11 resultados para forums

em Aston University Research Archive


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Nous souhaitons nous pencher ici sur un emploi particulier de la périphrase en aller + infinitif qui n’a fait l’objet – à notre connaissance – que d’un article (Lansari 2010). Cet emploi « modalisant » que Lansari limite à la formule 'on va dire' mériterait d’être approfondi pour plusieurs raisons. D’une part, l’emploi n’est décrit que sur base de « vingt exemples tirés d’internet, de blogs ou de forums » (Lansari 2010: 120) alors que, de l’aveu de Lansari elle-même, l’emploi relève de l’oral. Il serait donc utile d’enrichir – quantitativement et qualitativement - le corpus et d’y intégrer des occurrences d’oral authentique. D’autre part, Lansari restreint l’emploi modalisant à la séquence 'on va dire' ; on pourrait s’interroger sur la capacité de séquences comme 'je vais dire' à remplir les mêmes fonctions discursives. Dans cet article, nous commencerons par un – forcément bref – état de la question. Après avoir présenté le corpus, nous testerons les hypothèses précédemment défendues à la lueur du corpus rassemblé: (a) Le corpus CFPP2000 issu du projet Discours sur la ville. Corpus de Français Parlé Parisien des années 2000 (disponible en ligne à http://cfpp2000.univ-paris3.fr/Corpus.html). CFPP2000 donne la parole à 41 informateurs en 28 interviews (2198 min) et a généré 96 occurrences de on va dire modalisant. (b) Le corpus CLAPI comprenant 45 heures d’interactions interrogeables en ligne à http://clapi.univ-lyon2.fr/analyse_requete_aide.php?menu=outils. On y a relevé 12 exemples de on va dire modalisant. (c) Un corpus personnel d’interviews (163min) réalisées pendant l’année académique 2009-10 auprès de cinq étudiants Erasmus français grâce au soutien d’une bourse de la Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France (DGLFLF). Les entretiens avec une assistante de recherche, basés sur les thèmes suivants, étaient supposés générer l’emploi d’une variété de temps verbaux : - Récits de rêve (imparfait) - Récits biographiques (personnage historique vs autobiographie) (PC vs PS) - Narration de film vs d’épisode historique (PC/ PRES vs PS) - Présentation de projets d’avenir vs conjectures (Futur périphrastique ou simple) Le corpus contient dix-sept occurrences de on va dire générés par deux des cinq informateurs : 15 par A. et 2 par J. Notre réflexion se basera donc sur 125 occurrences orales de 'on va dire'.


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This research is an Anglo-Indian comparative case study. It studies managerial action in the participation arena of two British multi-nationals i.e. Cadbury Limited and ICI plc. The research was carried out in matched pairs of factories of the above named companies, located in the Midlands of the UK and in Bombay in India. The data for this research was collected through semi-structured interviews with managers and non-management actors, study of company documents and non-participant observation of some participation forums. The research conceptualises the idea of a `participation arena' consisting of the structures, processes, purposes and dynamics of participation. This arena is visualised as broadly reflecting the organisation structure and can be divided into corporate, unit and shopfloor level. Managerial action in this arena is examined in terms of interaction between three sets of factors i.e. company business objectives, strategies and policies; managerial values of power and control; and the responses of unions. Similarities and differences between management action in the home and host plants of the two multi-national companies are also examined. The major findings of the research are as follows. There is significant difference between the participation arena of the parent and the subsidiary company. The latter is marked by absence of higher level participation forums and lack of opportunity for employees to discuss, let alone influence, key decisions. This results from parent company control over key activities of the subsidiary. The similarities in management action in the participation arenas of the two companies in both countries can be attributed to the operation of the three sets of factors mentioned above. Nevertheless, the particular circumstances of each company are a greater influence on managerial action than the national context. Finally, future areas of research in this field are explored.


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Studying the case of a young French rapper called Kamini, the authors show how the viral diffusion of a new creative product, such as a song, radically changes traditional meaning-making processes. Instead of the top-down approach in which product positioning is carefully constructed and transferred to consumers, marketers are faced with a bottom-up trend in which consumers increasingly participate in blogs and online forums to talk about products (thus, creating and diffusing meaning) before any marketing action is undertaken. Our study aims to understand the interactions and tensions between market forces that result from this pro-active role of the consumer.


