3 resultados para fracture treatment

em Aston University Research Archive


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The delicately orchestrated process of bone fracture healing is not always successful and long term non union of fractured bone occurs in 5-20% of all cases. Atrophic fracture non unions have been described as the most difficult to treat and this is thought to arise through a cellular and local failure of osteogenesis. However, little is known about the presence and osteogenic proficiency of cells in the local area of non union tissue. We have examined the growth and differentiation potential of cells isolated from human non union tissues compared with normal human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSC). We report the isolation and culture expansion of a population of non union stromal cells (NUSC) which have a CD profile similar to that of BMSC, i.e. CD34-ve, CD45-ve and CD105+ve. The NUSC demonstrated multipotentiality and differentiated to some extent along chondrogenic, adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. However, and importantly, the NUSC showed significantly reduced osteogenic differentiation and mineralization in vitro compared to BMSC. We also found increased levels of cell senescence in NUSC compared to BMSC based on culture growth kinetics and cell positivity for senescence associated beta galactosidase (SA-beta-Gal) activity. The reduced capacity of NUSC to form osteoblasts was associated with significantly elevated secretion of Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) which is an important inhibitor of Wnt signalling during osteogenesis, compared to BMSC. Conversely, treating BMSC with levels of rhDkk-1 that were equivalent to those levels secreted by NUSC inhibited the capacity of BMSC to undergo osteogenesis. Treating BMSC with NUSC conditioned medium also inhibited the capacity of the BMSC to undergo osteogenic differentiation when compared to their treatment with BMSC conditioned medium. Our results suggest that the development of fracture non union is linked with a localised reduced capacity of cells to undergo osteogenesis, which in turn is associated with increased cell senescence and Dkk-1 secretion.


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Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics has been used to study the microstructural factors controlling the strength and toughness of two alpha-beta, titanium alloys. Fracture toughness was found to be independent of orientation for alloy Ti/6A1/4-V, but orientation dependent for IMI 700, bend and tension specimens giving similar toughness values. Increasing the solution temperature led to the usual inverse relationship between strength and toughness, with toughness becoming a minimum as the beta transus was approached. The production of a double heat treated microstructure led to a 100% increase in toughness in the high strength alloy and a 20% increase in alloy Ti/6A1/4V, with little decrease in strength. The double heat treated microstruoture was produced by cooling from the beta field into the alpha beta field, followed. by conventional solution treatment and ageing. Forging above the beta transus led to an increase in toughness over alpha beta forging in the high strength alloy, but had little effect on the toughness of Ti/6A1/4V. Light and electron microscopy showed that the increased toughness resulted from the alpha phase being changed from mainly continuous to a discontinuous platelet form in a transformed beta matrix. Void formation occurred at the alpha-beta interface and crack propagation was via the interface or across the platelet depending on which process required the least energy. Varying the solution treatment temperature produced a varying interplatelet spacing and platelet thickness. The finest interplatelet spacing was associated with the highest toughness, since a higher applied stress was required to give the necessary stress concentration to initiate void formation. The thickest alpha platelet size gave the highest toughness which could be interpreted in terms of Krafftt's "process zone size" and the critical crack tip displacement criterion by Hahn and Rosenfield from an analysis by Goodier and Field.


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The fracture properties of a series of alloys containing 15% chromium and 0.8 to 3.4% carbon are investigated using strain fracture toughness testing techniques. The object of the work is to apply a quantitative method of measuring toughness to abrasion resistant materials, which have previously been assessed on an empirical basis; and to examine the relationship between microstructure and K10 in an attempt to improve the toughness of inherently brittle materials. A review of the relevant literature includes discussion of the background to the alloy series under investigation, a survey of the development of fracture mechanics and the emergence of K10 as a toughness parameter. Metallurgical variables such as composition, heat treatment, grain size, and hot working are ???? to relate microstructure to toughness, and fractographic evidence is used to substantiate the findings. The results are applied to a model correlating ductile fracture with plastic strain instability, and the nucleation of voids. Strain induced martensite formation in austenitic structures is analysed in terms of the plastic energy dissipation mechanisms operating at the crack tip. Emphasis is placed on the lower carbon alloys in the series, and a composition put forward to optimise wear resistance and toughness. The properties of established competitive materials are compared to the proposed alloy on a toughness and cost basis.