation of endogenous AQP4 in primary rat astrocytes followed by neutraavidin based ELISA we have shown that AQP4 cell surface localisation increases by 2.7 fold after 5 minutes hypotonic treatment at around 85 mOsm/kg H2O. We have also shown that this rapid relocalisation of AQP4 is regulated by PKA, calmodulin, extra-cellular calcium and actin. In summary we have shown that rapid translocation of endogenous AQP4 occurs in primary rat astrocytes in response to hypotonic stimuli; this mechanism is PKA, calcium, actin and calmodulin dependant. AQP4 has the potential to provide a treatment for the development of brain oedema.


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The auditory evoked N1m-P2m response complex presents a challenging case for MEG source-modelling, because symmetrical, phase-locked activity occurs in the hemispheres both contralateral and ipsilateral to stimulation. Beamformer methods, in particular, can be susceptible to localisation bias and spurious sources under these conditions. This study explored the accuracy and efficiency of event-related beamformer source models for auditory MEG data under typical experimental conditions: monaural and diotic stimulation; and whole-head beamformer analysis compared to a half-head analysis using only sensors from the hemisphere contralateral to stimulation. Event-related beamformer localisations were also compared with more traditional single-dipole models. At the group level, the event-related beamformer performed equally well as the single-dipole models in terms of accuracy for both the N1m and the P2m, and in terms of efficiency (number of successful source models) for the N1m. The results yielded by the half-head analysis did not differ significantly from those produced by the traditional whole-head analysis. Any localisation bias caused by the presence of correlated sources is minimal in the context of the inter-individual variability in source localisations. In conclusion, event-related beamformers provide a useful alternative to equivalent-current dipole models in localisation of auditory evoked responses.


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Light localisation in one-dimensional (1D) randomly disordered medium is usually characterized by randomly distributed resonances with fluctuating transmission values, instead of selectively distributed resonances with close-to-unity transmission values that are needed in real application fields. By a resonance tuning scheme developed recently, opening of favorable resonances or closing of unfavorable resonances are achieved by disorder micro-modification, both on the layered medium and the fibre Bragg grating (FBG) array. And furthermore, it is shown that those disorder-induced resonances are independently tunable. Therefore, selected resonances and arranged light localisation can be achieved via artificial disorder, and thus meet the demand of various application fields.