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Adopting an institutional approach from organization studies, this paper explores the role of key actors on “purposeful governance for sustainability” (Smith, Voss et al. 2010: 444) through the case of smart metering in the UK. Institutions are enduring patterns in social life, reflected in identities, routines, rules, shared meanings and social relations, which enable, and constrain, the beliefs and behaviours of individual and collective actors within a field (Thornton and Ocasio 2008). Large-scale external initiatives designed to drive regime-level change prompt ‘institutional entrepreneurs’ to perform ‘institutional work’ – “purposive action aimed at creating, maintaining and disrupting institutions” (Lawrence and Suddaby, 2006). Organization scholars are giving increasing attention to ‘field-configuring events’ (FCEs) which provide social spaces for diverse organizational actors to come together to collectively shape socio-technical pathways (Lampel and Meyer 2008). Our starting point for this exploratory study is that FCEs can offer important insights to the dynamics, politics and governance of sustainability transitions. Methodologically, FCEs allow us to observe and “link field evolution at the macro-level with individual action at the micro-level” (Lampel and Meyer, 2008: 1025). We examine the work of actors during a series of smart metering industry forums over a three-year period (industry presentations [n= 77] and panel discussions [n= 16]). The findings reveal new insights about how institutional change unfolds, alongside technological transitions, in ways that are partial and aligned with the interests of powerful incumbents whose voices are frequently heard at FCEs. The paper offers three contributions. First, the study responds to calls for more research examining FCEs and the role they play in transforming institutional fields. Second, the emergent findings extend research on institutional work by advancing our understanding of a specific site of institutional work, namely a face-to-face inter-organizational arena. Finally, in line with the research agenda for innovation studies and sustainability transitions elaborated by Smith et al (2010), the paper illustrates how actors in a social system respond to, translate, and enact interventions designed to promote industrial transformation, ultimately shaping the sustainability transition pathway.


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This edition of Polymer Degradation and Stability comprises selected papers presented at the 27th Polymer Degradation Discussion Group (PDDG) Conference, affiliated to the Macromolecular Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, held at Aston University, Birmingham (UK), September 2007, in honour of Professor Norman Billingham for lifelong career in Polymer Science. Norman Billingham was one of the main founders of the PDDG meetings which have been held annually at different venues in the UK since 1976, and biennially since 1998. The PDDG meetings are forums for scientific developments and open discussion of all aspects of polymer degradation and stabilisation and have always provided younger researchers a platform for presenting and discussing their work in the field. This 27th PDDG meeting, chaired by Sahar Al-Malaika (Aston University), was dedicated to Norman Billingham, the Guest of Honour, in recognition for his distinguished contributions to Polymer Science particularly in the area of polymer degradation and stabilisation. The meeting was attended by 65 delegates from 15 countries in Europe, USA and Australia, many of whom have worked and collaborated with Norman at some points of their career. The guest editors of this issue wish to add their Congratulations to Norman Billingham for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of polymer degradation and stabilisation and to wish him very happy years ahead. We wish also to express our gratitude to Elsevier for sponsoring the 27th PDDG event and our appreciation to Professor Norman Billingham in his capacity as the Editor-in-Chief of Polymer Degradation and Stability, for the support and help received during the preparation of this special issue.


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Online communities are prime sources of information. The Web is rich with forums and Question Answering (Q&A) communities where people go to seek answers to all kinds of questions. Most systems employ manual answer-rating procedures to encourage people to provide quality answers and to help users locate the best answers in a given thread. However, in the datasets we collected from three online communities, we found that half their threads lacked best answer markings. This stresses the need for methods to assess the quality of available answers to: 1) provide automated ratings to fill in for, or support, manually assigned ones, and; 2) to assist users when browsing such answers by filtering in potential best answers. In this paper, we collected data from three online communities and converted it to RDF based on the SIOC ontology. We then explored an approach for predicting best answers using a combination of content, user, and thread features. We show how the influence of such features on predicting best answers differs across communities. Further we demonstrate how certain features unique to some of our community systems can boost predictability of best answers.


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The edited volume documents the proceedings of the ESF workshop "Follow-ups across discourse domains: a cross-cultural exploration of their forms and functions". It examines the forms and functions of the dialogue act of a follow-up, viz. accepting or challenging a prior communicative act, in political discourse across spoken and written dialogic genres. Specifically, it considers (1) the discourse domains of political interviews, editorials, op-eds and discussion forums, (2) their sequential organization as regards the status of initial (or 1st order) follow-up, a follow-up of a prior follow-up (2nd order follow-up), or nth-order follow-up, and (3) their discursive realization as regards degrees of indirectness and responsiveness which are conceptualized as a continuum along the lines of degrees of explicitness and degrees of responsiveness. The chapters come from the fields of linguistics, discourse analysis, socio-pragmatics, communication, political science and psychology, examining the heterogeneous field of political discourse and its manifestation in diverse discourse genres with respect to evasiveness, indirectness and redundancy in mediated political discourse, professional discourse, discourse identity and doing politics, to name but the most prominent questions.


