16 resultados para ethnic groups - Mandingo - West Africa - Gambia
em Aston University Research Archive
Ethnic market potential in Britain has not yet been thoroughly researched. Important recent trends have focused mainly on the affective and emotional aspects of ethnicity, and included deliberations on the emergence of a revitalised neo-ethnic consciousness; its identification; politicisation, and the impact on it; of a rising third-world consciousness. This investigation attempts to take cognizance of the consuner demand of the ethnic Asian and West Indian groups, as specific market segments. It discusses the rationale for ethnic segmentation on the underlying premise, that the starting point for all product marketing is a response to perceived market opportunities. On the basis of this approach, the UK laundry detergent and automobile markets were investigated; as being representative of product categories constitutirg extremes along the purchase-search-time continuun in consuner decision-making. Ethnic groups were further analysed for their retail patronage patterns; media usage, and the differential effectiveness of alternative advertisirg strategies. The basic technique of marketing research namely the sample survey, was used with the aim of applying scientific techniques in obtaining information on ethnic groups. The integrated marketirg framework utilised allowed, moreover, for the collection of market research data on the specific issues of ethnic product penetration dealing with retailing, advertising and product promotion. The evidence highlights the fact that the cultural orientations of ethnic groups are instrunental in providing for differential demand structures. It points to the answer that ethnicity is an anchor not only for a deeper sense of identity; but also serves as a focus for the economic interests of ethnic groups. On this basis it is argued here, that since cultural levelling would eventually produce stagnation; current marketing strategies should utilise ethnic diversity as an econanic artifact; which; per se is necessary for profitability and growth; especially in innovative product design and development.
Book review
Development, modernity, and industrialization became dominant themes in corporate advertising in Africa in the 1950s and remained prevalent through the following two decades while many African nations were gaining independence. British business operating there created a publicity strategy that couched their presence in less developed countries in terms of a commitment and a positive contribution to the progress of the new states. Eventually, British companies tried to "Africanize" their corporate image through these campaigns.
Thermochemical characterisation of agricultural biomass wastes from West African region has been carried out and their potential use as feedstock in thermochemical conversion processes determined. Proximate, ultimate, structural compositions, calorific values, thermogravimetry (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) analyses were carried out on corn straw and cobs, rice straw and husks, cocoa pod, jatropha curcas and moringa olifiera seed cakes, parinari polyandra fruit shell and sugarcane bagasse. Moringa olifiera seed cakes and cocoa pods were found to contain the highest moisture contents. Rice straw was found to contain a high ash content of 45.76. wt.%. The level of nitrogen and sulphur in all the samples were very low. Rice husk was found to have the highest lignin contents while corn cob low lignin contents indicate a potential feedstock source for quality bio-oil production using thermochemical process. © 2013.
Black Economic Empowerment is a highly debated issue in contemporary South Africa. Yet few South Africans realize that they are following a postcolonial trajectory already experienced by other countries. This paper presents a case study of British firms during decolonization in Ghana and Nigeria in the 1950s and 1960s, which saw a parallel development in business and society to that which occurred in South Africa in the 1990s and 2000s. Despite fundamental differences between these states, all have had to empower a majority of black citizens who had previously suffered discrimination on the basis of race. The paper employs concepts from social capital theory to show that the process of postcolonial transition in African economies has been more politically and socially disruptive than empowerment in Western countries. Historical research contributes to our understanding of the nature of institutional shocks in emerging economies.
This article traces the historical genesis of corruption in two West African countries: Ghana and Nigeria. It argues that corruption in Africa is an institution that emerged in direct response to colonial systems of rule which super-imposed an imported institutional system with different norms and values on an existing institutional landscape, despite the fact that both deeply conflicted and contradicted each other. During decolonization and after independence, corruption, although dysfunctional, fully evolved into an institution that allowed an uneasy cohabitation of colonial and domestic African institutions to grow into a composite, syncretic system facilitated by generalized corruption.
Increasing ethnic diversity in the UK means that there is a growing need for National Health Service care to be delivered to non-English-speaking patients. The aims of the present systematic review were to: (1) better understand the outcomes of chronic pain management programmes (PMPs) for ethnic minority and non-English-speaking patients and (2) explore the perspectives on and experiences of chronic pain for these groups. A systematic review identified 26 papers meeting the inclusion criteria; no papers reported on the outcomes of PMPs delivered in the UK. Of the papers obtained, four reported on PMPs conducted outside the UK; eight reported on ethnic differences in patients seeking support from pain management services in America; and the remaining papers included literature reviews, an experimental pain study, a collaborative enquiry, and a survey of patient and clinician ratings of pain. The findings indicate a lack of research into UK-based pain management for ethnic minorities and non-English-speaking patients. The literature suggests that effective PMPs must be tailored to meet cultural experiences of pain and beliefs about pain management. There is a need for further research to explore these cultural beliefs in non-English-speaking groups in the UK. Culturally sensitive evaluations of interpreted PMPs with long-term follow-up are needed to assess the effectiveness of current provision. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This aim of this paper, from a study funded by the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE), is to explore access to finance for ethnic minority graduate entrepreneurs (EMGEs) with a particular focus on comparisons between different ethnic groups, and men and women. The authors interviewed selected individuals based upon a review of literature on finance for ethnic minority enterprise. A number of key results from the survey, in that EMGEs: • use external finance significantly (more so than non graduates) and encounter barriers in accessing finance at start-up, in particular those belonging to poor families. • rely excessively on personal savings and family finance, at the start-up and long after the start-up stage, that has implications for the optimal capital structure. • start up businesses that are, on average, larger than non-graduate enterprises and have the potential to reduce economic inactivity amongst the ethnic population. • have, in contrast to general graduate start-ups, a high level of unemployment, take a longer period of time to enter employment and there is a higher level of dissatisfaction with career progression. These findings raise the question whether the right financial advice is taken and whether this behaviour constrains EMGEs' expansion.