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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate student perceptions of the design features included in an off the shelf Learning Management System (LMS) in teaching undergraduate accounting students. Design/methodology/approach - Questionnaire responses from 846 accounting students studying in the UK, Australia and New Zealand provide international data to develop a model to explain student perception of the LMS. Findings - The final model shows student satisfaction with the use of a LMS is positively associated with three variables: usefulness of lecture notes, bulletin boards and discussion forums, and other LMS tools. Further, the comparison of cultural differences of the three countries shows all students treat the provision of notes as a desirable attribute on a LMS. Findings also suggest that although students find the provision of materials over the LMS does not enhance student engagement in class, overall a comparison of the three countries shows all students treat the provision of notes as a desirable attribute of a LMS. Research limitations/implications - Future research should collect ethnicity data to enable an analysis of cultural influence on student perceptions of the LMS. Practical implications - As increased motivation to learn is found to contribute to improved achievement of learning outcomes, the study's findings have implications for faculty contemplating the adoption of a LMS in their courses. The findings specifically confirm that usefulness of lecture notes, use of bulletin/discussion boards, and other LMS tools are positively endorsed by students and hence increase their motivation to learn. Originality/value - The current paper adds to the literature as the motivation to use and engage with LMSs by accounting students is not well understood. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Interest into the effects of social influence on members of online communities is growing but there is a lack of knowledge about the impact of influential members in online communities on responses to strategy change within the wider community. We explore social influence in responses to strategy change through content analysis of forum posts before and after a change in strategy. Acceptance or non-acceptance of strategy change and subsequent positive and negative behavioural responses online are dependent on individual factors. The details of these behavioural responses to a change in strategy are tabulated and included in a conceptual model to inform decision-makers. Strategy change precipitates a reduction in social influence effects. Non-acceptance of strategy change is associated with competitor advertisement, inflammatory behaviour, offensive behaviour and complaints. This negative behaviour has important ramifications for acceptance of strategy change within the wider community and impacts on the viability of setting up online forums. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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This edition of Polymer Degradation and Stability is dedicated to papers which were presented in the session on ‘Chemical Modification’ at the Third International Conference on Modification Degradation and Stabilisation of Polymers (MoDeSt) held in Lyon in August 2004. This was the third meeting of the MoDeSt Society which was set up in the year 2000 under the chairmanship of Professor Franco LaMantia; the earlier meetings were held in Palermo (2000) and Budapest (2002). The overall goal of the MoDeSt Society is to promote the latest research carried out in University laboratories, in public organisations and in industry through publications, and organisation of biannual scientific conferences and workshops that act as forums for scientific developments and for promoting networking between academics and industrialists from across the field of polymer modification, degradation and stabilisation. In September 2004, Professor Norman Billingham was elected as Chairman of the Society. The conference was organised by Dr Alain Michel and Veronique Bounor-Legare of the University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, attracting over 250 delegates with the ‘Chemical Modification’ Session alone enjoying 54 oral presentations and many more poster presentations. We are all very grateful to the organisers for running such a successful and enjoyable meeting. I wish to thank my co-editors, Professors Philippe Dubois and Domenico Acierno and Dr Alain Michel, for their cooperation in the editorial task of the papers published in this special issue. On behalf of the editors of this issue, I wish to express our appreciation to the Editor-in-Chief of Polymer Degradation and Stability, Professor Norman Billingham, for the support and help received during the preparation of this special issue.


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It is already a truism that emerging communication technologies have changed the landscape of communication in every aspect of our lives, but this is specifically true for how we communicate at work. Advances in communication technologies have enabled a wide range of digital communication modes to be utilized for both internal and external business communication; including audio and visual communication and voice-over protocols, as well as text-based channels, such as email, forums, instant messaging and social media. In spite of the wide range of available audio-visual channels, and despite the ever-increasing popularity of email, real-time text-based communication technologies (instant messaging or IM) are also on the rise (see Mak, 2014; Pazos et al., 2013; Radicati & Levenstein, 2013; and Markman in this volume). The prominence of IM is evident in the rise of this mode of communication, not only as a tool for internal business communication, but as a front-stage channel, particularly for customer service encounters or professional-client conversations (Makarem et al., 2009; Pearce et al., 2013; L. Zhang et al., 2011).