While cross-cultural consumer behaviour and its impact on marketing strategies has received considerable interest within the marketing literature, differences between ethnic groups within countries have received significantly less attention. This study examines the effect of within-country ethnic differences on brand positioning, using the UK automobile industry as a context. Both qualitative and quantitative research is used to identify the perceptions of two sub-cultural groups: British of Indian extraction, and Caucasian British. It was found that these two groups display appreciably different values, and also place different levels of importance on different product attributes when evaluating brands. Furthermore, the two groups exhibited different perceptions of the same set of brands. The results suggest that, to position brands effectively, marketers should take account of cultural diversity within countries as well as between them.
This project represents the collaboration of Charta Mede Ltd and the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme at the University of Aston. The aim of the project was to monitor the effects of the Civil Service's Executive Officer Qualifying Test Battery on minority group applicants. Prior to monitoring the EO Test Battery, however, an ethnic classification had to be developed which was reliable, acceptable to respondents and appropriate for monitoring. Three pilot studies were conducted to examine these issues, during which different classifications and different ways of asking the question were trialled. The results indicated that by providing more precise instructions as to the meanings of categories, it was possible to obtain classifications which were acceptable and reliable. However, there were also certain terms and expressions which should be avoided such as those referring to colour and anthropological racial groups. Two classifications were used in the Executive Officer Study - one derived from an Office of Population Censuses and Surveys classification and one developed for this project - the MultiCultural British Classification. The results indicated that some minority groups (Asians, West Indians and Africans in particular) pass the tests in significantly lower proportions than the majority group and also score significantly less well on the tests. Factors which were significantly related to pass/fail and test scores included educational qualifications and age on entering the UK (the latter being negatively correlated). Using variables in this study, however, it was only possible to account for 5% of the variance in pass/fail rates and 11% of the variance in test scores. Analyses of covariance carried out indicated that the differences in test scores still remained even though the effects of significantly correlated variables were removed. Although indirect discrimination could not be inferred from the data, further research into differential validity and fairer methods of select ion is needed.
The Aston Eye Study (AES) was instigated in October 2005 to determine the distribution of refractive error and associated ocular biometry in a sample of UK urban school children. The AES is the first study to compare outcome measures separately in White, South Asian and Black children. Children were selected from two age groups (Year 2 children aged 6/7 years, Year8 children aged 12/13 years of age) using random cluster sampling of schools in Birmingham, West Midlands UK. To date, the AES has examined 598 children (302 Year 2,296 Year 8). Using open-field cycloplegic autorefraction, the overall prevalence of myopia (=-0.50D SER in either eye) determined was 19.6%, with a higher prevalence in older (29.4%) compared to younger (9.9%) children (p<0.001). Using multiple logistic regression models, the risk of myopia was higher in Year 8 South Asian compared to White children and higher in children attending grammar schools relative to comprehensive schools. In addition, the prevalence of uncorrected ametropia was found to be high (Year 8: 12.84%, Year 2: 15.23%), which will be of concern to bodies responsible for the implementation of school vision screening strategies. Biometric data using non-contact partial coherence interferometry revealed a contributory effect of axial length (AL) and central corneal radius (CR) on myopic refraction, resulting in a strong coefficient of determination of the AL/CR ratio on refractive error. Ocular biometric measures did not vary significantly as a function of ethnicity, suggesting a greater miscorrelation of components in susceptible ethnic groups to account for their higher myopia prevalence. Corneal radius was found to be steeper in myopes in both age groups, but was found to flatten with increasing axial length. Due to the inextricable link between myopia and axial elongation, the paradoxical finding of the cornea demands further longitudinal investigation, particularly in relation to myopia onset. Questionnaire analysis revealed a history of myopia in parents and siblings to be significantly associated with myopia in Year 8 children, with a dose-dependent rise in the odds ratio of myopia evident with increasing number of myopic parents. By classifying socioeconomic status (SES) using Index of Multiple Deprivation values, it was found that Year 8 children from moderately deprived backgrounds were more at risk of myopia compared with children located at both extremities of the deprivation spectrum. However, the main effect of SES weakened following multivariate analysis, with South Asian ethnicity and grammar schooling remaining associated with Year 8 myopia after adjustment.
The present research represents a coherent approach to understanding the root causes of ethnic group differences in ability test performance. Two studies were conducted, each of which was designed to address a key knowledge gap in the ethnic bias literature. In Study 1, both the LR Method of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) detection and Mixture Latent Variable Modelling were used to investigate the degree to which Differential Test Functioning (DTF) could explain ethnic group test performance differences in a large, previously unpublished dataset. Though mean test score differences were observed between a number of ethnic groups, neither technique was able to identify ethnic DTF. This calls into question the practical application of DTF to understanding these group differences. Study 2 investigated whether a number of non-cognitive factors might explain ethnic group test performance differences on a variety of ability tests. Two factors – test familiarity and trait optimism – were able to explain a large proportion of ethnic group test score differences. Furthermore, test familiarity was found to mediate the relationship between socio-economic factors – particularly participant educational level and familial social status – and test performance, suggesting that test familiarity develops over time through the mechanism of exposure to ability testing in other contexts. These findings represent a substantial contribution to the field’s understanding of two key issues surrounding ethnic test performance differences. The author calls for a new line of research into these performance facilitating and debilitating factors, before recommendations are offered for practitioners to ensure fairer deployment of ability testing in high-stakes selection processes.